Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 31, 1950, p. 8

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the acton fee pb thursday august 31st 1s6v jtrau jar tmi evhtmm h w taawrd v in or tshtf to tks fiv press tfel dasnp w rat her should kalp use lor water tbortagr just what happened to thr wuur seems to be th big quest labor day holiday this monda mid w are into th fall months of taw yar do any of th doors in your isaus open without sticking in this damp weather registration for kindergarten la on of th flnvt signs of th turning school urmt school bus will ring for thr feolidaytng younpun this tuesday and iti bark to th fall trrm friends will br sorry to hear that don wiggins accountant at thr bank of montreal u nuv a pat unt at sunn brook hwpital tor unto ur wiggins u til not rrturn to thu office and it novt replaced bv ur o f hunt who finw fron thr walkrrton branch hrcrnl downpours havr had quitr a settling effrot tin lorn streets a bulldozer w as stuck mi wilbur street tumuv an rmval ton undrr thr front rod of a park rd car settled a tad frll into ravrd in fctdcwalk and thr street rrr gnirrallt in if ik irat ctdit ion uvtumotom mk a mthown hostcss omenock womint inst edgar w aitchison t mmma uouif mihino killed in crash clusrns of thr town wrre shock d to tram on tueadav morning cf thr untimely death of edgar w allrhlaon a well known bomnrm win of thr to n and a mrmher of 4jb loral fir department ho far wis llfr whllr en route to answer a re rail at cvdar springs mr suf fered fatal injurirs whrn hli light delivery truck crashed into a high atonr post of thr gateway rntrancr at crdar springs about 11 so on monday rvrnlng burlington taken by storm on thrrr night latt week on thur- sstsv night bv a manoruvertng rt plane on friday br a tribr of othwrken indlani and on saturday bv thousand of people who stormed in from all parts of thr surrounding district all three combining to makr thr annual leg ton carnival hrld at thr legion kail on these thrrr nights a mml successful affair flrr of a mvstrrtous origin com pletely dratrorrd thr nimmrr homr of cr sam ferguson as wrll a t thr contents at crdar springs about 1130 on linndsv evening about 3 oclock on tueadav aftrr moon cars drivrn br wm stevens clark avrnur coming wrst on caroline and albrii solum ham qton going south on hunt avenu collided at thr tntcrarction con siderable damage w as door to blh ran thr stevens car bring damag ed to thr extent of 150 and thr othrr onr mom about 10 is tuesdav evening a sideswipe of a car and truck at station j on thr dractt rrsultrd n ronsldrrablr damagr to thr car thr truck w at owned br thr dlr ret winters transport and drivrn i thr iirriukk unmrm institute hrld thr auglll mcrtmg ill green ork schml with mi a mckruwn u hotrsm ttwr vn n tku1 dt i and nunitxr of ihihtttn pirwnt thr pmidrnt mr t hrnlr i wi in rhiifr a i langimmls irr ntadr for n rshlbil for acton fair a irpt ms rrad tiv ihr ire rrun irkn ifdnin thr donation which ii jkrttl to ihr vtanitolu riot itrhrf a rrprrwntatu c from thr sinfi r sewing llarhlnr shop ourlph w s prrsrnt and gavr a rrv inrtrurt lr demonstration on th uvi of thr nlffrrrnl attat hmrtit for tin f- ing machmr at thr rniluhii of tlw nuti in a daintt lutu h n wrrl bv thr iwriniittrr condition of job fly joarph i ittrr rvtledff it usrd to br trur and in a mras urr still is that anr lndi idual w ith a littlr money and an idea could set hlmsrlf up in a amall manufacturing operation and ovrr- nlght brcomr an industrial capit alist that av most of ovir grrat lodustrlrs started that is thr war a good many sound littlr enter pnsrs of todav 1u crow into the grrat industrlrs of tomorrow it is ratv tn undrnrtand and is mpathtxr 1th thrsr undrrtak ings hrn thry are small but grown big wr arr nuspkclous of them as though thr rhangr must hax