Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 5, 1950, p. 2

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the acton ftte hs thursday october silt 1 thanksgiving fvry day ihould be one of thanksgiving m 4 country like this industry ut at important in th town 1 t tn tha citta mattes ontario the ledng manufacturing province in canada with 12000 manufacturing establishments agricul fure is extremely important m this area with good land and willing workers resulting in 180 000 farms with 700 000 people directly iepi dent on them did you know ontario is ttw worlds greatest producer of nickel and canada s greatest gold producing province the population in ontario has more than doubted in trie last 0 yars as more and more realize its polenlialitirs last year we led all ttw provinces m construction of twrw homes with 6 000 new dwellings built ftgures prove that 61 per cent of trve tounsti from the united stales visit ontario trtese figures might be fairly dull about any other province or country but when we realize how lucky we are 1o live in ttie centre of sixh prosperity the statistics are thrilling it weens to lit that we are situated in a wonderful part of ontario too as well as having all the advan tages of town we enjoy tr proximity of the capital of the province and the united states we ere very close to a large airfield to lake ontario to a mam train terminal to many summer resorts and ski lodges at this season it seems as if all the trees bushes and autumn flowers around and in town are alight with the realization of the wonderful country they grow in the sky and cloud and earth seem full of thank sgivmg let us be thank ful too newspaper week this is national newspaper week octoler 1st to 8th when special attention may be turned to the part newspapers play in the life of the com munity the province the nation and world af fairs the service of the weekly newspaper is of coune devoted to the community it serves but that community it often wider than is credited from the small communities go out the men and women who make up the cities and larger cen tres in most cases their home town paper is a welcome visitor each week it is therefore diffi cult to say now far the influence of the home town paper extends beyond the community it serves the home town weekly supplies the news and views about the places end folks with which we ere ell acquainted the intimate news its more than a newspaper because it sup plies magazine features of past and present the weekly newspaper gives a service found in no other periodical and while its circulation figures may not be impressive its reader interest is in tense and found on every page the weekly newspaper keeps pace with the community its pagea and progress are attuned to the advance ment of the community it serves the good news overshadows the items that are purely sensation al as its people are so is the nation and living very close to its people the weekly newspaper has e distinct place in the nation nd in the na tional newspaper week community busy bodies many waaltly rwwipafjor editor are accuied of bttag twofcd to ba successful they actual ly have to be threefaced they have to face their readers and prepare a diet of newt views and features which will entertain and educate suf ficiently to warrant a subscription price of 6c a copy they have to face their advertisers and publish a ournal which will assist in the com mercial growth of each and every business which uses newspaper advertising intelligently and they have to face their community and live and work in it in such a way that the entire distriot will be the better for their life and labor it is no wonder that such threefaced folk are often termed busybodies weekly newspapers and the men and women they employ are in a very real sense employees of the community at large and not ust the town or village in which their printing plant is located but the entire trad ing area urban and rural the prosperity of the newspaper is tied to the prosperity of every local factory every local farm every local store one merchant may fall and another will gain at his expense one fac tory may shut up shop and another competing business be barter off but the health of each element in the community is vital to the health of theoewipaper that is why perhaps you so often find the local editor and the other members of his staff mixed up in to many civic enterprises sewers on schedule for a change something is be ng f n tved quite a wh le at teed of schedule on tu- day dtmber 13 a xvver sftovel of spartan con itrut on co starltd woi at the itrven on ft c the ayreetivtnt was that the woik on the sew ri umallon was to i- oti let d m iv so an u v tr ree months lefore trie actual deadline divert one blot k each of w how t wrt bower ave no highway wtt of acttxi and the forte