Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 18, 1951, p. 2

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in v mobvso i the acton rtee pros r thursday january lath im1 printing education week if surrounds you constantlyit greets you no matter wriere you turn jf plays n important part in your life it guides your path it educates you the printed word is one of the most in- portantltemiln our everyday life- since gutanborgmtounded the- worldwill his invention of movable type artdthe daysof the painstakingly illuminated manuscripts pas ted into obscurity the world has been increas ingly educated and bettered by the wonder world of printing thbweek is international printing education weelt in an attempt to actentuate the use end power of the printed word gutenburgs bible is one of the most distinctive and certainly one of the earliest pieces of printed materlal ever created with- great skill and effort the inventor worked with the single pieces of wood or metal to create in print the most important book ofill time the importance of the printed wbrdcan never be fully understood it is an industry that has grown by evolution rather than revolution constant inventions have contributed to the jrft- grets of the industry when ell the material fpr w was selbytfand letter by letter anelfnan could set only two to three columns in syi wtthmerganthalers machine that almost thinks the linotype c an operator can produce at least a column an hour automatic presses and paper cutters have been produced and the industry has continued its progress placing high the use of the printed word and putting it to ever wider use and en lightenment of mankind this week your atten tion is called to the- power and use of printing your newspaper and local printing plant has attempted to keep abreast of the times in the printing field it is a field of speedy- develop ment in new methods new processes and new materials the future has many more improve ments in store and it will be our constant en deavour to bring this better printing service to ycuescoicklytrepos5lblet dont file hope iu v since the hope commission report on educa tion has been handed down little has been heard of it except the criticism that came so soon after the details wore given tbt it is doubtful if they were well considered criticisms the public will await with interest this session of the on- trio legislature and note what recognition is tekenof the report a- report that requited over five years to make and cost hundreds of thousands of dollars- is surely too valuable a document to bo filed and forgotten it is quite evident that the gov ernment of six years ago deemed it advisable to make such a comprehensive review of ontarios educational system or the commission would never have been authorized sihco its appointment the department of education has sidetracked every issue it was not able to solve until the report was presented ontario still needs some modernization of its educational plans as every member- of any school board iritheprovince will vouch well we have tho report and if the present ministerof education is too busy to give it atten tion it would at least be advisable to appoint a man who can give if the attention required too lopsided our export trade is getting far too lopsided warns the financial post which points out that except to the united states and latin america everywhere else pur shipments are falling down seriously comments the post we are glad to be selling so much of our surplus producttonto the united states but if anything happens to uncle sams booming pros perity even temporarily then our foreign trade is certainly going to suffer and when it suffers that means everybody in canada feels the jinch we are getting all of our export eggs into cne basket while we dont want to takeany of these eggs out of that particular basket what we really need for our future prosperity is still more eggs and many- more baskets we cant sit back and rest easy about this foreign trade business until we have recaptured a good deal of our lost markets in britain and the rest of the commonwealth and in asia as well as retaining our expanded outlets in- this hemi sphere cerfaitily the time of year is here- when the driver who proceeds cautiously is more likely to errive safely at his destination winter driving is boundto be hazardous t secure security the quest for security is obvlousln every walk of llfo thejo days and so if seems to be a selling point lhatjs included inejvery salei argils merit suclv has always beenljie casepnly in earf ier days the individual considered it to be- his r her duly to assqo thai security while tho pre sent trend is to kaveiooie other group employ- or government or adyono else who will agree to arrange this security we often wonder if the now type of security will be as sure as that acquired for ourselves pensions and security provided by employers can only be assured as jong as the employees able to find sale for his goods governments at any level can only provide security as the taxes are collected its- a collective irend that event ually returns to the individual in the final analy sis and his or her ability to produce and dis tribute wanted articles in the meantime it might be well to ask our selves how secure is our present security now hutton has a compute follow trldough this democracy of ours much in the news lately tho city of windsor has been the scene of many surprises a border city it seems to have become notorious for its ti t- r alleged- illegal practises starting with the muchpublicized investiga tion into the police of that city windsor has been loading in the headlines since then most ita portant in the border city developments have come from the election recently held there in an attempt to electjhe city fathers for the coming term one reporter for a