Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 7, 1950, p. 1

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wht jvttm jfttt fts svntysjti yr ho 22 action ontario thursday deceaabfr 7n iv50 ten home prnf pges cit school addition favored by 4 to 1 first woman is elected lr3 to council heads polls presents stmas party ilui ml j i rt im f aln xwi mint to ll- j- vl th on lil iu v 11 b ti t iii fvew m1i1iiki- to arl tuhl itihi 111 th fot coulwc fat th ltd of ih 1 it tr ilvl nlhto4 h thi 1 hi ftll mv 1 ii ihr till mim- 1 ttt thai liilnlilx rixti tn lo it tllt tf1 1 lit 11 m f pts f mull to i i th n t ai t ii lit ld 1 off a i 1 h 1 w1 th wlrrk grt r try salmon mntr mat ailto htgr xl i yfs no i or oim ii wtnl v 11 1 ii- 1 m iv 14 113 i v 14 1 11 1h 3 1 i i i n 44n tx li mo tl 7 ft i ii f it mi r j knox ladies aid names si officers t hi imi uih i til m mi congratulate council on folder issued for acton ui actons ucond mayor i y it i if ni yrat i r i a innal mi mrtyti am- kawi jul- 1 shi h and d l th it 47 17 mir rriiuc niimis t umuikmov want l wti1 i wi1 t wai1 4 total i ii mj mi 4 1 i 7 mr tlsmft rt mk s ki midhion wurt wiki 2 wii1 waul 4 1 7fi 114 ii 4w all xx in h lu1 u n lllnl to ih iio 1h w lfm c nkt i t mak lm fot h 1pli m n1 foiiitx t hrolm aft i th iimh i1 two hurt saturday in highway smash i 1 v i o crls xx i it i id xhixl t ih x- h in int un mhu nl tail mi ii i mr tin iiii ki ii i h m- m construction starts vrv on home for aged fxcavatmns hair been made and forms are lrlng butlator tha mcs emest ltw foundations for hal ton counjy k njf i t ih tii till in lit h i wl r- 1 hnw that vrr lo thou of thos rtl ihr fcrhkl l m thi u tl lot on mmtlat ii is tlwo k ikl h n ppl y mii 1 4 nt it mis iotihl th numk i of mmtilnl hoiv on ml th ilms wh n rlr ton 1 mm tht nh rnis- r hr im m markms rounnalkni for hal ton counjy tailor t think lh1 llnmr for thr ard on no hlh- dlgs aftet sttoko thrk mrk ar mot mii hlr ami wav anulh of milton watrmalm thrv r onu kllnw tuchr hvr brrn dug and tnalru mlfc fn 1 w nl n ifw iv juirl on ih t- nm u ins laid to tlir proprr- s ru iph ps i n m so nchj ht1 of thr ktloi itii fioni thr milton watrrworvi h dtil r komm wiim hmk lh pi mmnn i h i conn ixs th jr hm lnnniml s miff rin f it uii mil ix ini ommrurlion hu- ok thr rvmilt ii ihnl thr rrrtrd nml tlrtrictl iir- is u mi 1 u 1 t m t th in run lo thr prip n th mti tliiwuiikh tm in rlini- 1 town hip iv th- sin of tui nrliitv ihisr i nt 11 kvrtm n1 irr mo t davr as thr nn1rtirtion of this w ih h r piint lo finn on no m mhti ciiih v litm liiililini jm 4 hikhua in knn twp ar on thin wcrv w sixulrd ta v t cht in th- fum phams f con t ioiia r hh h ruction hlm s t h r j on kmlo xtiinc nmrmlm 4 knn rl r vsr- h hi t l il i 1 htl t 11 to ml nt hl l k i o t n 7 hit lit s j 1 1 ihl j t 1 f in 1 r 1 sliilo mil m 11 m livn 1 ltn mk1 a 1t k s it 1 lr s in i mmuk n i f it h i pim 1 1 n it th 1 0 j 1 11 1 i 1 1 uhn 1 mi w 1 viki- 1 rt a j it t m 1 r m- 1 m 1 v 41 it tt ii ti 0 ilo t ct i inl i mi uii v motth ii t 1 i 11t fr tht t i a 11- 1 f un t 1- t ti ti n ti it m t a1i1 ln uu ml jlmf ti ih ms 1 1 f i it- if ami at ntlmr i1 ml- a j mohmimi -a- m ii r kli for ii h loti f ffx i- ii fll il volt it 1o lo i ibm t m1 it mi- r j m nl i m i nt mi kitt i i mis in lutl mt mti ii rxtltr iimiii ms matttit ws pmnilv mis a nolh mis walut t miiii1s ptmtfimii mri an 1 ih 111i mis oil kitih n mis 1 m011y mi j wills mi j inimn piilt mrs w matlni mif i muiik