Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 14, 1950, p. 5

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thursday dbckube 1 1um the acton whss paoa wvi pollock and campbell high grade memorials memorial engraving 2 wfeur st ifertfc galt now that christmas is here are you shorj ocash use our credit pun down payment and 6 months to pay applicable to all present account active or inactive m accordance with govern ment regulations gifts for all eisens clothing store stmit acton main praise warden at county council comhnv4 frowa poq ot teach in of ajnrulturr in thutr rhivits lwputv kirvr t- eaton nvimui yi ajuiird thr grant to ihrw ud h rwl arra tkrj if thr itufllnflon nilfrx v h nut entitled to it at well it a ri plain d uir grant aa ataluary to whixili lr htnf agruulurv kiid that rurluiflon k hid did not trth that auhjccl u at intent apilntniiit mtt tn ow ar- uhit high k 1 a tviatd for lm to iadod ncrh ualton ituird n i ihktt f i o llnwn ndjjr a j lti haiian irplm ing j a ihlu oahvilu trafalja- hrd j ciurr hurting wi nrl- an imimi ttoas hffiinh ai iirtinli authotirtd and apprt rd u tr paid minded printing 431 t7 wipltala fl v 19 aft nit u ir and rrfmealatlon ms 00 umty iiiititfiri ttn so county h t sqosu riutiu it tww iimiir for thr aged 71 so mac otftlom an0ii1on wid to urt ajumenimy in ou i w of on dic 1n0 i lira- lit all1 t thr daufhlrt of ut john iufrwi of a m and ihr latr mi l awi rnirrid m oim on sjt uda ioinli i1 to mrttcit w iui1 m m nt thr of tt ul mr ami mr fnorg u v nrmt of olrn william the niir ua rondilttrd bv kf a i w rmimin thr funnrr mln- 1 t if tulllnafad thitlrd chun h th hridr cthkar drrai of royal li nr with gry arceaorte and mo i m otiuff of red roae til- iiuplr n- attrlidrtt tiv mr ml mn gordon h id i ulr- wllllaim mti ttri1 wort fu4 1 i laffrta litis llh uh trim aftrr thi iimimur thr couple left on tarddlng trip tn wrlrrn ontario ot thflr rrtum lhv mill h in ii hotir at thr urnrr of mfln nt iirhm si in o irgrtown notice to creditors am otiirrh in tkf nuu 1ln 1 k ml iii ml ixtvirn hain luimi ulml hi lii of all in c c smith lt- of th tin of ailon in i he oiinl of llallon ijitwurrr it m 1 who 11 1 on or kilt thr- r ph tith 1 of tnkr 1w r- itpilr1 t mnd pirtli uu in1 r sf lhrrrf to lhr mwlri i tvforr thr tvrnlv hitt i of rnt r 10w whrn th i uill tw rliitrihiitotl immi lh hi- 1 cftln rntltll lh nto iaui n rarl unl lo th- rlnlin mhlh vhll hur 1 n tllvl ntil at arton ont th fifth 1 i of iv mtvy 10 t v lrnlhrrlnnil arton ont s1 i or for mr nm m smith kxrrntrlt a 1 tv ouillr it lmji u fn rciv- il auut ihr soik mop- and tha- ii tttlijch a m thr y uii kridy iuht although it aa injlli r kroup than rt4yt rvrtylwidy tlljovrd truniuuii ttir nfcr ha i n1 iiif- tunxn iir tfpular apxjl wrtl j thr iiiiik flixir tl- flit pl danir v 4 won hv anlnn and auird spru and thr od iu t- p i dul and il it v kliknaa paul jour dan ra orti llirlv and rn rl by alt lllrt homrnillr and r oakra lkr1 aflrr the dwr and did a rrmartahlr t lkn an d in luttv kubnvka and pal duval did a ptl of thr 1l aft him h ia rn1 n v antomuid al thr danra lal wrk that or l would tiav ihi iia dam a m1 tlwit t l krpl tin d1 on w ihr s- hup r oiil u thr piiia danir ul ihr thlnl thr si nukl rroll all pxpilt i id fr at li i g fiiwl it what tu ttillif i w ii w tv a thin mg i thr tnilr t lull k an krrp im l h with th- 1ut a4lt itlra wat h for tli ttin t ii tour liinl lmt thr tilpl t luli rockwooo dr waller mc of varied program halton presbytery meets in bronte ttir arttnn pn a of st j ohtl 1 ml a uaillarv wa tair li w 1 i jtrii1 t lr k 11 wall r w i i hliin in fo thr pnarni whi h w 1 of a xariril imllili tin o h 1 im i mnt r wii na la w ith mi- i ann- 1i i th 1 lm no a tf onihonr 1 hon w j tl 1 i hi mail m n i r jr w ill 1 moth r nl ihr pi no v h n in il ii hi vlikl vl rloi of a u 1 ph wl th mm 11 aimtroi ik a ompi ntt w rrr mjow1 w ii illt ik w i i irrn nt hv ti il nl of th c v 1 s v 11 l 1 uon i w i gw u h th koiil r r a r nil of ii th il hv