Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 14, 1950, p. 2

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r taotftwo the acton fj pftess thursday september 14 10so gunning and helping at the director tunchoon at the c n e on prttf day the tpeaker wi frederick i ker publisher of the hamilton spectator tntlead of gunning for our public men we might leave our gunt behind and go out to help them tafely home laid mr ker and he uwd a an example the ebuie piled on donald gordon in the recent railway unite we might localize mr kert reatonmg to include local hodie of council and various boards there local public minded citizens serve without thought of salary put m long hours and gvr freely of their time and talent and are often uniuitly cntu ird by c it lens through lack of understanding criticism does serve an imjxjmant pue in the public life of our town or ounty a word of praise is of equal imxrtmi however and it might be well if we lead often that torn men of mr ker quoted above publit men nerj help in these tfays and not uit ontmual sniping industry in small towns rescients of the larger tities often yet out into the countryside and srf ioniethmg of the pleasant life in our smaller towns and villages not many of these visitors from the oiy and other towns really stay ion enough to apprt i ate what makes the small town ink but they do take home vistns ol quiet shaded stnvts of spacious lawns ami flowering gardens but any pnvfi ivi ton will have one or more industries upon whu h it depends in no small part tor its prosperity ami to which the pkple of the iiwn and of the surrounding country can look for steady or seasonal employ ment a surprising numlxr of these small town industr ies manufacture products of ha h a high quality that ttiey are know n and used across canada possibly the outstanding example of a manu factunng industry in a small town is the primary tetile industry hoc a use fully cn third of the textile mills m canada are located in lowns with a population of less than 5 000 people anl more than half are m cntns of less lhat s 000 in this town we hni a good example of what the tent i le industry can tontr ibutr to a small com munity our visitors should know about it too this is important because small town industry is making a definite contr ibution to the canadian way of life in the products it makes and jn the payrolls it i strbutes the visitor and the pass mg tourist we should remembor are examples of the canadian consumer who may be a year round buyer or user of the very products of our small town industries the more this consumer knows of what small town ind us tries mean to canada the more canadian goods we will sell and the greater prosperity we will have false representation a recent newspaper article reports on the al tempt of n airconditioning engineer to keep members of the british parliament awake during lengthy debates his experiment was based on the blasts of fresh air which he thought would keep the representatives wide awake rather than allowing them to doe as the article continues however we find that the ekpenment was a failure the actions of members of parliament paid representatives of the people have often seem ed a little odd to the outsider skipping sessions reading funnies during speeches and debates and numerous other acts have made it difficult for us to understand the workings of these groups in britain they are having trouble keeping them awake and are forced to instal airondit- loning systems and carry on research to combat the difficulty applying these actions to one s own business they seem to be absolutely foolish if em ployees were to be absent continuously or when some seemingly unimportant business was to be conducted it would be difficult to continue for very long if time were spent reading news papers during the business transactions it would not impress a client yet parliamentary repres entatives work like this quite often in a recent report of the attendance fn the federal house the absent outnumbered the pres ent this extra session was called to deal with emergency legislation and yet majority of the peoples representatives did not feel t heir pres ence necessary parliamentary representatives are servants of the people paid from taxpayers money to rep resent those people in the governments bus iness if these representatives are not in attend ance at the place of business how can they be fulfilling their responsibilities to the taxpayers whom they represent and by whom they are paid a handsome annual salary v bigger and better one of our readers drew to our attention a splendid method of meeting the ruing cost of living in a town not far from here the news paper office has been receiving the top prod ducts of farm and gardens the office is full of potatoes right now each one bigger and better latest exhibit was of five potatoes which would fill a six quart basket another grower brought m one potato which weigfwd one pound 1 4 cufhfl for one week sortie one will le potato king we have no desire to compete with ukai f nil tairs in fact we would