Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 31, 1950, p. 2

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ao two the acton ffee htbs thursday august slat 10s0 a democratic vote in view of k wlda effect of trke on all clliini it about time that ttnke volet would hv tome itricter and more democratic upf vulon the election laws of the country provide means for having a lecret ballot and the right for ill citizens to eerose the voting privilege with cut coercion very often a strike vote is merely a show of hands in a meeting in the case of the railway unions a member mutt sign his name to the bal lot end show hit occupation and place of work how he votes it known to the union officers and cwganizafi such a vote is exposed to all the evils of pressure and intimidation perhaps if the maor ity of railwayworkers had had an opportunity to vote secretly a settlement of the present railway ttnke coutd have been made at leait they ihould have had the privilege of a secret ballot lets have all democracy m all our rrlatonsh pt as the unions m railways arid other business are et pretent constituted there is too much left in the hands of organizers for important decisions business is being badty disrupted by the pre tent railway strike many innocent cihens are being seriously affected by the walkout what the public would like to see it full recognition of the needs of workers both in pay and hours of uork and the bringing into effect of these condi tions in an orderly and democratic way and not the glorification of union or employing d ctatori hiking death paralyed from the waitt down one man will never walk again because he picked up a hitch hiker driving along alone in a car he gave a lift to a highway thumbcr from cleveland to north pennsylvania and provided him with meals and cigarettes all the way with a twist of the mind the hitch hiker pulled a gun forced the man to drive through the city to a sand pit and shot him through the spine paralysing him from the waist down hitch hikers are not all so dangerous as this hut who is to note the difference the driver who consistently picks up the thumbrs unknown to him cannot help but get into trouble sooner or later no matter how good he is 1o them or how much money he has the paralysed man had five dollars which was the only revenue for the gunman the gunman s next sin years will be spent in prison and the paralyrcd man wii spend a life in a wieel chair looking at the situation from the point of view of the hitch hiker the whole thing it indeed unfortunate it is too bad that the method of transportation should be spoiled by the few for the many it is only fair though that itranqers hitch hiking should be left on the road rather than allowed to possibly steal or kill the innocent helper picking up the strange hitch hiker is indeed on unwise practice and the thumbers should re elize that before they begin any long free trips school days next tuesday the school bells will call pupils back to study again after the long summer vaca tion the little tots will start their schoo days and the older boys and girls will resume advanc ed studies m higher grades we often wonder if these boys and girls fully appreciate the educational facilities provided and the amounts in time and money and training that have gone into our educational system in order that school days may be bright and happy and that the children of this generation have oppor tunittes in studies these days that gives them a splendid start in life and an easier way to pre paration for the ob of living and playing an im portent task in world advancement school rooms are bright and cheerful and comfortable m summer and winter every child has an equal opportunity for education right up to university entrance a wider course of studies is available and now rural and town pupils can get to school every day with transportation avail able to all rural high schoolpupils in the district school days are great days of opportunity parents might well tell the children occasionally of the better facilities now than in their days and also have the children know approximately in dollar and cents what it costs in direct taxation in the annual municipal levy days of opportuni ty for all school children open next tuesday there has realty been no need of the railway crossing signal on mill street the past week an other few years wont matter for installation if railway traffic remains ai at present monday is labor day and all are hoping that before then the present iurmoil and strife be tween labor and management may find a com mon ground and common sense settlement rath er than the means of force arid economic war truly great show it s the biggest and best thing we have ever teen or will ever see agan some american vitu tors reported on their recent visit to the canadian national exhibition canadians have a right to lw proud in the creation and maintenance of this great annual ex hibition our american visitors attended the fair on amor s day and the masted bands ami lengthy parade of 10 000 filled them with awe end respect for the f ne display the colorful array of scotch plaids m the massed pifx band display lighted by the scarce jiaflt of sunlight captured their attention and amaement that such a beautiful and spctacu lar ihmg could ijo arranged