Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 11, 1951, p. 4

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paokfoob the acton free press 5 puohal noted of actonianj visiting oot-of-town- points and of visitors in acton homes mr kenneth a- mackenzie and jack visited with the formers brp- vtherand family- 4 n ottawa last week exmayor and mrs amos mason left by mritorrtrt monday for a few months holiday in st petersburg y florida s mr dnd mrs normait au and- children of niagara falls were kijou of mr r- m mcdonald oyer the weekend z andewmcleod and son billy spent new years with mr and mrs george fryer and cither relatives the friends of mr james sprow were kind that hetvns able to re turn from- the general hospital guelph on monday mite alice re id of- atliston is istttns at the home of mr and mrs s j- heid bower ave where mrs rcid has been ill for several days mr d wilson is a patient in guelph general ttoflpltal friends wish him a bpeedy recovery mi dorothy ihtvcran hock- wood spent the past week with her m anilparents mr and- mrs walter fovrh ii j acton v elenifrt britlon i student at ihejtamllton normal school has completed her week lnprqtrt1co teaching ut banhockburn school all wish her success mr jack held of totonto has just returned from nvisitnt his home in victoria b wjieri he spent the christmas holidays lie spent sunday with his father and mother mr andmr s j itcidoitl bower ave mrcr f sbl6w mrs fred an dersonsmrs a mclsaac mrs ii mainprize mrs ft m mcdonald and miss ruby clafk attended the annual meeting of the guelph presbyterial womens missionary society on tuesday eden miu5 district visitors arfe many recently mow at cedar valiev mr and mrs amos mr elton hubbs hold euchre party vfteturnson sunday r mr mi mr a t am enter tained the nivuagiweya wi to a on progressive euchre party on sat- urday niph ladies high wa mrs rtfrs and lww mr pric- mens hch wa mr murray mah- robrlon mr eltonjjabbs arrived hpmc i smtrtjy fror on and m7t7 ms marjure leich of sudbury pent the weckerd it th of mr and mr john robertst mr ard mrs hathaway spent sunday with the latters broher mr and mrs george haslefelt of mihor mr and mrs fraser spent a few tiays n windsor this week mr melner of toronto spent the weekrend with his parens mr and mrs melmer mr bert lamb has resigned his position at the moffat mill and will be selling the watkins products from sintaluta snsk mpinjed by fiis mother i jack cutting colc- penr sunday with mr nd mrs alvin cutting aetompanjed t jftr and mr dim east spe mr faml and mrs paul tarzwell and conningsby spent sunday horn- j with mrs tarzwcll and bonald miss jeanne mceachern visited on sunday with and mrsvonve barbour hillsburgh miss anne hall orton spent he holidays with mr and mrs robert moore and boys mr and mrs clarence bryan visited on sunday with mr and mrs wm redman joyce and brian of orton fiymg fish probably move through the air to escape capture by other fish s ts messra ben mid jolni tuck spent chhfitnm dlilrnttiplon and toron to mr and mrs ed woodhnise and sons paul and david spent christ- mas with friendsivi hamilton mr and mrs w ii wood otd betty of arkelt spent christmas on suhdaywlth mr and- mm hugh mcpheirttont mr nnd mrs andrew bellnmy bndlfjett of guph spent christ- man with mra btliniy it mother mrs albrl burrows and mr bur rows mr winnamakr of trenton was ol ba- 1h the iurme hwnc dtirink tvie holidays my and mrs james daniol niid tlaiirhlors mary and grace mra elleh daniel tihd mr and mrs ken may and three children all of to ronto -spent- chrimmaa in the home ofmr and mrs w j towrle mr joseph lhsby of toronto tipont- christinas- sunday and mon day with his parents mr and mrs w a lasby v mr and mrs t- a incle were christmns visitors with mr and mrs w reeves at ehnotvllle mrs robert hammond and mr and mrs homer hammond and family of paris spent new years vllh the formers son mr floyd hammond and mrs hammond mr- and mrs wm minn spent christmas with mr and mrs jas wilson in acton mr and mrs tosh and family of ferrus spent christmas in the home of mr and mrs harold buchan mr and mrs claude brinklnvv and family spent nv years with mr and mrs ross canieron at thurpay january lltiw 1y thj council was