Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 21, 1950, p. 5

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wuhsday dkckmbkr ii 1m the acton fbff mjess pace ttvk secretary treasurer wanted for north halton high school district board application will be received by the undertigned for he position of secret ry treasurer of the north halton htgh school district board until january 5th 1951 applications will be dealt with at the board meeting on wednesday january 10th 1951 and applicants may interview the board at thet meeting if they so desire the meeting will be held at the council chamber tn milton particulars as to duties trie may be secured from a d sproat sec treat milton ontasio pteceeieietietctcie mjlssagaweya j hlo 7 il ilf lull 1 1 ra i inn liaitlrl ft supper concert in nassagaweya kirk ttir- dltnu roujrtiunaj tup p r and lhns jnai coneert of nu ugimrub prssb vr ruvn oiurrh wai ht id 0 thr sunday s houl roon laan friday ntfht hrn th- rhildnn and thdr lurmt fulrd 4hr tablr and rnocd drlulnus iuiirr a food program lit thr rhildrn fuj lowrd and ttw prntattai if crrt ifiralrs as nudr to irrtnr coir hrin iinlr jim liutrtvrr and iiikiu dndjfr f r iiirtnorijlrif tlw inmirv tatrrhlam santa ci us was thnr and pnwntrd f ft t andy and ifnri to th rhll1nn ami ipr la pnira to r rral for rffj1ar attrrtdanrr at sun da s hiol thr urifln- of thr natwrnl anthrtu tin oftd noth r h j fitmas i1v to an rnd u ja k wlui t- a a l truly 111 ut ktrk ot lavrll tn thr h apl a tt hi l hr 1 n i- hit t tw ipr iri hi nirtti f ntita ii a aimrdi nv iv i i v 71 ti ii t 1 ut r 1 1 in st t th h mm f mi 1 is n hi 1 11 t 1 1 1m 1 1 lit mi 1 m u i i ii 1 i i t t r th l m water bills double to pay debentures owtinurd jrotn page one s ewn told round that th ijtrral to thr prvpr1y on mill si rouncillor of the to wo of acton the mayor concluded jlrve tyltr prrawitrd hay or mjisum first mayor of th town of acufi with a black lrathrr bill fold on bfhalf of the iwo council fur bis uurk lit th past yrr mivnr uasun thankrd th council w tnantrd by carroll s u not lu p an4 tnbulr to tp nough to drain thf cellar h th flru r and aikrd that it be corrwt councillor grtr thompson ly mitalld uncll points out iikhen rnajrll and ihit th lateral had urn installed h xyi wrtf p mrm drr thr uwnirahlp f the lonnrl th n a try to hit at wik k taylor c wood and 3 stewart were alto praent nrf and apparent lrfatiun ur risen aald h- htd turn udd that the ateral wmjm drain the cellar fl r 0unrll frit ur wnlfufid t mnrr owner of the tiulldlnf w a responsible to mr fiaert not thr rounrll town jon man a ktrknesa re i t tht if thr it wiathrj tfillitiiiit u r wtmild he readr in the arna f r at if if thr w r tut mu i 11 ill uwil the otkan itl f th arn for the ur rnt int it waa in a1 1i f r an artna mnair r an 1 to nak le i 1 i m tl 11 f r iiii itinfii hatl tw m n irf 1 h v pi n i hair lt 1 1 i ir fomi r 1 hire 1 r- r ti th i hi m e braida shoe store acton high school annual at home at the acton town hall gaining irom 9 00 p m to i 00 p n thursday december 21 admlitjon by invitation only 7sc dress optionat refreshments hi h 11 all w m 1 j lr1 to i t amo tkhi ii r th t tr if it 1 t a- hat h all wtiiti mulleit f tatilr fiitrtt lar fnt ml li trrfat im the mrlin dae1 tv alntf irt x irtn all v faithful- and a h lal hour follow 1 quit a nuiou r fn thi dlatrlrt at ndrt a andl iljf jt k ivlr at wiit ttnitiil h h on sunday uirht ttu fn lh i i h lit t o