Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 28, 1950, p. 5

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thursday dkckubjdt at 1164 thi acton fshe mjbi pxok riv campbell family is given goodby gift a presentation wu held in s s no 10 school for 1v john cunp- twu and family to bid them fare- f wu befor they movt to uuton 5rorttlvr euchre was enjoyed vjytb prtsra being awarded to mrs k walton ufa jack mrphall wallace king and john campbell after dainty ireahivurnt wre ervd h family wa preaanted with a tabi ump with radio in th vj commlttm in chart ware mr and mr robert ingli ur and un robert kilo ur nd un william roberta ur and mr oeorg inglla mis gertrude t aapbil waa presented with a cup and nurtr from th choir thank wr g1vn b h no 10 christmas concert waa told m th school 01 thursday evening undr th direction of mr john kobeey th tarhr s k no 1 concert waa hld i friday vnlng undr th direction f ur william bryant th teacher hi david a monday schinl christ ftu concert wu hld in th baa utrnl m satumav evening with li ur j sutherland as rhalr thr spirit ur the lilrth of jesus was tmr 11 ttat lieeri a busr wrh but sained throughout mil rodger uahon waa th win in il the institute lull which was lian at no 10 school christinas nrt jouh4 ounftai rfiiictid wiuinoton howmin hiad acton man is director joph dunlter ouelph ii it 1 was re elected president of the wellington cnunly plowmrn 1 at- or la t ion at the annual meeting held in csmrgle hall frrgua oth rr officer elected were 1st vie prrtdent wm rmall ouelph it it 2nd ire president john car ter fcrgua it r 4 secretary tra urec s it st others arthur the director from nearby dtstrtrta arr jmallnch andrew mrrnbhle ouelph r it i giirxton crow hrspeler r ii 1 frtmnu t j hutchinson rock wood harver llavn hock wood teonard dadd hock wood gordivi oat rand r lb ark wood krin carman parkin on nillaburf smith or if fin ar ton r r i cecil a carr optometrist 0uiuh4 deuejlas tt ti 101 19s1 a year which wr hope will y hung peace prosperity k incl fulfillment of dreamt v to one and nil happy now year cvcoogvsez 60wst 0 amotvm t ouvukt mb owysiattou rid l we chsngo to 1951 w with ill of you the bell of health and happmau and hop to b able to serve you during the coming new year lame gamer molorsltd 45 main st n at bower atten macule 314w 19th of december 50th anniversary fifty ynri ago ojj th lthh of dfcrmbrr kdwin h cdulaun and furanor gunby rrr unltd in mar rlaff a rrtebralton romnvtmor alive of this event wy held at th hum oi thttr daufhtr llrt roy coultrr campbllvillr on tuesday ilcmbrr 10th 1w0 at th orixlnal wadding tvanty- thr jjuata wvr prant and at th timr of thla gnldn wadding thirty four ar atill uwiatf hvn tn of tht wrr antong th guest of ih day int lading mr and un wm ounby brothrr and sister at th bud and groom mrs clarvnr lunby sister of th groom and brothers ur o arthur cuulaon and ur wilfred oulson or iw ltl alo r unl mii ura coulatmi i only living tltcr ura itarhsl mar taotllr now rrauling at capet ifwii ontario mti mlnnlr urkrrr tirtdramatd of fifty vnti kgn wai unhr t ik prrsmt but atnt her omiajralnlatlon fr m rlirli1a how rn lhr fl iw rr girl mrs vra mil it f ltmtlt t ua irrnt for ihf r rnlng whit rut lu i rn1 k hi 11 ytiltltr t alt rta ma tr an rmtlvr setting fr th h vnt mn ilov ultrr gtrtlht hrr gurats at th it m i iiiiit li hrr alatrra ur cha lutinl mtt mr o urth rirl1lng ul thr ira tahlr in thr aftfniimin wrf mn wm ounbv of watrntmn mlu annlr it coul nn arkrll and ura o a coul im tiwlltr ant mrs clarnr oiihliv llinfonl in th evrnlriaj ura j m hrhra1 and mrs clor dtm attttstrong tnith of iwvmo imiiirtd lia thoa vatn altid with the aerv ing vtcrr mia mrrvvn coulaon mu txtriard milaon mrs i inyd ovsntalr mlu shlrlrv cmilson mn ibirlg ounttv mr vrlna norrla mn stanlrr coiium mr rrilherstitn colling mm vrmnn m arthur mn 1 lord lvrr mrs krlth millar mi rrland oiling mr tuuoit and mn orvl vrfr m tit than on himdrrd and flfl hicb i alliil dtirmit thr aft rnon and r riling t i of fir thrlr rongrat iilatitn tt mr and mr- oiil m matt i 4rdi and in mr w r nit ivnl 1m tin tiridr ami groom of flf tmri ago am mn tho rii mrigt fr mi vaiwuuxir ik ijhui4 alt ooodlando mao im kport n y ilrrmuds florida rikart ind spcn en hi in raitirn ontnrlo and wallar hurg in untfin ontario toronto hamilton and tin at points thi nuiplr nirlwm a rrrttftcatr fiom th ijovcrnmrnl rongratiilat ing th m on th u iioldrn