Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 28, 1950, p. 2

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r axis two the acton his hob thursday september lso a word of prais w kv bn t vocifrout any in our corwntnft regarding iwr upheaval in town vd coniqonl bd rod but word of prine it dj to municipal officials town worvmn nd contractor for th minntf in which tky coop crated to have park entrance ttreett in tuch good condition for fndsand saturday the first of tne week rhe two ttreeti leading to tre fair ground looked hope let i and dmrour gng fven on friday the workmen encountered difficulty when the fill had to be removed from a lection and a rock fill male but friday evening and all day saturday traffic patid over the irmlt wtikoui cauie for complaint and om if marled trt the ilrti were in better condition than when teweri wero tier ted a wort of preite it due to all who achieve the trantlor malion acton wii handicapped to loo after crowd th i year hut c aie through exceedingly wrll its our own fault corruption of police forcei in some of out larger otiet n our own fault tay the financial pot the cru of thit growing problem u the growing apathy of decent retpomihle peojile about municipal affairt m to many of our ne able centre the crook gambled and hood lumt of a doen vanetie are terribly eager to be in or on the fringe of municipal politic m the hope of getting tome advantage for themtelvet and for their ilk interference with the police and frustration of the law i one of their major inter ett dunne and indutry have been very loath if not definitely oppoed to having their people participate in civic affair instead of encouraging and mating t poiible for good men to take civic office buine and induitry have aid let j leap out of politic that comfortable policy i in too many plac e leading to dire trouble insurance not savings unemployment insurance is making bums out of some young men they would rather take sib a week in insurance than go where work is available this statement was not voiced by a reaction ary conservative industrialist it is the considered opinion recrntly enpres ted of a man intimately acquainted with the op eration of our unemployment insurance com mission and one who is entirely sympathetic to the plight of thoe who are obless through no fault of their own he must remain anonymous because ho is a tenior civil servant but hi views are worthy of itudy far too many canadian look upon jobless insurance fund a money which they themselv es have saved and therefore money which they have a right to dispose of ai they tee fit that of course is far from the case joblesvtf lurance fund are not the sum total of the savingfof all canadian workers if each contributor decided to quit work and draw all the unemployment insurance to which he or she is entitled the fund would be speedily bjpke while there are 585 million dollars in the fed eral unemployment insurance treasury it is worth noting that in 1949 a year in which cana dian employment was at a high the fund staged a very close race between costs and income unemployment insurance is insurance and nothing more it is intended to cover short term emergencies it is paid out of funds contributed only onethud by the employee and the balance by the employer and general tax paying public insurance is only good if it is paid out under scund business principles it is not designed and never was to bonus idleness attention governments this editorial is directed to provincial and federal members of parliament and to senior civil servants but even if the idea it suggests is essentially sound it will need the support of electors all over canada to put it into effect here is the idea would it not be more sen sible for opr federal and provincial government in decentralizing further their offices to locate in cities and towns not already favoured by ex panding industrial growth in other words why should not governments locate more branch offices