Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 11, 1951, p. 5

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tqmday jatyttaby uth jbs1 the actotf free press pack tivk forum disagrees re produce markets mredgar stoke hdmr andy qulric wcr- loadcrtof dlactutilon juko 6 farm forum kehto hctj at the home at mr arid mr nell martin on monday oveplng the roup disagree and ritkcmuioti reunited as follow 1 advertising aehding out in- ternatfonal agent to find or make market orther produce 2 v if it l going to jmflt the fjnnler in finding matkei whev better price for their produce member decided lower price would incjvflte ihtr buyers -tcn- aumpthm tut wage and machinery ccat mint lower accordingly 2 no because the fncrcfufc in iroflt from advertmng will not ualthe coat of advertising progressive euchro prize were won by mrs qeorge stoker mrs jamwt robertson george stoke and edgar stoke mam the lunch ctommltfree was com posed of mrs edward pnrsoh nnd mrs george stokes mr archie caivns was chairman t o 1 school farm forum on wonday evening when the topic for tliseusjlon was 1 whjit do you think should be lnnr to inmire future markets for the surplus products in your area 2 do you thnku is a good ideaf or not for farm organizations to collect money from formers fpr the purpose of promoting the aale jit hefr products as ihe dairy farmers of cnnnda are doing vh dairy products nnd give reasons i atr claude ip fills and mr albert ste group leaders derived the following dwswer we think wr should bring in more immigrants to taerense con sumption of our products at home we should have more control of margarine put more duty on for eign oils used to make it so it will compile with butter or better still ban it altogether 2 we think advertlsfhg would pi us well in getting rid of the surplus we think it is a good idea to take money from products to promote sales reason the fnrmoraare the one who benefit from the tale of farm products so we consider they have a right to help pay for pro rnbting sale of some products euchre prizes were won by mrs george inglls mrs gordon mc- phail don small and albert stew art fmnds of- mrs arthur hender eon are pleaswl to know she is home from the hospital in guelph after a flveweek stay mt and mr8teonnrdiandrews- t i engagements mr and mrs wllrjd kennedy h it 2 rock wood wish to an nounce ithe engagement jif their ly daughtev llaxpl joreen to erwin eve id el i acton aon ofmns ii mcdonald toronto the niarriago 1a to take pi ice the latter part 1if january b new hospital to open doors to children nntrons bhiyand peter-have-pur- chnscd nnd arc now residing in the john campbell house in the vil lage mrs harv ty blacktock attended 1he funeral of her aunt the late mrs a t maguire of guelph this mm alethea collin of toronto sis supply teacher at s s no 1 school this week nnd mr a flipp of toronto at s s no 10 school this district has had three enses of muislis but nil are back to school mrs r c menzles mrs l flhirp mrs a t moore mrs jittus wnllac mrs rob rt flliott ette nd d the preabv teriil annual wi i dnj in guelph on tuisdti catfalo brw af experimental farm leu than a century ago vast jjhiajafajttiericpn bison or buffalo roamed the mid- western p labia of canada and the united states for many years these hardy animals were the clnef source of meat for the indians and the ad vane guard of early white settlers pushing westward tn their covered wagons todav as a result of tho whole sale slaughter during tho laat cen tury the once prolific buffalo exlijs only jn a few scattered herds in game preserves but if the exten sive experiments of the canadian department of agricultures ex perimental fnrmi service proves successful in crossing domestic cattle and buffalo then the desir able characters of the american bison will not be lost and canadian consumers mni at least have a dash of buffalo blood in their beefsteaks for more than 30 years the ex perimental farms service jjns bcejij trying to develop useful hybrid strains cmbodyfng the desirable chancier of the american bfton with thi bistii uns of certiin domestic beef cattle breeds the hybrids whatever hr percentages of domestic and buffalo blood are termed cattalos one great and continuing problem i cr a cottnlo ble of beef cattle is a lick ht fertilit in the males says k mackenzie of the nnge experi ment station at mnnybcrrlcs alta he has found thnt this lack of male fertility persist- in