r madr thrm unfriendly and dangerous itignr dors cost thr intimarv inherent in thr smaller operation and that is a sad loss enraged bull gores farmer fatally gored to death by an mragrd byll thr body of a ii yearold farmer was found sunday morning in onr of his fields br his son jo seph sam bonk i of r r 1 bronte had brrn killed s hours before his son edward 14 located his uody thrrr ver no rye wltnesr to thr tragrdy but according to thr storv told to provincial poller thr polish farmer had brrn moving thr cattle from an orchard to thr past urr flrld on his so arrr farm when a voung two and a half rrmr old durham bull wltb th herd lumii on him llr dird less than 00 frrl frton thr ham when h did not rrturn to thr house his son vrrnt out to look for him and found thr bndv wing on th grtmind marks around indicating that thr earth had hrm duturtiei tv thr himifs of an infuriated nlm a i thr antma had sjtpvrrntlv charged thr man in the rheat and ruhtud him around the ground ur samttorskl was found ali 4h4 and ii was thmight ihr acrid ent hal haprnrd around 10 ii clock thr famllv was undrr thr impression he was still at thr larn whrn he did not come tiack to thr houe ir f n sparling of 0killr was catlr1 but thr man was 1ad ujmin his arrlal llr turned thr matter mrr to dr j 11 strait of oak i llr coroner who statrd an inijuvl would lr hrtd upon 1h rrturn of the crown attorney thr famllv had lived on thr farm on thr radial road rat or thr irrond ronccsston r r i nmnt almiut a yrar and a half thr farm was formrrtv owned bv jack orr lb idri his w ife nir t ing art two children edward 14 and tlie 10 prounclal constable john llunr of oakll1e ctmductrd the nrm muton sewoge solution looms for nelson a powlblr olutioa to wwift problrma in nalaon townaklp looms la to offing with propoaad nrw irstrm uiij la th uaritimaa and racrtiuy introduced tn oouuia th gystmn providm for cravlty frrd and othrr fturr much i at raprnslv than oaotraj tyttaas thr death occurred at st job rph a iloaptaj on tuaaday of but wtk of a hiatbly rrsprctad rrald rnt of nalson township walter if itarbottla burn on thr farm on which he lived all his llfr about a mil from iowvillr thr drcraard was in his arvenurth year and was a sort of thr lata john c and ura harbutur for thr arvrn month ptrtod fruin january 1st 1000 to july slst iftso inr locaj branch of thr red cross society has shipped a total of j7w art idea to headquarters anadlan ctiampliut births morriogm deaths etc horns ucnabb ur and urs nil uc naub uf uount vtr tt air happy to announce thr arrival uf a suit on wednrsda august 30 wjli a brother for fay uim uavn at sunnbiuok ltotpit al toiunlo on wdn sdsy aujt ust 30 1j0 tom uswxi of ac ton beloved hubrid of ult ann dtsoii and drar father of iiry drlioit ivy iuii nip rrt seattle wavhington win inr lutt alkiommi at on and harry of hamilton in his 82nd year ltrtliif at thr viiui it humley kuorral home acton until salur lar wiwre futieial aerviie w ill lm- hetd at 2 ouk interment rair view tldkelery a tot l in ufcmosuau rut there arr also significant ons by arnold rohblns niagara falls i rijmrss made powlblr thr devrlop- whllr thr car was owrvrd bv victor nt of the comforts and convrn- ucnabb ottawa st hamilton leners of life that through it could gazette br secured at modrrate cost it watooown local board trade hold annual roast thr annual outing and corn roast of thr waterdown board f tradr was hrld at thr homr of mr walkrr drummond vice prrsidrnt ororgr horning presided wilfred blaber presided a the master of ceremonies conducting game and a sing sng r iilja pat prrsld rnt estended a vote of thanks t- mr and mr dnimmond for their hospitality urs norman bct was hostass to a miscellaneous show er in honor cf urs robert ftibbrrd former ri bv frathrrston at hrr hfr as sisting wrre mrs harrv smvthe kathleen