vrslding nnniv rsar s i nl handaom and uwful gift ti titirl tii thr ritrrm in whuh mr and mr cuulaon ar hi id thru t ml mini a radio from tho miti and dntightrrs flfnrr frim gratuhhildnn and manv otht r r latu and frlc nda chlnrac rice um t frtni china nnd a pair of ti iku hi uurnlr forva rrcrntu brought fmin kom bv the he ridi s iiinlm and presented in h r nhinni on this occasion aailtttm i h thi gift wrr mrs orh ctunb mn howard coulion and mr arnold coulvm tr and mr coilon con alder thi mwl i fortunate in that thrlr ihlldrrn all n tide within a few milit trl hae four aona llv ing ionan1 mi r n arnold and hiwarxl all of iwt11c and km- neth dnat d and thrre daughter mr cha itrxant imjrmii of mountain rg mrs itov coulter k1- eanori of campbell lllc and mrs csihi itreckon trtancrsi of nronte auo tsrnten grandchlldrrn and two great gtand daughters an in terertlng fact to notr li that the parents of both mr and mrs coul- son alao clbratd their godn wddding annkersarte mr ooul sons parents wadding dav was also docvmbrr lthh nassaoaweya ss no 7 concert at school 1 well attended ttie chrutma concert in no 7 school lut woek wu well attend d the children put on a splend id concert each dotag their parti woll santa claua appeared at the end of the program aiwl waa a de light to the children he had his usual treats and fitts ura paul who has been in poor health for the past few weeks hopes to be able to teach after the holidays mr and ura joa frank attended the gulden wedding last week of ura rrmnks brother ttr and ura john g urn our of campbellviue a number from thla district at tended the school concert in no 8 last week and reported a food con cert christmas aervlces were held in the local churches last sunday a happy and prosperous new year to all x th annual at horn was a aur resa according to th commenta that hav bn hard th ixinrh committee under estimated the amount of lunch ndd because it was all gone in a very short while the cokes disappeared vn more quickly rad 10 undr th supervision of mr hansen cleaned up th hall on friday morning ast thursday morning at aaam hly chris tmaa rarnls were sung orad or sang m chrlalmaj carol y themselves accompanied by ilrttv sinclair at the piano carol fetterly sang whit hrtatmas martin davenport and frank llnton aang a duet thr i airmitianlei1 lir frank ilean at thr piano fildar aftniioon aftrr all rmrt aula tiad imtii dlatt united grad and is pot on m lltrratr prti nam it un in the f un tr ladlo pro giain midi frrtl ruilnger as the hminiir tlir gtila of th two aradis sang a number to the tune r marnamaras hand it was a ug made up almiut the ttoy of aradea 13 and is thrr aln aang nothrr niimltrr rn titled its a maialmiallow world john mow at franrea fletrhrr and fll oolgle were railed upon to give three nilnute srechea jivhn had to seak on the pnireaa of king gloves france on how to flnt and fll had to give an account f how to make a uimmi impreaalim n a boa theae fienple were cho n imfaim thi y wi re well educat d on the toplia thrr bad t dla na ttu next item on the program in a plav a court rear tn which a inn crawford dougtaa waa i i might to trial because he made alv larrcls f sauerkraut thla rula i pill a smell after th plav lhr aludent tmdy mtitf chrlatmaa arola until santa lnutijiritvil he had a preaent ml a ttag of randv for each stud nt mr hovlr seemed to te the m it popular trrbin for receiving lft it kept evrryone in an up kit then all irft fnr a weeks h lnbi t fore goina ttack tn the hi ind again childrens choir at special service an st pllonnllr ijiriti enngrrg tti in altendi d thi ctndlr light v imir nt alton united chun h i id sundi cvmlng the whole rvire rmphttlml childhood with th rhlldnit choir occiprlng the thilr loft in thi placet of the i cultr alngers aliotit 0 ihlldrrn in thr junior iholr enmr down the nltle at the tp ning of the i rvlce br candle luht earning unlit candle the mor choir followed rarrvlng itkhtid citndht and returned dimn th side nitl to remain in the gal 1 i during lhr scr ice two light i chnttntn tree and candelabra tt thi front of the church gae iinuiu ntmotphere to lh specul urtlu th candle were lit h lb witt slrra frank itesn tllll iiikii- ind jiik walki r th si npture torv wn read bv ci orgtna pli ter the sunrti shool clatte of mrs smith miw johinni veldhui ml lxrene it ind mrs ilean preaented chrlttmaa exercises and ite cur n told two stories especially fo the children