flow t 1 mi krt llhiw mi wiu pi mi t anl ivn mis mnihinin mki mppitria hlll of ih kimk of ii io i- is th pm ti luik tlotti with pmyrr lv mis wow 111 1 1 hlf hor v i th s utiv ws in hit i 1 t i 1 i pi 1 it 1 i 1 1 11 1 a v 1 1 a it 1 1 i wta l it w mrs g musselle made life member ti ai it i- an 11 t f hi- hin h h ii ll i if in il y t i 1 it 1 1 in 11 i ipttli th 1 ii r 1 1 1 pi 10 t f thr h 11 i ii iiliilct f to tv 11 mtlllx t th i i lli ikinv f ins i 1 l a i is ii pm1i s th 1 mtional th 10 ih 1111 ws l mi msl s ristt 1 v mis iimii minx miihint iii ms m11 s th lh hin on 1 of wonl id i lv mill m ii m i 1 dr nl- th 1 iirii i m k th m v mii ii 1- irr on s t 1 1 th r f ih 1ml t f thr 11 aiikill mk 1111 i m a mann puinit mis jhn dvitun imloml i i m1 htttt th i mi mi- hi i 1 mrs gowdy tells of european trip hpi rnn1lmti- nm uiul it wtl oiit ix 11t1 for him thr rmilt n ihnl th ratulklit 1i1 not pi on- xoti wh n xttu xotr ohsrrx th ml if vou want x our xolr non1rt tn thi it lion on mn1a 11 lot 9 of thrr oht ballot wrtr on thr srhool que si ion twlht win- pilrd rm the pihlu itulittrs xntinj and 31 ballots urrr thrxun on1 s spoilrd on th- count il rhrtim thi in pitr of thr firt ihil thr nll of thr polling txxiths xrr rovrnrst ulth rlrar in alnu turns on how to mark th halhu rotarians see film z rv of a p green co machinery accidintally falls injuring hand of teardmore co employee a pitfsr of marhlnrrx ncidrn alk frll on thr hand of ton wntr at ilrardmorr nd co ltd th wk hr w a htlpinc to m- attmr mat hmcn w hrn th r id- rnt hapinod tirt nut applitd lo th- hand al ivardnurv and thru vr cat rvtt rrommndrd hr b- tikrti to ihr httspitil in curlph g nr mospuil it xxas disioxrud lhil thr triutonv of his f inner xx ri rut this nssitid thr applic ation of 1 cxt xx huh is txprctid lo trtnain on hi hand ftr thrrr wimks nine stit hfs w nt irjinr- ttt to tltw thr cut t ton itotirx inrmhrn sivx a vi interest mft film on tursux nikht whuh show iit the mamifart- unn- pioxtn for fin- bnrk bx th a p ci- n co it was brought lo the a ton club h mr gro bar- in hi suprt intendrnl of the acton plant of the com pan x w hit h jut rerviitlx lvcatrl hrrr the film shta etl the otai ions of the plant in i s a and tract d he prhess from the niminc of the spettil tlax umhi tight throuph th big plant and testm m the tatvor tttux rt hadrn mtrt1me1 mr it uh 111 m1 thank of the chit wete ndxl bt ls mcswain i fonl smith ton luctink tht rvicr palllrarrrx w rr mewrx m ix in and it rt cunnmkhim krnex mr i ceork and ilax id mow 11 and george tilcnx interment t as it kxerton cemetrrv surmxinc are ht r hnsbantl an i three von carl kred ant willird all of gu lph two brother fred of acton and william on the home farm and one lister mr i trgi nlli- hosrll of guelph 1 t 1 1 h nnhnl 11 11 tl i stll wih 1i ji j tll hix mhon f i n i i i 1 i i h id 1 ih hm n wlh m k mr h m mitm ih ih 1 txll f iii nptml nl m wolf 11 ih ill or ikn t fi lph f t ti ho nl i tll nnu1 don tlim wt i n iipl f 00s iiii w 111 1s mlk pix 11 1 polo fim milton 1 to th i to n lloiifl in ttixiiu s 1 commit nl tht stl i1tii w 1 i i 1 1 i h v lin t tli x 1 hhld tho i x vix id id nil i of hi 1 korope11 mm 1 mrs st hro h thanks of h to mi cowdx for in r kiiitlnts 11 sbinnp her traxk i1 ruhx n t nthiiviatn tl i t host mr nnr mrs cititn of 1- rpisntink thr jun m n er mrs agir ami mrs ii 11 r ttn a club ttendtl v kiil ixnini ii thr tronto c n i tral v mca t of thr cluh j f sar claus suns t thi