Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 2, 1950, p. 5

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tk1ubsdav novkubkn x ltu theacfon ffiee mess pao nvx town hockey loop hope of sport club th first annual mectlns of ac ton aiinor sports club was held in tfc- town hill on tuesoay octob er 34th with president ken blow ui tke chair he outlined what had fcaen done since the club started about year and half ago to sponsor comprtltive sports am onjtwl boy from 12 to x after a good start in junior o a- hockey the club found tt not advisable to continue tn junior o ha due to lack of artificial ice in town jt was found this laslar year that taking practice and game away to outside rinks wu too cosily and it u with regret that thlt tenet has to be dropped at least temporarily yltu season the club hope to enter team in the ontario ulnor hockey association in the bantam ifldfet and juveotu series and al so if possible run a town lraffur lam seatttn s great deal of equip ment had to be purchased as will show on the financial statement it was necessary to purrhsse four sets of goal keepers aquip tnrnt which was very costly also transportation for boys from out of town places to practices and ffames fspenses were kept down also bv the kindneas of citizens and officers of the club who drove their cars with players to outoftown games at their own expense officers elected for 1050 si were president ken blow 1st vlcepres ident let uacswatn znd vice president mil ilutt secretary dr geo slrrs treasurer c j grah am rsecutlve committee mike cos j coy w holloway flay uasnn tjnrna waiters x masalea if skltllng ir frank oakea v rum- ley e rprowl s milott h town ley auditor c klrknrss and o mason a committee meeting will he held in the town hall on friday november 10th at 8 o clock to dm ua definite plans for the winter the club thes to thank tho follnulng for their kind donation acton rranrh iglnn 100 mann knit trs iwiirdmnrr union ixval the club aln lhr to thank j crclghtnn for rttlnjr up a set of took to keep the club record aaactal statement cash tlrteirts tlalante from baseball wnn 17 17 txmatlnn 113 00 net proreecii from hockey game b5 00 membership card 00 00 1143 77 cash dlsnunsemwrrs fqulpment sticks tape pads pucks ate 434 7a arena expenses rnntal tttss o h a 45 13 advertising 4112 medical qvi oenersl expenses 109 00 meals 122 71 travelling expenses 05 03 gifts wallets mr3 1082 u room tour mlatresa to cook next friday vm having a little dinner party there will be about twenty of us and cook with ilns pursed itll be nice o ver if ver drop me j line to sav ow yrr manage dont delay join today our christmas lay- away club v at your leisure selection is at its shop v h le best a deposit will hold any article until christmas acton home furnishings radio service guaranteed rapain to all hike and model manning electric ph0nb2m court revises half first assessments continued from pq onm m4u total mjo0 land s0 buildiag uu0 total t20 reduc ed to building 91 740 making a tot al of s2100 land 230 building 1300 toal 1150 standi as aasaas- ed i a nd 012 building u4u total 7440 reduced to land 2 building t600b making a total as- tessment of 8 000 david g mclellan land 1av building 1430 total 3160 as seument stands lester marswaln land 1 310 butldutg 4m builneas 11070 total 4 000 original assessment ttands frank g oaket land 1400 building 3 030 business 11013 tot al j4 4a5 after careful rnsld-rat- ion of the case the court of revis ion approved an increau d assess ment of lsnd 34 building t3 070 builnrti t30a making a total of m mb george sim land 1311 building m4u business tl 410 total 175 assessment revised to lsnd 40 building 4 444 business 310 mak ing a total of 3 430 anna smith land 700 building 3 410 total 4 110 the appeal was ranted with assessment changed in land a24 making a tot al of 3w3 j joteph whlthm land 7b building 3 332 business 700 tot al 3 000 the original assessment u at upheld a i vlna wlldrrspln land 100 building 1023 total 1123 am land 113 building 012 total ount of nwamrnt was reduced to 1053 the court of revision consisted of jack greer j margrave ted tvler mil rosjell with mavor amn misin presiding jack m- oeachle clerk franv crump tow n aa ssor