Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 9, 1950, p. 5

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thursday novkubek t ltm the acton f8ee pftbs pao nve municipal election to be held dec 4th fccuiusl from pe 0j spartan co be liutructad to re place th storm aetver on young st and the town will pay th cost a unit prices set forth in th con tract a price was to b submitted 00 th nut of rvpurlng th curb be fore nxt uonday it was felt this york should b deferred until next taprlng to allow th nil to settle council discussed t length and secured information regarding the lowering of th sewer on church st to dram th cellar uf mrs kenney the clerk was ffivrn all information all sewerti were from 7 to 0 feet in depth and the cthurch street tewer conformed to thu depth council agreed ut pay cost of removal of tree stumps by spartan co on uake ave and ur ii ii iflnton wn to be sent account for 15 as his share of the costs the following mounli were jiataed for payment art on free pre s ibm postage 1700 out prov puure 67170 mr a mm mason 10 00 frank crump 5 o0 jock urfiearhlr so no nonakid pavement i td 1800 i w agar ol 1106 thwnpaon motors us urstln motor ml tw out munit ipal hoard 1000 ont municipal board 14 00 kipenatf fire dept con v rntion moo seuef7 acrcmntm tollou sand s rtcavm m00 ourlph sand grsvrl 3020 chss k napier co mill 00 simple valve mcti r co 00000 f w crump mimt linns 10 00 lifts 0 a mution as passed ti trlndlnit the motion pnitl in julv for jooo vards of 1 nihim stone with elliott sand and crav 1 and contracting kitchener stock yards v ill ii in iuhlo 01 thin io thm d o it i p in 1 t 1 ik 1 0 na nil of 1 uy n lm f ltt rak s hni hit p and hurst s at th i it m m nm mn1 in iiui ion mai k i 111 ontario three imp ihi 1 1 1 it k at 0111 1 1 no- m1 lnik lit ls k itrmc along some lion m 11 k t fum in this nt 1 ptimiii oiiiniiinilv ot rsithnr ititom 1 11 load rast i i fin nt 1 10 start for home in m ton f j steffler manarjer phone 9671 with greenwood bros for bam yards at 1 u per yard delivered approval was received from th municipal board for extension oi water mains hi bylaw had re ceived two reading and wa erven third reading and third readings were alio fjlvati two debenture by laws for 130 and 912000 and approved by council two readings had been given at a former meeting it was decided to offer thee de bentures to local investors provid ed they were taken in bulk the bylaw providing for hold ing municipal nominations and ar ranging polling places for the municipal election was read and passed by council nomination meeting will be on friday novem ber 34lh and if an election la nec- tuery polling will he on monday ivstmber lh a resolution was paued that a mtillon ttr mtit to the department of highway 1 lo revunitder our rosd subsidy for the additions uv umlrr by law no 800 coun ril hai a in ady exceeded id rx wiidlture estimate by 4000 more than shown in the by law under hw h spplu atlon for grants wu made a committee was namd to meet mr noonin of he department of lllghw ay regarding paving of the highway tuition in town it had iwen rfported to council that sev ral small stones had been turned nsrr in thr nnirlrn on halloween and th- town fortman to lnrttgste it wsi decided to hold the dec rnitirr meeting on ircrmler lh nd also cmirl of hrvlmon on th supplmitnt a i aurumrnt on that night a letter from the department of hlghmav appmvtd of the grant on road iltmatei made for this year hint and mtotiri readlngn acre ifivin to a tv law to enter into an grrmi nt with the department of mlthvtai of the inulnrr rent ing the oitrih tlon or intpnove imnt on nn road uhlrh 1 a con m tintf link on nirrvin w n ion of the klnti lilkhfca th clerk rt ported that the d pnttnitit of unjjw s hid lpimiv 1 of tin in la ruimi mlng mni trt mil i lutm it the mm r f mm nnt miln strati slkti u r to u cured th d pittm nt of mnnlipl af f im nt 1 nc minuil for i sin if f n ri hlth li a com pit te erej mius rh mp from thi pn nt pi in imu in th fle m ir pnm of idopt ion in hilton counts a t tt r ui r td rro tn the de pirtm nt of llifihw im ri pirdln th rcpilr to mill ini 1 mnn st piementi it n felt trilt uorv cimlil nt n done ihl ir bv th ill mrur