xinture xx a highl sucessful xx uth clubs 1 th tm ris mmiiuiii lx 1nking foiuard to hum s nllh u to h tx i p id a m lkt r xx nh while ff it- ni 1 to th rr mi- i t 1 1i lis m i m nn mi it m air h fcust jk l i m ho jls i 1 1 in 1 1 lure1 hl wl tht th mi go 11 with slinir h v ir mi- h fr vv1 mr 1 f r p v ti vmi ih nn v th n ui f turn i 1 r tn ih i pi 1 f pi o hi l ih x i pm nl 1 fiiod th wn f tn fn111 tim 1 ion miss lk r a m inn 1 told f hrr ih jo ii it tl ih- n in- i mast r and nil i that 11 av prlx i e f hx ing il ihith t itnt 1 1 ll junior teen agers lvu- j visit toronto club of a onlvu h kn th t ton pi nt nn- at in ith s rt on of th pl-innm- l lmfi on n i 1 t mm st 1 lopi te1 he n on s of th mood m ml is d nffnrv lett r from th ohio cheniual cantdt ltd cae inform ttinn re rinlnil a iippxinu tf 1 xlmder f wren v h xlmdr 1 imt j f0 th 1i1 r pi c ila 1 1h cleik vlmd td tn x isit- anticipated s the lcal club is planning ex nt this sduidax in the form nf a x arift nirht thosr xx ho att ruled thr program in toronto were paul liwn manlxn mellnr p ggx cakes ed mrllueti manlxn marks itill mr- t aid on hors tn k rarring kift- tor gokt childr 11 rut swilchs foi tkid on t p 1mckle fiom tht ik ti on xvotld would ittompaiix him clad in 1 fur oat and carrxum a switch st nn hols or nit hulas w r hugh itetlv sinlmr arlenr gor- i bishop of mx ra in asia minor ir don bettx mar timbert fill coon i the fourth crntur he i patron and hael williamson ualnt of greet ilussik and naples i is xx e k th xlllh vx as tie it d l he a it u 1 x tnon dinn r x xpth k r in it it 0 hi h plvmg mark the tmnii fi sh 1 on h at til a t up to n rther 11 on 11 i it a a treat thai all the h tt it 1 tit h mm hl njo d fire tuesday proves to be test run watching flames dwindles to wading the familiar il of the firv alarm ou tided txieadav atxnit 11 so jii all went accordinji tn achcdule the firemen d annex fnun thrlr jfim and many w ho could did thr same the truck with the men uhnd by the hydrant at the corner of uill and willow sis thr hose was unrolled thr watrr wu turned on to the flamef what flamr tjier was something differrnt about this ftrr t wm thr prrwncr of a neatly drrtsrd man with a notebook and pressure esuge he was from thr fire underwriters association thi was a trial run lo tent the equipment and speed of the acton fire brigade so thcftr wa by special re quert with the hose turned down the middle of mill st down john s frxmi mill and dawn willow st the tnitible flame go wone and the underwriter order ed that the pressure in the maim be tncrraed to 100 pound the water streaming with such force onto willow st would have dimouraged any flames but it itidnt daunt the youngsters for oner they were able to get to a fire u waj direcjly on their route home from at htwn when the lack of real fire was discovered they drvtsed a substitute wading in thr large puddle of water that covered the ice snow and blocked drain near the corner the fire was a good one for them until town foreman kirkneu came along with a shovel and op ened the drain tlten the children went home for lynch and the fire was over ft rem in klrkn s 1 port i thai stone ml gravl witi ixailahle for i west mill stree and cameron st the tl rk n instructed to write reganiing i truck tire mr kirk- nrss al- reporictl the arena w r reads for flooding t at soon as the uinther was eoh enough he felt the present mnlox ees ronld hanttle the ice making for the start i tiers from th canadian