and earned out ixxisted their esteem for canadians in general just seung some 270 000 people gathered m one exhibit on was something new and interest nig to the americans arid this may seem a little strange to readers since the united states cities are always portrgyed as filled with teeming mas ses of poople oemy located close to toronto it is tjuito easy to take full advantage of the fine displays and attractions provided at the c nl the traditional events that are produced each year and the fmo competitions atttacl millions both from the usa and canada the canadian national lxhilniion is dcjing one of the finest advertising obs for canada that could im arranged abandon education with a general hue and cry for more and iwt ter education it is interesting to note the many programmes and plans that are set forth in the fergus news record a little while ago a town ship beeve voiced objection to the scheme for a high school district which would it is supposed provide an improvement in the education of ru ral and town pupils the following u the text of his remarks ho w as against school areas anyway nobody en courages boys to stay on the farms if they get too much education they go away from the arm educating farm girls was ust a waste of money they ust get married anyway he would have got along on the farm better if he was a dummy all he needs is to read the amount of the cheques for his hogs it docsn t do any good to knk if it iin t as much as you export nobody gets up at political meetings to tell the boys to stay on the farm he cm teach his boys all they need to know on his own farm what good is it to a girl to be educated when she gets married it ust makes them dissatisfied with the farm and so people with unprogressive ideas like that can become reeves and town and township officials perhaps education is unnecessary and the cave men were a fine set up commonsense modernism after a considerable amount of study a new newspaper format greeted you when the home town paper came out on july 6th all the feat ures that were added or withdrawn were done so only after careful study and thought since that issue went from the presses we have anxiously awaited comments on the new style several were received and some changes were necessary but it was with a great deal of in terest this week that we read an article in one of the outstanding trade ournals on our adoption of the new format from the printer and publisher we quote the paper has resorted to what might be called commonsense modernism in appearing before the reading public in its new format the front page of the paper has been drastically re designed but all changes are intended to serve a considered purpose and thy have not been ad opted just in order to look unfamiliar and novel the recentlyadded type faces do much to ac count for the pleasing appearance of the renovat ed paper relocation of editorial features has also played a valuable part the papers next task is to find ust what response has been provoked by its style changes a favourable answer to this en quiry seems almost certain the good old days may have seemed better back in 1900 back in 1930 tuwn rent thr luur j ti f ret rum ihr luur uf thr t trr jrria rr u thurnlay august 30 jw0 oj thurnlay auyuit t ijio yes our roads are gradually getting better and visitors to town will soon have tittle cause for complaint following the sewer upheaval a present day query is have you been to the ex looking to the future are you getting ready for acton fair usta few weeks away a nuiulxr uf th lh v ut rum pi on tanu l 1 trotl lv tin t ailiii to uoik lit xh niplo tn uf mi it jujihuj h h nm ho iiitnl rtui n 1 nillllni r n1 funry ummim jw iiiim i tor tn thr maikmin llltk t r i- ijiiihiwi the pat mjti nun tun dliwmil i f th vtk ml mr nnt mil iliui tin iiii lttlil uliu tpcul h h in i ii1 in frm of 111 tfltim mlh 1 ml i hi li k m s u i w i i v 1 t t itilit lutinj 11m ihuiili ikui im i fcx tutti f ji h svim i i mil fl till him iii it iiwu i 1 mlltlllt in muff i pulutimii if tlir park u lo u ti fiikiil udt lu 11 n sumuy ul mi 1 u th tl tit1 i ii lx ik kt ull th sllth mi j lut it kiin 1 hut up nrtt hu uiihii aitl pi v i i it k in1 hit imuu litt th lm f ullllt ii m fniiu wml ilium- mi k i 1 ib uf sillf ull itlmfc m ik il vfc111 hit 1 ivlh hifcli irputmlioii fn ii ii m in v f ilnulu mt njy th ifil nrr uf all wh know him v rv frw loold firm un tlr piulr lilra of thr amount of t r ii olmt to bpiiiikh th tin u during thr month of mjv j7 taril ol of ufttrr tl jiirl in june 1- in july 111 ml up to th 27th of aiik1l i j4 h lonl ul twio xunit mit th jitfcill arit of miitir tpiinh i i on tin mnti thl kiiituii r hi ihii 7j1an0 pour m1- or i uifl tn ulilli i- jiilvil nl to 212int ml 1 lit thlh l kullv ml it in of in t n ft mr 1 hail h mcinn h m iupu1 it position in th lomnl uoili tin pit v r iiwt hulf hi s ihilt i hnl ituitin on t st iff of thr ottwa jmiriiil thru niiliiilii of th rn 1ifi k i up rv wiiif k tort hllunt n itt ih rnpitfll m vm mitch m oblutn niul will k iuu1t on ih itii n unit oharlis micmn on th joiirnul markim adamson ijmn at th imin of thi hrll moltx i in n is saijiwva on tutmiti mth of august i- w aitumsnn t im uiu ounc st taiiichttr of mis i uul iinfc ll f n issju u fliiin ni t liitiinnl wis in 1 in h uii v it w mrtrry h i i sm k it h n 1 