Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 21, 1950, p. 2

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im acton na nss thursday svtember it ims ifs your fair tht grand institution of canadian life in th parhth fall fair n at hand thu woalc nd on friday and saturday th acton park will b th gatharing laco for town and district for old friond to hold reunion and for all to ie tho bat that tk farmt gardont and handiwork of woman and children cn produce it t the com munity how window and the greaieit annual community outing ft takei many month of planning many rvourt of work by officer and directors of the fair they endeavour each year to make the event more mtereitmg and more attractive in thete day of ntmg coiti trm become a big problem and we know that thote in charge will welcome any amitance any citizen can give to make the event more successful and to keep down costs its a cooperative event for the whole town and district perhaps you can help as an exhibitor but all the community can definitely help by making sure that vmtors are welcomed shake hands with the visitor chat a moment tell them about what is going on here while they have been away perhaps yog can offer your service on fair day and if you can do not hesitate to approach the officers and tell them what you can do be member its your fair and your help and good will itr important in its uccrs we ii see you on friday and saturday at ac ton fair and we ii hope the weather man is kind stabbed in the back democracy was stabbed m the hack by acton citizens last wednesday evening when a nomma tion meeting was scheduled of the 1400 citizen eligible to attend and make nomination other than the present coun cillors and town official there were no more than four a total of ipmc i 4 to 16 citizen took the hour required to attend the meeting which i a democratic symbol of freedom of speech and freedom from fear from the appearance of the meeting it would be gathered that there were no other citizen m this whole town of 2 965 population that were interested in the future or progress of the town it was an unfortunate situat on that the nomination meeting was required but nee it wa citizen should have enough interest in municipal affairs to attend the meeting at the majority of the regular council meet ings which are held the first and third monday of each month there have been delegations and citizens requesting the time of those members of council for decisions recently 460 ratepayers signed a petition to that council asking for a change in a by law yet there were only four or five citizens at the nomination meeting to take their responsibility of choosing a member to tit on that council democracy the thing that wars have been fought over for years the four freedoms de ejoped as a basis for democracy all these things can so easily slip from the citizens mind and when they see a nomination meeting poster they think let someone els go and get stuck for the ob it is time public meetings and municipal af fairs were considered important by ratepayers and citizont in an oldfashioned way modern packaging and new methods have brought many changes in our way of living and may in some cases have added to its greater costs some of you older folks like ourselves can remember whan chocolate bars and such handy confections weren t available we used to ap pease the after school appetijes with a couple of slices of bread and a liberal coating of brown sugar or perhaps molasses or blackstrap was the spread it may be a surprise to the present day school child to know that brown sugar is still available and like the blackstrap is quite cheap in price the big tumps of brown sugar that could be bought for the price of chocolate bar would last a week and the molasses is often fed to cattle and they thrive on it af a very moderate price you can buy it packaged at a higher price and still use it as an economical spread but now they are packaging the brown sugar and it doesn t go lumpy and it isn t as moist and attractive as the kind that s weighed out of the bin in the grocers dont know how it compares in cost but we sure hope that retailers will stick to the old method of selling brown sugar some things are improved by packaging but in our estimation brown sugar isn t we re not giving a recipe column here but we are leaving a thought that perhaps high living costs can be kept down end nourishment kept up by utilizing some of the oldfashioned products in en oldfashioned way a practical approach every year in sptmbr thre is another crop of high school graduates who have to make their chotce about their next stp they can take a ob of course and learn a trade or business with no clear qualifications at atl to begin with they can go on to study and then they have to face another choice between a practical or an arts education as far as practical education in high school goes it is really only a foundation of what a qualified student should know on any one sub ject although it is a wonderful opportunity tor the itodentt in the lower high school grades to be able to take classes in shop work and home economics their ability along these lines is still very limited when they leave high school so t i on for further educat on as far at practical educat on goes the gyerson institute ol technology in