Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 7, 1950, p. 5

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thursday december tth 1kb the acton free hess paok five now that christmas is here are you short ocash use our credit pun down payment and 6 months to pay applicable t i ill prrionl account av t or inactive n accordacco with govern ment f otui itions gifts for all isen s clothing store main smrr acton motfat knox student has charge of service mr kirn of knox college tor- hi to had charge of the aervicr in najuajaweya presbyterian church on sunday morning congratulation to un t c amui cm winning the comblnauon radio and phonograph at the lion anon iter bingo in gurlph llt week ur uoyd cnipbnll had the mlafortune to ur k irked on he arm by horse and had to have medical car ur and lira jack robertaon m u rtalned the naauxsweya w i to a-uchr- party on saturday night some from thla neighborhood at tended the turkey nipper in mnr- kston kail laet wwk notice to creditors avji otiikkm l the eauu nrllu jana minn all h luin laving rlaiim iviirnt th klt tr nrthe jrx uainn lat f th tn f adn in the tuititv of llallon married woman i41 imii mho diiil n i txn1 the r iirhteeiith tta r autu1 lftm an iniiirrl l tuttd paitu ular and primfa thereof lo the uiul niliml imfr th ti nlv thirt itiv of iwtrmlm r uw v ken thr iwti will im- itriliul- numig thr par li lefallv entillm th r to havlnj rrgaril otilv to thr c lim wil tt hall have been filed dated at acton out thla fifth dav of ivmrxt tov charle f lrathrrland eaeouwir a 25 3 arton ontario pollock and cnmphrl high gram memorials memorial i ngraving c2 water sl north calt tujeniomt mu morphyrichrrds automatic toaster manning electric phone 330 acton f sk maof way the porftntt jniwcr to the gift problem for eer member of the family a pair of hand some comfortable slippers priced to please your over burdened christmas shopping budget co today let us help you select gift slippers for everyone e braida shoe store milt st acton commend council on folder issued onttnurd rm pagr on 12180 71 twu of the ucre ovrr out iri taxe the cleik waa maliut ted to makt txillcction in the usual way a utter fivm tht iiktc re quested mnniki to mn run rriu equipmeiit un the highway through tow n tie fvoviru il inillre reiiurt for nofiilmr wa ren ived there w 15 ta- prumtutml and 04 uat roller ted in firira there were 24 warning given undrr by laws and traffic ait a letter fr im the department of planning irf r alula ted thr town on the informative ht laaued arid a hit vvai give of the placet to uhuh it was advlawble to and a upplv of theae fold era other urxi vre ilto ti gel a aupply the tiunmltuc uhuh had met judge llblnmi ii the county i jiiahatlon made a report on th mttl m ui t- f- ii wing reaolut urn a paaaed thai romdutloo dlti1 october 2 10v r garxlioit nttlt ment a rountv eiuallltlmi at pal te reac inded and that sl lttr leather- ian 1 te iml w i wioby aulhotir- i t arid rmpomi nit apiirae mill ulea of ft ttl tin nt r thilf of thl ti unit lphtv itrtmim e hir tirrn m1 lw1 thjit nil iinnl ipallttea will hr rornpleled i he new iwrn mimti wfoxr june ivm tlo rlerfc reported to ounill the tnf irmatlon he had given iaw cninir1lnn co regarding thr rr pair to paemeit counril itippllrd vortoua itema to the sollrltnr tn he incorporated into ihe tivlaw regulating parking on the atreeta a ounti wt n pa t d fn pa in nt follow vmuthujii i tji i u oil s hjhft u