t k u u u tiinm r fci at ru k lv a i itiii r t r jin nl th fourth ltn fr i in j 1i 1 n rl uav hi m ipi ii pitil if wi r tiirnlnif tioitu- ti in it k n1 t illy tlmuiht th tiuln hui aliiulv ur kl mi nl mr- ip ii llimk t f itiooktln n viil1 with mn s smllh nn1 family ii lo t spi king ih m1u11 imv 111111 u1 tuu f 111 ohl i ill s to 11 111 1 mil it it im ut t t in a t n ho iis khnnhiv at ih ii hit m ink llospit i lion n aiikutt m 101o to mr nl mm jjm k v k im it ih i ill of i mii lilt ii johnstonf at i iktlu tini a ion on tusdn anjjist 11 imd v lllluo lohlltt n l lot t huthuiiil f ann i- nllon j ho st n in his uith vi ur georgetown council considers village position at ji m tin of uu villin t un i hist thitimliiv luiiini thr t ml n for th pniition of 1 rk tiiiioiirtr for thr vilhij ui ro c u ri a h cision ns to thi ip poinlnunt to b jln fulni ion mdi rntlon thr kind tiitoo ponsond h th hillhtxirkh hand in tin hilkbuikh fltmhlht pirk on thr cviiuiik or august 17th un n hurt surct ss in spite of thi ihrcnti ninn utithir thr hilmnir mill rtihlkh d in 1iwt7 b mow ilrothrra and rcrntk oprntml tit charlm hi llnm hn im rn old to h rt knls of ntncarn fall ontario thr frln township iariir ml finals cam- to on end on wrdnrs d n nifcht n a double header un drr the lirhts in lltllsburn pirk prodttcrd tui finalists thr htiih fltinj frln entr pulled the expect ed two rnme sweep off shiloh but hihsburiih hit a terrific slump to hand mimosa n i if t of a b rth in the finals scwrol cardrns in the local communitv were dcmrotcd b from on mondav and tin da eeninks slor adocate local men enlist can special force s v n dltlrlrt m n have nllt d with th iiuujlitn spetlal tttrr for iirtton with th united nntloni in korrtt tin forr la ixlnu ralaed im canndu contribution in thr unltd nation hitire actum aualnit the north kort un nrmy w hlrh in- tdd south kona an1 will take pclnl trainlnit in canada nnd pro b hit r in lupun oeorp tow n nilla riir nmd will pint nl the canadian national k hibition on ijiivout dav monday si jitrmbrr 4th one of s v rtl binds ihmikd for thr parndi which will incid fiom ttntvernttv ar innurlea to thi i xhlbltlon rrounds mimb is mil iidh i nls of the nirc low n hiplit church cnthrr i d it th church mondav evrntnc in honour he ind mrs thirlrs cowr who iftir thr e ars of srtli ti ri un b ilnj town next w r k hill hart who miinnlul art hvickispan as tnnnnrt r of ihr ltnxv theatre n few wekn npa has left the cnmpanv mplov nnd tnt nds lo laki cuirie in photojrnph ih th nt lie raid nest eggs scarce y iftv mrs uo or i n 2 tin n win pl nt of old cupb s who r trd on jj0 ocx tuiktd awav in bonds or mnrtk in s at fl p r cent tint naw thmi 100 i month which was suffitunl to kt i p ih tn in mo dest comfort to m t thai income loda repnrs an lnfttnnt of 10 000 and thi annual i id of 1200 will but onl iibout half the amount of clothing hrlt r nnd food it would im for thi war and that is on1 part of the i mcie cools milk ntw truck hh manufactured in us uss truck motor to refrigerate milk at constant ao dec f reports the financial post refrigerating unit is located under hood in the first iirt of th c nlurv it was not difficult nor unusual for ihc ordinart man lo sa s0 000 in his working lifetimr toda with taxation rates that would make our grandfathers shudder nnd li ing costs double nnd treble w hnt the v w ere accustomed to indi idual sa ing li far more difficult rather interesting to note that burlington is securing a 45000 addition to the post office there but other towns in the county cant secure even a fewextra mail boxes for posting letters tn various parts of town the acton free press the onlv paper erer publuhrd in acton published each thursday it 58 mill sl acton ontario authsfnvd srrand claaa mall pert office department ottawa foundkd in 1b75 member andlt bureau clreautun cwnjt and onurieqsebee dlvblaa cwnj adwarmtlng rikh en rkqukat subscription in advance 330 in canada 300 in united states single copies 6e telephones business and editorial office 174 residence 131 emj0ya happy holiday holiday i cota frw mad far btwcn doof rlik spoiling tbau with dngroui worn faulty tir bm sure new drlv in and wall equip your car wilh blgmllagt lupfr fractloo goodytara mmniflban nowi mut it a raal faofhpfyear holiday fr from tire figtj worria 1 shtajcysl motors iso ulll st phonti to pord taus a urvici jll carrolls aoveldueai red cohoe salmon 51o pink salmon t 23c 41e keta salmon grapefruit juice h l8c 45o blended juice 2 37c 410 orange juice i 410 hornes punch 3se green giant peas j5c aylmer boston brown pork beans 215 0z fjt tins aw r fruit jars dot si 17 si4x mason fruit jars 93c 107 tops for jarb doz 17c doe 31o red jar rubbers 7c glass jar tops 10c zinc jar rings 33e romar h0m0oenized peanut butter ooz tt 17 yjg romar coffee pko 43c 85c dandee tea 2 38c vi 750 whole pickling spice 37c canada vinegar c 39e xse nui ionic otwsiti heinz baby food 3 success vs wax 63c 107 pick out your favorite cook books s books to choose from a ea head lettuce cal val 2tba oranoes deian firm ripa- tomatoes pound duchats cooking apples- 2 33c 5c 17c pounds fresh daiiybunch carrel and beats celery hearts cabbage radishes cooking onions spanish onions green onions imp grapes bananas grapefruit peaches lemons corn cucumber

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