Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 4, 1951, p. 4

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page four the acton free press thursday january 4th ibm puottal atatea of actonians visiting outoftovvn points anclof visitors jn acton harries p feni of inttrrst to be included mi and mrs jh jlointoii of in thru- column ahould be tele simjoe vud acton friends this pjionerf to 114 or arn to tyieyree veek prei office cuuin ac mm p g arnold 6l tamlto i ton vull with mr nnd mri hm vlsltod mr and mrs a b mclean vby jdtin nd ibobby everon lut cedar valiey a wcj jln for new year jllayiecnnjqhnbtgn spent fo week end 1 vttronfo with hef cou mr rip overholt mrs elolite shelton of st peters urg florida is the guest of mr hd mt amos msdn mju ltf2 bennett attended he funeral of the late mrs john ben ton in tatflojocuesday mrs h m mcdonald nnd mm gnrvin spent the weekend holiday with friends in toronto mr and mrs martin hassard of strathroy spent new years with mr antrjtrs e j hassard mr and mrs i mnedonnld bil- lie and miss mary flatt spent new years day at mount forest mr and mrs howard d colon ndfetrphcttofwcjton sptmtnhtf holidays at their homes here mr and mrs david hutchconbf gait visited overthe holidays with mrs sayersand miss gibbons mr frculer spent sunday in ffnjb fsjiettlnaj ui rlmi ul 1 luffiltwrwho has been seriously m mr and mrs macsymon and children visited at the parental home at owen sound during the holidays rev r h and mrs armstrong and children visited at the formers parents in lcasidc during the holidays sattirdny eicnlng the friends of mr jack david 50 ttivwstreet werc-crrrythttt- he had to be removed to n guelph firtspitnl inst week for an operation fnnppendlcitis firothoi norman hinto of to ronto viiited on sunday with his parents mr and mrs h w hinton nnd his brother mr and mrs bert hinton and other friends wr nnd mri thomas l xcalle recently celebrated their 37th wed ding anniversary nt their home in georgetown mr leslie lsn former warden of halt on county b rev and mrs w fosbury betty mae shejin kny and donnlc visit ed with miss fern brown mr nnd mrs orville johnson and other acton friends on new year s day and tuesday mrnormanwtldi ofvtmtmd- epent the christmas holidnxs v ith mi nnd mrs james wilds and brothers mr ind mrs maunee hurd and miss helen bane of rockwood visited with mr and mrs m e burns on sunday mr nnd mrs g a dills david and james spent new years in to ronto nt thehome of mr end mrs- frank browning mr nnd mrs nortvian robertson nnd glcnlcc and mr and mrs vc patrick attended family- gather ing at the home of mr and mrs d g robertson osprlnge during the holidays xtpctpi mr bert davidson spent sunday with their cousins mr and mrs thomas kennedy end family lnssagaweya when they celcbrdted their 50th anniv ersary the smith clan remem bered them with a beautiful basket of tarfcc yellow mums visitors at roy johnstons for nov years were mr nnd mrs george martin danny and linda ofguolph mrs herb dyer and xjqdot jlockwood mrand mrs m c overholt merle and mad oline toronto m nna mrs r- i johnston and mr and mrs o johnston the many friends of mr george finncj were sorry to learn of thx sudden passing of mrs finney at their home at durham recently mr and mrs finney were respect ed residents of nassagawcya foir many years but moved to durham irfew years ago after selling the r farm to mr horace blyth many visitors on holiday weekend mt elton hubbt left mi wed nesday ditlinber 20 fir his hfimx at sintalula sac to attend uio funural of his fathor who wat klllod on tuesday december lihh when tho motor vohiola ho was driving was hit by a train ft d level crossing the sympathy of the community is extended to mr nnd mrs hubb in their sad be- renvement f mr arid mrs el wood nodwell tiwnt taturdnyievooihtf as the guftsu ot mr and mrs wm cui- rlc hlllsburg- mr and mrs al ayers guelph mr and mrs dftuglas nodwell nnd family spent sunday wllhnvtr and mrs elwood nodwell mr and mrs