toronto daily told us of it being the crookedest election ever held the results have struckojot of unfavourable notes in our opinion a recount is certainly hotj a new thing but the results are seldom changed by a recounting of the ballots as they wore a windsor in the original counting thomas bro- phey was 32 ballots ahead of his competitor arthur rcaume the recount brought a swing of 1 6 ballots infavotjrofar1hurroaume thomas brophey on being defeated took the result with a statement to the effect that he had done his part he didnt say what ho had done his part for it might be in his fight against a political machine thatmight b oporatinginthatcity windsor can teach any canadian municipal ity a lesson when difficulties are encountered in staging the democratic exercise of franchise it is time thateitizens took a more active part in the administration of their municipality nominations are as important to the demo cratic wy of life as aoelection and both should be participated in as extensively as possible by those citizens freeexercise of the franchise is the one safe guardian of a democratic way of life it should be protected as violently as it was won and any interference with it should be fully and exten sively investigated it may be that our fight for our own democracy might be waged on the home front as well as in asia which is the most important is a matter for more than casual de cision news fftom all directions n if dauble petfeell blue mondays for editorial notes everything is subject to change except of course he taxi driver the best of motorist unfortunately often take turns for the worst en begin c todays bedtime stories ofte begin once upon a time and a half the talk that is cheap in peacetime is liable to be very costly in wartime clannish people we canadians even the folk who can t get seats ory street cars hang toi cether the pedestrian trusts the autoist and the aitoist trusts the pedestrian which is why they are both careless a canadian ear buyer pays a federal tax of 340 on a 2000 car in addition in some pro vinces the buyer must pay provincial and hnuni- cypal sales taxes and while he drives he pays gasoline taxes as mychas 14 cents a gallon the same story of course can be told on almost everything we buy tdtiay andit should oe point ed out that white raxes may be necessary par ticularly when we are entering a period of mili tary preparedness the onus of responsibility for high prices should not be placed on the shoul ders of business- no r mondays for peter nichols of burlington the gaxtfhe j reports that two weeks nfio mon day at the brant bowline alleys he bowledti perfect 450 game then to top the tops he bowled another all strike game the next monday next weeks gazette will reveal what happened this monday plmjtrmt glen williams near georgetown faced the worst flood in years last week the river is jammed with ice causing cellars to beioodedln all the houses in the district the georgetown herald reports that es- quesing township officials arranf- ed to have the ice dynamited to clear a passage for the river ojla secretary dies jsnowtrthroughout the province as the daddy of the oba wm jjsnyder died in hamilton on january 11 in his 67th year he helped to organize the oba and was one of the original- officials being secretary for 24 years he was president four different times and in 1945 in fact he was both secretary and president i olow kuut loji believed to be oakvllles oldest resident fred snowball died last vcek in his 97th year he had been ill since october and recently con tracted pneumonia before then he wastulte active and would take a walk every day with his collie he did odd jobs around the house and a bit of gardening he was a greattreat grandfather firemans cuisine the annual banquet of the burlington fire department says- the hamilton spectator has- be come famous for cull inn ry art sup plied by the firemen themselves this occasion was observed on jan 10 and it lived up tb all expecta tions and was equal in palatabllity to iiny which hnjj gone before if any momentarily unguarded por tions of this famous feast should burn at least these gentlemen would know exactly what to do about ft at a business efficiency exhib ition in london the loud speaker system broke down at me xtttlrb filpirrb afgianaba aeioa ontsuria a yrllendlcirfchtmcm panonaae zo bower avenue phono 00 uty k a carrey ba hd minister mlmo m luinbaml atxuc organist and choir laadar sunqay january 2utiil 1000 nnv sunjiiyschoo lioontamomlnirworehliirsubv jcct barriers to gtxl 70orj fevertink worship sul- ject our efttlmato of -ourolv- ritouom lorlht wrrk worry is a klrulot luult to tho lord ifii like throwing lllsprom- iiieit and asmirancev back into iris crtbnd soyintf theyre no good ami you dont trot him joe fletchei ftt albau fliiurrrf mnwn rmtor kv vv o uutou ha sunday januahy 2ist toil sopluaffesima sunday 1000 amsunday school 1100 am moly comniunion ottd beginners class 700 pm evening prayer a wateom awtiu you ytlebtittrisui dburrlf la fflanaba knoxinmoic aoror hfcv kohknut ii akihtbonr mji mlnuur sunday january aiat lttm 1100 nm divine woruhlp 121ft pin sunday school and bible clous vocrntnl dlvlnc worshlpv vliritpm ore welcome knur iilolls oates with tlutnjcn- ulvlno and into ihm courts uilltt pralsr waatlrt cluird aoton mr rutiley wmdeek dtadent ruuf sunday january 21st iiil 1030 om sunday school and bible class 1130 am morning s thursday 8 pm prayer mcctlntf ivldayt4 pm- mission band b pl m bypu a hew express train called us scandla arrow is operattax b jlween malmo in south wadn and oslo in norway medical dr w g c kenney pbyaulan and sttrfeau successor to dr j a mcniven office in symon block mill st acton office phone ii residence church tit fnene is dr d a garrett physlelan and sargeen corner of willow and river sts entrance niver street acton ontario phone 