very pleased with the dunce uist friday nihl the atteridance is improving and n better varletjt in theprxxn niakcajthe people happier thert were numerounnovelty dtmces fclv- itij the club never n dull momht gprd- lawhoti and jncky avat- kfrimi tlie elimination dance verna stttjennts and pouc norton jvon the prueln lh spot dance f roy nndnhty klrknrss jnck mcciilchwyfi ietty liwnon and iuko- 74jfiliave beertthefnlthfui volunteers- who assisted the coun cil m preparing for thlsfriday niftht the councll la sorry that nlya polite ixhsmk you can f riven to thesepeorlc who worucni until 12 and i octotk in the mornlntf for the last four nights while oh the topic of this fr- tlay tifrht we would like to tell youtliat four clubs- have been in vited to our slelflhride dance tlie toronto club and the two guelph clubs are cominc but orangevwe has riven us no reply the slelrh- ritle- jjtarts at fl oclock sharp and we expert between 1w1 to 200 so lie there early althourh ihe weatherman reports that warm weather iscnminc our way which will- m ch the little snow we- have the council will try to- have rubber tired warons to take the sleirhv iltaee the council has ordered twenty dozen doiirhnufs cake and plenty of hot chocolate forevery- txuly to feast onaftr tin filelfilv- ride come early this friday nrrht wtaw moving to 11 mill stnextjctrarrolls groceteriaj bargains bargains rockwood mrs george day president of w a vs sesqohthfar burnedout couple okh the january meetinc othe wo mens institute was held at the home of mrs alvin fisher with 14 members and one visitor present the roll call was responded to with a current event it wasdccided to itare thccomprtitrvetmirrarn to a later dateto ensure rood roads and wath r plans were made to in vite a play some time soon abooth isto be held at duffields sale and the ladies are beinc asked to bake pies mrs laura duffield oonaud a quilt top and the injti tiffitihii wp tr enrly atthrrcccnt mectinr of the younr womens auxiliary of the v nil mrsrq rv day u as abninmiccttcdns f that orranizationfottimothcr year schools rcqpened last wednes day for the winter term with- the usual staff of teachers back in their respective places followinfi thewet weather of last veek and snow falls skating has been interfered with on the river however some of the younr folks have manared to clean off some ice aft the old bowlinp rreen whioh was flooded v thursdays heavy rain w foilowinrnie mishap which he- fell her before christmas mrs bell is now in toronto at the home of hmsister mrs robinson mrs -mc- a donald is supplyinr for her at ss no 1 on no 7 hirhway brantforct zzi mrs anna coiilson ind miss joan- spent christmas with- mrs eleanor coulson and family in guelph later rome n to the home of mr and mrs wq bradley at ferrus mr and mrs will mino had their family all home for new y0ars mr and mrs gcorue mino and family of toronto mr and mrs nelson mino and little son of guelph mr and mrs w mino and family of malton and mr and mrs sid barnes and family of brooklyn mr a j bradley is spendlnr two weeks in the home ofhis daurhter mrs fred rielly and mr rielly at moorefield mr and mrs donald clark spent christmas with mrs clarks broth- mr wood and miss wood in hamilton lac lloyd bewley of trenton burned oul couple a complete rcportothr district j mr and mrs norman guild and executive meeting held recently family of toronto were in town was riven by mrs george robert- last wevk with their porents mr pn also a list of the contests for f and mrs wtlburt guild and mr tlie district annual n jiine a and mrs a beard paper on public relations was i puen by mrs a mckinney mrs gordon aitken rave an instru mental and mrs fred baptic prr- pired a dinner table contest which- was won by mrs dan wtn- ti after the siririnr of givt save the kinr lunch was sered the next rvietinc will le hejd lij mrs w j jacksons home frm forum iinl at- the home of mr and mrs alvin fisher after the holidays with fourteen present this m iic of topic is marketing with the subjecjl wanted new in n ktt tomr discusd it was agreed that only the best produce should be seldand it should le at- trietively packed and it should be veil dyertiied to brim home hon product t the fore mrs wird