fred cox y visited with the latter s parents mr and mrs shelbourne llmehou on sunday christmas day visitors in the vicinity werj mr and mm fred hall exjn mrs wm macdqnnld gumph with mr and mrs howard hau and francis mr and mrs earle jackson kenny and mnrlene erin mr ino mrs alvln marshnll nnd family fergus mr lloyd marshall ind ruth bnlllnnfad nnd mrs jtyg miglttlw cheyne mr and mrs jnck cutting cnl cdon east with mr and mrs alvln catting citizens spending chrlstmns day away frofft home were mr and mrs clarence bryan with mrnnd mrs archie mcdouft- al and joyce hlllsburg mr and mrs douglas nodwell nnd family with mr nnd mrs and row till grand valley mr and mrs arnold watson with friends in toronto mr and mrs elwooo nodwell with mr nnd mrs al i ayers guelph mr and mrs fred cox with mr nnd mrs wm cox erin vow can stop faster than the big fellow euchre sponsored by baseball club the baseball club held a second euchre in the school last friday evening with seven tables prize for high lady was won by mrs wright for high man by mr boles lone hard douglas hilton mr gordon toronto is minister nt disciple church of christ at present mr and mrs harold mcmillan and margaret visited on sundayat the home of mr nnd mrs irvm hamilton -nd- saturday cvcningvliinjrs wlth- dlanne nnttmaruvn wintmrtna- mrrnttd mrs harvey jcstln and mowwc families visit at christmas season mr and mrs melm spent christmas in toronto at thhamj wc hoped you noticed some new town people nt the club on frldnv night newfaces nrntnd the tlub encournge the coiinrll nnd help build up the club although thu attendance is stilt smnll everyone bad rt good time paul jones cfnnces livened up the y with one ping pong labty under mpnlr he remaining table wjw vry active there will be no s occasion thfs week liut tho second wime in janunry ihorv will be at least wo elubs invited to attend oir slegh- rlde onnee the eobncltiopes they bring their full club bemuse n great amount of work jias been donc to arrange for thli type of dance the council has planned if the wentlier permits to havathc nlelghrlde start at eight o clock nnd dancing when we return if anyone can tell us where to jiefmore sleighs the council will be very grateful we heard thnt work on the new lounge will start soon hope it will be rehdv for the slelghrlde dnnce bring n friend to the club this week nassagaweya s s no 7 bisxttaouanfclus the a subscriber contributed following joke aiprenchcr qf a certain church fond been continually npnoyed nnd interrupted in his sermon by the bad c6nductnf n group ofiountf il i r jw n pooplsittlngbwtho bock seats of their son tmfr and mh3bp hcpp mf iimehouse bockwoop vault overhauled in bank recently condtrablt work his bt en cirned out i thi rovti bank durinc th past fe w1 the hdnukhtcrs sylvia and linda oi christmas season popular for visits recent xisitors mr l ster of bupimffion visile d- ault hns been overhauled aid re in menb put irt place previous to putting the dnor in place due lo thi removal of mr ielantl to oth r points mr wjnlow of wil lne t burg is now carrying on as m inapt r mr ind mrs wnjaw h iv i ire idv moved into the vo ideiicc part of the bunk pi pcrtv v uiied bv mr and mrs j h gibb who moed t dravton last sprnik ntw ears dn pisstd off quit t l h rt tljirl was fine w tl it the vvenk end mi minvnc ntrkeltitir toronto w i home over the wek end ml fli tb th mcph di n f oi ni vill high schi stall up n li r hilidjv- with lur m th ir mt f a mcphedrnn mtx cexth guild of ttrnt e i hunu fir tlu hohdav season mi vrtrv rt id if th puhlu st hoc 1 stnff pt nt li r hnlirtin it hon t in norv ul mr georg t nnnit f mum oulm 1 1 tnd wi i visitor in town i t w-v- v s m milrev hi in icl nt ht i lie use v icatetl it t iiilimbtt bv m- wiiii uid duih r h b i mr m 1 mrs m i milni nt t hrf tn is lutn uito mi md mr tt d ephtt rsin midlind out mi and mn f c mu uid whi murrav toronto and mf and mr k id rt bilinct giu 1 h we re chrwlmos ho4ida v isiti rs muc u george