succeeding gen erations of hybrids experiments to dale show thnt em after buffalo blood is reduced to a low percen tage onl a flw mile cattalos arc fertile earlv in iru tests it was found tht the most satisfactory cross re sulted from the matjttg of a domes tic bull to i buffalo cow in 1038 and the following years domestic sires of aberdeen angua shorthorn nnd ikrcford breeds were- used on 70 buffalo cows the resulting hy brid heifers were then mated to j domestic sires to give three quart- j crs domestic seven eights domestic nnd so on large numbers of bulls have been tested for fertility and j table was centre with tlte wed- onlvoboul23 per conlbavobeejjingrnkrnndktcnlidtrtioidi r jan 26 program to feature acton a letter has been received fron c p sutclirfd director of the pali ik relations department of chie service oils cb rendjntf with regard to our letter and news re- h nso of december uth i am hnppv to ndvlce you that acton will til ffatured on ontario mar ch or on ov r cfrb nt blipm nn f friday january 2th 10tl the jjrst 4irojram jn hhik series whlc is featuring is7 citlcn town and villager way luard on new y day ttie program wql outline the hlhtorv and progres of these centres on the air the cities ervlei co svj plans to have egbert c ri ed a canadian artist do life sized char coatlort raits of the mnvors or reeves of the different places the progrjimyislli mayor ted tylrr m expect to he prsen with one of ihatfibctralts some time nfterthe brondcaal on jnnuary built by tho donations of citizens and organizations whojtad recognized the great work- of the 75yearold hospital for sick children thiq hanosome new bulfrtlnp will lx formally opened on jan 15 ns the future home of the hospltnt standing on uni ersity avenue toronto it will contain the finest in treatment and laboratory quipment capable of meeting the needs uf the largest outpatients as well as inpatient demand in the world entire floors will also be devoted to research maintalnlnerhc hospitals record as the major research centre in child diseases in the world during the week of jan 15 the hospital will be open to visitors and the trustees have e nded an open invitation to everyone to view it before its uttfc patients are mover hi two weeks later tht u rid bibl still rinks as the best seller gone with the tike second plnci murfins little plumber install mew uurre c it natll fvkv f in bettefe v uviws i everwl oav for an oil burning rlrnacesupremecall us to instau an anthes imperial oil queen foifnd to be fertile the tnnsfer of the cnttalo fronl the buffalo national park at wain w right to jht rin experiment station at manvbtrrus alberta stirted in the fij of w49 when 72 bead of calves were shipped and it u as completed this fall with the movement of the main herd of cows ind calvts to- mnnvbcrrics this ch in wis midc because the de- pir it n of natioml diftnce rev tliurtd tht lind occupied by the cit nlo it wnnw right nnd nlso be hum minbrms off n d printer licilitus foi continuing th w or of impr v im iho nw hvbrids ind compartui hum with rnnkelitri fold tx ufll in soim veirs b for the it int fh i im nt stition nt minv j b rri s c in pr xlim i c ittil w i h tht- d si t 1 char iet ristics ind i non jr i nt iblt for distribution it lh ph si nt tin the hi rd at prsint is not umfo m in opp ar tiici this ink of unifirmitv is to b pcld sine thi iinn au com primnt it r prti nt tr i variation in th pi il nt ifi s of blood of dif i ft r nt br ds t tl uni stic t ittft tnd i buffalo vi this lak f uniformitv irt the i lu rd is conuliitd in ndvintage is i it is nil it known what tpe of cittalt is inoif disinbli from tht st indpttintf ptivtntik f buffnlo i lot d or such eh ir ictt ristics as w int i hii dm ss bttf qn ilitv bilitv bi i ustlt nt br d colour n m a mi t o tjit u suits of the ti si- to bt tin inch d it is hopd th jt tin nitut di sirable tvpes will r t mi ru iiiv attt mpti will b madt j tt bund i uitif im bird if cittalo honor couple on 35th anniversary on the evening fo january 1th one hundred and fifty friends and neighbours githcred at lome school to honor mr and mrs r l davidson on their thirtyfifth wed dihft nnniv ersary their wedding diywas dectmber 22nd loll the- school was decorated for the oecision with pink and white streamers and t jirhtw bell the with white fcandles progressii c x uchre w ai pla ed with 4u4i given to mrs r l davidson and mr f hunter mr j iocker ncted ns masttrof