co no yes the frigidaire de luxe coldwall is back hkk onu the kite co could u fmlhetl thu th munldpil bon cniiiu ii n kindlnk the hcarinr o- the aminlmnl to th 7onlng n iiu th monthl n port of the pro in 1 1 lolic wis iil to coun tl tin r were ir ln vt i cation md 1 conviction a totil of 1 t rollnli tl in fine cnllrln w t midt on the fulfilment of rtu ii 5 of police espcclall in triffic proliction of rhrol childn n it t r wen r id from the denirt mrnl of pennine ind dc rlop men rckirdinc the forming of ilanninj iloinl it outlined rop lis of resolutions required ind nlo ropn of b liw required for file llive t1 r ind covin illnr ii unnip rw7 11 hot chen thorn pmin inil crecr were present at thu me inn and mor mason pi 1 sided djounim nt w is it i 10 a m i surf sa il now at manning electric phon 330 acton notice take not ue that the vote of the elehor- of the tovmi of arton quihfievl to vote on miinm bv laws w ill ih tken it the annual election to be held on december 4h i0m1 on thr follow inn question art von in favor of con structing an addition to the acton lubltc school at an ertimated cost of 235 000 yet no 1 certifv that the foregoing ik a correct statement of the question to be submitted persons to attend at the polling places and summing up ma be appointed by the ma or at the council chambers at s p m on november 24th 1050 a183 j mcgeachte clerk mrs lowrie given life membership the fall thankoffertng of the wms of th preebyterun church was held 00 thursday afternoaa the president opened the meeting with a poem good cheer and hymn devotions were conducted by mrs mino and ur j milne minute and reports were given and some items of business dealt with mrs j d uwrl and un w mclean rendered a lovely duet al thu time mrs mino in a few well chosen words preented mrs j d jowrte with a life member ship and pin mrs iowrte was tak eti completely by surprise but o tanked the mefii iters for the honor conferred upon her the guest aneaker mrs if kelhngton of uelph gave an inspiring miaaaga w i ich w as 1 istcned to with gree t inttiest mr mclsn and mrs ivwrle then sang snot 1m- r due tlie offering wn taken and dedl rated by mrs tuirles uaspy mrs it gordon spiike a few momii of aptreciatlon and uianki to mrs kelhngton for her helpful message und lo all who had taken art and made the meeting mrh an inaplra lion to all tlir mrttlng c loses i with a hymn and pray r by m11 krl lirigton a social half hour wss mhiii over a tup of tt a with mrs mino and mis mdhall aa hoatra mr and mit ioirua plrer of toronto and miaa llalley of hramp ton slil test in the home of miss sadie hnhcrts and mrs t toll on mr and mrs will mino apent a week recently in the home of their daughter mrs sid ilarnes and mr hemes at hmnklyn mr and mrs jarmn danl 1 and daughters marv and crne of to ronto an nl the wetk end in the home of mrs dan k i jta rents mr and mm w j iwrke mr w canlimr h taktn nor the lrnk fonmrlv occuplttt bv mr john funk all min t to wrav th with or a host of frltnn i ac lirtnre funk who hns liren tattoiuil at tretitnn hl been li nsf rred to n w urunsw irk mr ind mis oht m wright hue t turned i1m11 nft r nl ilita sm nt with fit mli in usa mi- t wi who sknt two wtks in th horn if in r niece mo h it it ixilnn has nturnetl bom ahs news s simttksftil ninkii kntionnl suppi 1 w n tn id in the for sale new meteor and mercury cars new mercury trucks glen britton altonvale phone milton 317raa tuik liv m nt or th lr slut rtan hurt h on tridi txniiik mrt hrmklow tihowe1 mvernl film of int 1 stint picture which wre mo h njovesl new school open at glen williams a mil ston in tb historv of chrn willi 1111 w is tb official op- mni f hi- bautiful new three- room schhtl mumlii e nine oct toh hon dun purer k c on t1110 mmistir of fducation was an honored jpu st and pronounced the scbcmil ox nsl afti r enmm ntlng bin f 1 v on the impoilidcc of the oc- c ision st anl hall prov inclnl memler of pit 1iimnl for hallon nnd school inspctor i- i skuce were also sp akiis 11 was t squemnn reeve tiorgc currie john hingham t h urman of the township school oi a hoard w hich adminlxjer the cbo1 was chairman for the even ink and brli fl sketched the details of the new building which u as con