i tlbt h tip r i lit niniili uiti i rin in iih4h i v a ii i n a rut to u ith 1 1 md t s 1 tl p 1 1 ft i 47h 41 dik 4 1 f it tmjk 111 i mu ipil unl t tl ui r out ii in 1 ii fr nov n i n mi w t ting inc sna pi 11 if n suppu i j r ii n7 co r i- too lln 10 in rlt it r 2200 i utting h mllnc v u1 k i mm t iur vir n vi it 11 t 1 ph n co 20 sm n 1 1 bitt rt f i fir lull 1 0 it rti mipplls i on a t hi n ivi printing ind ilv rthlng 412 1 i ti i ililu 1 ihnrv ivi l too 00 directors program committee report at th ut meeting of the yu ca dirrvtor it wu reported thut atltndanit in ihylcal liepartmetit attivtui m had uirreaaed ruiulder ably during november and that ftorlal actlt idea had taken a aharp rtae ov rr the tame period lait iar attendance flgurea for nov ember wave physical 73j and or lal 4u the turn bridge tournament v a riportrd to be prugrvaaing very atlafarturily with 14 teanu par tuipatlng the iladntlntftn club it antlrluitlng btcrraaed attlvltjr all r the hululay aeauui the program roinmltlee met rr ititlv and la making pretaratlotta fr aixne major pngram fealuna which include a mother aiul laugh ler iuihuei and a program or ad tilt rdui atioii featuring muriei and p akeia on muit apt of puh 1lc inlereat further pmgm ma w a uiixlr tn etvilng the eatatilmhnu lit or i long and mailing tpiaiten ii the y mca st albcms guild has turkey dinner m all n oild h id it i hntin turk v dinn r at lh i- i ii ii 11 on i- tida n r ul th 1 idl f th gi o 1 rm aftr 4 vtv dllghtfol doiiir ii j ind in kiiiklmt chrlitma tr li rid tliii rr olertatinl liv n lt forming a kitchen bind th i venlng prxtded with ev ril rontt iti wlnnera w r mr- j iinhli mm morton mn amlnu mn rountiln and mm iliikiiv winn m of tlw imlling in v r mm hiivdon mi dutiv hid mm i int n an njo itl v nlng m ai 1 1 i 1 lath i w th king campbiuvillf forums meetings in weeks events no i k hki muik1ii vn 1h ii is rhnlrn iik and clan leadi rt fo hon for r m r oi um met on uitli john camp- i mra crge ing inglla were group diaruion on ryone w hich a m n n miltrd af rollout 1 t i th fonuaf ivour 1 i p n alon lan w itrnuc trt trr 70 tinn or age r bi in nsion ahould start at the age of fl can aith a me mi tint and 70 veara without cr jiooo a month p nnn for om pemon in n home and j40 00 n in n h h n to iii i r inulv h in it th- go nt h ild tth ii ilt n mich school iit ill hilmn lw inn in ki thonipnit rxprni trip to toronto rv mid nno mi- v t iiirit nun nno lr hirrltl ilruib d0 son mr fr 1 colii pro onn mr- nnli and ron n n o onn mn wn minhmcnt poll lrrk 700 mu annlr akln poll rlirk 700 mr jirk ivnnl poll rlrk 700 mr fhol frir poll rlork 700 v n runtl wronth 1100 f s coopj tfltlonrr l no thonnwon motor jr oil 70 nn to of ililton inrllklcnt pitti nt n roont moo jvww0 li w i r ncrounts imountlng to j1m4 4fl w n ihn pisrd for p nn nt nfr t 1 r ind cnunrilliv n r holrhrn no 11 nnil thom imiii werr present at thf meeting in 1 mtor mivin pnild d cmntfl doumm it 110 um obituary mrs a mctavish dies in seaforth mr gnx uaivh who ntov d t ton a littli girl and i vol ht n ftr nnin in p put d iuj it h r honu m s aforth on oimtnr 2 10 shi had onl tin n ill for m da mrv mitiih a born in hih tvrt township p rth countv tn irttp ind lamo to alton wih her pannts mr and mr david wren formerly of acton in imu in naisagaweva she mar rled archibald mcta iih a former aeon bumm s man w ho prede ceased her in 1913 a member if knox prvb terian church mrs mcta lh ua active