in municipalities tn which office space is less expensive housing is easier to get and in which the added employ ment potential would ease 1o some extent the jobless problem certainly convenience in communication ser vices is a factor tn certain places but we wonder if this consideration is not more than offset by other gains too many timekeepers it s an old uymg that too many cook tpod the broth but its a modem fact that loo many timekeepers keep this section of ontario in a tur moil the period for observance of daylight sev ing time had become fairly uniform and was be gmmng to operate smoothly then along came the hydro shortage and another tourie of m fluerue star led to extend the time when mr saunder chairman of ilw ontario hydro a tied toronlo and hamilton to remain on daylight saving time unlil november be appar ently failed to grasp the full meaning of hi re qurtt all the communities withn forty or fifty miles of thete c tie supply many mater al m tin ty and receive many material from these cities for instance the milk supply of the cities come from tre district outside many of the industries totaled out de ttt- cities have city office you just cant change the lime switches m the 1y wiikoul an effect for many mile beyond the limit the result that the centre with n forty or ftfty mle of the cities find it impossible to oper ate on anything but the identical lime of the cit ie tb of coure defeats the original interest of mr saunder to cut down eak demand on hydro by having staggered working hours it ai so acids to confusion in the whole district can t we gel an official timekeeper or is ihe meddling with time to continue each yar to meet a variety ol conveniences autumn glory at this time of year we really have a look at the same trees we have een every day for month without ever noticing they are trans formed completely as the leave change color and the line from the poem trees comes to mind only god can male a trx country sideroad are more attractive for driving now despite some bumps and dust the views are worth a detour around a concession or two and a special trip of sightseeing right around your own town is recommended at one spot on no 2h highway lytwecn acton and mil ton the sudden vista out over the fields lelow and ixryond is breathtaking the road curve a little around a hill and the panorama swing across the screen of the front windshield me a moving picture like a travelogue of canada at its best or something like that it odd that only in nature can all colors com f lement each other different shades of reds and yellows and oranges look teautiful in any com bination with the contrasting green as a back oound materials paintings wallpapers color ed photographs all try to imitate nature but can never approach the glory of the trees grass and flowers themselves there s only one old stand by of a poem that pops into our head every fall along the line of smoky hills the crimson forest stands we often forget that the beauty that inspires poets is not off m some exotic country it s right ground us editorial notes it seems to be very difficult to bargain col lectively when our thinking is individual from all over ontario comes word of the bad effect of the weather on tho success of fall fairs even western canada affected the east when a blanket of smoke travelled 000 miles to wipe out daylight most of a day country town a place where when you meet a friend crossing the street you don t have to scurry for the sidewalk to complete your chat the first responsibility of any business is to oive service to its customers tp do so it must remain solvent profits are just as essential as wages a business winch makes no profit em ploys no one school teachers are blaming parents and par ents teachers employers are concerned at the apparent failure of both we do not know who i at fault but certainly the spoken and written word of our rising generation s being marred far too frequently by a slovenly disregard