ctrtmoniti fog- the following pro grim solo mrs turner reading mrs j stt w irt ipstrumentil olgi tockt r duet fvtlyn mrd marjorfe cdonald rnding georgi 0errv mr nnd mrs divlson were cal ld t chins of honor nnd mrs bill mcdonald r id in iddrca which si it d th hope thit mr nnd mrs pnvuison would rtmnn jn the lommunitv so nil th ir friends tould iiun honor thtm on thoir gold n wmldini nnmwrsnrv mis bill thompson nnd mr chtilit div idson then prsented t htm with t tnlikht floor limp nnd i t off tible b th mr ami mrs dividson re plud ind thnn lit joined m singing for tlu nre jollv good fello aftr a number of speechts i d unt lunch wis si rvenl mrs ear lv mr m ntlhs nnd mr ah ji prov ided music for discing with mi fr rf ilunttr floor nnna obituary pioneers daughter inferred in durham a loting wife and mother mirv flori mclfllin fmnev passed nvvrv suddenlv at her home gara fraxn st durham on december 11th she lived on concessi nt concession 2 glenelg the dnughte r of hugh nnd mnrgnrtt jilclollin ploneersin the-nrfis-rlct- in 1912 she was imrried in trin itv anglicin church durhim sh wis i member of durham pr s bvterlin church the fnnenl wt ewmh b rev gordon hnmlll assisted bv rev cinon hirtlev on december nth mrs tlnnev was special v honor d bv the presence of mem bcrs of th lndus aid society at the funeril interment followed in trinit cemetery durham pnllbeirers uca nltghbors- of her school dnf messrs archit be ilon htnrv beiton angus micarthur din i macarthur john mcmillin ind chirles ken nedv tht flonl tributes which were mn ind benltiful wci c rrrit d b neighbors left to mourn her lass ire ht r jhusbind one stepson ri pimld finn v st cathirlms i foster on edwird witts keirney in i lnglngjuvo brothers archibild durham ws tnnd john ixjs angeles one bro tht r normin ind two sisters kit it nnd sirah predeceased her y delegates may attend convention nissngnw o n f0r 20 yenn mr finney bsstrrtotaf sl a rtpnrtfttuitttnr ffhli itine nitacton y wns given by the gene- rn ntnry cliff sutton nt the -regular- meeting of the board en tucsda night in the y attending the meeting were dick benn prcs gordoq rognvnldson vice pres case against thief georgetown pair wed jan 1st 1900 mrs i ons of it honi to th ir n ei ntl on thi goldt n wtstldiiu count illtir nnd gtorki tmn wm m uiv fru iltl th r ct sion if th ir nnniversjrv their fimik onsis s of thret ns in i tix dntihti rs hug and frnuk tith farm n neir cht tt n him jjmi s f georgetown mrs r ss cimpinll rlinor of tron i chirtottt i nurs it sunnv trotik hspitil mrs colin man twh eh ib thi of willind mrs nt ir mikinn v of rnmplon mr rntt iucillil of bnmp mrs jics lavvson ikith it en of tin mrs lnwon i i uirr bir im in i v a manentered lhop in je3c- tn lit i- 1 1 pi kid up i uuii ml fttd with it tht m m ik r pur sued call fog a cop they soon rn down the culprit i dont know what made me do it the man p ichn lhli w r n mount cried if only ou wont rtst ro im srh thl hav- l nrand i u be glad to pay for it the manager agreed so they rl t m in of ch i turned to the shop to complete the tnnuction there the customer u b f murfin shmt mtal worfca georgetown 130w grew cautious 9 a matter of fact he said this bag is a little better than i hid in mind i wonder if vou could show me something cheap r from the reader digest sugir buts ir cinadys grnttst cilories per icr agriculturnl crop prtxlucmg about four times more jood lhlrg than corn h mr n th in i- i ind m ifi ifuntt r of v rnirr d at th horn if hi rt i prnt oh jinuin 1 1300 th in i d on i firnin ir chl i n him uijl 1111 whtn mr i on ri nm ml thi v s ttl d in goorg our sue ilfi mr i vols hi bs n ictivt in g ircttown eon i il bth ir vrv inensted in tht work of st jihns unit t church vmong minv otht r ronnritul itl ins vvr icjid from hon riv law on tht lit utinint gov rn or ofontarl obituary moffat man dies in hamilton dec 23 m t in bi w n w ho cim to m f fit from kimilion vun vtirs nfo p ism el uwiv inst josephs if pit il hiniilttn in dtctmbir 2trd hi whs m hi ftith vtir ind w is f irnn i i v oocuj itii n thi funtril mtviu wis hi id dmmbir flth with mtunnnlil lowing in tin wihil md o iliunilt n hi ii ivt s f ur hi fh ri ft m ffit hirvv irimilt n ci i rki h imtlti n uni st w stoni v crn k in i ntsisti r mi s tl mis j it t hinult in treasurer gordon beatty and mur ray s of the protjrnm commlt- tee charles wood finnncl com mittee chairman c rognv ildson ind cliff sutton mr sutton comment d