and ford nodgrrs mint- aivrwir rrr also present considerahle horv 1 obtilned from at or of mastodon and mammoth tuvk found in sltxrla and ele here plant protection with antibiotics inninlhn is j ikiuk hulil wunl in the uurld txla nut onl han 11 revolutionized mciltral prattlce and saved mjinv thousands of lives it reprcwrits a nr appmath to di rav rontruj in man and animal and now plant arientlitt are seek ing thi rmintt rpart of pcnirillin a an all in the fight to control plant ducav this im called miracle drug i- but one of se rral antibiotics oi chemical substances produced b micrivorcanisms hlch check lh growth or interfere with the life processes of other minute forms of life that mav produce d urates in man animali or plants other leas well known antibiotic lwidra pen icillin include strcptomvcln sure ornycin and some others that are still on the sacrat im for some time plant patholo- oglsts and bacteriologists in the de partment of agriculture ottaw a hae been engaged in fundament al rctcarch work dealing uith sub- ktanccs similar to penicillin ai a means of controlling certain sced- txtrnr dl teases of crop plants and progress is being made before a disease can be ade- quatilv controlled first the organ ism causing it must be isolated and its life history studied so it can be hit at the weakest point with the most effective weapon avail able canadian sclcntlss sre hope ful that a counterpart of penicillin ran 1m found to rombat plint dii tnnes which might eliminate soma of the ttlv and rithir 1 iborate pra1ng and during methods used it present scnl antibiotics test ed show promlm for instance in thi i ont ml of i fungm disease thit 1 pming i limiting factor in pn protluttion n so far it ha d f ii 1 ill mtmar tontrol pract- iu iicd itnnt it if ou are- walking on the street ki ep our mind there too not somewhere else nas department of llighw avs officials people v hf vtt p off the curb without thinking or looking ill w i s oon become mere statistics in the accident tot al dont take needless chances crosa the stnet earefullv and ontv at places where motorists mav m pert you at intersections awsy from parked cars its just a few- steps to the end of the block and to tnr and save a few steps is not just lazy its dangerous optomrtftos 7 douglas street guelph eyes examined glasses fitted omtuary acton native dies head of brant san dr john if wcdougall a rullve of acton superintendent of the brant sanllonum died friday tn the drantford general hospital he was 40 years of age dr mcdougall was the son of the late malcolm and jrnnle uc- dougall and was born at the fam ily homestrad north of acton where ur a j murray now resld es he attended lrne school and later the acton arhooli until hit family moved to toronto a fellow of the american collefe tf chest phvilcians he was widely known for his wnrjt with tubcrcul ar patients dr mcdougall wu a mefntwr of the staff of the mount aln sanltiuium at hamilton before he took up his duties ss tupertn trndent at ihe 134 td 11 rant san nnum la imi he had r if ri d ut and oim unii duti s erne in it ht t bv a esmdid th rout news nade hi thnrt he w t an cilv great ideal hi i sari in t with romp t rl jhat far u dr mands tal i ntt in 1 ma n for the it it position f fficlals lrtd rtirii at his death and i id tribute to the fmr w rk he had ion in tht four rr of his m r- h r at the llrunt satiltor mm lilt iavmng at thi earlv a of 40 uu ihort a rareer alreadv brilliant rid ajiparenuv drstine1 for gr at ii m hit a hleenents will endure o thr birflt of posterity and of he life saving prof ration vhich he red ho faithfullv and towell llcsldes hit widow he lravts iwo n jumri eight and douglas sis jnd a daughter a slle lun tw o brothers ikmald and gonlnn toth surke him a slter jean dlid manv years ago obituaiv walter wood dies suddenly oct 24 n tu mti r nth n mulon mr u m r wk1 in4h of j hn hhl k 1 l tt tdml iw lr in 1 t ion fclmd mr v 1 i imi le4 to i in 1ixm1 n 1 1ivil in ait n for rl r iw f r mo init to iiultni jn i th n 1 islington m n h h n ni i 1 hi hoim for saturday s paper collection prm ed surprising in more ways than one the fact wws that the scouts collected the largest amount of papr to date even mure surpnt ing was the scoutmaster