in the wm s and taught a sundav school clas in acton for mer 30 ear the funeral jervlcc was held in the victor b rumle runernl homo on november 28th with rev glen campbell officiating inter ment ww in fatrvlew cemetery acton pnllbearvrs were mean charus eampeu lindsay jcyrc laaon wren a b mclean and ted hasaard jituid uu the x nsion pi in pro lr nn nu mtn rs thought hi neurit if th omrnminl six nd more num on li f net program or for ii vnr tin m will 1m full t niploy- iih nt and lcis conjoint r rcvk1 to hu more mone from tond and in rn imii tines nnil the rom rnment ifttn pi n1 hiik iimounlt of mnn on thino which do lens good than tension plin progniwtvr euchre folloued and priji were awarded to mra cam ron watson claude infills mrs alber ltw rt and john campbell mrs ldgnr calrna mm robt ing- lls and mrs ibb rt hum n were the lunch committer mr and mr douglas inglis and f imilv visited hi r pirrnts mr nnd mrs james whali of ixndon on the occasion of th ir 2mh ailpr w t dding nnnl i rs irv on sittirdiv e enmg the young adult croup or st ot id s ln sbterian church met with th prisidint stliart cramp in th rhtir aftr the first h mn ruth htlmits ld in prnter omar van si vie h ul tharkc of the deo- n 1 p rt i it w i- d tided to pinihim witli th iinrngtrs an ki s tin vti f r th i hurch mrs ii irtit n1 p m ritut nship in- nor tht n took th i htir anl gave x tinvi login- nnd rlrtures of her trip to cilifornia last w int r mar gin t v tllace clostd with praxer and a social half hour followed vo 1 fnnii fonim met nt the home of mr and mm f d par sons w ith and qulrle as chafr- man discusaion rrultcd a fol lows we think e rrvone should roceue a pension at the nge of w m irs without a means test we fesl the pension should he jm1 n a month as w r are paving towards it nt present j we most cerulntv feel a large nvimber of the nlaur people have had the younger generation taken in to the armed forces thereby los ing their means of support progresaixe euchre prize wlnnera were mrs jamea stokea mra i llovd stovea kenneth stokes and andv qutrrie mra george stokea and mr edward parsons ier ed refrethmenta mra hartlev anderaon was ttoat- eaa to the chriatmai meetinu of the campbeuvihe women jnititute mra howaon luah prealded and opened with the inatltute odeand mary stewart collect tha roll call waa answered by a chrlatmaa verae of poetry lh xituiiv ufthtteil town 4i d twtnty luij ttriplt t cub h id a meeting n takt thursday and this miuida 4iid art all hrd wuiii ik iii raw anytxidy was all mid on voting night tlie committee oiiiiltli nf preald nt ted tyur vite pr idut wilfred duval se irtry ii it n s4mrrvllle trraaur r jo ann vtldhuu courted ueb iiiom shirley kryej- janrt m carville wilma thompaiui and t ttoline oake a a pet lal dan e la aheduled for tomorrow niglrt which ti tailed a s- tt llhi fverytmidir llllirl 111 th lr um ki and nnlwwtv will be ad mlttit on th dante flour with on if ytit with a good time ia i tti plenty of burprlt a tme to th club friday night whil on the topi of urpriaea out km lal kwui lh friday l f ur hrlstmws will n one nevrr ritfurn at tth club uiat night tti i ar rf f w nim ra artmd 1 mm ihnt a toronto cluh auv te mmtd in th n ir future al i oo i in th blueprint ataie 1 ih til lwt loplr to wrle m u ill ttliig i plies to 4ii liope rl lot m iiim r feil with ostal ad 1rrss of a ton hviik htt tided two dances ill li i 1 t 1 pv the down pa v merit f sioi on loh memtkrshtp t