mlm t ii w1 1 v i lit in 1 nip til ur t a at d th- w k u hi vk 1 i u noi d on tru mr nn d mr i i n m ly hir notice to creditors am otiirrh in ihr rtutf of tllrn malhalland aim known a rl1lr mulhsllanrf t ha inr rl um iunit i r ii n mulhollmd il own nllu mulhnlind f th- town of iton in thr i of hilton sp r dr ha dud on or thout th ilrht il of tvtohrr ilvl in kipniid to vi nd pirtifiil ir and proof thnof to th- umli rticnrm i f m tin twinh thinl tla of ntmh r ipso uh h thi- nti w ill t- ittvtrtthitrvt anion g th- puli- lifiilu intitlril thrrrto haiini rritan onl to thi- 1 tm uh ih vhh har bttt film uutn it acton ont thin fifth a of nwrmlvr tovl l r lithrnd slnitor for annlr mulhollind hid i iip tnnr mulhollind fx uru iv at ton ontario a- 72 all p ri in vi it twrntl acton high school annual at home at the acton town hall dancing from 900 p m to 1 00 p m thursday december 21 admission by invitation only 75c dress optional refreshments moird into lh ir nrw horn im irpprt mim r id rt mtjiovtiitf ihr hrnrfil- rf in up tn ditr r tdrtu th vnipth of thr ronihiiinl it rxtrndiil tn mn ornrirr prrrv tn thr pnmj of hrr mnthrr tr willi im ii tmlllon m mondu morning in hrr mh rir thr fnn- rit m on uvdtt 1iv with thr v rli- it st tohns hnrrh nnd intrtmrnt in flrn mill crmrtrrv mr mil mr j cimptu of tivluuh hivr movd into ihr horn- litil tamltl h mm 1 johinon mr flmit hnmnull u ho hi in n locil scout nnttrr hn rr- icmii uiil mr jvnr a mllnr t nom utiiini ii in thnt riiarlt follow ine m illnr of nmr dur tion mr- ii m sptncrr piss d iv iirh sjilurdi niornlnr in oiii lph ritirrnl ltpltal whrr sh jnl in- n rrmn rd lvt w rrk from i toronto hovpltil thr form r flinor acnr trout mr spnnr w t n alunl mrmhrr of ltokwo rm cn nrcinlit ton sh- i urvliil m hi r his hind on- trr mn 1 a little annri of rotkwo1 and four hi othr fmtton nhna alta ltox ft im sak nvii akiwis mr and allan hnr hc ttn- funeral ma hrld mmnliv in hkkwvl l church with h- 1 w ollvrr in chirirr dur- i mi hf irnr mi ooroth sim mon of acton contributed a voc al nunibrr niimcnniv florni w rciths npokr the hlch rvtimm of thr drccarl w hlch rrr car- nrd h two nlatlv c along w ith mtlimcv fred hamilton g nir- r a ncirrl and h htr pallboarcr were mcwr a y rot c a hrffrman ron cirdon frank otrindor ijovd dvrr nd tltivd thmta intrrmrnt took place in nockood crmrtrr ttir tmiitlmra of halt ti pnstijrt li mrt in llrmitr tlnitnd chlil with ihr thalnnaii itrv h y mrf fr prialinj and li d muitiinit wtklnii w on hi ii u i td in led br mr j i mtkmduy if lluilinmn tt i ii s riddr thr prratdrnt nf mjinll ot onfritiit riut1 kituif fr in thr othrr lftbjt i 1 1 arnl niiihatitit a iril fur fitalrr rtthrrh1 utwrn nln tvti r and la turn criirtat ckiim it had rndravir1 to liflil tttla tuothrttikml uy lfli 1llnn allln for two laviurn t i- ut1 ml prratvtitv ifiml it latnna ctunlttrr alan in i m ii 1 1 1 af a tn nlalrr only ojir mmr w to w pliatlitrd to a in t1n at our tliur ifr alai at im d thr linil for a mh ona rat l t wainhtji bth ai homr an1 t of niaaimi wmh of mir ihirth r ira t1ir prntdrnl fitthr all 1 fo an i i n t inphai riii iln thr ttrhlt 1 ilril mr j i mabondlrv f tnullntfton n1 mi r w llaitttlr of lvllr o it ia1 ral hlatlona ioiumim i r ltrv i w slrwrt of trafalr w at iin1d sttu11al sfiilarv tir chiltlati rlinailn cmmlt tr annnnrrd thfrt lad rhi tialnln fwtimiu to u- hrld a iulrnmi watrrdown and clruf acton high school news it hull 1 l th it j d utll v and malntnan apokr for thr m itt r and far n iplf ilia addnai narv work of thr ikd all proptr t f a rvl- and on f thr mil drparl and m irrr flnr vrrini ihr ituirh llr i a hlhrr hi ration fvanif lum and s at rrrv hi- iimirt utffid ippoalllnn tn lha pt ut attaik on thr tnnt dar tn th lntrodut1ui of romnii n ul pott on sundav thry alio r omin ndrd thnt in rvrrv prr jivt irv hmt of rvanfrltni ultat1nn u- h id th paatornl ltlion commit tr aorrptrd with drrp rrirrrt itry a i ivntnan rrju t for rrllif from pastoral dutln on thr iiw v 111 charge to takr rffrt