Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 28, 1950, p. 1

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wht jvttim sttt pts svalysixli yal mo t acton ontapio thursday itptembfr 8lti 1v0 f igtit mom pfnt pagai sl ctoli fine fair held despite chilly winds piaster d with pti are theie entrant m the acton tall fair pie eating conieit a pine of ramn pie hld flat m each hand hampered manoeuver ing and th judge warning not to drop a gle dumli raft u i tad in many grimace before two piece each were downrtl nine txoyi enteej the event no girll feeling able to cope wtlh the generoo slice joe jany tetond from the left way prie pie eat f hi official liming wat 1 minute 24 wxoodi wstch certain y doe in t allow trr the recommended number of chewi per bite the pie eating cdnlet wai held on tte platform facing the grandstand on saturday afternoon re ptr jit i cold hands prove warm hearts at acton falljlair acton fair fur ibvl was anothrr tmcmufl1 cvrnl in all m sprru s cept thr wtathtr xaturdav r- col w tnds and fall t mm ralort urn not conduriv ti a resold or wn i nthusiastlr attendance hut thi trohit were gotad in all rliuxi thr atttattiona wrrr appreciated and th ihoim and of folk attending rnjovcd the show prrarnled thr hall exhibit w on of thr finest wn hrrr thr judi in thr homecrafts mction rrmarkrd thai it was onr of thr lest dlsplav kht had seen thr building u wrll fillrd with rsrilhils and in addition mrr rhandiar displavs hv karl van norman haxaard hadio manning tlcrlrir acton home furnishing nieol mrmorlal e davie moctrrn plumbing and heat ins and j g jordan electric the a mm show s thr arena show and the bis mid i way m operation on friday night authentic scotch outfit drew a food crowd thr arena worn by roy 7 years ago was filled when presidrnt waltrr llnhim welcomed the visitors and expressed appreciation of the lev alty and work of hi fellow offtc era and director and thr co oper ation given him bv evervonc in thr loflo event mr r it parker was in chars of the show mhlch proved well planned and pleasing to the aud lence the appearance of the 11th field artillerv band with their drill and precision marching drru round of applause recognition was made of the faithful serv icr of mr chan mrkeown who has been a director of acton fair for over thirtv years president unham preacnted him w ith the agricnilt- ural socirtvs certificate of merit for thr nni and mr mrh o i replied suitablv the saddle home claes wen again a nature of thr nrna show and entries were oxer a wide tcr rttor with manv fine performanc c thi open performance class saw a local horse rock- owned and nddi n b lornt masales tak the top place among nine entries second place w as w on bv mis- rhievtous of mmrda farms brampton third bv grenada own ed bv wm bowler brantford and fourth bv svmphonv of almcda firtni brampton in the open hunter class d chassells torono won first with tourist gift goldrn slipper wa second and svmphonv foutth both of almeda farms and black veh 1 1 third owned bv jim carter brant ford the knock down and out class had elcht hortea competing whth golden slipper taking first rockv tecondr svmphonv third and flylnc saucer owned bv dr chassclls taking fourth the high jump was the closing event with black velvet in first place symphony second fling saucer third and grenade fourth the vaudeville attractions w ere buddy herrlck a master juggler and balancer who had a full bag continued on peo trr wins norma sinclair prize m ttckrts to the theatre were awarded 1at mondav night to thor attending the show in scotch cos tunic secn vear old norma kui clair of willow st won for her authentic outfit which was owned b the late mr smon of acton lie wore it as a bov in scotland about 75 vear ago mis elma bruce who left hrr home near edinburgh scotland for canada three months ago recehrt double guest tickets for wearlnc her dress stewart tartan skin thr foxrr of thr thra rr wa ipecialb decorated in scotch st c pair capture youth from reformatory tm and llsi urmh arton rapture a mmilh it h canri from guclph hrformatorv uit saturday nisht al ihrir hous mar cm son s corner thr two nwin who are rmplntitl al thi wtm combing