Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 18, 1951, p. 3

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tkuilsrkayl january ltth 1181 the acton htb p8bs paok fashion hint mix bowl 2ewt hello homcmalcer tm man at the crap improvement conference are talking about us they want to know why hotnemaker do not buy tw wert in u mor a l lwul0 i line la a weaut thi splash of aoroe odd colourlame orange airlklntfplald royal purple sicb tuaouoiae can be added to a sim ple blduae and skirt combination to make all the difference in the world between a completely mart outfit and a quite ordinary one tbeie sleevelet jacket can be boucht quite reasonably or ebv toade in a day as far as weskh are concerned the leas conservative the better aright buttons sewn on as pictured add another dashing cote many canadians who started work in railway shops hsve risen ca hlkh executive jobs with their lines e phead ometrist optc ey txmnffnmjt scientifically glasses fitted guelph m sl oeertes 84 phone 1s eataubjied m years w are not among the guilty be cause we purchase homegrown vegetables whenever possible who could pass bv such inexpensive nu tritious foods ontario growers are producing high quality crops and we should slop io consider the well being- of our farmer-neighbor- local vegetables are being graded and packaged more carefully and efficiently now than in the past if you ask for grade 1 potatoes or hl- innd potatoes you will find them of uniform slie smooth and free from jhsease drhe hiland packages come from dufferin county the highest garden area in ontario when you purchase turnips and onions look for ones that have had a narrow stem few roots and those that are oval and smooth there are some who think that potatoes and turnips are fattening in answer to this statement may we remind nu that jams and bread nrottotw per cent starch while iheseroot vegetables are on- ij m per cent in other words one medium sfxed potato is not more fattening than 1 slice of breador i dotr nr k rni although it is true tliatjoatatoes and turnip ane food energy vltamfnc and iron it is necessary to remind you that potatoes cooked in their jackets or pressure cooked turnips have the most nutritional value takf a tip 1 do not soak peeled vegetables before cooking 2 cook as quicklv as possible in a cmered pan 3 start cooking in n small nmount of boiling uitcr reduce heat once fcnter is back to boiling now even more miles at lower cost with himiler truck tires nbwmmiz fm am ao ttttr eae imjji1um1ler rib- tire give- op to 23 more tkiljt mor veawetr it ruai cooler has extt strong rayon cord body himiler all- veathlr gives plerfty of traction on power wheels hi milcr riband all weather make the perfect goodyear team for low toil truck performance thompson motors 130 mill street phone 69 ford monarofsales service 4 use tho cooking water for soup stock or gravy if potatoes kre boiled and tho water fs ducarded about anequarter of the iron may be lost r- s servo the poladte and turnips us soon as they ate cooked 8 keep vegetable in nf cool mmu ventilated room to preserve the arcateat amount of vjlunht 7 since potatoes reheated by pan frylnff or broumuijf are low in food value it is- inadvlalb to cook two meals supply ait one time a food way to use left over baked potatoes is to peel cube and heat in a jnllk sauce in a doublu boiler another way to hent left over bolledinskin po tatoes in to make duche pota toes k tushes potato 1 prehoro mnshwl potatoes 1 eftf or 3 yolks well benten may je ndded 2 butter a bnkintr dish put in po tatoes mound in centre smooth the surface brush over with melted butter 3 drowji in hot oven rcallased potatoes 2 cups cooked potatoes dlced 1 cup medium white aftuce t tbsp finely chopped pnnley 1 tbsp finely chopped onion f cups buttered crumbs 1 add potatoes onion and parsley white sauce turn into buttered baking dish 3 cover with buttered crumbs brown in hot oven vote 6 to 1 cup tfrated cheese may be ndded to the sauce omit parsley french fried potatoes 1 wnih and pare potatoei cut ta thin slices or in strips 2 soak in cold water 10 minutes 3 drain dry between towels 4 cook in deep fnt which browns a cube of bread in 40 seconds 300 dcrreei 1 cook until roldcn brown drain on unglnzcd paper sprinkle with silt keep hot for servinr the question box mrs r t gurgcsts quick and economical supper subbobtlons answer tomato juice tuna vcfietable casserole cheese biscuits lemon meringue custards jwacflronlsausire creole quick cooked cnbbore fruit cup ind custard sauce ox tail stew mnde previous nlrht pnrslood cole shw toast applesauce tier and bacon cr imcd onions small potatoes i boiled in jackets cup cnk fruit siuci cunmid minute rice tt i oif cooked nifiht bcforo sluts btnttd in cinned rnv potitots and carrots fattening poultry yields dividends puttlhtf the flnuhlnfc touch on m producttbcforcr offering it for sale yields the grcateat proportionate return from any labour done on the average rrm and in ho ce la this tnoro important than with the proper feedbitf and finishing of poultry tteaearch work being done in the poultry dlvtaon or the ex perimental farms service at ot tawa shows that where proper jrtjjnaffement and unliable rations re employed poultry uradra can me raised from b or c into th hlbhest grades n orade a orad special not only does the consume benefit fromthe breatly improved quality thus obtained but tho producer