chuf tel phon op t it r rtkkw d spent her chi uni- md new turs homdav- it ht i honu m w alkt rt m mrs d harttinti f irmi r ip rat t now t siding a palme rston j engagements i k mr md mrs stankv b russtll dakvill annouiki th tngigtuient of the r daughter shlrkv jnneti to dr joatph gtrard ptck of chi ciko on eif mr joseph l peck and hc late mi peck of sdnev nova scotia the marriage will tike plact on januarv joth tht d s mcdonald s on christmas mis helln swickhamtr of det roit with miss margaret swack himt r for christmis mi laurence sinclair and ehildren with the gilbert sinclnirs ind a c pattersons last week alis prfatrnew of toronto wjth thi bournes mr and mrs i esln cimpb 11 md mr md mrs d ilnty nnd ihildrin of himilton with the a u nortons on sundav su in mills or strtetsville with h r gnndpirints hcrt mr md mrs j a smcthurst titquelint and john of islington i fl mi tnd mrs c onnt ind k nn th of st w irttown with mrs j smtthurst mr ind mrs mitt hdh ind ihildttn uid mr and mrs bob h dlt of brimtton with the ei m d rmott s mr j iffriv f muston with the chirl jims list week mr wm k irn of montreilhns bt t n vi itint his familv near l urn h tl t mr and mrs f k irn aul flianarni tojandonon sunt i with him where h wttl v utt in ther son mr ind mrs glvnn ind pt tt r it nt chi istmis in himilton md hurrv mctjonald spt nt ve t ar wsth he r part nts at p trrv s unl mr ind mrs w b n on neil tnd bt rt p nt nevv ye ar s v ith h gnnltes it cnmpbellv ttc mr and mrs chirlt jones dix k an 1 gloria w t n w ith hu motht r it i w idbride f r new years da mr r t irn ind tht h norton s vtre with tht ted morrow i tor iit tht d s mcdonalds and hi cisbv sp nt new years with tjw lli uiimt at terra cota mr jos scott ndfamtlv wen u uh mr uid mrs thoa haines clen wfllums on new years rebate avai boosts for the cllh service a mud forces and rcmp will cos the goernmeit about mj million but ottawa hops to recover about nne quarter of that amount by longer houri and reduction of civil serv ice staff reports the financial post mrs les mcreynolds and family toronto mr and mrsrobort moon ind bbys with mr and mrs george brvan hlllsburg mrs elton hubbs with mr and mrs roy- mcconncll and family hinsburg mr and mrs henrv wheeler with mr nnd mrs norman wheel er nnd family hh line mr nnd mn elias hall nnd family with mr and mrs rov tln- ney erin mr t family grand- vptjeymissrwllin tillrn toronto vltsed on sun dnvwhltwr nnd mrs douglas nodwell nnd familv miss jeanne mcencherh sp nt the week end at her home here mr and mrs allan watson ind son visited w ith mr and mrs arnold wntson on sundnv mr and mrs elwood nodwell spent ntw yeirs with mr and mrs willace nodwell ind fimilv mirsvllle weekend lsitors with mrs mnrv rice were mr reuben stev ens witerloo mr tick m in kit chener mr ind mrs hirvtv dil gh ish onngev illi mr nnl mrs rilph whitnev milton mr ind mrs george huck guelph w i r sundiv v nit orswlth mr ind mrs alvln cut ting mr ind mrs grihim f riiton- ind fimilv toronto spen n v yeirs with mrs- klrbv ti w ii md donild fr ind mr ah in cutting mr how ird nodw ii md miss fdm cnxi pi nt nt w virs w ih mr uvd mr fick cutting ciiclrn fist mr ind mrs fliis hi i id fimilv spirit new years w th mr md mr murdo mecutrhe i i ind murit 1 ospr nge sugaest slole way for starting fires in nt it tin firts m tho most com mon tvpts of stoves and heaters ther n ttitmal boird of underwriters suggests thit these stt ps bv follow ed 1 fumovt all ashes ond partly burm d fuel rom the grate and ash pit clean the stove thoroughly 2 opto the damper 3 using a metal eontilner bring in the coal and wood place it on the me t il p id be noath the stove that metil pad is important st von don t hive one now is a good time to get one 4 twist several sheets itpews paper together and bend them in the shape of a horseshoe place them tn the combustion chamber and put dr kindling on top of the paper s light the firr from under neath fl shut the ashpit door and par tiall close the