r mr m 1 mr i nt hi i lirn numu r b and d r n mm it r mkrni ami t nimrk of tnnmtn wrr nt airxtn prrttinr farm for i m f january 2 what ran rfctln b ltd a i mp h af a ifnl lix uvlnn mr innfle rvtt i 1 itntv lurt1i thrrr will tx w m r m rtlnr 1u mfct d holldiv a m rr chtitrnt t th k1ltnr ift id 1 r t r f art mi trrc ir v tm to m- f th pin i f t j lie lltll ii1i wlt in t 1 th i r ii ntilut 1 f lh pi mt j i v n t with on 11 the ffoiip 1 1 1 t lf i f nu ur th ir iuitli and i mn t aio thr mavor and f lh fiiinrll will 1larolrk iwatd w rrelvnl re larllni thr i nt pi i of tree lihtlnr on v 11a si the slreel tonmitti w i bi ln tlfftr ihll nipllnt otiiih 11 iilso mt the liht h td ihii roik arly in lh m lmliifr a h tt i fn nt th ina1un n ti n 1 k ll oinpllrni nled ii t mi on lis puhllltv mr mt m nld illllilaitlon to llltf 1 in1 o t otb r lrnnh i of m of notice to creditors anii onirkh in the euu arthar maellam- 14 all himm havln claim against th rtate of arthur mai lniild it f th town f a ton in the t mtv of halton mrwktaver dr 1 who i11 on or atxot the i ith tay ot oihih f i ft j are re ni1 to rid pitl ultra and i m f lb lrf lh oioh r lpod t f i the t ntv tliltd dav of ii ioiur utji v h n th- iivtl ii i dlhil ut t am mi the pr t 1 kik ih11 th t luting r irr1 r lv to th 1 ilm lill t 11 htr h n md li t1 t a ton out thi fifth 1 f ii- mt r 1vi y a jlh i liid 1 it r f r wllur1 mj l mi it it it i uili flf il apm ntd pr nt th lo ind parsonage scene wms elections til he i m lini of the worn n mm nn s i t f ih- initf- inn li unv h 11 m thr l irxwui n tur1 unh a pixnl ilnlnn im l i m m 7 n in t w i in the rhur wt r 1 for h iulll s i 1 nn1 ci im tin lint tr ii ii am i imi li 1 i 1 ill hi vlmis c ir mini iliiruik lh inscribtd i or all to set is our wish for j you this most joyous or seasons i a very merry christmas wright real estate and insurance arrraisors rfaitors insurors j i 1 urtchl orrii n lllir t ion rhnnr n ii wrlch olftii ii m4ilinirll l urlph ihonr 1imi ajimiiax iiiixxj iii4i i h v i t k i t ii- 1 1 hi hi n i in chirdi of s kr i th n i l h mv v hirh u i r iihllmg ii v 1 cn lh- f t hru mi m ar lur mr ii i nd mrs c i i lit 1 mk ll i in i m ii n 1 h 1 t t i 11 i 1 c i- i ur f r 111 i ii n i 1 r i m 1 lt i r i 1 1 ihilli 1 tru jon- tn a king nt tiori ot th soli i r itherl mdrnlilf wr to i lompmy lh i pr ntatlv r a 1 t i from th i p irimrnl if mihw id th r would b no pu ti n of viniliiix the nuiln 1rrt thmujih tu n nnd th il a 1 mi a th tr t i w rrr k pt in a filrlv vmniilh ronditlon thrv would miow filow them the ib partment ixilntl out ihnt thrv would not risk t plow on rough atrorts a resolution wm paachl nuthi r 1lng pitmrnt for the telothe n trp makmi home as it w i lltt under i inrlal pollre the outline for i plan nf org in ittkm regirdlng ml drfi nv was rvcrlx ttl ttil malt rial wi flleil fw the enmtd rttlnn of the 10m council mi or misnn turned a borrowing no r of w000 for mment on w t r mun entenlon until th d h nttin nn wild ait mints vn pl is follows c t n vvc w it runrks d pt liutnnl n nt il fjinnrni v m firh rn ho h imon y o it- jinn it c i in roids l nr mp t h f n i n u t 1 1 i nrj it mn n km i i i ou 00 1 i im t oh t h i r 1 1 1 1 1 ti mt tffi m 1 1 1 1 am utor notice to creditors and vttltsn in the riuir af allan i c km ith all m nwinv having tlalm against th fstat of allan j smith it of th toun of acton in ihr ntv f mnlton lihiiir dr imii who iuh on or utiotit the tight nth day of ktnlxr 