ealni from th tttereased weight and the better grade price secured in the past few y6mru science has steppd in and helped the poultry men solve some of their rearing and feeding problem poultry re ifearchbro at ottawa sirens the fact that to produce broilers economi cally they must grow quickly this in done by feeding a starter ration high in protein f 21 21 per ceht for the first nine weeks then by changing the ration to one con taining lesn protein further growth in discouraged and the depositing or fnt encouraged this is made more effective by the hick of ex ercise brought about by confining the birds in closer quartern during the final finishing period the mash should consist of about 13 per cent protein and nine per cmt fit irrordink to rrc nt export mcnls conducted nt ottawa thls in made up of definite proportions of groun grains as corn wheat oats soybeans and soybean oil bran and middlings bonemeal lutiedtone common salt cerograss rapldiydrled grass clippings and brt wers veast in feeent voars minute quantities of itaminn as bj2 riboflavin and cholme have been added to the results these and certain other fattening ration with excellent chemical compounds added to a carefully balanced fattening ration are considered by many poultry nutrionlsts an providing an entirely new approach to the finishing of poultry and help greatly in provid ing the consumer with poultry of the highest quality x tite pfacock line satfn lace taffeta chiffon everv kind of material will be used bv dressmakers in britain for 1051 evening dresses but of all the designers who ore employing taf feta probably victor stiebel s handling of it iu be the most in genious his most attractive con ceplion of how taffeta can iookut- perhaps the series of after six dresses he has made recently for thest hi has used the peacock line vhich as its name implies show s a tine v hich is short n fronl and droops at the back his r isons arc as alw is iorical a jon ik s-is- should look as at tractive when it kaves a room as it dots nt its mlrince chronicles of ginger farm written sptfcialli for th ac to rvw pt bv tiweeuttun k clrlt th i ha b tn a d cixast in tht mv ntnri s of cannt d applcsailc in canada remit of a heaw election campaign p n g0 s o ro oi if ou looktnc ahrtul you i r tut l jlnt t all the an mib t ur nol irha of fururr t nncul afity ni u njer ivtauw io lind thftn i mat l hr life imr fimnnj ri m f ilnjmantr he i virj t hkin prob rm lkr ourt he will hoi i r nilti r tt t b njtf ltiic ii tv nkii n th to 4s- i timiu u rlt rr tn tt r tu nir vn oc ou die pre mat el or vi imp ou r horned itx a tt tma unt ol iiuvm viult nerd in later et vstet i ir amin ocr decline k o your life inurance man will help you urk ut a j ian to mtet that or any other hnan cial need if the future and all ol thee plana ill be htted int a master plan vtlikh n vtithin your naent ont iur life underwriter leiial traimnic and expernrur nuke thi irxt e vsible and he kll take lrnt time ti dele nt oir prohleni n matret ho c thry nav he m he rt sin a rvtlli n v anadian fjmilie h ivt tenet t t v the lutvue an 1 exjei n t tf the m ktrm 1 fi tihlerritrr rel i n him the life insurance companies in canada woakino km mational 0uiss ulloimo hhoiia ucutlty questions on new markets answered differently by seventeen farm forums hnltnn count farm forum groups n turning to action afti r tht christmas stason stttltd down to thinking of tht rmrktunp situa tion as it affcts the farmer sevtn teen groups forunrded o report tht first qui stion what do ou think should be done to insure futurt markets for tht surpjus pro ducts in our irea the answers uri quite aried ss no 7 nas sijavta forum thought the solu ton was t farmers corporation to taki charge of marktting and dis tribution of farm products from the grower to tht consumer bv passing th middleman thus the producer would ritatn control of all market ing operations a further sugges ti n was that boards be appointed to operatt in foreign countries in dispomnk of an surplus canadian rpnxluct such boards to work un tier tht supervision of the cana dian federation of akricultur otht r sugkcstions were advet tisint and investigating excrv pos siblt market lower prices to tn crease tht buvtrs consumption w ith wage and machlnerv costs 1 mired accrdinglv improving of storage facilitus tor v t tables cutting cost of distribution through canada cf fruits and vegetables in jirdcr that more of our products will tx consumed encouraging of more immigration in order to tn i n as consumption more controls of oit imports in order to lessen the production pf margarine but better still ban the manufacture of it altogether milk was thought to be the greatest surplus in this com munity and tht matter should bo glue immediate consideration by our milk board stone school for urn thought we should know more about- our fcdt ration of agricul ture th eond qut tion was do v u think it is n good idea or not fo farmers organizatfohs lo collect nfohe from farmers for the pur pospnf promoting tho- sale of their i products is their daiyv farmers of canada are doing with dairy pro d ir r a in w crt to be givtn north trafalgar forum admitte d tht do il lu nt fits from advertis ing t ut not so much in farm pap e rs thev suggest cook twooks be placed tn everv citv mail box em phasiifng the ue of milk and eggs thcv also suggest the taking over of some of our large billboards for nd