structed bv j n mackenzie nnd son vv ired and heated bv george muckart and painted tiv mclood and frank of acton murton and fvans of hamilton were architect prior to the peeche school pu pils presented a musical program miss marion hepburn muic teach- r nt the ich 1 to 1 accompanied at the piano and also sang to numbers with mrs jack add at the piano an interesting feature of the pro- cram ua the storv of the village told in instalments bv some of the pupils mr porter ald that in the nnnv school openings which he had atu ndett this was something very unique and he complimented the staff on the fdea prtsent on the platform were members of the school board r ii hunu r ii i dnv idson hector bird and william dobble ns well as lwcretarv treasurer ruth evans deputv reeve george leslie and councillors walter linham and craig rcid were also on the plat form mr sluice introduced alt the of ficials including mrs edna beau mont and mrs nellie cardmer embers of the staff mrs porter mrs halt and mrs skuce were pre sented with bouquets of flowers and the guests wf se refresh ments after the program was end ed william korxack spoke for the glen residents in complimenting those responsible for their work in prov idlng a fine new schoot for the village in honor of the occasion hon d porter proclaimed a holiday on a day thjkwceklo be act bythc prin cipal as far as acton is eoiieerned the football season is now ovrr two weeks ago milton handed out a ie13 beating and th last sched uled game last thursday res in 1717 us with georgetown the standing now la milton points georgetown 4 and acton 1 the milton game played on the home gridiron showed how much acton had improved our squad was out there fighting for a win and nrarly got it the biggest ar gument of the season came when walker rushed the ball across the line and cliff dldnt see it opinion had it that cliff is the beat basket ball official ever to grace a football field aat week we led georgetown moat of the time until thr final minutes when ilruce waa brought down lrhlnd the line for a tingle leaving the gamr tied red and 4 ivoii uai hurl in the leg in a liard t kle in the ftecond canto but he got lark in the gtttne later the mud didnt help toth teami kept liming oaamton on bad pmiri init it wn an rsrltlng game scott and hcriham 3 went over for ceorifetfwn while wwd l7 and andenton got actoni majors the luverrnd self iref al pmui mimp iloh thomn and mr hobbtm timer and mccnrmlrk and allen on the atlcfca officiated the iwiwllng league which play- everv wednesday at tv pin la w ii under way now the standing after two gamc s t am i m team 2 0 team s is team 4 t team 4 team i i there nre three more gnrnea in this rmind rock wood to hold memorial sunday lu lj hvkum s ninim il llnt lino 1 mi h- tl ii i i vi ill injiiil to itn ku k i lipli ji i t intl ml inn sn tl nl llmi uul mill i ill4 11 comrutte dispexulal auction sale if head a keg fally afcrfdlted qmtrmtft the undersigned have received in it ructions from p e and j e fohhteb to sell by public auction at their farm lot 15 con 2 twp of traf algar adjoining the north tide of tew 1 of mil tun on tlllhkuav nov it 1hj at 3 o clock standard tune thr fullowutg henley m uilsmald 42205 in full flow bred nov 5 homecmt judy 40574 due jan 7 avon steadfast alice 43304 due jan it larawana soldier ksinbow 41600 ui full flow bred sept 24 arawaim majoca uberty 29405 fresh oct 19 ilunty 2nd wsa4 due jan 74 tally ho klllabetha kllth 44w fresh oct- 23 hoaelrs huttrrtup 2nd 4alft4 due man h 17 inglettnne tilly 40107 in full flow not brtl majeaty iditr 2nd 47ka0 freih t si ilroomhrad lra mom brid hpt 20 2 yrs old hroomhead mijny s emer aid im 1 numithi open mnmrn hd majetty ihippv 520a5 on sear old oko himtnhead ma vslfci1lv 472 5 month oil hrmhrtl majntva ilan y mil 2s rntmiths id sire ivmi mntv dam llnlrv m milk mnld with 011 it milk 54 lift nv a 1 reiir old herd st dnra mlesy senior 4 veari old ife calmiwt ivgrvs majerty dam dora prtnreea nancy dls itumit mr1a1 and seal with rnrr mjon ib n r till herd on hop henley m milkmaid lan leader in 1 vrar old tliss for the month of may 1050 cv1 foundation atiw k terms caih day of aale no re rv e a other intereiti re quire 1he proprietor