main to live sewage plant the promptness with wht h the woi k rm been cafiied on is certainly to le ommer xied lrnit havl naturatl uou a ft w dffullis n countered but tre worknven have taken them all in live r tlncfe the fact that work will fmfh ed jefofe the ground harder ii will save the woi kitten a great deal of trouble witt the lat tial all m the realisation that ttw long job i mrnoit hfiivted wilt im both a relief and wmih r of pride to atton residents lre t1reet will all be passable again another reason for thank giving farm forums educational in another month in the rural districts one mqht each week groups of farm folks will galh er around the radio at the home of one of the ir numler tinti lislr n to discussions or subjects fori cerniruj rural lif aft r whi h they will mull ovt r the questions discussed and own trioa a social time ih i is the farm forum which his ufoiin an nut tution of consici rabk tntf ri t and import ante in the rural community among the sub jects to iw discussed during the coming term are uch things as soil conservation fori sis farmers working hours medical services pensions mar kets control of production rural education all problems that strike close to life in the farm home and trie grassroots level in ontario these farm forum discussions should doubt less do broaden the thinking of men and women engaged tn agriculture but there n one danger against which listeners should guard the danrjor- thal they may act pt with too little question the opinions expressed by those who take part in the broadcasts instead of weighing those opinions carefully and forming their own conclusions smith falls record news farm identification there was a time when it was quite a simple matter to find the farm and know the owner of most of them m the district but owners of farms have been changing rapidly the past few years and you ust cant stop along the road and get clear direction to the farms cities and many towns found it helpful to put numbers on build ings it was with interest we learned that the dur ham federation of agriculture in cooperation with the farm forums in the county intends of fering attractive yellow and black aluminum identification signs to farmers in durham county absolutely free hung on a farm gale or tacked to a fence post the sign reeds member dur ham federation of agriculture in small letteea below this printing the farmers name is painted in large black scroll we hope the tlan of durham county will spread throughout the province and that halton county will soon have some identification at eji the farm entrances in these days of buyers go ing to the farmers and farmers getting delivery of supplies direct it would be of great conven ience to have a name on every farm even a name on the mail box is helpful but this is not always done editorial notes it s nice that we had indian summer this year especially when the white man s summer was such a dismal failure with the fall fairs over for the season the in door programs for ajl groups can get organized and we presume next sport interest will be hoc key bucko mcdonald has in spite of the extra session of parliament arranged to coach the north bay hawks and also the sund ridge beavers in hockey this season at least one government in one common wealth country is recognizing the folly of permit ting further industrial concentration in the mapr centre of population the victoria state govern ment in australia has introduced a ban on new industries in the melbourne metropolitan area on recommendation of military authorities this is no time for a race ilir i nhltn mt rt t lt i milt- thr mi 1 riit who rare a 1 1 miii t iul miiu ttt wt ii v 1 k i leu i uml ttit f may urtn i im a 111 m4hi in w im h 1 uvul ulutnlly it if t tunal i v for many f oh iso rii w m killitl uml hit mu h w r injur l tn 443 mil war immii itnts in niiili in tin 12 month imnixl nlrl jutir 30th i it train v imi irik r ihatn tin y tilet u tin y wi re clowr to tin h ml if iniwtil lluti 1ti inittt irnt and tliry jwiil h high price for it ir nn1uni 1h hi nil- r stop ixk and 1 1st n applies with ii i it hi in i i i 1mi wliin tnoif aiitihiioluli and trucks are on iti n id m tkt in mu iiivi ir willi mir the crctmunn olw y thr mm- ll lln m lot wui ii turn ihlmllirlou d hivrd a ininutr ii 11 killl i iii nil d georgetown truck crashes rail slithers down bank mr jack hardy of r r ft mllinn i iwaped with only a f w ruts to hh nne and hi ad from hit truck which rravhrd down into the bed of the stream cm main sl monday nlrm tfce truck wai perched at an aliit incrrdihle angle with the front wheels twisted awkwardlv beneath it but the damage was actually xrrv light tlie hitli how u i put on un dt r thr minrts nf th john mlltnn oiapter of thr i o i k a crv pre at dial of credit must te riven to th n k nt of thr chapter mrs ci y