s deviation fruin his utual form when he ar- rid on the arene of battle first a far cry from his usual tardy sat urdav morning appearances what wat es peeled to be a light paper tollr turn developed into the largest collection to date and the trout t working like eager iteavers man steed to gather together almost five tons of watte taper probablr the ro omrtion and support of harvry wallrrt kvfe snrrvillr arwl ime jnii r motors in supplying a truck a b had mm h to do with the sue t t the drive ttu scouts 1 a i i and omiriuttee aiptniate very inn h their tu roltv lit mltirij th m outs bv thi mwmtts r tongrr than w e rare to re in iiitwr tile flag mle has been gm efullv dramd arross the ram trt hading to our fair citadel however a bright spot fp ared on he horizon when the vardj arm and inim aitns were attached lt sat urdav at that nm in to be done now is to paint the pole and at u h th rigging when this is ompli ted a naval tpe flag pole wilpntand ttalwnrt and straight thi lft side of ilodenoaawnee mrs jennings rrvorts to ut that th brownis are irt it 1 in din necst of n ii at r asslttanre has teen prtwnhed but at the present time atioth r lend r is xf til required if this irmup of enthusiastic voung li n is to thrive and proper a sal mn in h oscupitinn mr wkki wav i mi mlm r of th ward ioim misoni ini irniltt n mid 1itron of th orsl r of th fistern st tr islington as will as his wif thr former klsie wild he leavs to mourn his loss one daucht r mrs wm clr n islington and two gnndchildrrn john green of islington and john wood of oltiwn hi oiih son flying officer john wood was killed in artion in october 1044 mis brother john of acton survives him and thjrs sisters in fngland mrs james ragle east molesev mrs it cregorv iindon and mrs d parson fwell surrcv the funeral scrvin was conduct ed on oct 4m r 27 bv rrv k p dann in st ceorg s church is lington when mr wood was a memlii r palln arcrs w t re m ssrs john wood ac on wm ores n is lington edward wild ch v i md ohio wm pevim toronto james uobcrts toronto and p pi smc to ronto intrmint was in st g org s c nut rv minion dim to th in pi nt weith r i il midi nltht pi in for diguing th approiih tn tht iim m in hd to u nbmdonid ind tnti id the r up built thi form- f r th r n nt idw ilk und r v r it is h iwil thit th i utlde ntniti hi ork will w umpli 1 hir11v mi thit th instill ttton of the h ting klinptm nt mi pror t iw fir u int f wi nth r i tt in annual meeting of zone 3 ladies held th woui i of ihiffenn r di r it 1 1 n of agriculture w ere holrm x w h n th annu it mi tine l the w m n s cnmmltlh of ton 3 wns hi id in lh masonic t mple shi 1 burn on octohi r 2 mrs i i pi und one chairman conduct d thi meeting ltr ports of activ hies in federat ton w ork in the v arious counties during the vear w ere giv en and ck tions of general interest dis nissed several rrcommrndatlon w re made and sent on to the pro vlnclal board those present were made to real ize the importance of all working togethi r to funhi r the interests of the federation 7one 1 comprises the counties of dufferm wenrworth llalton peel york ontario and simcoe hal ton was represented bv mrs it heath- rtngton mrs how harriot tie mrs clarence ford and mr and mrs m j tlrown soloists choir add beauty to services continued from paq onjti a the choir rehearsal tonight thurtdsy rev currey take ih rrsordmg with him when hejfis- its those w ho were unable to at tend thr service through sickness or other reasons by this method the very fine messages and music inav be of benefit to even muri than thkte who were present last sunday ml and mrs t milson married on oct 38 to live in cueifh after car trip on saturday october zh in m moig t anglii an churs h jurlpit thr marriage ttmik dace of iorulhy luatriei uiiiunghani daughter of mr ami mr fred unningham a ion to itavrnond miimmi mid oi mr m miln aiml the late mr milton of jueljai with e s kuk officiating the bride looked ivy in a navv blue gjtiardinr tint w ilh wllttt r white an svirlrt sl- wit a outage of pink roei and bah iniirnt and arrltd a whit hit le fer only attendant wimii tta smith of attun wore a ihitilrr bin dretsa with navv blue nnjirlr and a rorvagr of red nm t mi j k m lue iin of ttu gioom was beat