full attent ion hindiky and riiiott h auctioneers u ill lit lli ill t iu i i 1 j mij i j v llivi with mi s iahl mmmliik uh i- l i t oid if v ill in th mm d h slui t f 1 p kupcil to thus kin hoi fi toi fin loin and ih jii it sikvt fur th 1 id tun oii in ih i jul ir sunday nrviu it kkkwohl pn si j t nan t hit it li wt uh lillowa uti il v ri 1 ui linis will k th ildi mis john 1 n in in will pi ui t lh oikm itotkwosml and all hiuiios4 township vliinii an akid to ut t nd w irnik b r ts nid nit uls ror h tms of lihit juktlie and p ic ii soldu rs are listed on hi itik kwotkl i nouiph und r th 1014 ldlft wir nnd 13 und r the id to 45 conflict iasx w for- m x henitmbraiu sundav is b ing hi id in hockwood under the auspict s of thi canndiin i tlion itksi the iiv ind num il of i i ui i os i tow nslup and w ith ar- r in incuts bv the community tub p ci il ommlttee letter to ratepayers school board tells of pressing need we th arton public school iiimiii ujire at this time to bring to the uttintion of the taspaeir nf a ton the need for additional ac commodation at the public schotl apptaring elsewhrre lt j this lajcr i an announcement showing some of the main reasons w hv this nccimimmtitinn l n eded svral fictors have forced the issue such v runikmni d school hiating plant inadequate toilet and washroom faciliti s and speclallv the over crow ding of our present school tt ref ore tvtr conscious of our n sponsibtltti s architects w ere engaged who provided sketch plans for the proposed school ex pins inn w ith a new heating plant to heat the public school rooms nnd the high school also washroom facih- j tie for the entire public school sk tch plans after having been approv ed bv the department of fducation were submitted to coun cil june 7th council approved the program and requested nn estimate final working plans specifications nnd estimaie have been provided bv the architects and these were presented to council at a joint councilschool board rneeting held on ithursdav nov 3d lofa coun cil unanimously endorsed the plans of the board and requested solici tor lcatherland to prepare a by- taw for presentation to the rate- pavers at next election the most recent addition to the public scnool was built in 1b02 when the population of acton vas less than 1500 the most recent census of the town of acton shows the population to be over 3 000 slgnedon behalf ofthe board f g oakci chairman 5krittpittbraitrr say saturday movtmbr lift bsviitg prtxuiartfcd by paruamovtt rawnmlranc day jrhm efflcf will b clol all day in proud d lowlisfl mvy ol our cufird4narmi wko o 4r uvea for king and country frexn httle towni in a far land they cam to guard ftveir honour in a world of flarne by little town in a far land trvtry ilep and leave to you to guard tltoi things they did to kep kipling wright real estate and insurance n b wtloht golh woklu wak ii t i wtloht acton wokid wak i wiak a v1k kai i ioiiy in brmfmbbancf cca 6 bottle carton 36 jf s jfolcu oplorwtrtjt 7 ixhirlas stkh1 aikuii ills i xamini i glasbls ritti i l arcofl a m e g4g4g4g4gstt krf the tiurnrr u lift the sound re von tl of thi tendily uh f ininy xfu lardy of aftoilonw oil llufnefi thiir j mjn i du- lo ihc lthiutrtl tail of rikjiieef with ih niicimry tiiow how ind the will to nix fixe a i mm- mil ipnllol for fl n nl inf oiooik ai o- 1 imlion the fne mat roils itid ntpd mardimc luf in si mil ifds iriijiyd ui aif ollitn- m m lix lun an alilod invuriii of uniformly hh ulty anil lort tioulli ir t ivir i ins 1 ifpouiul pi tr why ttit arrnttimn f o rtrpcnrflbtp r wnrtti wruln why it th h of ii hh who want th- 1 m 1 1 i r 1 m i i fringe irimi i i 1 ot imhtuii inform i ij ttlin hi ilitrfittf otiiprri in y ur nrrill 1 call bilton perry limited plumbing and heating contractors 111 s 1 1 llltv i t n s l 1 mil 1in imi ii i m vi ww announcing the new 1951 monarch on display at thompson motors acton yes the new 1951 monarch is a masterpiece by every measure from the completely new grille to the new backswept rear fenders its thnllingly beautiful actually looks many inches longer and with the improved monarch 1 12 h p vtype 8cylinder engine come in and see it 1mmm1

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