thorn pvi and bern ice kitrhing camrs and contests were in charge of mrs bruce ieaskr manv brautlfvil gifts wrre received bv the bnde the memebrs of the r c ciud of the im ted cviurch madr a pre sentation of a serving trav and rard tablr at a recent meeting to mr and mrs r hibberd the public school it readv for the cpening on september 5 a new class room has been prepared an 1 equipped with new desks to mert thr steadilv increasing enrolment and the manual training equipmrt moved to new quartrrs in thr basr- mrnt three new teachers will be on thr staff this vear rrrnttcr miss j unton and mtss j hsrr prrmittrd thi in the rtatui of the worker as the jobs bream r mechanized thr work er did 1oe smr of his personal significance but he rinrd lmmea urablv in hl mavt significance ri kinit meant increasr in thr num ber of w orkrrs it involved more and more compliratrd machines it i et a new pattern for industrv mhile idle workers represented i low attrttion idle machines could i quicklv wreck an operation to i bick to the old svstem is as impossible as to recall vcaterdav it would onlv be poible if we w ere prepared alto to gn back to the back rard pump and the tallow dip rut evrn tf we could rrtrace our steps relinquish labors dram attc position of tod a for the friend- lv ubwrience of vrterdav what would happen to the fortv hour week the pension at tt and th- wage ales of todav all would lhave to go because the workers unaided hands could not hope to provide the working standard or thr working wage of todav svtrrr little limt ago the cana dian manufacturers association mdi a mirvtv of some 4a3 indust rie great and small among the facts found were that 12 1 oft 03s tn w as invevteil in hrse operations and that thev emploved a total of 29 74 workers it u not difficult to figure that this represents a cap ital investment of x 440 per work- er to prov ide the plant and tools and conditions to make his work miss r i pbl how much of this dors why half our high school pupils quit th results of the most drtailed and comprrheruuvt educational survey uf lis kind ever performed have just been rrlraard notably in tu findings is thr fact thai each year 100 000 atudrnu leave canad ian hlghachoola without gradual ing because thry find no meaning in the course of studies offered l hem thr survey was conducted by the canadian research committee on practical education a group spon sored by thr canadian education association to study practical edu cation in canada highlights uf the surve appear in thr current ivsur of mac leans magazine with the revelation that more than half the students who start high school in canada never fmtir their studies maclean a points out it seems that our high schools costing somewhere close to 10 mi ions a year to operate are giv ins farnworth memorials hisawiiu at madr cemetery uettkrjno eura wbi al otsaittry ouklfh ont sharp improvement 1 i us so per cent value half the wora cecil a carr optomftrist ouelf4i dougu st tal 1091 honaijison in loving m of inv dear hultatld johi aldumi who fiahmd id rtolmi slti iwi tvei rritniiilirtni v his iathk k in loving mrnn a disr mother uo sai rii k who iwkwil s brr ut im take twr in ttilne inur dtt and rvrr ii t he r lm- a tin urlifrl of loe lletwin mir h it ami tl the fam iiuuns il sweet and numiity uf our ilaihiik id ditl august cllfi 1u17 todav reiall vad hli root le- of a dt ar mn gone to rest and the urn who think o to ttay at ih one who invd him lovinlv i m mix ted bv uaddv siwr llnin am mory tion s h iet i 4ki1h tn tiiankh 1 wish to thank all mv kind friends and n ightnir for th flowers fruit cards and randy and all other kind new shown me fluting my stay in the hnnpltal and since returning home they will alw av ttr gratefullv mnrmteri for sale hardwood any quantity apply thomas cuttings i pttonr 161 acton a s4 