Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 4, 1951, p. 7

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thursdav january 4th tpm iinotlili cold medal pi rhaps mi dn nfjmknt rutord ho bisbr avonh a fit cord yunmm itwilm ncalltd wn tin gram champion or the llil ton shows in 1047 4h and 1f uml cjnfnd champion nt jin ontario championship show in iivjo that si47fiimp inmi thing irtpit than a ihivi is ubstanttnud hntji in production nnd bret ding ability sht won a silver r cojk ns n twi yenr old n silver nnd old nit dnl jis n ihnnjjvear old nnd stiver nnd gold medals ngnfn as a four year old tier production in her last inc tntlon wni ii 171 lb milk in 101 dns nnd h r in st butter fnt pro diittion to date vnn 712 lbs as a threi vi nr old suzannn s last n i 1 i r tnlf wni first pri7e junior hi i fir talf nnd n si rvi- junior i lump ion at thi 1050 rovnl for doir ht nil farms to whom hi w is sold dirt mtt tort moir7ntv op n jrmiiart 0 during the pt wn k the local committw urult r the thulrmanfthjn tfa t woodpjf ni t to tornpletc plan for the- rt opening of the night school in mi hon on january dlh wotwhhstiindinlf rhi fuel tht there ik already nn enrolment of over throe hundred in the coiinus being offered mnny other appllt at ion h have boon rocelvtd since the courses opened on november 2flth it was the decision of the commit tee that in fairness to those already enrolled no further application should be coniildered except in the courses in farm v business fnrm machinery nnd chornl singlnl their deribion wni based on the luck of further nccommodntion in some of the classrooms nnd fn oth er course sttelttia cloth ne tailor lntfientherrrftu oil painting nnd public speaking dm to tht impos sibility of the inslrui too giving lib nocorsnrv individual ntti ntion to additional- modi nts wt run tfnlv suggest to thos ditappolnttd this venr bi rouw tin ii application were not ncn pti d that 1f tht night school ii ii mginm d in tlu fail of 1011 tht gm tht n jipplii ntion in on time llnlton jftrjre rn coiihnim rrrmicca the monthlt ismm s of tin cn of nnrvtl cii arhan ji rsey flrci der rtitil thnt j win di i s ind sun pihrmo hnlton jersi t dn t dt rs cnntinui mcchin hios c ore town f to hit nround thi top when it conns chnihs o ori town ind hnns to producing jrood hop nnordi kroivi tit onkville just ncmtlv wp notiiod ihnt two in brli f the mnrnl of thit tor cows in the herd of km flln of ninhfl u hi hon t overlook o n llornhv hnd turned out two nici own omnt hn edt rv when looking records boh ni thre6 vmr jojds foiokt foundation stock in 301 dns hnd inth produced wtfl over 500 lbn of fnt sport inn stni j tatk school for it alt an rinrd stnr with w7fl lbs mjlk ohd hist mm4ifi ui li inn d thit 121 lbs hf nnd sunnrrcst pru hnltnn fum forums in spnnsm dent rooeland with loltfl lbs milk j m i-olk- school in llnlton jmt nnd ms itat butli rfnl uai 17 to 21 inclusive thij i ink tin simimtr for fi four f1pxie prut b i- ntherstoiu bros on pf fiunnnn i ions ls hi uj ilsi d hi thi aitifiiil unit it mnph tin thuil sistoi avonhn bisils 7tiih has i two w u r7rd uf wjm lbs- milk nnd w1 lbs bu tifnt in h15 dis ind in llt mis fust pu7t two t in old m mill tinth at thi tlnl on ind ontario hanipionshushows other nie jifords noli d on i which should jc- mentlmu-d- -nru- in the novembir itsu w notttl gernld r ornhnm of ashjjnue with n two ear old class lindir in 3b5 dn nam l gnnhnm farm pinn b hinnh with lltwmi lbs milk nnd mfl bsfat in thii pfiimliu isjtm we find mufrui bt i of txafnunr township withtnth r liadi rs first i md il fnd rlsiln i ns n fom t ir old in ivt dis pro dm id it th7 lbs milk nnd tfil lbs fnt ind i mdili b imi hi iln t i font m u old in 10 r dv- in uil i nict uioid of 0ft0 lbs milk ind 170 lbs f it it will hi nt illt i ih i rnsihix w