saan t ollow ing the rerymonv a rec nation w at held in the itoyal mot i guelph receiving with the bridal rimiph was the bride t m ther w earing a blue rrepe dreaa and a corsag of pink and white carnatlont the grooms mother nun a dark green wool drets and a oiimiki of link and white ram at ion f following the reception the voting foupl left on a motor trip to niagara falls and the states th gnwun gift to the bride was rhin win iwcklin with match ini i irnur on th ir rium thev wl mk their bom in guelph more pranks than usual are reported as result of annual halloween habit 1 ii r suit of li 11 ui ilk ii l hilt d to i 11 ii- th r th n i ivl mi liffonl town ikm in w i k tiusv wdn s da putting lod mfciis lk in pi it ii tit stnls w hili hotiv holdi r hunt 1 y rb u p nl- and f nc 5 that hd diappein d son dam igi is rt ported n the iliinn r cimlin iu also u the stones at th son v gtovi factor tin immt of a wagon found it nvi rtmmd tiv thi rn ek near the chool iluriiib the ivnmn and tow id it home although precautions hid been taken in the schools as the main light switch was pulled so the lights could not go on or the fire alarm sound several attempt were made tn leave some indication of hillowi in there a dummy that was intended to have been placed in the school lav limp on main st the nest morning as nobodv actual ly broke in mr fddir huffnagrl st tttoned at the school in the event of an attempts at vandalism had two encounters w ith groups of young lads later in the evening soaped windows lined mill an1 main streets the n xt morning as these annual pranks and minor icts of destruction se m nee ssirv to prove that hillow en has come ind gont david cox an officer aboard the 20000ton canadian pacific tmer empress of canada explains the workings of the ships steering gear and compass apparatus to a group of young ontario farm ers who inspected the ship at its berth in montreal harbour on october a in all some 19 girls and 26 boys from eleven western ontario farms visited the vessel and were shown the ship from stem to storn left to rightmr cox lester beshtel preston harry misener cainsville mane aberle elrnira john miller st george marjone tottle oakland david alton lucknow and doug watterson assistant farm editor of the family herald and weekly star which sponsorecf the trip fairbanks morse oil burners we can ftiv ytwj fast ftawk fc w kv tanks and bomart in sleek w j guild son iockwooo phonf 0 500 deposit lovely cedar chest will hold voitb kriection in lay a wait fob c huattmay 1 iwautiful walnut waurfall dsign with inlay twoton i nrl drawer too 5250 ala lana caaate 5750 5995 mr awav nr oirr today i acton home furnishings the directors of the brampton flying club wih to announce tliit n limited numlxr ol flpl ml vi lx rtccipteci it thii tinic tor t nrohnent in government sub iidtxj flying courses writ to 250 queen st w brampton phon hs1w brampton sunday 636m ouvllu remembrance day saturday november 11 november 1 1 th beuirj proclaimed by the parliament of ginmji a rediembrante d iy acton branch no lv cana tli an leg on br itisli i m pi re vrvu e le igue in on junction with the mayor kt ev s ancj count k of the respective muni cipal ties nd ihe lex il cleniy will mold memorial services for those who have g ven their lives in service lo king and cointry on remembr met ji i follows acton all pifr oi c societies ind fh servicemen are aste i to as semble at acton park at 10 15 am and p trade to the soldiers monument led by acton boys and girls band under b indiiaster c w mason the placing of wrpaths reading of names and two minutes silence will be followed by a memorial service in the pres bytenan church h cipt rev f a currey will deliver the address dress informal berets and medals to be worn nassaoaweya cars will leave acton legion hall at 2 00 p m to convey legionnaires and servicemen to nassaqaweya monument for a short service thence to nassagaweya presbyterian church for memorial service proceeding to themunicipal hall broolwille lunch and hot drinks will be served the wives and daughters of our nassagaweya comrades r ivl storey president a mills secretary saturday november 4th poppy day wear a poppy in remembrance

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