bructsand mr thomas fines teeeivrd hirh scatc for euchre luiuh vas served at the close and a hiii time enjoyed sweial from hyfcanilkllm th fuiuia of tfieiate ivmtld- ieileh on sitturdiv at the honte ot his son jatrtn sincere s npath is ex- tetujexi to the fanul ft i i ds of it j a ruhjvk are- putmsi to learn she vis able f leie the hospital on sunday and js niu it her home here se en tahles of vuehrv were in massagaweya ss no 7 new markets first farm forum topic the farm fonmi meetings start ed monday nirht after the holidays nd met at the home of mr and mrs d hendc tin the discussion wanted new markets was du cussed by the iwo r roups present j with van nis fdeas about mnrkytinq i f rm produce clven the next meeting is to be held at the home of mr and mrs w kennedy mr wm frank a former resl- tdent of this district passed away last week at the home of his daughter mrs james evans of georgetown the sympathy of the sons community is extmtjrd to mrs sum frank and family and mr and mrs joseph frank i mr j j hemlerson spent the weekend at the home of his son the rev p and mrs henderson of appin miss phvliss iindsar- was teach ing in vo 7 school last as part of her normal schotil tratn- frtngle t visiting in 1 r woif fortr rd priv peine mni n lunch the cti mrs c n friday en x instilutt i jiamo mr jerome for high llng rne night whimi the belit its regular mm f brown htitter receivini scire and the was awarded to spent christmas with his cirerihd family in the gardiner home mrs bewleyand family returned home with him after spendinfi two months with his parents mr and mrs georre mcphail and daurhter yvonne of sudbury spent several days durinr christ- mas with the formers parents mr and mrs g a mcphail mr- and mrs neil mcphail and family of milton and mr and mrs george mcintosh and dianne nf guelph spent- christmas sunday jn the same home conrratnlations to lac and mrsclarence funk on their recent marriage mr and mrs norman spenre of guelph spent new years with mr and mrs donald clark mr and mrs will reeves of en- nntville spent new years week with mr and mrs t a inrle rac and mrs fredvmcniven and family of roekclfffe spent christmas week with mr and mrs j a milne mrs mcniven and family remained with her parents mr and mrs w j iowrie spent new years sunday and monday in the home of their daurhter mrs james daniel and mr daniel in toronto mr and mrs john mcintosh apd family accompanied- by mrs mcr intoshs parents spent christmas at markham mrs john mcalpine is visiting in the home of his daughter mrs george wright and mr wright of chesley mr and mrs bert gilmotir and familv of freelton spent christmas with mrs ethel ivnfold mr and mrs ien llarland and of hamilton were christmas iy visitors with mr and mrs murray dver mrs anna coulson and joan spent nw years with mrs elea nor coulsonarrd family in guelph mr and mrs wallace iashy jr and billie visited on new years sunday in the home of mr and mrs neil mrphail at milton the christmas meeting of the wm s and indies aid of the preshvtenan church was held in i the gilbertsn home with a rood attendance j one wires cut by rifle fire considerable trouble has been caused residents of the camphell- villc district and bell telephone repair men by telephone cables being put out of commission by rifle shots three times on dec 30th jan 2nd and jan 5th bullets from a 22 rifle have been shot through the telephone cables this malicious cutting of services occurred west of milton on the lines to campbellvillc and north and south of campbellvillc this kind of trouble is difficult to locate and then hard to repair with the result that the whole community was without means of comrnunico- tionfor9ometimer althourh aarlflesftre not thc- best for hunting rabbits it is to be hoped that the attention of the marksmen could either be turned in thfs direction or even to shoot- inr cans off a fence if he needs tar- pet practice surely there is no need to disrupt communications that mirht be badly needed and to cause unnecessary trouble for re pairmen simply to enjoy shooting a rifle look at these i ladies spttlnganowinter coats 1000 1400 20j 2soo jaitob- mens jmaes ladies 50tts 1000 3000 ladies better dresses all at 895 ladies good