mr 11 mowat who arwnt much time in preparation for the service gave the offertorr praver the iwect voices of the children s choir had been well trained br miss olive lampard the organist and furthered the theme as well as be ing pleasing to hear the service was recorded and parts of it will be played back at the morning service next sunday flower bulbs lost in glenspey blaze ftr broke out in the tart gladi oli building at glenspey farms en highway 15 tuesday evening about 10 pm cause of the tire is pre sumed to have been a smau oil stove healer located tn a small section of the large barn a number of treys of gladioli bulbs were scorched and the bulbs destroyed the fire burned a hole in the floor of the bunding about three or four feet square smoke in the almost airtight room hamp ered the attempts of the workmen to extinguish the blase ibhon mr brigade answered the ceil but the fire was under control by the time the firemen arrived one worker said he felt the air tightness of the buudlnf played a large part tn keeping the fire at a mlntmim laek of fresh sir help ed smother the tire he felt i 275 honor couple at broolcville hall fly ampbelli mr currfjipndnf a hust of relativi s and f rlt tui callrd un tuesday afternoon dec ember 10th to offer rong ret ulsl lorn to an esteemed ruuplr ur and ura john gllntuur of campbell ville mi the occasion of their 0th wedding anniversary nor oualy lovely in a blark faille dress wlih a corsage of red i ainatlons ura ollmour wrtcom ed her family ulas anna st home and ura chart weir of arllsle to tulil her and ur ollmour un thla wonderful oecaaion over mn hundred guests called in the after iiinui as the tridmaid ura fred osrrett and the brat man ur and new ollmour and flower girl ur fthel weir of fifty years ago wrl ownrd frtenda and retail vea iniuiliig tea at the attrartlvrlv leratd tea table were ura frank wheellhan mri hobrit uenrlrt mrs william anders o mr ffhel wrtr mr tlwmaa am is and mrs ii r van cramp mrs llinour mas lmrn in amp la imilr and ur ollmour in flam ixtro t n ushlp tin n peitlit otkoiil n tin in horn k mr llm 111 hat tieeti in lhr plastering trad unl till 1 f i v yrars ttir tiavr aprnl in of th il lit i lhl district tin i i i run t a rutlfl at i it 1 1 h kii ii mi ill tongialiilat hg ih m n their gold li w eildtng iiiiilvrrsary at fl put thrr and 30 gurats rrr glvi n a turkry dlnnrr bv thrlr daughter mrs charlea weir at st david a hurrh tlir imaullfullr duoratrd thrri luver wi ddlng ouki dm orated in gold and gre it wa prt si nted to ih in hv oarnrt ramp a favorlli lv of ih m hrv mr sutherland lokr brleflv at thr dinner at to pm alvout 7ii frlrn t ml releillvi gather d in mrook llle hall t rnjor a program run ittlng of rending mrs jamea wal lenr iluet mrs j k uahon an 1 mr william hoter1son vlilln aolo mm juan frank vocal durt marv 1 llarbara fvan aolo mu don frank plain o1n mrs janu t ana nun k w ddlng br a group f ampo llvllle nrlghlort jran lumthttu margan t wallace jimn wall i ll whrllhnit lilt lluhl 1 hot mlub tl sin il ramp ami vwian ramp furh f thr hill w ing nam i hi tit uimmi w 1th and rongnit litloii to the happv couple llr h mi donald mr tom amos mr frink m nlven mr joe frank mr fdgar fllenton and mr wu ham van sickle mr andv frank wn matter of ceremonies d tnrlng waa enjoyed n muni i franks orch atra till i 10 s m when all retired to thrlr homes tuver to forget the ollmour gold n adding ietter to editor writer hopes for honest citizens fr e ire- acton the fditor th aitu lctti nt t dear sir some time ago i read an srtlrl in lour paper re honesty of ac ton cillrcn hut sorry tn say there are in ivrrv community a few who are dishonest and i had thi misfortune to contact one of that rlut for on siturdav dec t mlu r oth i lost mv hint contain in a the sum of twent seven dol ttr mv dntrrs llrtimc and a few snapshots thi snapshot of course can never be replaced and t prirr them very highly th drivers license well i guns that can be replaced for a sum th j27o0 yes that can be replaced too bv sacrificing something to allow for it i am only the wife of a working man as the party who found my purse la very well aware of but if that party would onlv return the papers and snaps thi i lettrr is a warning to all citizens of acton to keep a rv close eve on their valuables at alt times h does not always pay to faithfully truit all those meet or come in contact with i know also this is a plea to all