thompson u ho ok nrtl thr show in the afti moon w ith a ft w wortu of welcome to mrs k mc nixrn the ways and means con ennr and to mrs bradford cle menu the 1 lobby convenor it was mrs clements who u as in charge of the decorations which turned the plain hall into a very charming place cedar boughs formed pleas nt railings bouquets transformed thr windows and crepe paper bolts artistically cut gav a novel touch to th plain wails th ladle of the chapter served cofte and pie on the platform the final am of the halton younjer boys league was played on tueeday at lowvula halton- vill beat palermo by a narrow margin and in doing so thay won the uecimmon trophy far the lfflfl season canadian champion aoawes oinoav who i waa visiting my brother in skarman taxaa a census- takr told u of this xperienea itei territory includad a alum section aad as saw walked down th block on day th woman aha had juit interviewed came running after her i done made a mistake lady she panted i give you my insur ance age 3 i got to give the gov ernment my old age pension age thats 42 hockey star will coach junior team th rjrnplon rhi uld tx in fi r mm 1 junior lia v this winter luti ni in c rm nt i irit j n ffort to ir m trong team and m kill mutrh knlinc nr of thr f urn s tn it st tirs his tn n n md as corh two fir ms will r install d t nrrilnwn public schmil t n hs iwmblr this will ni r cirni j mtuitin which h s tx n w irrlni thr school txwrti for some limi pcnllv since an ixtri i i corrtom wis rritd upt iirs ml a crrnt r numln r of children hnm d in th stnd storev of th huildinf ililh hnjm s for norsnl tn hir t u innink intrrnidiite lacrosse trim thl srir urre hashed on sitiirdis hrn sirnia licked them for the second time to take the series i tun vt might garner thr ramr was plaved in ilrampton arena douglas- norton son of mr and mrs william norton guelph st wai painfully injured last week when a can of lighter fluid explod ed the burning fluid covered his face and laft arm and the arm particularly sore luckily his eyes were not damaged doug is em ployed with georgetown dairy within the next three weeks georgetown property owners will be receiving their first assessment notleaa under the new assessing system which will be used to estah llsh 1051 taxes william norton glen williams was injured a weak age saturday night when his car rolud over on no s3 sldaeoad a mil northeast of the gla ite was taken to the oualph general hospital suffering lacerations of the left hand which required several stltehee the tips of two fingers on the hand had to be amputatatl a new rubber mat that fits in the bottom of the sink protects dishes from breakage four pro tector ftsps turn up along ths sides of the sink to eliminate washing hazards n tlte acton free press thr only jviprr enr publufcrd i acton published each thursday t it mill st acton ontario latkarlmd u stcaaul claaa mall pol ortlm dcparlmtai ottawa fouikud in m79 jurmkar aaulll bwaa ctreaullaa c w n j and oataruqmbm duulaa cwnja acrvahlilhg on ictjimtt subscrlptlon in abvanct 150 in canada 300 in unit statcs single coplea 6e tfuephonbs btnlneu and editorial office 174 131 winffimot customhts canada s foreign trade set new pcarctimr records for the ffrst h f of lb yrr but a cloier lew oi i x port ai id niijjuru is n so r in tht main iwnl mc luvr nuttic up our juimi in ijiipmrnlj to git it utiljjii l ul tjiitul rxpiimun in ir mi1 1 tht liuttd stt ihdt iiiij i iv j chjngi in cu luiih n t h ik lily desirable divi ifitj r hnh we huuld ti t r inr jttnrt nd tbillt 11 t ir v i il bj k with i uujijtrt it j ur f reifri tr j le 1 j i r f w i t mut iv i 1 i of r nil h r on f i it 1 i u i l ih 1 1 m 1 uu t ii d pi 1 1 1 ul i i ft lit iv iii it allltf v ih m 1 h 1 i 111 r 1 i mt rill atiult hail lentv li indus nun i i ill f s of lr und rnuufiihfd pollock and campbell t hh3h crude memorials memorial engraving c2 water sl noshk gal vatla94knk aeag cecil a carr opiomdrlsi gueiph dougua si ti 1091 carrolls dew kibt cnoick pumpkin luairoa nnjt pswritrs 3 26c libby8 mincemeat 39 ayluier apricots 7 3t9 pineapple 24c raisins 16c shelled walnuts i9c ttd bit auatbaxxah bbolieafl grapefruit juice 41c 5 ginger axe x iowt emu zs tomato juice x heinz ketchup 4 clarks hush stew l campsbus tomato sotn a sis litfrv steul peeas feas x but how mxd s4vb i cammoixs own soap flakes 4lb tajuxt box 61c aylsser vowul ui bkan9 slc rower coffee 49 dandee tea- 38s tst niblets corn 17 motitbbpabbbbs coffee s4s brunswick sabdinbs sxfe hbs kidney beans 17e salmon clovxa leaf 1t n red blubsack ib rn lemon cookies xsi caupoknia ih oranges doz 39c bananas lb 17c u a no i sweet potatoes 3 lb 25c impokted tokav grapes 2 lb 29c na 1 8mau 1 lb rao onions 33c ckanbsuueb cauuplowu btinaco cbixo salads ctluy kadishbb fatbsh djulv htoni in acton

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