iftlllg ttils w k s you at tti club- mkdiv night tux foiindllon inc has dlacov itl thtt in one avetnge us cltv 1 lojf nf tin ad was affected hv no h m than im taaa letween the hash ingredlinu and the ffrocer thank you fur ttie spumdd uprxjrt icoiiuai ne in atecloig ntm lo a exortd term a ntniter of ihe 1951 council for at ion my thanks 10 all im elector of acton it it a tfuat winch i will do my ixilt to fulfil j greer aaa triple t club sock hop riloay dicuuibu ith i tw v m c a fxtni in lit simli only 1 00 mimmiihip muit u paid i0 admission ihnl fnil lu flrtmv lira v v economical refreshment 4 laings dairy wi- aimnuni r ihil w lnvt 11ui iit ijiry butttflt l mk iwimas h mapi ion ul lijmiiln wln will ilrvots oil lu lloru lu hnrxj yrxj roml lolivf y i i lh iwl jurtlity milt iiil it mil rtiil wliu will ijl imiltf llifl imiif jl i aino oaiky ilntth- 1w all v ouiit uwiiij li mo itiil to ii mill lo avu il lonfum tv ii tilt y t i t 1 h- i plv mn 11 a i m iti a tri iiiiu 1 10 ivio nf in 1 on 1 1 i- il m ii ficd a lainc may laino 3 barrs 30 years of service quality grocery better quality for your money ail through the year wttej- wmwm aiiay yl nw bitcuit vanti i5 hunlloy and vmmt f us lit im imi iv k milk nnil hunt 9r ft kinn mi nr al ur vr hoi il tin am 11 m ibm shnrtlirt uls sim j ttt 111i1i11 asst 11 u vitiltt ilium avi si u yg pk frvan vil 1 hi tl v fj sluirl ttki ft gnrdi n cn am sir iv a cadburyi 1 im choc orange sum iv i v m4rvni trv- scnlch untctkc jr t s irh shurli ik nr tf jnlilin ci11 tirl iv c int r llivrnl 15f fhjh at fncv pud lin a ii slim s 1 1 li ass 1 jv j ihnvln 1 1 h aw t 5v py m ltl 11 s 1 i ti avs i mr treats at low prices fresh mix nuts f 39c lb roastid peanuts 9c special candy ollt own mixes 35c sw4it chcx olaits ic ftv l in s it lttuc r p i in in mall in tn i far iu llf i ii vl m llnv 11 iv tie p utt hips iv i5 ilinl 1 s ss 1 n ill ii m ii im c hiktt 11 ur i1m i ii n m ik tnav c4v ii a ki 1 lis ch tcs 3 lh t sj som altracliva linn s ii p11ui11 so ip f t s ii mmhrmni snup v v ii llollnl onion lu ii small pitatimi iv aril tl ht a tii j smajta aaparagu tljia a smatu s s crrola l aslmrr hilln iimu tj4 llilniin wholr ikana ti dulmana cut w nan ii ilniir ham corn u iiillum unn jai n his ll i jj mils mil ju zir ill pi i 1 11 s 1 s m s jl llll i i- t r 11 iih l ii p km 1jr s 1 ii 1 pin ikin t plum 3 5 ilhrlta llum pudding 45 liiritr trun pudding 3 siskn m nu punraki ssiup ci liiik coldin smvip ikir milir ns i lounl lluntv ziriir iv ur iv iv ue ckianiit i5r ivtlrr alinonll iun tvsr mine in at ssrisrlr milk povsdrr u 5 kraft chwt slice 2v xmai crocker ivivllts tabic raisins jjc tabic fit se tabic date he cjk otoratlons itc k at glace fruit mc gift lines so reasonably priced north kilt pen u ill tt hir and cau ii t llr icrram 4c llnlo shamium ucuc wnodtmrs shampcn s9e j rccn a lotion avur cicarft 5 in box sv cicarettv flat vi mr ciiarttlcs flat 100 i1jh jnhniuin t gio coatcr sv clau pic plates tlr nine ribbon tea and cupsaucer tt foil wrappinc lr pi ul- if okac prhe a inn r lanes pear man it 1 iht rrn- insicn itsipu rne as im r slrvslierrie pride of okf apricot malkins iotlanlirrrle ii am ivhcht prune iilhs i pint apple prld o oka plum mitchell s apple sauce oi m fruit cocktail gincer marmalade wild bramble jam hole mint jelly iv ur lir ur lie mr ur ttr ur i it jfj pa quality merchanoise in great variety reasonably priced j

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