plant had jum arri rd homr from gurlph in i hi ir ni about 0 p m and w i rr prrnarlnx to lrar again w hrn thnr fat hrr hrant a nolsr oitsldr thr pair dahrd out to inrtg air and saw two figures jump from ihrir car run down thr vard and oxrr the fence although one man pot aw av in the darkness tom lurkib caught the othrr youth and at on him while hr waited f t r hi brother to come bark while tom larrnd droe to a- ton for the police the raptured x outh w aited in iazenhv s home he said he was james mackn in of toronto and that his companion was jamr tetko of woodstock the had been hiding in a corn field watching thr houe since ar 1 morning and tried to make a gt awa in thr car bv starting it with tinfoil acton police contacted guclph provincial poller since the laiend familv lie just orr the border in framnn tw p the police too mackav back to thr reformatory when he w a caught the voitlh wore onb a flim inmate i rt and work trousrr and was qvutr fold eerie light causes many conjectures of bombs hurricanes last judgement whtt was it li looked a if th jk had jaundice the et rle light descended jurt after chuch timi siindn and got w or- imtrad of btter as rvrnonr scvmki to wait for whatever was going to happen to for goodness saku hurr up and happen an atom bomb landed on toron to we realized then that ern l it were that we had alreadv miss ed our chance of jumping under the nearest table and pulling thr mpt available cover ovefus as we were instructed we certainlv didnt want to pull the tablecloth out from under our sundav dinner anvway manv in town couldfrt help but wonder if the day of judgement had come and wished thev hd paid more attention in church you couldnt help but think of several minor sins of the last few davs to perhaps the imminence of judge ment would be a good thing every one in a while but not too often scientifically minded people in town combined tht ir good m nm with a normal skepticism of tht abilit of mrttorolngiral rvtcrs ind dtclarrd thiit the eclipse of the moon hud com n da larlv and it was of the sun the clock lnvtr on the post of fie hd a biiarrt beautv in the strangt light of the smog a bru liant blue it vtood out clearl against the pale gloom of the sk several reported waiting for a terrific storm to break any mom ent visualizing hailstones the size of potatoes or a hurricane we hear from the countrv that cows demanded to be milked ahead of time and chickens took a quick gander at the celestial expanses and headed for their voost at any rate telephones jangled as neighbor exchanged theories of hurricanes hail storms and all kinds of natural and unnatural up heavals with the report of foat fires in alberta broadcast on the radio life settled back to normal again church celebrates to daylight saving time si n i u limll v ihr ur tl ltr1 liil ui sun1a rat ai i i w- m a ii mt w ilu i llfll tl r m ii r um i f it l if ih i m t i tl i hi i- ml and mrs a j mijiiav are civin 1amp bououet on fortieth annivekaiy mi i mi j m i 1 r ih ii present awards at rally day service t th t h ii in suial i ti l i 4 iiiji mith rnv t i i ih f iniily t i iht a v i s- r had th iotnu1 hiu h id in knox tuim h on s morning the sumi iv srho 1 thildrtn galhrml in thr auditor lutu f ihr hurch fr h ru mr clannrr coirs u r intt mi nl iurntrd thr a v anli in thr rhild rtn who had xurrrfulb nu mo irrd ihr vrrlpturr pvjtr and had mi ndrd rhurrh and sundav s h 1 mtmiti rrftilarlv rrv w 1 mrflwaln m a of nova srotla wat thr gurst sprakrr rhttotlng a hl thrmr i will bulh niv rhurrh tn thr rvrnlng mr i sutherland of knoi collrgr tor onlo hat rhargr of thr srrlr ltrv r i armstrong m a wa conduct ing annlvrmarv arrv ires at ntcr church during tht h filll a valv allv d alth i hn1 n lo im ttu hair i thr hv slrrrtm w irr thi iiiimd in ul t ir valve through tf a itlrrn thr lop rrd thr valvr had put ii in worktnt ant at agnr i rr ported ot vdrant h to tr m thr nprning of malr srrv r through to main llnr of thr road- n v llnnt from thr rngli if hvdrant l plarrd in the plarlng cf n hand ott thr lrvrt arr tn t 1 1 r tx f orr rvlrr rail at thr dlsritssrd prrmlsl younp acton man dies very suddenly this communltv w as indent shocked