i kh sau oil a2 at rr honev 0c 1l oiiuiiro lio iic nun st fttone imw wantei boys wanted puiv a tun bowling lane wanted to hike true stewart ejhott phone 7i wantu- apartmrnt or to itnl apply liox 1 kur fwh saij iiachine tatonu uoi3l flt sai gimml thapr i itklir eorgeto rit sai r wantu young man u utlng apply in pervmi lriitung onipany uiimll irarrs uasor uj ford t iach wanttu desires mhiv werk 1hai middle a work f jui r iwwrlj ja ket hrlt t wanttl young iitaiiird ecu- al pie no hildrrn irjarr ihim- ttmht i mmiih aparlntrnt or siua i houa i as imuillr thtitie ib xjit saik iin i lead v roit sai r mlt sai f hh saij t ii arxl w atr i ap a it j wanlri appt f p li iloi li miria goaa steady itri i l 31 wr r kmrll ni itonri wanted to buy- old illihaa china arid glass ornaments u i lanlpa old jewellery silvrr todl dollj tuys bulums old furnltux etc 1honr or write kriih uarbar rorgelown 47 aruw44v10l uantr i rutnithrtl a tmt iitiric in kut saik hearing aid ba- rrlrs r rnle s radio and ftretrlr eorgrtnwn frwinr 4d5 rosy leaire hidg av4 ml ill sai t s klkkllllf mu till iltnl ir iimi ii ii 4 holltem s pit iiiim r hlth ml for sai r apprts iriml k t ft ilioni tt i hv 40 fl hikri i oilt of ton i i ms k alt mr t uoll smilh iiiil i- hid orgt tow n waniii t ui ii iuv f an lult 1 a pu or any pt1 it ur 11 e tr who ti k 11 husr t 1 replies ft i ih rr st ptrm tiadea a iarikla nil a d tprcif ft in t 1 n tlir for sair 40 iulleu e months corkshult hirr hinder w ith ltatlt r rolertson it it 1 h i for rent mhlan it laying also r off ci rn kill hrst rimn for renl ti a mn 0flr23 acton two i applv ftr saif refrlge unedgaralrlow ii h town of a4t41n hr4 krln right krrlt r urmir rs fron chouse rt i stock left nnn term o phon mm saijc rinnird house and ham 4 acrrs belwrrn spevside and moffat applv mrs a thorn son it it 2 trkwood jrmrir la4rl milton a 8 3 fok kfvt housrkteplng ap nrtment two nnum and kitchen ette possesion immediately mr orrte 1amb 30 knos ave phone 4aw a skinny men 15 lbs new personal i wouen gain r prp too try fam- ostrrs titnlc tablets for double results new healthy flash new vigor nrw et acqualntad stie only doc all druggists as lh v start is never finished the survrv has brought into the ops n the controversy among edu colonists seeking an answer to th prohli ms the issue is this will secondarv education con tinue its swing toward a more practical form of schooling or will it shift back toward the old st le brainteaser tvpe of education which aimed at the development of mental discipline and hard think ing and left the student to pick his evervdav knowledge on his own hook askt macleans is thr job of mavs education to produce breadwinners or thinkers sav the modernists high school education must be made more practical now it hat sold its birth right for a meji of contemporarv course dealing with trivial things too much of it teaches students how to work with their hands too little teaches how to work with their head savs macleans whatever the solution the survev reveal that the majontv of student quit high school been ut the schools are bor ing them stiff clement flooring and roofing 43aw milton mastic rubber linoleum plastic wall tile sanding ft finishing all types of roofing k dick cumcnt school payy aw htm hmnls wttmn tutsday stu0y all plans cafttffuuy students will br back at thrlr desks afain next tuesday in acton schools whrjnjhe lone nunftvcr hoi- way eotnratota clow some of tfrr class rooms will a brlfhtenrd with fresh coat or paint and itudrnu will be off to a good start for the fall term bus routes haw ben arranged for high schol pupils and they an listed elsewhere in this issue rur al pupils should read them careful ly and be ready on time the worker tupplv you know thr answer yet without this thrrr would be no joba dors it srem unreasonable then that these necessarily