of the elementary rules of grammar and spelling the businessman who is proud of the goods and services he offers is proud to have his signa ture appear regularly in his advertisements be cause consistent advertising of quality goods and services is profitable to both buyer and seller the advertising businessman is also proud to have his signature appear regularly on hit cheq ues advertising is enm vestment which brings credit as well as custom many prizes given in various classes heavy hoboes cyd mpring foal u donald brua fvrrhvruns spring foal s may b limood 1 yrar okl ur donald braa j uhu s yrar old uccutrheon brut 3 yrar old it unond rtt animal uccuuhron bros wtfon class brood mare b latnond j uchtlr uruonald bros kprtnf fual a cutts j ufhtli j ilfhtlr 1 yrar old ii i unond i year old ii lamarvd pn riprrw r wsjun it krrr i son span rrnhrnm or ilrjftan mroutrhro1 11mm s ua ulut htn rmi rimr hiiiw tram mi tit hi- mi i krrr ft sw wagmi nar- filing r w maalp it krir ft s n it krrr ft hon iut ntmil w maxalrt sjn rirvv m ukimi m it k rt ft s s mt lfc1 hrvr hnrw w moult m uth mi iim mijlr dmism th i c w ml ii kir ft sn i mirr iionhfm contain mimttf man aim 1 rrm spring f l m l n t lilt 1 ttar olit a wthl ai1 rrm it immoxt s y r 11 m nlt ihui h limxtd j i irtitlt hiuutat i s mm t mll mnit 2 ynr m j hamilton sin lr koadlrr m and ovrr m mr imural w wlr it j lunlllom sin lr lfr iii and umlrr j hamilton w whlt j 11 i ill 1 m smrl- rarrlajcr 1 and n m 2 an 1 un1 r tw th him tiv h knr ft vn spin itoa1trrii j hamilton w whrt irr j h mill r eartiarr tm h krrr ft sot trtnrtm jialr r krrr ft son j h mill r m mliit1l twnrftnat mr j hamilton r mrlmn it s nl haknrv iiiv m midotif rtll j ii millr w whl r innn 12 hand and undrr ilullt v c ilnlli if i isirhtrlnjt ion v li mil hall v i lin ktrlna t am hnrknlk j ii millr m m ur all w whrrlrr 11st animal j if mill r hitch m ppl hirw it krrr ft son j h mlllrr slnt turnout j h mllrr w whrl r span hl h lp j ii miller m mi hon all it kr l son iatv drlvr mn mlllrr ionv fnl it phillip- croup hr horw 11 krrr ft son mroitihron itm n 1moni llnrm without rrmnh j ilimll t n w whrrlrr w whrlrr spin roadhtrr w whi rl i j hamlll n s tlilr pon r rail ii phillip- f uhitr h krrr p n t milnn c ilnlrv i purkrrlnk kaddj llanr f law it w1 haik lt1 hi ii h s nuriiil h ci hm v i irm lluliln1 imi 0v11i h it i inn ilin i hi ttilm i u nl i mnn mo int inrm- thornhill illuk vlwl om1 ty jim irti r iti impton open huntrr hljhl ml int unir imnul mi rnmminl i mm ilil durhivi 111 irk vikl hikh jump niur ik rim 1 ou nit t ltill in hrn mnr ow nfd tv it4tin llkhlinil idid llnrmnn ounrd h mrrrmiiimnl inrni unrkmr huntrr cii hifchlnnd iid i inir i a fi rtr n m d bv itohhlnv llnrmonv knock down and nut hrn mnn r atnimln fnrms ii mm pi on ai mn di fnrrnn rrnrnpton tllark vikrt no 7 sivclal hichlind iid hnrmon ilrt snddlr horw owned innm millar rirant ford nw nrl b cllt nn knrm first ijidv hidrr mri smith ai mfcdi firni mi millnr ilnnt fnrd rtn shorthorn null 2 uir ind nxrr s f griffin ft son w a hy ft son a n nnrruh null 1 rnr and unrtir 2 w a sb ft son a n norrih sr bull calf w a ivb and son jr bull calf t c amo- s f crifyin ft son wm pinkni and son cow s f criffin son w a inib ft son 2 rar old h if r s f oriffin and son w a insb ft son jr yi arltnr s f griffin ft son t c amo s f griffin ft son w plnkni ft son c mrcann s cnrhnr t c amni w a jsh ft son sr rait jr cilf t c amo s f griff tt ft son wm pinkm ft son s t griffin ft son wo twt o on tir t c aw as s e orlffyn ft son w a lsby ft son wm pink nay 4 softi hrd e- gnfyin ft son y c amos w a laaby ft son fm pinknry ft sont baby br t c amos a norruh w o jack i and sun iwt mau s e griffin ft son brxt female t c amol tk following alrrdrn ancut rlaisrs wrrr won by w g jarkaon and son bull cajf i year old ferlfrr calf hrtfl animals frt of onr ilrr thr followlnf hrrrfurd rlaaar wrrr mm by uann hull yrar and rr rum x ysr krlfrr i yrar hrlfrr alf krd ct of lr srln 7 butt llmi