to lram of thr passing on tursdav tf krnnrlh a mackrnzlr a pmminrnt biisinra man here for the past frw riirs and vonngrr so i of mrs and thr latr j p mackrn rlr krn as hr was familiarly knnwr atviut town was around as usual until latr last w rrk when hr be camr middrnlv ill taken to st joseph hospital in guclph for treatment hr was found to b stiffrrlng from pollormrlltis and li plte of the trst treatment h passed aw iv tuesday afternoon he was u ears old brsidrs his w ifr fornvrrlv iois aiken- of new glasgow ns h leaves two small children jack and margaret his mother mrs j b mack en ne one brother sam and two sisters misses jean and margerv also survive him to iu of tht se so sadlv bereft vmpathv of a host of fnrnds in town and district goes at this time krnnrth alexander mackrnzu was born in georgetown and re- cilvcd his education there and nt pirkenng college during the last world war he s rved with distinct ion in the hnsm air force for fiv vears ind ittilned the rank of fit unit upon hl disrhargr in 1im he camr lo acton to rrsfdr min- aging tht acton building lumbt r and coil business ts nhlistird bv his filher which hr took over tntlrtlv following his fathers death three iars ago and has successfullv ex panded he was a fine tvpe of voting cit izen who took a krt n inb rest ir acton and its progress he vas a m mher and pxt president of thr v- lin s club a member of walker lodge f and a m and of acton branch of the legion citizens of acton share with the familv the loss sustained in this bright voting life he had jus- moved to a fine new home built thr past vear on lake ae mr mackenzie attended knox presbvterian church and the pri vate funeral service vesterdav af ternoon at the victor b rumlev funeral home was conducted b- rev mr armstrong interment was in fain lew cemeterv acton i of tier stejs in mrgrarhlr mca board f- vt 1 n hand rail a chrrk was to br mad consolidaied engine for th vilve to be installed at hr during thr rrpalrlng of th tank thr follow ing accounts passed for payment rfldro departficttf can gen electric can i inr material line t cahlr access rirrtrie s polr i ln ajax fnglneers i td mrdonald flrrtrlc garfield glnvr co limes r krlrti ii f pc of onlirin tillevs ltd addrt ssngraph a cook whhhams garage bell telephone co a cton free prrss petlv cash ind srcret the y i to in with relief prlng w nter 174 ao 17 ci win 17 v 10 14 nm 108 v 7iwn 1 00 1 1 1 17 v win n4 m 4n osinvmof nine euchre tables benefit w i work mrs alvtn fishrr and mrs cai vin evans wrrr joint hostrssrs at m tit iightful rurhrr party at the f innm luimr on thursday vn ii in aid of the wmnrn s insttut wrds wrr in plav at ninr tablej with prls for high scores gnln i mrs w j jargon iwt mr g r don hut rtvrfv onlntv rrfn sh mt nt wrrr m rv rd ut ihr rloar hrcrnt gm sts with mr and m otrgf d rotxitson included mr mix mrs ilarrv alton and daughtt r mrs striker alt of prnrtingul h r ih ir ir 7 it i ft the arrna w tis ussrl this h ing irfl m tht hjr d of the ftv iii ittr kpwlv rrt vr mi made one ap al f r ihr in tsllaioi nt trs to wartime ho ising the liril it vlrwrtl the ffer made ntl nal housing n thr rot this intonation an what it lid rtnl thr town to 1st sewer ihrir houses no art ion was irs flgin nrown and frw dava last wren rrou 22 wnfertrorvs deportment cin nrass co w hare and tternon northern flectric mueller ltd can valve l hvdrant stindrd chemical 42 14 4s4 14100 01 t40 woo j24101 mr and gall spent at wasaga mrs grorgr young and mm ada currle atlrndrd wrllingto i county historical society convrnt ion at harrlston on thursday mr and mrs david slrwart sprnt friday in hamilton where thrv visited mrs stewarts sister mm krnnlfk who recrntlv undrrwrnt an operation friends will be pleased to team mrs jtrnnlrk wis progressing favorably and expected to leave thr hospital shortly mrs miller of frln and mr ar nold iritrh jih of hamilton spent a few davs with mr ant mrs frank lrltrh mrs bnrrc sr of whltewnod s is visiting with her sons want and nvron and their families mrs mary hurren of brin spent sundav with mrs g sunter and miss f baldlc frlonds are sorry to learn that mrs walker mother of mrs james stnithers was removed to