big enterprt should watrr rescue practices paid off for thr 3th lakeshore sea scout troop thit summer when a 12foot sloop capsized in lake ontario its occupants eleanor wallace 17 ani bert trollope 10 were rescued from thr rough waters by sea scouts freddie fellows ix john i shoesmlth 14 and his brother liar- i nr ix using a sea scout rowing craft fendeb devts require a profit on the investment that provides thr plant and mach ines to make progress possible anyone who disagrees is still perfectly free to spend his own money to provide his own iob and to receive therefrom all the reward ueasle sbth funny thay ateh with symptons similar to an ordin ary cold watery ya a couch and a slight fever appear to eight or ten days thaae irormptoof last three or four days than m rub appears in about twelve or foorteee days after ejrpoure a new 3m filler in pastelike substance with aluminum powder base for filling dents holra sera- ehes on csr bodies fenders replac ing rustedout areas is reported in the financial post claims its min nesota maker acts as a body sold er but doeant need heat tinning compounds thus saving cost is flexible but tough enough for any kind of jiarj sanding stands up to temperature changes from so deg below f drying time is short but i can be speeded with lamps adheres i to almost any clean surface takes maulliolustreonsandin make your selection of new wallpaper from the largest stock in westetn ontario sm th rtaw designs 1ak1 notic t that 1 the council of the corporation of the town uf acton int nds to construct as a local improvf m nl wattr imr rxlirimon as follows kwl fret on mill si from wrllink ton st to acton lloulevartl 5ki f t on aclon llouhvard from mill st t arthur st w feel on pes i si from acton hlvd to th 3rd i in 3vi f i on thr 3rd lint from int i st to qun n st ss0 f t on que n st from iuclph st to liminl st 1040 fi t n irt scent st from que n st to rairvhw ave 4jkt frt on rairvuw ave from crseni st to cim lh st the council of the cormration tiiti nd to shciiiiv ass- a part of tht cost upon thf land abut tine directlv on th wirk xn pt such 1 tnds as nrr nut directlv tn nrfittl and which mas tiv opnunl act of t ouncil lr xempt under subsrc- tiun 1 stion si of th ss ss mi nt act h so 1017 2 thi slimitel cost of the work is n 2 7 of which tiorwft is to im paid bv the corporation thi stimutfd cot im r foot frontaci for the walr lint s is fj 3 tin nxcinl avs vmoi nt for tht water lini s is to im paid in 1 t una iinnu il ins tal mrnts md tht stmntcd annual rati m r fixit front k is 07c 3 application w ill im madt hv tht corooratinn to th ontario municipal itonrd for its approval of the undertaking of the vaul woik and anv owner mav within twintv ont davs after tht firm publication of this notict fib with tht ivoird his objtction to tht snd work in mi unili rtaken s ttu saul hoird nn approvi of i th viii1 ork u nik iindt rtakt n i tut t fort doni so it mav appoint i a tinu arut lict whin mv ob- i lion to tht sul work mav in con on sai r iiwn chi rlrr ra coich r rimmi c off r r i aw rrnrr 1w1 foft sai f new cmc s and s ton trucks 4o mercury sedan 4 monarch sedan 40 oldsmnbile club ctuie 3 t hrv coach lornr clarnrr motors acton phone 326w b miscellaneous asmr it rfpaihs holla krts complete ovrrhauls ernlear dm inrl fieri mr georgetown phone 4o5 itosy theatre illng sfwisc maciiinfs sain andx service hmiirs to all makaa r rnirs had in and fleet ric phone 41 hnsv thratrr hldg george town a 30 ut kitciirneit upholsteiiy lar ynur chesterfield suite rs-ap- hnlstered for as little as 10 for for saij- clover honey bulk j nd rfflrlrnt service call 30c 2 ihs pu 45c 4 lb pajl v i im afnn wrck lb pall si tt comb honev 50c pric es subject to change free dellv- rrv it k nndds phone ib5h ac ton after 5 90 pm a aua mul sair lied rot im int lnrc lel spr inc