is tht fn t pi i- dn cow it the lsn hilton tnll lntiiio shows md ujs f inth in th it 1 1 1 r it hibiiv il t tin b din onlv yy ttim nn l u m tows ptsstiu nn ihwii ii ink ml bill f ith i oil in n trifd n w find tlnm tlirninj nit smn cn it recuds ui tin ir ihr t i uih ti rs of old zun i oi to b men coruit fajr h ih irh 7 in i tin forpn r loop tiistimt ch unpion first ihtn is avonli i kirn s r iub 7iin with 12 on lbs f nulk nnd 72sf hv f it i fi in i ir old in iti sh is uui1 on tistisj fle ir old md in tin fttsi t iubt months his out oir 000 lb of fnt so shi is dt f uiiti b pointttir 1 1 in mi in id it thi homi of mr nnd mis ro coitl 1 1 r in ir low ill wlult ikiii i bi a bit of muo ttioi fni hilton folk st hools ir li it d iini pi i n iinl thost who ln in i n pi i th i d to it t nd tin m t 1st whin in inlhusiistn liotxsttis 1h th nn liuk of tht 11 ilt n i- ik youreyes deserve the test consult r m bell rgiitr optomstrttt hhm 22rl2 erin tthool n to b in ts it to tht nn il t n tt tint tin pi i i ultit s suui t urns is tin cm b t onimiimlv iki mum in is th hum cliuiih ittihtl oi iiliv- i i in i itt i iliu in j mils i nu miiiih i d nn mi tli j whi w ill 1 1 uiiiik in th iiki its urn in in wm uni t liipl nn it th o l mi fth 1 hipm in if t i nt h i hi n itt h iiim in f th i- ik si in il l uniiil ti i t ill r 1 unt i f tin u it si firm is c op i iti mr c id m oi i milton lt p ritt of c impbt ik ill b s h i h i rmctnn nnd di 1 urns m itlit r uud i t md thit th i is still i mi fir i f w mon iliplu in md thi mti i slid sh nld on ict th ffu is tf thi ir lot il f um f r um or mrs ito fiun on iouvip ciimtv piim f inim s n t u pagp seven lopsided trai sunhav jantjabyi bvit ifus bkjoins iii minis1hv goldtti lixt jiits said to th fti follow nu and i will ibaki mi leromtrishrts nfnuttmk 1 it iisvon ylt mk i 01k1 kxwsitkn 1 tlu llnphuii tind kmptation of j jjii ti ii hutf himit if llii baptlt r lulh tin holv ghnut ami fnc ttuni o jolm to in hnptmd wl h wain ould tmvthiiu mnki niori plain tlu un t importanei of wntit inp tism i mitt t 111 d lotnmmds w it r h ipltsm as a form b whiili linful m in shnll publuh lonfi s- that he is a slum r but nnoumi sin li siii yis tutt n sthm r bu he took tin ftinni rs plan iltom b 1 j cor 3 jm swhih hi hid thus humbled lims if god j m him tlu twofold tistimonv tin vis ibh dovi niyl the audihlt oin phil 2 il i i ukt 0 ii 11 thunth h 1 dovi w is not n siyn to ilimsi if ilntn but to tohn is wi ii ijno 1 th it wns hrs own biplism with thnhousptrirtrrnnii 21 j with aru it 10 md at 10 till and imltiatid him is tin om who hould baplizi othi i with th lol spin ilno i it t tl th sllniu if iis w is brokiti dod w is wilj pit iht d tint om w is found it and ntlinjt to takt niiiis plan h poke tloud fiom hn opt n in i ns ii pioclainnd jt suk nt son the hi ion iv ortt aiul hi pio immid hi di lilht in him tfto momtmii of hritd evnllatun rh in st tstinion is jrniittn canadn uetwu jnoro varicty in rlidt kiiv thi- fluutlcifll poht there bhh been a vait improv m nt in the win nifth of c minds rf fori inn tradujn um lavt 1 vi nru que lyporujinibrwikitijf llhmj n coih but tin enin has iki n all mu sttltd f vportu tli th us unt roarnl tlmvshiro thiv hiln ton t inm ti to di tlim mort o t r a larii proportion nf our i xport to tin ufi is rftw yiintt nnls or pro dim ri oiirini if ininiinumwif man nfat tnrini w an ioiiii tt si it thi hi thinrh hut xpnnwlon in ti nt alom and to om hover is not nonjih for our own htnhhjtv ind phiujinllv e nnd ti sell a hrvnter x ulitv if i oods and to nun i tits lorn rs ephead optometrist eyt emu mined glasses rittco guelph is kt clrorg kq phone 1s20 tiif cornmj hns n plan whiih culls for u i oinhlnarttiii living din iny room this inom lomhuuitiou s pin o us th st rvh e nrert nfr iu lions from tin b ilriiom wine