fnornbl on thf tpirii thnun u tu rt ntly formed triple t club in its pro gram promotion nnd expressed the hope thnt thi lounge would be completed bv this fndnv hi mi ntioni d his pirns for forming n junior crift club nnd ilso the possibihtv of i oung nit n s s rv ic club th minor d im im don to the tm b en r pmred tht junior titn is drifting its e ison s pr jr un und r itsrii idvisoi kn all n thi vollev- bill svstim w is r ported chinged fiom ngiilnr t ims into i hit and miss sv st m dick bean wis ippointtd a re pr si ntntivi of alton on the nation il commitbi of mca plins for acton p particirlition m tht mca cntnnril cehbrt tions both hi ri ind nt th convtn turn in chvjimi win discussed 1 rn flv ri prt si nt ltives of the tripl t club s mens chbjrd boird of directors nre to mtit t mmitb to discuss plnnsfairj the ivtnt her ind wnvs im in of r using fund to sub s ndini ddtgntfs to tho con- on in it vi innd sptrinl mting of the boird is hi id int i to discuss number hip policv f blues golds score in y basketball jri ihe find game of the heiv venf in lfirtniermednte basket liall leagito at the y don daw kin blue squad out scored the blacks enptamed by hill coon sfl1 in the first of u double feature last isnlurday in the second etto of the ovenlng philip mccristolla gold squad walkedovej don dav idson srwi team 7fl 2fl jfhgh aeor- em for their tenms were p mecrlin tall 34 jjpink 27 jc douglaa i2 and f foolltt 7 the balance of the first half f the schedul til a follows wtb ftames played jvery saturday startfng at 1 10 ftnd fjib p m rbhievs cpfd red vs ulack tiled vs blue gold vs otack red vs gold black vs blue ibinck vs red blue vs gold n aristoth believed that plant lice arose from dew falling on plants it backfires teacher whv were you push ing vourcar to cchonl this morn ing flat tire victim i wns so late f dldn t tinve time to get inhxlt window shades venetian blinds ljhads to bring ndded cheer to a welt furnished home 2 v netfan blinds provide better v nidation more privacy and be iiity 3 plastic window nhndeo in so wi clot bllndfl from 3fl 1 vemtinn blfndi available ln wood slats tipea stpcl with plnstic aluminum or cotton acton home furnishings housing otollar value i h t 1 1 i 1 1 ir 1 ill lm it ir i n pi till t 1 t i f ij 1 lit il s 1 1 iir r nt kiml v lu 1 folk 1 il httt r iiiipn u t 1 th ittnt u ill con fin i 1 r 1 111 t th vini hi tt iii i ti i r i im 1 to r 1 u ii t f hi um t nil itink down in thi ir si t iism chi ip r ni it r iils iceptin pvnr wnrkniin ship ind pr v i i m more mnrius ftn incini this his k n nh nit as fir ns it tin 1 ut th onlv nsnrct lift is m w nn thods some hive been trnd i ut th v t bt n too w i ik to chill nt thi ixistmg organiition of tht housing ihdustrv the en cournginr sign is thnt the flow of nw ideas nt w monev for develop mint never slops i trench silos 1 i t ilok is t niuins of pre i t v mi f b im ii ps bivi be n in list fir minv m irs nnd n cent tests sh w that tht v em li m uh to pro- l kias siiim pul in qinlttv t th it st 1 1 d in t wtr silos ic i rdirn t i xi i runt nts bt fng con i i h h cinjdi dt pirtment f trti mi virpi fp nm ntit irm s v o nt ftt iw i ind it k n v u n v i sc ti i m ottawkthi urnss silnke wn j l itii fr im a n d li tumi hav cimptisid of ilf ilfa red ind ilsike 1 v t r ind timothv vine chopped i with in i iim ig putt r inlsthe i i iuint4 unr it the t p w is jfien crtvifid with chopped fuldrcurtd haa bub th ch pp d md tin long onsdi d m iferial his b n ft d to sti rs and tin rv t ittl with k if d r suits in i is biink i v ibnti d bv nim il chi mistr unit of t strvict- at ottiwn in f i ed notice get value for your money jsrjy milk it the bil milk lhl monsy can buy to get pure jersey milk ctj0stcall laings dairy 175w or 390w t h charlton prop 1 i hi sim tng trnls nnd camp in d with sum lar silikts muli in tower silos oil n found in canada in alb rta saskatchewan tht northwest ter rltorllsvdntnrii and n b clearance dresses a rickful of dresses at clearing prices some regularly up to 14 95 495 to 795 coats and station wagons all ladies and ch idren s coati hd stat on wigons at spc ally reduced prices purses of real leather mostly z pptr tops a ftw with handles clearing at 198 each fur trimmed velvet overthoe at reduced prices knitting yarns yar ishavt adv mctd cofis denbly but we are ctar tig out ill our stock it murrbelow today s pr cl lacldia iv

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