and mittrrs ii hi v elect r ic w asher kil ich- cliph nnl folding i ot a md m it trt took sto v t am in p rf ct fundi tion qui lx h iter and th art ii i s cil ft rnimn nr rv i n ink firt mtin st acton a tenders wanted rohsatr skvlin for i mir vslr 10 fri tr ctors 1 mf cormirk rtnf lirmall c trie tor i fnmll m tractor ifto autin stition w 1s0 1hi 7 p i- n r s 1 tn m w ifml lux vilin 104i chi v oich i1mj ipismouth st din 10v1 ford pan 1 hilf ton n w 1040 plv mouth d vi iflth chi v s din 1140 m v turv s dm wkki t i fr unit 1147 ponlnr with roll will he r itl bv the d for ronvev md pupila mils from s rv 1 ar a high s hoo i delirn i of rout and i it it ion t tired from the und r- d w ntten t n 1 r niust 1 bv wdn i n stpt m iw t it ms b nder np r mi good old ridun hors d tiurkv coup on s ii br k n ph n i t m i sidt rt d uitd aiikut it rton this 31st dav of a p 90 j mcgeachle ctrrk tsrrhrrvfd auction sale f llalilrln ca i mtk ii r i n4 llrlfrra lln 4 impumrnu 1 rmewlm tutt youh rmtii tt chappies bookstore 125 wymuum st oimlph angus kennjdy proprietor the acton free press classified advertising rates now iv effect mnouiif eiiwr nta uf births marriages deaths and engagements la hrsaartasa s4w plas its par llsvr far wrut articles for sale rent etc 3c s word mlsuwsus cash sto i if mat paid wnui aftrr inaertlae sac hax na u this arfis ue isddlusaal coming events 10c per count line wfh 30e minimum all classified adtrrruarsstrttu essssi reach the skftie brfare l lsa an wrdnesdats tht undt rsikiird havr rrcrivtd instructions from joiis fklv 11 bv public auction nt his farm i ot 2 con 4 tup of nassatii wtva 2 miles north of camptmll- ville on svtlkdu sfrtfmlsfk t at 2 ochick the following holstf1n cows and iifir fhs 1 llolstein cow fresh 2 month not bred 1 holstein heifer fresh 3 weeks 1 holstein melfer due time of sale 1 hnlttein cow in full flow bred mav 3 2 holstein cows in full flow hred june 22 1 holstein cow in full flow bred aug 4 1 holstein cow in full flow bred junr 8 i holstein cow in full flow bred jowlg holstein het risin vears not bred 3 holstein heifers t months old 1 holstein calf these rows are al terming vaccinated and bred in thr maple bulla hogs 3 york sows due time of sale york chunks 10 york wean- farm implements hay etc 1 set heavy sloop sleighs bob sleighs t drain grinder colony house 10x13 oh brooder usrd 1 vear cookstovr nearlv new low steel wheeled farm wagon small cookstovr buffet 7 acres standing 2nd cutting alfalfa clover 40 foot windmill terms- cash settlement with clerk day of sale no reserve as the proprietor u discontinuing the milk business l mcmillan clerk d1 1 kllchrner ntawk lards publicauction rfy thfksnw 1 at 1 p m a large offering of lialrv market tattle feed er mlarkera calvra hags ttaerp llarr ship imir livt stock t the largest auction market in ontario with rmtn for 2 car loads three auc tion rinits operate at one lime the mihlern w av to markt t livestock aicuiiit accounting lunch count- ir tin acres parkinu ana r big dav come to kiu ht tier nest thursiav f j sti fflt r miiujrr phone 2 m71 mgcuhm afmius- thin th t wn fih rs art rlmnj a btngun j b trv ing to put the roa 1 in um- dttion in such short not r wr hop that the monev rl h n t run oiu and thev continue this work have vou a din tiv room with cracked plaster etc gv ptrs tunbination pli will hide thr cracks and give vou a nrw wall it sticks to anything and gives a perman- rnt paint surface for thr fut ure the coat is reasonable at 3 cents per square foot and comes in lovely pastel colors thr coal has been shipped as far as the border and short- ly after the strike we expect ito fill th stove coal orders on hand there is a car of nut as wrll and we are still accept ing orders for this car ee you at the exhibition jbma3owznlr80

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