a tin loft of tin ntram t i ktibnl i an hi usi d is i dn off it w oik rot nn otimtnl f disind this ronin is tqtiip ins t ami is nn s sibh f ulu both tht fiotrt ind id j out ptttw ith a lariii ii coin 1 tump ii ih u pit sp h ftll d i th biili th mi of il modi in idtt in n u d hun ni hil akfast laht stotai i ablii ts loom thi i ar tiami h ads to tin in rlrolun tav iioiv kili hni and iuim nu nl i hns i khit low i nhlnrffor storai th urni ii s bitlrotim wink has two bid rooms- t h provldil with i wiidt oh riu bidhroom hns u lowi i i losel and tlu n ii a lin n it i in on hall tli i v rim of lift oiru ii is finishtd with sidini on fmin mi imhtion it hi low roof lirus unci w id on i hanuini t an s tin i jh i option il th foinills pi in li t in in a or 1 100 stpi in ft t mtli ont nu iolunu of 2 j1 iitlm f it ivduduu th ninikt i mini lindv to fisl htwer nf-mnfnt-f- hv kitms f re st aiilt tht biplism with hn hok spirit h the n p ited tunptition f thi lust of tin fhsh tin vain lor or lift ind i hi- lust of th ms il jno 2 iflt not mil that j t was thi spirit who hit limh into tlu wildirnevi to bi tnnpti il hv th divitmk 1 i2 th tt nip latum was n nnivsan pi i partition foi christ s wtirk just is nenssnr s in biptlsm with tin boh spirit hi b j if in r ifl noti thit j sin tttttptalion wis b lii d nl ii irnnr from without not within tin prsnnihu of tin th nl is itiil t uiht inn also his om uini malimiftv md dt ft it th ii tind toinpli t m ss of i viis hiiiniu n it tit in plinth st i n not nh m tint lit w is t niptnl but in his hmiki i mil th w i in uhui th t nipt limits w ji nn i md nn mts is it is to i nst tin in into th ei ifti i tin in nit nd d latins and luhn not oulv lift tlu ir tuts but i ft hi it fill- i 7 t 1 ilso whom ni would follow i siu must st md t ith no uj to i an busin ss mil inihilioiis but to it m ion d om s is wt ii if ouh tin whuli both of hiliuvets in our div would lis md follow it siis and fish foi nu n sonu in i alb d to t m t it i smln oi iliotts to in ihmi mis sion irit s oi mmisti rs aftt i p nt to t this full thih iki w is th variety of uses- ipi nu tin unpi isont u mis ti fuisifc tt m dt 4 ii cf pnuti m onjji ith tin mi in hn h ul b un til of lohn lid ludi i bu gii it w m ii i ut ii hi m o with wh ill i mat i dul of ill th k in i ition sin ijd forth stub tbliktmn to in i ss upon not on til- w ho n i in 1 1 d innii lov i in hi witm s 1 1 i cr i 1 b i hn t hi i in ition to o i u i u in tht um l i ml iposllt our i t i v ml wholh h tin- th il s b id h but li foi hi ist hut tun n fun f ih ik iti n l ai ts t it ino a t fl 1 li i t b utitt i i husi to i x mflt 1 ml in n mil thin inn lwbo doubt that but tt r was hiiinnr find jist d sonu thiols mds of vt urn hi foi t hi biilh of hi ist historians ami rtstanh tin hnn found miinv nfirinns to butli r in rt tordn oriuinntmu ar lit r than 2000 bc tlu si ban twin band- to tin tailv indians of asia llu hibnws ort i ki aiabs the rkvptuins in rsnuis itomiuis antl i tiltiiis tlu m i rnrds also md t ntf tltit tht ilminini of liutti r wns dotit piiniipaliv in tht unit r lilt it lit tt s w tlu rt an mutinous iidnnns to butti r in llu old tt tinient in tin niv tust book cnjsis ii fl jit isliliimd tint in abiahaiti lotik bnttir milk md tlu ilf and i sg tt bt for th m amihi d pro n iils 10 it sun h th t huinmi 1 t in ik tomi th roith butti i sti mi i iv nouih ifllb i nturv his tn it- ut n rn in m t m i i ndi mind no h of milk kiv itll it th in iuim ds h i i covering up v h n ht onnhi r d cros bloitd bink s mobth unit lsited thy2wbr tska s ilt pnltcntuir re in nll th nursis wir stirtld to find thit mint of lh prisoners irms win cotred with idhesln lipt visions of m i pidemic of skin dis is or of meduil prison pun ishm nt lished through tht r mir4 md fin ll one of thim isked in mm tte about jt