i june 10 ibm am hirg but two rviort d that lh i would mrrt th tnlnlimim 1 i i pill m nt v t by g nrr1 oun it for ibm w l h 1 n1 iti id f4nn phi- r v ruble trul 1 i w i rmuh 1 campbeuviue rev j sutherland in to c aft st 1 nt chuuh tint llhollt ulu labmen defeated by georgetown euxtcr ijd took a 42 dirat from the ceorhetoun luirrtmcn thus wrek at thr groreetown arena dropping them into fourth place in thr tix tram loop baxtets joala were by earl matales and ken allen georffe- lowti snipers were tyler nichard- son 2 and hamilton the baxter hneup was iney robnson s julian zajac d earl masales d vic masters bui field f ken allen t jack stew art a bob marshall a fyfe som- ervllle a m1 jordan a ray ev- erdale a lloyd robinson a mmlvti r uc mr tuiu suth i rhnd m a of nw wstminvt r iwiv iiuhutil on frldav rvnliu about jno nttndit from camp b ilvlll nasigiw xi ml mii rounding chunhe st inni tholr rrndrretl several must nl i lion he mr hrvan int rim modi iit or intndued the n w minister h r ii armmnk of acton on hrhiir of the prrvbitcrx hnitirhl cr ting llev mr farn of cntt ki mi inspiring message tn nil ifv mr williamson of fden mill toiuluiteit the erice of indilt lion rev p c mrglnnl of gurlph id iln vmii thr congrcjiallnn iialntv rvfrmhrnenti were rr l the ladle of the ron irrrgit i on i at thi lime greeting were rn- i tended bv rev mr plrkerglll nf wwnncr llnltetl church and ri- ralph porritt of st john and st georges anglican parhhoa a ulnrere welcome uai given to rev mr sutherland to his flnt ihirgp and he replied thanking all for their kind w ljie bnut fortv cpr friend at tended a partv held in the maon- i hall it campbellvllle on friday eeninn to honor mr walter fer- rier who i retired from the cpu he wa prewntiki with a purse of mone and mrs ferrirr who i 111 w a given n bouriuet of flowpr accepted on her behalf bv her d uighter mm tom whalev progressive euchre u a enjoyed after which dancing followed with mutlc by mr i mitchell of milton ind hazel small at the piano re- freshmen were served guest w ere present from goderich strevtsville and waterdoun masters sdney and blllie dick of allishin spent the month of november with their grandparent mr and mrs wm vanslckle mr ind mrs waller hamley are residing in the residence formerly owned by the late joe weir mm c a eliley vas awarded second honours at the annual bird show in toronto last week mr and mm robt inslls and mr and- mn arthur markle of muljrrove were sunday visitors of mr nnd mrs george infill and family tfnr lit lar mrrl mi iiae told during tttr pl irx 11 rd it a4ua that gtrat iunj ait t t madr fut thr at ii miir 11 w i1n idl hat mual h j i id by th m rry mkrr thr adm aon wa kt at t in- 1tvji an 1 im itathtns ar t mj b nt iul tu pafritla of atudi nti and ik tu1rnta who hivr tr n at tr dlf t a- hxt djlng thr past tu rata th 1 itrrary swlrty 1u1 wa liiltcl into four graupa ihr ath i n cnmlltr to 1r1 by john wir ttvr pamr cinmlttr hrad 1 t iwmi laldki thr rf tain f nutltt brad d lv 11 k w1 iu1 thr i mi h lontnlttrr a trd i v 1 tlr it ruinorrd ttat ihrr will tw plr inulatlng dirougjtickit th v h 1 tn ihr near futotr tina oak ut int r aslrig- u r lllty to ir w wh ar nmit i the ideal christmas gift th aalp hi oultt tl tt uly hai urn inform d ii i frt i1l will tw lur1 ih f if chmtitiu olhhntm gifts exchanged at christmas meeting mia ir mhiton wm hnat v o oipilmp- wotnrti a inatltutr fo th ir hiitma in ling fit ihi nimiilii mnrml thr roll ill w lit h wit an rai hangr of tullmia klftv ttn inlrluta wrnr i d and th on poml u 1 alt with and rmimlllt were ppnlnt t f 1 th ii hi t the rhhil ii w 1 t 1 1 tiav li i omp t miw program in k innrv and ak f hi lilti itt to t k pdit mr coiil hi r4rtanii and mr norm m k nle w i in hirg of ihr proginm whlh tn filiated of a piano ilut of chrlslmaa nirdlrya by mrs oi ton altkn nnd dor it finn and i chrhlmas aton n id tiv mr dan winter i mi h wi aerd bv th hnat nd i i tit- foil wing th p n n f th chrlslmai glfli ttn n to- i- t h it hi h