toronto seems the anwer to many a problem with classes in costume design fur niture arts business electrical technology radio broadcasting food technology and many other completely down to earth subject student handle tools brushes needle wires and dial rather than facts in a unique school which fills the longempty gap between high school educa tion and ihe ability to handle a special zed prac tical ob there are pit nty of openings for d ploma graduat s from this technical institute and its work is already recognized even though the chool has only slarled its mud year of existence tins last week rec ntly the star wttuy and the financial post have considered it worthy of fea ture articles end complete description we have had some intimate knowledge of what ryerson institute offers and we commend the ontario department of educat on and those m charge of this development and the fields that are opened for fitting young people in practical business and filling a need in our educational system its first two years have seen i grow from 100 student to over 700 w th 1600 taking night classes all courses were filled when ryer son institute opened its coure th s week right at home passing frequently within a few m les of it many t mes perhaps we should be loathe to make it known that up to this week we had not v sited mnlton airport since the days when the field was first laid out and the buildings on it were a hangar and a small ticket office we were surprised therefore to find ihe growth and the importance of the place in travel that has come withm a few years when we went there ihis week the modern facilities of air travel the ac commodalion for jhe public and the regularity of a r schedules are impressive and give a new feel mg to the public who like us have been lax in discovering this travel method that has grown up in our midst it was interesting also to note that nearly every plane was carrying a capacity load wc suggest if you haven t done so that some time you take a few hours at malton airport you will find it as interesting as we did and its cer tamly not expensive as long as you stay ground ed and if you need travel not much more ex pensive than other methods editorial notes now we all hope the weather is good for the fall fairs of the district which make the week ends popular right at home we acknowledge receipt of first samples of big potatoes from a local grower we ii be look ing for more fine produce to be shown at the fair the good old days may have seemed better back in 1900 tajtra iron the issue oi ih trt pr of september wta 1900 at ihf annual merllnf of th urthodlst woman ulafttaitary soc iety th following offlcrrt writ rl mted prmsdrnt unv t euton lit vicrfrrldrnt uni j u llag ar 2nd vice president urt j nor run cor wet urs ii p moore rec wc mn j ftloorr trea urtr ur j a urown a largr gathering of th faltmu thrrrl at thr g t it ulun monday to get a look at sir charles tupprr a he urd by en unite lo u lih to the t oniervativ e drtitttnktration that artrrimn uut hr didn t nmr thka way mr srt of larkrri lyr work tut onto arrived in tn u i thurwlsv whh an autotnowiu of the wmton cleveland tyie he diiir from georgetown in tht r rtiaiwjlv h rl lime of is ininutt a tree lrt revreaenlatlvr favur 1 with tup l town t hr hurwlf x carriage found it rv comfortable ul under er tr ci ntnl mr r mo i hi rti i itj m m hi to knino llnf vl th the ntnt n of t intf th ii nd hi o tn th r stm k m stall t that hit iirthwivt trrtrim it f lit ihlvrtirned tht ronrrvativt- linn s ith wi 11 inn n and man fr in tn it ti twhirtrik nmltm n u turn d mndi hi cm iph to in n h politx 1 oiln n t mh nd s i tiipim r llukh micd ruld ii n niri romr the 111 thr the tth r mmilun f ihr oin i xitil pjrt among this p ent fumi act on th fillnuinii wn n tliccd janus brown r hvridv htnilrrmin or h ian it aniu jn krnne jr iltnrv sam and it c ilnmn tit i rrrr lrek recrlrd lat n da from cunm r could f i utxtt r hoal canndi n artlit t an int noting lett r w ntli n frm south africa fdifj mills mr russell neville dies after illness the nmtth of thi xtnd 1 t mr ilui r n itnlph clll4 hr d ith of mr afti r i lingering ill mr uid m and ij d in t ilurll svill illnrv mr tnd mn cirl w illard ind tivighter jrnn and mr thnmt sttt jr of shffnld mhd lim simii in the homr of thnr ptr tnx- mr nnd mrs thorn n scott mi- marlrlinr krllinrtnn of to mnlo spent thr holidl week en in the home of her mvter mrs ed win itnn and mr uiilwn mr and mr thomas ronnie nf toronto spent a few dav lisi wk with mr and mrs w j iw ne mr and mrs struirt carbon and daughter doreen of rtowmanvill ere ijthor da wrek nd visitors i the home of mr and mr- claude rtnnklow mr nnd mrs sid barnes nd ftmil if nrookln and mr and mrs george mino nnd fimll of toronto isited in the tinny nf thir pnnnts mr nnd mrwm mlno on sunda mr nd m- imcs ttnss of rurlph were ils ttnr in the umr home mrs fmir cja in pent the week end in ortllla mr and mrs norman spenr itcnt i few das in the homr of mr nnd mrs donald clark mrs frank lrmmrr nnd famih of port credit nre spending nm timt in the home of her pi rents mr and mrs j d iow rtr mr and mrs ai howntt and fam il of gurlph nitrd in hr horr f mr nnd mrs w j lowrie on sundnv backjn 1930 from rh pu of ta frtt pru of thursday seplrmbrr itth 1930 th rtor formerly occuplad by urt barhop li being