sideopenings open lh draft mth ihplt door 7 after the fire has started place several large pieces of wood in the tove- and cover them with several shovelfuls of ctat bobby were mr nnd mrs lloyd cutting acton and mr and mrs ted jcstin and family kockvvood mr ted fountain and friend guelph spent now years with mr and mrs charlie fountain and family mr and mrs xlf boles spent new years with their daughter and sonln law mr and mrs am old wilson salem mr j p bcnham brampton spent the week end with his wlfer -and- family jtr mr and mimhyjxvpy jestln and bobby vistted hunday with mi and mrs duncan kingsbury and catherine melmei mr and mrs simpson spent christmas in guelph at the home of thorr daughter mr nnd mrs clarke con to mr and mrs allison on the arrival of a baby boy mr and mrs fraser and cather lne spent the holldny at orlllia mr and mrs rnv blftcklock and famil spent ch with the latter s parents mr and mrs r t amos ofguelph mr nnd mrs roy morton and david of oshawa spent the christ mas week end at the home of thel r parents mr and mrs mor ton mr and mrs a freeman held a family dinner on christmas day the minyfriends of mr malcolm- turner will be sorry to learn he is under doctors care and wish for him a speedy recovery mr and mrs karl cargll aitd bo s christm in orange- ville at the home of the lathers mother mrff nightingale in his sermon nnd snld boyp when you get through flirting with these girls give me n chance the congregntfon inughed but tho prenchef dulnot see- the joke new years day is 56th anniversary mr nnd mr thomni kimwdy quietly celebrated their flirtylxth wedding nnnlvnraiiry mr mrtr yeirs tjay congratulation ond boctulliihon are extended to them nn thlr happy occasion chrwmimvfihan i t wcre mrdrfd mr thfoi ken- hdy mf k fntt and frneit with mr and mr wilfrid kennedy mr and mm john barber and family of georgetown mr and mm grant mcmlliari and donna with mr nnd mr e w mcmillan mr and mrs w watklna and fntnlly of acton wtthmv and mrs- stanley hoblnaon iflfr j 3 henderson and joe spent chrlstmns in erin with the ttiil family mr and mrs wm mccullouth were in guelph wth their daugh ters sot christmas day mr apd mrs oscar toeker were at mr nnd mr bert wrlghfs mr nnd mr wm wallace spent chrlstmns in guelph mr and mrs peter mclenn nnd donald were in toronto mr and mrs david henderson had chrlstmns dinner nt hawth- idjn mflttm wttrrtftirmr phnll s nnd hobertaons mrs wm dredge is in toronto with her sister who is critically ill mrs george job of atwood spent new venrs week ntlhhomo ot lirrttlifer ii ihecnnadlan village of tort eric in what was then loyalist country fell to fenian iwldar of the united state in ibm boys usually outnumber girls n swedish birth statistics wallpapers on of the largest stock of wallapapar to choou from in wettarn ontario pajnts books somo of tho more popular brand of nationally atlverlited paint carrlad in stock toys stationory uppliot kennedys book store 25 wyndhjim st guelph angus kennedy prop atnyi not a fish story want ads tell long story of good results wilh a record of year behind them classified advertisements those little pieces of dynamite uro still proving their ability to soil trade rent and do any number of things successfully each week more fnan 5000 readers have an opportunity to see your small soiling mussage and answer its call classified advertisements often start a telephone or door bell ring ing shortly after theadvortisement has appeared in the paper classified columns that appear weekly on the back page of the paper are a meeting place for buyers antlseller don t wait sell those unnecessary iterns now and use the frtoney for other requirements phone your classified advertisement to our office by wednesday of th weak you want it to appear and your lihle message will great a large potential market on thursday for results its classifieds in the acton free press phone 174 3 i 56 mill st v mmnmht ft

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