dresses to clear at 100 girls coats childrens co a coatttsets group 1 2000 group 2 3000 some with two pain pints group 3 4100 mott with two pair pant 1095 1295- 1500 m m m m m m m j m m j- groups 74400 mott with two pair pants cecil a carr optometrist gueiph 8 douglas st tel 1091 cyjcoiocystz mocoh wodeew adi mens overcoats andt0pc0ats 8 00 1250 1400 1600 1800 2395 1- 2600 300 38700 all mens hats toclear and many other itemi- too numerous to mention i dont forget our 50c 100 and 200 tabl for extraspecial bargains m m m m m m w m- m- m m m m m m main st s clothing store 1 acton ont m m m ft fti ambttiokj 1 a makjip metpeasows t- ayftm commok sewsc and it is only conimon sense to hdve your cr wcw equip ped for this winter weather mr k llu saturday after vith relatives toronux hoberlnon a dfhcioui as strvctl at the close by nitt mrs a fisher and aitken rrnvm hall a rame hats so rnisih f makes ftbau and lac- ro- sftt1hxr ehtldt play s th njor wuitir jporls at inaction of iirriit hrok firs commhnity oh newfoutadlami wwt icwt played returned home on on ic with brooms but without several days visit j-kje- ihj playets cuff coch olhr x ctrirttown andj mirx- frequeritl than they do the baft j ciiiids inr chair special for the chiliirvn tn virw tollvision i h handy colorful j plastic soat wiifihinu only a ound chair is blown up to- lfl in by tl in and has suction grab to ihold it to the floor or run when i it ps occupied eight by ten in whon deflated seat forms a neat package for storing whit do you need prestone block hester auto robe new battery floor aaits defroster fflns chains knoblv tires call in at lome garner motors ltd 45 main st n at bower acton phon 326w power of prayer is subject of article if his prayrrs are to be answer ed s man has to meet hu maker half way states fulton oursler in tin- jamiarv hirs dit chm we ak for help fromgod we need tn take a look at ourselves we may be in no condition to ask him for anything i mr ourvler well known writer on religious subjects it author of tho greatest story ever told his diccst article is condensed f rorrvg uldeposts iwlievers admit no imit to what the power of prayer can do and even skeptics whotudy the results of prayir become impresaed iith the potency of faith but the trouble i wh m- prayers is ono psychnln- j gist said is that tht are not hoo- ert to god people hv the un- i gracious audacity to ask for heav- enly handouti although they are nextdoor neighbours they have demonstration of the rtvuitpf prey- forbidden relative their hou d itobert a milikan rz-yr- they are spreaders of loulpnd old notel prize winner and hcd of if irutitute of teehiinl- envious friends detractor pf thetr best prayer is infinitely morehan n appeal for personal favour ours ler says it is itself the greatest of all eifts an ever-richer- experience a continuous feeling of being in harmony with the constructive forces of the universe it brings the wonders of visiting with god to the ufr of the humblest man and his sense of divine companionship v ill powerfully influence his ac tions and thoughts prorninrnt met and wornen fn all fieiftttirnoiavourretyon prayer for guidance and fortitude in thelr daily living kilo pinza star of south pacific rids himself of pre- show nervousness by just sitting in church and taught his costar mary martin to do the same t turn to- him all the time plnia says laurette taylor was another ugy recently told a group of lead ing 4ihvicists that a lifetime of scientific research had convinced him that a diety is shaping the dea- n f min a punlv mtenalis- tic philosophy is to me the height of unintelllgence milikan said i as if by infallible instinct great men of all agr have turnedloood for help oursler says by passing mtellecui dmibt finding short cut to universal truth abraham ilncpln callel on god to help him in many difficult decisions i should be the veriest shallow and sffttffntr blockhead in the dis charge of my duties lincoln one remarked if i should hope to get along without the wisdom that comes from god and not from man uau ran live in cold dimities as not on tpcaklngjtenna withltjieir stag immortal who had a direct wellasm trofilcs

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