wtll mnm he prisoner pl imed sh epishh mo t of te in i uo i st ii ision starts soon ith t put lyftis kivi nt i ih nn i jji rt f lh t nn nt pi li it i 7 1 1 k 14 l hi l tt 1 p li i w i in i i tit i n h ii th i i li imi nn km dun of g l production of fill i it t md h m th knif ii i t t m fuiitt iinliil if w i i hind irth it w hii butlon is to he stnrtcd in i i ml ii w knimlum f s un i tl thi oti w ii il 1 h i d ttnn jntd 1 t ihl klllktl iii thir month nccordintf to itor lnm griesinrer minister of nfnr ind development artnonnbe ment follows nhput n yeart pe- senrrh nntt investluntlon by xj s nnd cnnndlnn interests nt the in itiation of the ontnrlo trade nnd tndmtrv brnnch the test produc tion will be a joint us canadian undertaking under nn ncrement w th th ir s ii w i ii ji t d md nu t m nt if tin lmd ii cill nf tin iii i lb iili ll 20 sim n md xndn w tn ittt in nu t thi ii w n bu nn ss wh uusuw illdthm into hiswnrkfn the dohorty thenblcal in- md god mo t fi wiui nth tiln mm tnrt of torontpond oeorife a to hi work w h i tht m k hfrllmnn of new york producer of in futhfulh ilnnit thi humbh r duln s to whnh hi his cilled them f milk is r f tin t n 1 nd noilh ar t i i w t d md i i lit n t d foi dot turn 1 b it nn it um i ii in in i tlditi tli il n tlui il f m ui propi i tit s wy f hull i i tin w pk tin hindus s i i d fotul md it bt fo i in llu his dwtlhi of i ki a list i i inttii tint th ii dim f nnd foi hristt in f tlu id ttnti ittd id s i irh pi o nt 1 it i tsi d t ti n f how s h in tittoini on th ir j nnndnn nt c irm d th d bi ishimid to let4 md ihi promt whi lidns s t it ijl i e fx 1 i 4 1 1 kl 10 1 21 matt l o jtis cilhd thi m into i work of thi same ch tricti r thit tht w t r ilrt idv dotiik now thi v w t to fish for nun tht ordin ir fish nn in i ivhis fish to kill md t i th m tht gospl fih rmib citth s zlpn n to m iki th m ilm ind f d th thni ji us kii th ni th mm theatrical and televliilon tllmn a prellmlnaryfrroup of pictures to be idiot simultaneously lp color nnlttd and stored ind usid to en smh in tin mi iti st md holiest stenficis of th ir worship buttt r wis tin i sm nti il rt tht wedding ist of i hindi inaidtn mac tloni ins ui d it is i hciliok oint nn nt and is in intirnil medicin in idditum to its n itural use as i food th romans used butter to noint bod it s ifflictid with piin all used it is food among tht irh hilh pi oph butttr was th it in thi rithrs dl fits t i inn i w ill m ike ton ti h t unit fishrs of nun c mii m pidnnnts ind promts s dw i ii hind in h md in tin t lchtnk f itir lord t su our implonmn f th prtmisi i ondiltoind upon our ii d i nci t i th lomrmmrtm nfc th dl iinn w hi n j u- pinn and in blackond white will be filmed in ontarin following which their accepbibilltv as television j entertainment will be tested by ac- tunl use in four key markets ln- tludint th unit d stnt lonu rnnjfe plans for the estnblhhment of this new type of film mawiy on n permanent basis will dependntn y results of this first effort tile exact location of the production centre in that event has not been fealty settled as yet but it will be in ontario both the ottawa and toronto areas as well as others have been under consideration d d vivacious s6tty hutton and haruysame screen newcomer howard kel are the singing and romancing stars of annie get your gun aagaas spectacular technicolor fttrruzahon of the long run broadway stage musical which comes to the roxy theatre monday- and tuesday r t i p r w i i won b rfulh all acton used both in the pre llmtnarv films and in anv later ones will be canadians tor the first canadian production extra equipment and a small group of us television technicians will be brounht here but canadians will be trained as rapidly aa possible to flit all key posts i fulfilli d thit pt tt r i uitfht nu i