1a0 i julit to stnd paiiiul ir nd pnaift th rtif to the untrr igo1 ik tore the twnty third 1 v of dc mlfr 10v when th ii i- will tx dlstriliutd iimmg the i itis 1 gillv tntitld h reo hiving rkirl onlv 1 th rliltiui vli h vh ill h iv b ii filtt itttd it a too out this fifth t iv of i mix r ivn is ith rl in i at inn out t i r f r mr ann i m smith i itrlw i 2 t notice to creditors anli otiirrh aute af william i harlea lui known as walenty i the jaftrllo jaflella all p rmn h iv uig i urns iinl kit it of willi nn hoi jag llo lan known i wji nt jig ii lit of th town of at ion in n t ounlv of milton tinpr 1 who it t on or ithout th thimith dtv nf ottob r lit vi m rinporeil to aend pirllcul in ind proofs lh rof to th unih rsign d i for th twnlv third l of lh ti mhrr lv u ht n th im is will u distributttt nmmig th pr ti s ligillv tttltltl th r lo hixing rgil onl to th ililms vshlh snll h urn flld di1 it a ton out this r fth i i of i t mbi r 10v v ia i ht rland soli hoi f mrs lb li in ft in rr adminst r itrix a inn ortt i 1 pr r 1 1 nf 11 it l ii 1 m 1 v ti r tt oil 1 i greetings ar stt s for v r of ms ind t hippy niw oir ilio irr va th thtnt tho most he irttilt hcti flmt tho cires of fln wotld dini i ibh ind sprtri 0ur homos from the troubles of the time mjy ll t ddys be as pyous andgay as the christmas morn hotchens bakery acton m t m htt p t 11 v r ii mi 1 mi 1 1 i n it 1 t it in n i i n of th ip ii n h u i 1 ph il r n tht n mnrtlh r t u imt t in con it i ti tilr ih firvt e phead optometrist eye examined scientifically classes fitted cuf if tt st rarer sq piionk iw1 raubllahrd so eara i m 1 1 i 1 h ip 1 v 1 h i h 1 t u mi i 1 if lh inks n i iiv i 1 vis curt v f th- ir li m nt h i- 1 t mil o ill hi inl i- ist 1 i i if off i f 1im put i pi dnt mrs y t cilduu pr 1 nt m ss m 7 it r n t 1st mu pnmlrnl mr n m m it 2n 1 ic prsidnt mrs a hills rd it m sulint m ss m mimirii r lining sntir mil pn misa f ii iw thorn tr isutr mr j iimhit issistint tri tstirer mrs llill- toinptndinte hthrs ttrv mr george bom man sfcrttiriif of dipirtmt n missi n bind mr h mr arthur assntints mrs l lo oil and mrs w w itrrhmim bab hand mr hinm isaittipt mrs cnrr timpt ranee mi simmons communltv frlrnrtship w l gala christmas dance l saturday dec 23 3 town hail milton ml ml in tiw hopkins i 1us ouchfstilv s i 11 mi ilhr piu iruii rjlmi danillltl 9 u j ladils tik admismon gknts tv 2 aaataliaaafcivaaixxaxli mrs r clrte chridian stewnrd- iihlp mrs thomson upplv mr j moon assoolatr htlp4rs mrs b vrldhuis life mmbrhip mr j ttmbrt pianist mr r r arn old assistant planirt mn m burmt mlsslnnjirv monthjv mr blnnle official board mrs h l- johnson auditors mrs c t poole mr f clcaw cgit mrs itae weirt ajulsted by mrs buton ond mr long literature lecertatry to be appointed manning electric wish you all a merrychristmas and happy now year new years resolution dance twike t club ymca acton friday december 29 admlulan 3s t op your chrutmrtmgiving lut iarf with shirts bytooke ulllers and many other lines on display may we also suggest towels blanket sheets pillow slips chenille spreads sweaters blouses lovely lingerie pyjamas gowns and a host of others by orient weldrest g om azttf00 g g 51 g fykj jv 7 smart shades from 7 1 35 la l5 rr dont forg our lrn slock of christmas groceries candy nuts fruits oranges vegetables ginger ale etc elliott bros g closed all day tuesday december 26th vi

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