raio4u4 and rvdacormted in prr pa ration fur ww tenants work ha commenced thi week on ihr remodelling and enlarging of wonderland theitre and pre parattonm made for the tnttaltatloti l the lklea art on wu ilgnilly honored in hstving hit honor lieutenant gov eitntr ltu premttt lit itpen the fair me wa aorotnpanled to ar ton by mr alfred beardmore anc 1 a o t lleardmore of toron to arlon tmii ti 1uv wl new high rettnl in eery wv the arm m rfiirrnaitc im tht firvl nlgm was something nrw for acton ii wn trial hut it wt ndtdlv tin rewjul imikn w tt on monu phnlh b iuw ti mi uixl mi i 1- viol vlll mareiii klnnt iklis at m ntn i on sjtunlav st iimiimi it 1 i i itev mr mon1oin i it m lou to i i mi ii ki1im 11 of mr and mi j hn kuiikv atin nun 1 nd at si man ii pd tl niagara alls n n sund s pi ml r h lutt mi 1h th i nd m tovd uuglih r of tin i it wlllunt and hm m 1 equalization given councils approval ti titlji iimtin f fwiu lng t wn hip c ounet uas hrld tue dav night s pt mix r mh all mi mix r were pren nt and heee rr urne pniud1 minutes f pirmouv meitings hi id in aug nit wtr rt mi and adopted it mol that thr following n c units le paid itoard nf llviim nmmismimera gcnrlmn wl 2 lit pc of onunn llrampton 72 jfl 1v1i telephufie o w 07 coorgrpwn herald s m a w luthon 7 do association of at m ing officem f20 00 thr following heii clitmn were paid r r brain 1 reg lamb 35 george cuitte 1 limb 3 sjtenccr uiln atualr jfl horace tv1 1 lamb 2s t ii price 2 limss jvi a n slirk nhtator w liims for fon s drstrnsed n rjucmng w cr paid as follow gerald maclxl art on rll 4 1 fox sli the council approved uic i roimisi d count v cuntliatlnn as set up h the count covncijuj a iwcial meeting callcl for aat pur povo uelirf accounts as presented h the relief officer were orden 1 paid ta0 70 the treasurer was instructed to a rod accountji of ll 9 vi 22 a i resented bv the hood supertnten dent it was mocd thit the trenurcr pa the following grants acton agricultural societ 75 rsqueii ing agricultural sncict 75 nal ton agrlrulurnl societ 2 the council agreed to instruct ro smith count fnrlneer to an xertle for tender to build i oil vert on lot 10 concession 10 nnd ii township of esqueatng the treasurer was instructed nas the town of milton 200 0 and the town of acton 771 on pavrnrnts due on behalf of th vorth halton high school district the council will petition thr iv partment of highwavs for the itat uarv grant on rod expenditure januarx 1 10v1 to august 31 lfrv a bv law w as pased to at seu the several school sections and school arras of the township for the mir 1150 and said b law h now read a firat time 260r orvs taxi 34 houis 260r for prompt and courteous service an w kara anyfima folly inujwj 3m urn we ve been assured by the local issuer of motor vehicle licenses that keeping the plates clean is not his responsibility a week of steady moist weather has made the task a steady one the federal mps drew 25 a day for the special session in addition to the regular 4 000 sessional indemnity and the 2000 tax free an nual expense allowance wonder if they received pay for the days they were absent from ihe special session and also had their unemployment insurance books properly stamped the businessman who is proud of the goods and services he offers is proud to have his signa ture appear regularly in his advertisements be cause consistent advertising of quality goods and services is profitable to both buyer and seller the advertising businessman is also proud t6 riave his signature appear regularly on hts cheq ues advertising is an investment which brings credit as welt as custom the act on free press the only paprr eirr publuhrd in artoi pub shed rach thurtd at 56 mtu st ton ontario mithsriird a s cuaa mail rt oltut dtpartmfnt ottawa fauntud in 1175 mrmbtr aodll banu clrcautlan cwna and oatariaqbttwe dlrtalaa cw-n- advartitlng tatet on raquatl subscription in advance u0 in canada 300 in united states single coplet h teuphones butineu and editorial office 174 residence 131 sewer installations wa are prepared to install tewar pipe ef feurlnci ne-c- rodm er vithflad clay from th street connertiea te keusas at 7 35 per unaal foot wa are utt completing installation of sarvlcet in mitten that have prevan vary satisfactory to all ratapayars get fl copy of agfpmrnt and have the woik tlour rm ilof c the wmtrr njiithi when invtatlalionv art d dcull a uto vd j mathkv comrt phona 9or33 acton f o car rolls kel apple juice zw lc buhford peaches 5e aylmer tomato juice 3 v xso canada first soup 5e romab peanut butter 350 huhz white wwe vinegart 61c oal rzua deposit kraft suced cheese 2e good luck margarine vl 40c blue ribbon tea- pko soc pep dog food 1mttik bruces budgie seed vm 17c 0l0vsk leaf b00kjstk salmon 39c aylmer tomatoes 2 29c heinz baby food 5 heinz baby cereals t orange juice 41c blended juice 237e red cohoe salmon v3ic romar coffee lb bao 44c 87c aylmer tomato juice 3 afe velvet cake flour v 35a brunswick sardines 3 25c quaker muffets 12c roman meal 35c kleenex zse j a vex 15c 24c 47c sunlight soap 10c carrous own tea 4e kraft dinner x7c prune aatltel plums onions cabbage oranges c no 1 small 10 psund b0 svoy gosd sli esch dai 50c 37c 10c 49c mesh daily celehy heaitj cauuhowei bananas kaches otams kars hkmje isi acton

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