citizens who may find themselves in the same circumstances at some time that no matter how futile it seems to turn their case over to the pro vincial police and let them catch the culprit or culprits and punlsh them as they should be thereby helping to stamp out such thievery and teach those who are inclined to disrespect our laws fear to do so due to the cswsequence lets keep acton citizens honest sapec- lally those few parasites who will at any opportunulty ft their pleasures and rscoup their losses at the expense of some honest and trusting dtlsens let s be fair to the honest let the axe fall where and on whom it tnay as long as we can still boast of our honest citizens yours sincerely mrs leo roach esquesing council accounts passed fujuesiiitj township t hiiirll mat wrdnrsday nuvembrr 29 with au members present kreve oeorg urrle presided council ccepted the tender of hamilton ilroa for snow plowing from december 1mb 1940 to mjrcb is 1061 subject to th approval of tti department of highways the cheuur of harry ileer for snw plowing tender was returned council met again on daramoir nth wrth all member present and heev oeorg cursie presiding th following accounts wr aid ii ipc ii ram pt on 7sst 1111 tlphone co tt w george town hrsjd 7 u hoard of hydro commissioner georgetown hi jd pmvlnrlal treasurer of ortt tl ontario hospital wood stork jfi if c ucclur ambtilane ut vltor ii rumley ambulance 1s i onioratlon of georgetown tm h uittre no a w llenton the following shrep rlalma were me red paid john niack aheep klllr1 7 aheep injured tjji dun i an wldie valuator 4 gordon it kltnrv i aheop klllm fin j n wlttlamafsn i lamb killed 134 ml f w shortill valitator l dr ii a mfiiugh 1 sheep kill rd 2 mrldnim stark i lamb killed 7ft a n stark valuator w mrldnim rtark 3 ewe flm s wilson valualo m cuima for fosrs deatrored in i far ucal ng w omered paid h i thr treasurer clare wilson j georgetown g rugene itgsn glen williams i0 w o urdow etl georgetown a james orah am georgetown w charlea nor tun olrtt whllama ia wm imhirne llmehmia t9 ltd ward itnrverlsnn llnmhy s gray don stover mluon 111 fdward w llott actrsn io wm nlmlak ar ion fl charlea davtea oeorg town w h itallev milton u liny htlta glen wlltlama g wm sheppam actiwi v f a anderson georgetown i gs john ibirk milton i0 keith pence gergetown 9a i a wnrrif georgetown 4 f other arrnijnu jiald were a fnl lrwa george currle j3im0 geo isllr 1m s- craig held tlmm wilfred ihrd hmvi waltrr i in ham i1m it wa moved ht i inhim and seconded bv i etl if that leave hr granted to introduce a br law p provldr fnr holding municipal el ecllons for thr rear imi and two members of tchool ttninl nt township school area no i for i0ni and 1911 thr br law waa passed additional armunta ord ml paid were count r of ifaltnn ml per cent of hospital accounts fnr win msl m ontario training rcboota s07 o c tvown premium s17w rellrr officer f73 si j un ford relief arrnimt for 19v1 110 geo currle expenses 31 0ft geo rlie rxpenses 0 the clerk was inetmried to pre lirr a hv inw changing the ntim hrr of the wnms in the township in order to rnmplv to an amendment of the assessment act council inrtnicted the clerk to pr pire a hv law to set up a fire nrei in n portion nf the tnwnahln of fsquealng thi clerk instructed the sotlcilor i to tnke legal proceed inga to rol lect the sum of 110 from stephen mttlasek and harry hllaon for dnmagea to aheep by dogs the treaurrr was ordered to pay rhe road accounts as preaented by the road superintendent w 413 m the reeve and treasurer were empower to pav december mad acrcttints as preaented hr the rotd superintendent at of december si ioao the reeve george currle vacat ed the chair and th thanks of the council wr tendered to him for the court eoua and impartial man ner in h had prealded over th meetings of thts council during th past yaar pallants clothing store miu st acton ttlucat hotel in the world new yorks waldorf astoria cteratptrotpwtwcttre wf extend to you our sincere thanks tor your esteemed patronage ouring the year and express our pleasure in serving you may you and yours enjoy a happy new year good health happiness and prosperity during the year 1951 wnwwiw lacula ftla3talmfc3fe aaaltjkaattfce h2 with sincere wishes for a happy and prosperous new year baatiajaagauismesishababjbbmijjes b f murfin sheet metal works ceorgetown won iuw jtfjajeaee

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