like to rnc outage them hie plate to show the best arwj biggest product is at tfe fall fair so for the next week we suggest that farmers and garrieners concentrate their exhibits are these events after the fairs are over anf some big and bllef products are harv rsttd we ii lie glad to huve samples we have no hopo of filling the offtte with products but if such a thing should hapjen we tan follow the ampte of our contewjrary and use th sur plus to lower the tost of living brmrmlxr this litter suggestion is not outs bul that of a intmf who noted the success attained in another torn mumty a costly way the cvirijx g budget presented to inidims liist week mighl te termed t luxury urhiiig measure and as a whole has fxen a lumed by canadians who retlie fully that any war will demand extraoidmary ckeriditure war is the most useless and wasteful of any means of settlement of any dispute all realie fully that a con flit t means new taxes new taxes mean higher prices on everything we use the taxes on luxuries therefore are made to confine the increase to those who demand these items and must therefore bo able to pay the tax while the imposts may not affect everyone they should serve as a reminder that they are but the forerunners of more laxos if wars are io ix the means of settlement of disputes more taxes mean higher living costs curtailment of pleasure and another cycle toward inflation and lowering ot purchasing power of the dollar i ht first tax increases may not have lieen too bitter it is to le hoped that iwfore more ilcin inds are necessary peace will have been obtained and the present world attitude changed from war to peace and better understanding the use of force is not the lest way to settle our ddfi rentes whether it le between nations or labor and management meeting an emergency a special vote of thanks was earned by the post office authorities for the way they moved the first class mail during the railway strike says the financial post normally the great bulk of this mail moves by tram and especially that due for delivery to illagea towns and cities not on the main air lines but so speedily were truck and other services mobolued by the postal people that the average citizen got his letters as promptly as before the trams ceased running in planning and carrying out this emergency undertaking postmaster general rinfret and his deputy walter turnbull did a maor ob and did it well editorial notes soon be the period to revert again to stand ard time and tfcen we will realize fully that the summer has gone it may be difficult re adustment but were beginning to find out that no service or group is indispensable the headlines said cars drunks and candy hit but really it was a report on the budget items that was being given the public the c n e has set up new records for 1950 we can anticipate that the local fairs will follow the trend and establish new records also it might be well to remember that control and freezing of prices mean deep freezing that affects wages and an ever deepening circle a century ago the tomato was considered poisonous now says the cornwall standard- freeholder canada has about 60000 acres not to mention the patches in backyards canning factories buy them by the ion and ihere are other tons eaten raw or used for homemade tomato preserves or chili sauce the spicy odor that accompanies the making of this sauce marks the high point of summer the good old days may have seemed better back in 1900 talarn from ihr ttrur o ihr frt irm o thuriday srpt 13 i m0 mr w r krnnry hi ddd tieut porrh to his pretty rrcidrnrr tti church st th rrv dr strarhan prvarhd rry srrrptably on sunday lt in knui chunh itrv ii a mar jhrrvun tank ihr work of itrv mr milnr of juiiinjifid who if vrry ill a raravhi of genuine jrvpti irtattd uite fuiur in town tun v momim many voting f hows in town hud th lr fomuit tolil io th ir uitln- tatifrruti ttiey tir imn lo iw niit lied to im giru iui mill ll hs utgw foiluim tl- golf fot mnt kruuv v n nik at ihi home of y u nl tin liimtr am i tiy m jotami cann and oil nrnt njw the ktnifowt hritahu if mr miid mn niikllm ailon rtn i lurtit iim mm w t mui lo a lurid ir of itim- t i hi town hill hnd imiki on monildv imiiimc 1 ii i- ua on f th m inrx ru 1h iionx r nuititx i of n w v i i ions kiwiig th premium iji nl int tl int r ling nniv i- r s ivin uill mtik th- inpti tlon of four v urv mtnlr l ii i a m ih iuo id knox him h n mi iv i tunu n rilv hi s i 1 v 11 i h l aft i i th h- in fit ftom mx to l ht i k j i xi ill iii pim- will u i mh i t iii th iklltomolm id w i uk jl l of ii nipton i 1 i hi i iu r m ik i w ill li i his xlil i ihun oth i iiumiim rs u ittt lin hs mi miim i rt mi m ii t i rn hu ml mv mil mv in iiimiiiiti nt 1 h tlon mr arthur i rvn iriuid from snilt st mario on mnndiv and i olmimini it th hom of h f ith r i tron markup mill mi ixwr ii in t -inr- itik n wdni ilit mh s pt ni lkr hv hi i p run ii a mr lhinrn cum of n i- v to j inn moiui 1 mi ht i of mi diihi ii r i th inn t ipii of it lmll n th ihofl inxl al back in 1930 from ihr iiiup of thr frrr prrtt o thundoy seiitrmbrr