138 dental dr a j buchanan aejital surgeon office leishmon block mill st office hours 0 am to g pm xray telephone hi fftti the good old days may have seemed better back in 1901 taken from the ne o the free prets of thursday jan 17th j901 last wednesday- afternoon fred dy the fivofyeorold con of reeve williams hod a very narrow escape from drowning in hendersons pond elsie little daughter of elect rician milaz courageously went tb his rescue sho first caught the lad by the ear and then by the coat collar and affected his rescue a very interesting item of fam ily history was enacted at the home of wiiliam hemstreet esq main st when he and his life partner celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary- now tlpt the splendid reception and presentation to gunner gould are over attention will be more directed to the proposed monument to bt- erecttd in menior of our brave soldierhero bombadier w j moore gunner gould who has just returned from africa is much in- crested this project nnd apprec iates the action very much the annual meeting of esquesinj acricultural 5wciety was held lat thursday nirht those elected to office from acton were jmcqucen first vicepres jxs flynn directb- and john williams hon director a very pretty weddinc was held last wednesday afternoon jan 9th at the home of the brides parents mr and mrs james scott esques- injl whenhtr daughter afaftiiic jam won united in marriajre to james edward campb4h of ballin- afad the bride presented an ideal picture in her bridal robe of pearl grey suiting trimmed with white satin braid and velvet she wore in her hair white carnations and maid en hair fern and carried a bouquet of the same r- makkirn campbelljohnson at the residence of the bride- aunt younx st acton on january 16th by the itev g milne ball- inafad mr georj o camnbell of eounln to miss ada yix- a both johnson acton bagjctn 1931 from the itsue of the free pretn of- thursday january 15th 1911 mr george wilds reported see ing a robin on sunday but whether it is the first of spring or one left over from last fall has not been de- i cided mr chas allan also saw the v robin sunday about nine oclock jack law son son of mr and mrs annus low son fourth line esqucsinft was one of the winners in the essay contest jconducted by the ontario department of agri culture fire losses for 1030 were very light in acton according to the records of fire chief mcdonald the losses for the past year am ounted to only 6334 op tuesday evening mrs c li harrison captain of the acton girl guides entertained the guides i at a sleigh riding party the annual meeting of the hilton county educational association on i saturday in milton was the largest jn years the speakers were hon j m robb provincial minis cr of health and a e culvev of simcoe a county health unit was urged there is nbout eighteen inches of snow on the level hereabouts now the annual report of the water works system contained some in teresting figures there were m- 108000 gallons of water consumed during the past year which is an overage daily consumption per in habitant of 19 81 gallons the hydro department showed there were 472 domestic consumer 81 commercial 20 powijr and 18 rural l died stark in trafimgaf township on wednesdays january 7 1031 cath erine wilson widow of the late robert stark in her 71st year dr george a sirrs dental surgeon mill st corner frederick acton olficc hours 000 nm to 530 pm telephone 10 c f leatherland barrister a hoi lei tor notary public office 22 phone res 151 acton miscellaneous the victor b rumlcy funeral home funeral home heated aubulummr phone so night or day serving the community for 45 years eye care waa ci milligan ro optauetrtst wed 11 am to 9 pm nt mill st residence of a t bbown please telephone 3j15j for appointment veterinary d young bvsc l young dvm veterlhary surgeons office brootrvllle ontario- phone milton ufir4 f g oakes vs bvsc veterinary surgeon office nnd residence knox ave acton phone 130 lever hoskin chartered accountants successors to jenkins and hardy 1305 metropolitan bldg 44 victoria st toronto elg 0131 vvilioughby farm agency largest and oldest agency in canada- hi ad officekentldg toronto georgetown representative tom hewson phone georgetown 332w wright real estate and r insurance f l wright n b wright 20 wilbur st 00 mncdonnell st acton ont guelph ont phone 05 phone 4915w valuators realtor insurers member appraisil institutei of canada members guelph and district real estate board members ginflph and district insurance agents association travellers guide grayoach lines coaches leave acton east bound ji838 am 85u am 1123 ajn 208 pm 503 pm 833 pnvffsj pm bl058 pm weslboond 1017 am 1252 pm 257 pra 527 pm 1x1 pm 912 pm hjt pm 112 am sun to kitchener only a dally except sunday and holi days r b saturday sunday and holl- dnys canadian national railways east bound daily 644 am daily except sun days 954 am 710 pm sunday only 1116 pm daily except sun day flyer at georgetown 0 02 am daily fiver at georgetown 1011 pm westbound daily except sunday and mon day 150 arosunday and monday only 12 31 am daily except sun day hah am 0 50 pm 744 pm daily except sat and sun 810 pm flantop saturday only 2 3ft pm sunday onlv 0 43 a nrmflagstop sunday only flyer at guelph 705 pm more than 500 sets for vadio lis tening have been given away free in britain by the wireless for bed- ridden society j the acton free press the only paprr frrr published in acton published each thursday at v mill kt acton ontario authorised as seeand clasa mall paslofflee department ottawa foundad in 1 s7s member audit bureaa clrealauaa cwna and oauriaqaebee olvtslaa cwnj advcrmtjng ram on raquatl subscrirtron in advahcx 7ms in canada 300 in unithmtates single copies 6c teuphones business and editorial office 174 residence i 131 n 4

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