in f mis akin r ish r m vi it int i llunl- r i kitrd n sinti with mi nd mi ii rt c ool loin t org bwn mi nd mis ii mh rot n i hi i f mill of cu lph nd mi c hob it- i of ii million pnl sun ihv with ihrtr pit t ml- r ojr- 11 hibrrlm mr f wool h id ml saful 1 nine on frllis it du th id mi- i c rnbrrtaon inludd mr ind mm i i me nnd k ren if nd mi k ii it rt on owing to the ions holiday weekend please arrange to have all advertising and news copy in to the paper on friday pecember 22nd for the liiue of december 2bth th mr d nt i ii ii r ut sti tfud d toronto ml mn mn sliulilr nf gu lph vp nt ih wiik end with h r par mis mr ind mrs archie slnrlilr the women inhibit- pnnrrd 1 pinprlii eu hie v the school on fi i v nlrht mrs thorn i fine ind mr i mm hunter received pt for high i ores mm flgln rrown rieked the lnck chair pri a delirious lunch wis serv ed 1 the i lose thr osprlnge sleepv rw mrt sw hi id th ir nietlnr on satur- div aftt moon at the home nf their president miss dorl wood fol lowing ihr huslni ss period the cirl uorkd on their prole t the hisrw er ed i iint refr shments to cnnrlude a pleasint ifternonn mr md mm w awn were hosts to the farm forum on dr ember 41h for the regular mertlng with ten in attendance after list- ening tn the broadcast a pension ft e ersone a ll elv dims inn followed all seemed in favor of a pension fur ill it as with i mean test ulth flftv dollam as a basic amount to go up or down accord ing to iklng costs mm gordon altken and mr w aw rev received prires fvr euchre a datntv lunch was sered at the close i srruritv for farm labor was the topic discussed at farm forum held at the home of mr and mrs ward bruce worktnc conditions were thought a hlg factor in harm onious relation between employer and emplovee wages regular hours and the golden rule were all most important cardsvwrre en- joed with mm a fisher and mm g altken receiving prizes sandwiches and cookies were en- joved at the rlo4e due to the rush of the christmas season meetings an dispensed with until after th new year tt war tv tut naos each carrying a weighty bag four wolf cubs of montreals tver- ley community centre pack last month proudly marched to the childrens memorial hospital and presented 3fl to the occupational therapy division all the cubs ot the pack had saved a pennyadty for several months for thli pack good turn just arrived a klimini l v ah i akwim wpllll mil imi anic lkl1 l miki wiim llll luiav i ma i hi imi i miui villi ii allvaiji i j ii j iui i ijixi riat i 1111- ilh vvmiii imi 1 i am j i v ul b d rachlin star op vry vvninp unit i chhltmas you are invited lu ilin i ml vunij l tl i vi i i i lnl wlli mirtny nv ifalurfi wlnili wll i f r chfvfulrl in llie lo i nl it ii almlv irll friday december 15th dell bros sales and service on chevrolet and oldsmobile deiivcred price in milton as low as 190 including license spare tire ready fo carefree motoring phone 89r2 milton ont opfn fklday and saturday fvfninc here are some christmas suggestions from hassard radio adnnrrtl trlrvjiion 4 mtxlfs to oioosi fiom acjmiril mantel rndio marconi mflntol radio combination radios and 3 speed record players refrigerators admiral and astral sea bree- lroner inglu coette heaters vacuum cleaner chnstma lights electric kettles feather weight irons telechron clocks sunbeam colfeemaitert sunlieani shavemasters wrstmqhouse food miners wtsfinrjhoue electric blankets record players electnc drill kits ideal for hobby man pop up toaster wasbers come in and soe thes items and a host of other uioful gift nothing is as practical as an electrical gift at christmas a ilt about our magic heat hand warmers thai you can carry in your pocket a warning about television sets they are becoming very scarce af present we have a good selection so if you want a t v set for christmas pleat tee us toon atk for the retail merchants draw tlckata in sin- t hassard radio ph 330j acton do your christmas shopping in acton

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