ii 1930 the rhtmh wrviren are announc- rd u br held on standard tlrm un sunday yd it i real fall and time to get thr ruil bin rrady for at tion in the public v htni there an three hundred irhnlara enrolled in the various t th tigh kikkii has eighty eight puplli th court ii mel a di legation re gar ding the million of the j rtinetiv st ph will llkily 1m tttk en to put it in pre- ntuhh run ilitioii an i lnlr will in ap ihiltd mr h mr- m i mmr r uttrulitig th hminil onritim of th m u ist i at amiilht of hli h mr mki th im 1 rt i ii ntfont markiril iiaka iaikk k silunli august jt pi ml t i r h ini no ion mr t a ton hv t ii i ihnno ma mi h 11 lm r f mr ml me alfri itim k to h 1 mi if oil ii iaiik at a on on morul s v inu f h i i l j no s l ii uik h lov hushint of n ih itxln r fon 1 to ti n of th think of montriil mtjlh rov lamiiir al tr horu of h t m- ti r mri it i iihht willow miil adoi ihudiv s pt ii iui0 mii v unhl- mmiou f th 1 t ilnro oi i in h i ildh i oakvilie woodworkers veto conciliation offer vlnl in mix i r oth r union- in town look 01 i mi k t hits tiikiiii in nt i f tin okmll wxhi s ili union h id i iniu io si on i i il on all in mn at th im urn ihi xutivi of th ill loll ml 1 to lh v i piopi 1 in nt hv th onp in on s pi th tun oo i pi sidmt m itil i x ulivi h nt n it look il y it 1 lh ihmli- m i it- lh t i npui oft l wi fimii ii f 1 oim omih hit post offices can wait l i of it 1 iii i 1 lh i i utt of th int in hun ho ttmn will i 11 i h ill to ins pi m f r n u huimuii m hn h th f i i 1 post 1 luthonlii iiihl h h in imml iv tin 1 i n i ittnfn t t it 1 m 1 viilnii1 mti i n u thr puhhr will ih clul m hii thit tmir irir- si s thi fn- inriil post othi r uai rnmi nt pulviwiiin fcdrril provmnal m1 niminpnl mijht will follow th- ldniirnhlr oximph ihr ronlmtdrr- c neral is hi is koine in ct nridill this is not uie turn stnt in mihstintial pmjerts th it nrr not absolutru rnn ssm br- nri knni and other danier sptts hiw txxn id quati dealt wilhur ma find that all our nvallabln manpower and materials w ill b- ni etled this dixy not mean that thrn should te nn blnnkrt orders halt- inc nil construction whnt ca- ld for is a nrw cariftil appralvil of work plan ol 1 i 1 h mil it id th f th ihlm business hums departmt nt store sales arc con- timunc to make new records m canada according tn figures pub lished bv the financial toil for the third week in august iherie sales were up h per cent ocr a ear oro with alberta maklny the bikkest sain 20 prr cent manitoba and saskatcheu an next and the other provinces scoring much more modestlv j ih m t r s iu 11 hi fn ml i 11 to ih p put r oupl in in finn i nt ponds mis m irjoi iiiik niivitl with hi r pinnt all rights is in lh usi of wil ik park until 1- mh r tl w n itrantil th- oikvui ihisihalla ii th uirl of pirks man u nu nt with th und tt tndint bat th oiia assumi all fmintiil repon situhtn for upi ration and mnnt n anre durini th p nod stipulated trofipini r school whun with its additions hi comes n four room srhool instead of the forme r oneroom ichool pupils m lin brook area found all classrooms completed and one of the most modern and bright school unii in ontario nw aitinc them itnfortun atel owing to the rnllwa strike not sufficient desks were on hand to seat the m pupils who will at tend the school thii enr but the shipment is expected dail an until then pupils are sharing th seat available on hand to greet the lupils were two new teacher miss frances lush nnd b k zle- man b a for both this school will be their first venture in the teaching profession journal smallest of the six great lnkes is lnke st clair 4fl0 square miles in area the acton free press the only paper ever pumbhrd in aclon tubuxhcd tach tbursdav at m mill st acton ontario anlhariird srteiul clams mmll pot olllrr fountud in 1875 mnbtr audi iiru clrcautlm cws- and onuriaqofbac dlvulan cwx advertising raka on rqut subscription in advance 250 in canada 300 in unitepjstates single copies 6c telephones business and editorial office 174 residence 1 3 1 beller than ever this year georgetown fair friday and saturday september 15th and 16th display hall own friday evcnino grand horse show saturday hmfts rc rol rkm lucky draw jpr purebred holstem calf ftby skw pl nd doll shows donl mitt th fair night dance frluy in th aron debonnaires orchestra carrolls loz jar ldsrius jelly powders 3 26c keetts mustard 19c 35c whole pickling spice 37c canada vinegar s 39c ss stick cinnamon loc lids mason jars 17c caps ro mason jars d0z 31c cardella creak sandwich biscuits 29c success nun wax 63c 107 old dutch cleanser x tin ic palmolive soap n xxc nuccet shoe polish 13c kraft ready dinner macaroni and 0hez8s 2 pkob 27c pink salmon 23c 41c keta salmon 32e bldsbaok red salmon 35e orange juice 2t37e blended juice 4 tilbest spice cake mix jc domestic shortening x j4c rottiar coffee 44c 87c swifts cleanser 2xse princess flakes 30e grapes 29c cooking onions o lb 39c grapefruit 21c cauliflower srt 17c fresh daily peaches hums bananas lettuce celeky hearts- rhbsecliwjiiaiisiijrrc

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