i t nil i haul tlnn ht ch n his d i u 4 41i j si i t t ith n f u just wh t i 1 t amir w t id s m i c nn iflt r nn and i w ill m ik t mi li btionu fisht rs if unn thi i in tn it tttnditiun f sucti in fishmi for mn is fulowtnt jsiis non win dots foil iw jtsus will bt i fish r of ndrow ind simon shwnd thii tht biluitd jisiis prompt ind ipprwiilctfehis oil b it ivinr all ind follow inc him lukt 1 11 forsakind til will pat for thos mho forsakt all gain all both for imi ind tumitt imi t 19 2 20i th not onlv lift thi ir mts to nnd t made a slow game follow jeus but the did it qui a little group collected be- strawhtwav thi trouble with hind them but tio one seenled to mnn of us is we an witling ti mind waiting no one except one follow jisus or thinksn are but impatient vounjf thing who finally not just ttt th on who would turned to her partner and said sar- follow jimis must fonahe all castically ifs reallv a shame some matt 16 34 luki 14 33 james people cant hrre a baby sitter- ind john s well as andrew and i at that the young man swung simon wire attending to thnr pro around bowed from the waist and pt r business whtn jesus called retorted lady we are the baby them thi win not fishing the altters the readers digest sitters strike one ivdning whin my husband and i were playing miniature golf we got behmd a oung couple with a small babv they kept handing the babv back and forth after each alow rich other 4vtods pnpnrtd for im portant ft ists thtst jn ople re irded it as n rich dthcacv thit milk or crtnm would t hum into bnttdjc wis probabh discover t ti tlhxml tlu tnrlv prictiei of tt inbiiring milk in unimpl skni pouchi s thin is record of milk souring fi rmt nting ind curdling in siicrr contnim rs ind in all pro hihihtt th sw it ing bumpt mo th of this nu thud of transport pioductd btttttrit is known thit i irh anln ins ust d inim il ikin pouchi foi th chin nun of butt v ob mush thin is i st dif ft n net bttwnn tht butttr of thosi i lrlj fits inti tht 100 or mor mil jim pounds 7utw product d t n rv m ir in c in id i th ir pitifullv i rudt n thtith f prtduction irt supplanti d now hv stn anilun d snitirt nu thuds tod it i the i iking of this pn mit r food we hit t tht scientific ft i ding of the t tit h idt men b irn ind milking iquipnunt to insurt sanitary hind iiiik clt in modirn transportation mtthods modirn churning and prncismng tqiupmtnt to gam the utmnst in quality and flavtflir ttv- frigt ration to priscrvi these quali titfc plus pasti urination for health prottcttton and to assist fn holding the flavour and adding to thi keeping qualpits inspection from cow to counter is compulsory vew wuung pouct a new policy that would compel utilities in ottawa to puea all new wiring underground haa bean giv en tentative approval by the ettya board of control year in year out quality has alway been and mulnlways be thg first consideration with um wanted dead animals we are paying the hjghast prevailing afelmalpr 444 or crtpplad farm animal horses cattle hogs telephone collect for immediate sarvloa laing cartage orkraitno fok floroon touno umr1b pluaa oalpk tut savem0key with a marathon a guar antcctl goodyear tire with center traltion tlu mitnil tread a tire hew improved vlnlj w cesutr gives thrift wne huyers more fur their money it runs and runs and runs and there i a low price marathon truck lire too see us for marathon and ssvel vbuwwgt wwr 9 low- price ifjrsllts i ii vis owlbhillvdflwlah thompson motors iso miu st phone 69 ford sales service 60016 pkic up your 109s md enioy use fu ind thrills dt the populji stung spots the bus will ukt you there id home again in aitli comlort far res are low m4 trt umrt t chasaa hunhvilu 9 30 co i ling wood 675 gravanhurtt 7 so harold whes li s -us-

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