moth- t rt raft not let v and f l wright were read and ortl red filed ar ountx were let tix ed for four indit nt patients ami the t lerk wits to ihrk on ths md instuct ions 1 tt r xas iratl fiom the rmm- tx ihrk regarding the appointment of numlxr to the north hnlton ihuh shol hoard th- ih payment of lb 1th foi tx mhtl th r final ippioal for hv on 1 net mn of sxx er s in at ton th rleik presented a list of tax 1 in arrvara which amounted to tcimiriuin it on nue fire who hat n x 1 s n a h11 h ai th 011 his f h 1 tddrts mrs nx iibon sang op n mix x et th 1 i max s 11 ti k thou h i fi m mi and ron k in ppr el 1- titn of the rx icr inlertl bv mrs g ore- muss ii- throughout tht xearm to th ir org uiiation and mrt cameron i ishinan pres ntrd h r with a life m ttdn rshlp ant mrs g snmt r llle pit sen ted the pin mrt mosrllr rrplleil in ap- precmtion of the gifts mrs n oilirn offered a x ote of thanks to the tvenvr anl all wha had helped greeting were lti gixn hv mn h helwig mrs mmnpiire and mr m coles following the ringing of the chriitmn hvum who 11 he in yonder stall rex h l itrnnie pronounced the benediction a penvdof rial fellowship wa 1 njovetl arrunged unit served by miw ijiura wiles mrs i hollidav mrs a mt isaac and mrs c irish man ihtt ii hikin out canatban hox stouts do not hitch hike the scout move- llltnt has decided that a false glamour has attached itself to hitch hiking und that scouts w ill only ask for lifts in an rmergenrx thk capacity of saxter laboratories was increased considerably this week with the installa tion of a new boiler which since it is the same size as the first onedoobtes tne amount of steam produced the fabricated onepiece steel chimney for the boiler is shown as it was being erected last monday it is 85 feet in height and rises above the brick chimney now in use the new boiler is complete with its own stoker unit and wilt sopn be in prqduction to meet the increased demands for baxter laboratories hospital solutions railway crossing warning signals start ringing flashing this morning the railway crossing signal on the mill street cnr t rossing went into iperation this morning and should certainl cut down the hainrtt to motor traffic at this point veslerdav we were shown part of the intricate mechantum required in this conarucion by mr a mcgeachie and his assistant stan gurgacz trains coming from the east will sart the operation of the signals 24m feet before the mill street crossing and 2050 feet on trams from the west this is beyond the main street crossing there are flasher and bell signals on the guelph street and- railway road entrances and double flashers on each side of mill st re of it requir es eight boxes of electrical control located along the railway for the mile of operation in e iv h box there tie seven units which oper ate the mechanism kverv rail joint along the main line and three sidings had to have a w ire con nection another interesting feature of the installation i the operation of a train tan ding on the siding next tho main line after 7s seconds the signals cense to operate on this i standing train and do not start again until the train moves into the next area of operation for several days the crossing wii blocked while the installation wm being made and the tracks were cleared new planking and rock ballast were put in traffic is now back to normal but for safetys sake obey those signals from now

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