the cuelph general hospital las- week suffering from a stroke mr flgln brown resumed his studies at the o a c on tuesdnv rootin tootin broncho busters beat the cold on the fair merrygoround divlm n a tiniplalnl of a urge rock in king up br nth lh road stir fix n sftnr stnrl was brought ti thr attrntlon t f 1 wn foreman klrknrst minrll drcldett thit no more digging rnarhlnrs should br re movrd from the 1nwn until all the wi rs are laid there are now onlv two rnarhlnrs lrft in town ond council did not want thr frost to rnme this fall leforr the job is finished council dismissed st some length the grading of the road to lha sewage plant and thr rrmov al ot rarth from the property arrangements were made for ttreve f o tvlrr deputy reeve w j mcleod knd councillor j grrrr to meet a delegation from rn industry which desires to locate in acton this meeting is to take place on thursday evening in the rlerk s office the boad committee are to look into the matter of private ent- rancaa for properties w here the streets are being rrplictd after sewer installation councillor u thompson brought up the possibility of securing fire proof storage space for the hal ton union farmers mutual fire insur ance co this is for storing their n cords rtr obituary it was a great da for the kids fxcitrment of fair warmed them md thrv didnt seem a fraction is cold as the adults the mldwav ft iturts that were designed espec ial v for the younger set were cer- t nnv well patronized the ponies did a fine ob hv trtating the dude riders most care- fullv it is quite understandable that thev should stop occasionally for a nibble of grass after all everyone else was getting taffv ap- plt s and candv floss mi sharcnwhlte the daughter of mr and mrs elmer white of hespeler thought it was just about time for hrr to find out what a rmrrvfioround was like so she did her father wanted to come too so she let him fancy carriage for mr and mrs mcduffe of milton looked like veteran merrvgo round broncho busters brian has n no hands technique worthy of a rirciis- performer johnnv creighton son of mr and mrs j ii creighton of acton showed natural born talent at his first equestrian attempt he was going single handed bv the end of the ride some gaffers seemed to think thev were torreadors and needed to practically wrestle with the horses to get anv action out of them the monkeys alive was another attraction we asked one voting man what he thought of them oh he said there were their contests too thev chose a i the pie eating and freckled fare the ride and j contest incidentally it seems when hp got off mr white said it that mavbe the smartest bovi in m is the best day hed ever had the pie eating just ate slowly and ever ear about 200 000 sons ond but its chilly sharon didnt ay i enjoyed the two pieces daughters of canadians reach 21 anything she was still looking at i well it was a lot of fun ah the rars of age and full status i the merrygoround face beneath the taffy and must- citizens j brian 0 and bruce 4 ions of ard and green floss were happy mrs chester plank dies in rockwood thr villugi and community were iddimd hv th sud 1 n death of mrs chtsttr o blink n septem- tr joth whlh ibl l be up and around ht r homt ind the store she had not been in h r usual good hiitlth for some time the funeral took place thursdav with servp at hi r latr home conducted bv rev chas gowtr asslivd bv rev john w oliver of the united church the funeral was largelv attended bv friends and relatives from a distance including those from tor onto hamilton brantford troy brampton dunnville dundalk sundrldge bame orillia elora and waterloo pallbearers were messsr h field f west a b root george bavne c stovel and c mciceown manv beautiful floral tributes bore silent testimony to the high esteem in which the deceased was held flower bearers were her nieces and nephews interment took place in rockwood cemetery the sympathy of the community goes tfut to th bereaved husband she also leavei three sisters mrs micol bessie winnipeg man mrs j wylle henrietta toronto and mrs a barber gertie guelph and one7 brother mr donald la ing guelph

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