t t am s k griffin ft son win pinkn v ft s- miann jr u rt t am s t griffin ft s n it- f jilt f hit it a n ml h s n nib t mi r j i hull trill k fiij ft s hull i sar y ait 11 r t iwln 1 ii ill if r am m w k flla ft s v art m k hi ft sn v h ifrr t art 11 k rlla ft s- f t jlin i w i hrlf k flla ft s m aolt k mta ft son sr if y t unt k rila ft sh it rlf r ar ii k till ft s r artii tt r t linl k i lla ft son lltrd r amotl v ii ft si y t 1 wland 1 1 u al it of n irr k flla ft s n f armlt r t g ian 1 iu atr imi fit nalr k ella ft rr- v hull 7 ar and trr j i 11 i hl j m mronildrr bull lf joyir iln w swark hum r o w swarkhamrr uir old w sakhamrr j i m itrounrttitt t vrr lt c w j swntkhnmrr j m ilrounrldf i r hi- j m ilrounrmtf f s khnmtr sr ilrlfrr ralf i lb j m llrowmitf i w hi i h ifrr if ym llio nd 1rl iiiki 4th u tv w sw n kbami r hrd joyrr ii c w kham r j m hrow ni uttff 2 animah rrt f o w mr jmrr itr j m lmn rttljfr fi t mnit f matr w srtikhimrr t fton sp ul j mr riri it t jrr- v k itla ft son amn t alnr ral tbltilt flianor javrr it joyrr k ilia j m hrounrhli i ml httm in hull 2 rar and r hull i vnr i v hr h ifrr ihm ma w a uinrrt hull if 2 vri hi if r u1 f mil t i hr t nrtrr sr rlf w a wlmtrmr w a ulnfri t i ilmwnridi lr ilf t j htownritcr w a wli ll i 1 t i of on mm t i ilr ivtmul w a wlnrii v a wlnnroxi hi rd w a win i i w t j llnmnrmri 2 ir ki k i1 i ft s j w hi k a v lr ihhvi n i im n f m s pi i ton win pinkn ft sn t i llinur nil ht lirn inimii s pt 1 mo mnrh i ioio hoir bor aft r m n h 1 hamplon bo r wm pinkn ft sonv sio uirn pr ion tu s pt 1 1imd t j iln wn rutc i m pinkn ft son sow tmrn tw tun n s pt 1 hmd ai 1 m m h t tfv wm plnkncv ft son firt and third t j hroun rlitk ond ind fourth sow born ft r mirrh 1 wrn plnkncy ft son firt nml iconl ch implon o wm pinkncv ft son p n mirkrt hoc wm pinknrv ft son i w t cond ind thin pt r w- r iiilink pk wm pink in v ft snv p n mrkm ho wm pink rif ft son f wrt shirp 1 icctrr him shrarllnr ham him iiml fuc shrarllnc r ko iimh a j girdhnuc t h iarkon a j gardhouc pen lonn unol a j gardhounr t h clark nn hrt nm a j gard hou fi at rur t it clarkon southdoian ham j c ni nham ft son shrarlmr ram hrarlinr wc ur iamb p n j p he nhirn ft son j c it nham him lamb iur j c ivnham i p ilrnham h t mm j p bmhim ikvl rue j c h nham oxford iloun ham c pirkrr ram limb sh rlinr ui rw limb p n c pirk r mr i pirk r f mr r pirkrr c parkrr iii st r im mrs i prktr it st cv c pirkir conttnufd on fafjr thrrv the acton free press tu ont paprr el cr publiihrd in acton ruhhshid irli thnrmla at v mil si tun ontjrut ulhorlird second clan mall pott ohicr department ottawa foundd in 1875 lemher odll bureau rlrenlatten c w s a and onurlsqoebec dlvulen c w v a i advcrlitlno rat on rqust subscription in advance 350 in canada 300 in united states single copies 6c telephones business and editorial office 174 residence 1 3 1 a ymf kwi totttst l a tutpratad bb huf jli armttfong district rprmflttfve iimiiurnun ist reh of lit rramplen ont carrolls or blended oranft and orapafrnlt lit i l loca w9c bnarobd peaches iu 2e olobs dessest pears x- 27c tomato juice a rull pa0kaoe of 0akk mix for only 3c 8h0p earlv thi8 offer is lmited aunt jemima cake mix 97c romar coffee u- 44c v 87c pink salmon 2sc 41c kraft dinner 2 27c atlhzs tomato catsup u i7e garden patch peas vm 7c niblets corn 17c margene marcamite joe quaker muffets 12t 0hahtlaih bahdwi0b biscuits 29c dandee tea 38c 75e red cohoe salmon 3le aylmer sauer kraut v xxe romak peanut butter 27c rl j5c goz tumbler champion dog food 2 2c swunrs cleanser 225 ha wes floor wax 29c 49e cut mixed peel 17e cut citron peel 14c clean currants 17c florida 9l full of juice 3 for u s ne 1 3 lbs snow whit each large solid head each ne 1 small 10 pound bag fresh dailycelery hearts cucumbers head lettuce turnips spinach tomtoes lemons phone 15s acton grapefruit sweet potatoes cauliflower cabbage onions 29c 25c 15c 7e 37c

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