ertising our products if ad wrtfsing is going to pav such huge dividends wh not buv the front page of our datlv papers right aiross canada for one dav and ad rti like th verv old die kips the r stall i ignv forum also agreed in ad srrtismg of farm products in order mr promote sales of their products stating all farmers should pav for such advertising as all would reap the bincfits it is up to the farmers if canada to look afur their own n n in oth r words thev clami jht lord onh htlps those that help themselves hornbv forum agreed in adcr i f farm products and gave as tbe vr re ason that it helps to sell be cause these davs people buv bv high pressures advertising whether it is cars or coroanuta kelso forum said vo the in crease tn profits from advertising wtn nat equal the cost of advertis ing then u an early morning pro cession at ginger farm that i really funny to are if partner is a bit late coming in fotu break fast i natural ly watch for him from the- k lichen door or wmdow and this is what r often and har firat although theyare still out of sight i hear the deign barking this indicate partner has left the barn then through the little gate whlch separates the barnyard from the garden i see black joe coming racing along tall fn the air sleek coat shining in the sun once through the gate hi stops and waits the reason is obvious as al most immediately tippy and honey come along barking and jumping around each other with early morning exuberance then there is a clanging of palls partner is making his way through the little gate while the dogs ret in his wav as he walks a fact to which neither he nor the dogs pay much attention joe still waits at the gate watching the antics of the dogs with wary eye now partner and the dog are almost nt the house it ssnlrpow so joe corner on the run n black streak leaping alonj the ground joe is already there when pirtner and his pails reach the woodshed door now the dogs stop thrir fun in anticipation nf hehag let into the house the outside door opens followed by absolute pandemonium in i the woodshed then the kitchen jooi opens and in come dags cat pavt ner and tho pails invariably part ner savs well were in a if he had to tell me eventually they get sorted out tip under the table honey on her mat by the stove joe in the pantry exploring her feed dish and partner nt the sink get ting washed up for breakfast for awhile there is peace and quiet ness we have breakfast talk and listen to the news and generally the news in the sounding gong for our breakfast conversation and so it goes we have more or less made pf our breakfast hour a time of leisure the early morning chores are over the work of the dav not yet begun so wo take this time for ourselves knowing tljere are not likely to be anv in terruptions but as the day wears on well on a farm nu never can tell there might be o sick cow or nt w calf or a mineral selling agent r mrftmie a neighbour drops in o sav nothing of telephone calls perhaps this rtory of our break fast hour sounds as if partn r and i live n verv h isurelv life actually r- don t but wo do trv to live an unhurried lift as ou know there is such i thing ns niakinn h iste slow 1 th i d v th t mph ims is on p ti and h it wnrktnr hmr un di i ich unditims it is impns s hi i make ha u slow lv you e in t mm 1 2 hours w ork int i in il hour d v without hurrmi or w ith it mifft rinj ph sic il and n ni il r action there is fax too much hui to much anxtetv tt pet dften ith the dav s work and off f r a good time and smci that k od timi often results in lite tip rrs ind ov r t it d nervi those who thus indulge m t insiiff en nt ii i in pre pare tl i msplvi s u r e i n th fl hour dav that follows no wonder p ople g t high bh od pres sun and ne rvoiis digestion of course manv of tht ounger f k lik thi et t done quick wav of w rkjng and can tak it up t a p nt but evintuallv the laws of n itur catch up wttb tin m and tht are faced with the alternative f cracking up or se inir d w n il is lad enough for mlin people lut vhen older folk trv to k p pace with the times tht j are surelv courting rlrsnster h rv t strt ncth can t last f r i ve r i nd vtt how difficult it is to av nd the stress and strim of being hurried o that stores and of ftc s cloi n e arh thos who i vi ild do i usmess with them must i hurr with their own work w h th er their h sriss is at the bank i pac 1 t mall or meat for d n i n r tomorrow time and tide wait f r no man neither do shops nndnffice s ctuallv this craze for short working hours ere ates a paradox p apl a- o bust trv mg to get ill their work done in an 8 hour day the v work harder than e vcr he f re it member the lime when the si ill i ouftttort keeper had time ti cha with his customers he coeisn t now too busv getting them vrved i tmu marches on marches oh no- to march is to maintain- a steadv unhurried pace time has forgotten how to march it rushes tt out of step it i n a marah anv long r it a rout bve folks got to hurry lime taratch the mail after all is tid and done how does it taste in the cup that is what counts salada tea bags yield the perfect flavour cbrbolts wem5h lynn valley golden cream corn 225c red cohoe salmohjsie campbells tomato soup 2ie domestic shortening us 35c libbys mincemeat s9e liftons soup mixes x 5c heinz ketchup 25e 1tbe8h ohooolate maebhmallow biscuits pound 43c monarch cake 35e ginger bread m 29c aie crust mix 5sr33e red river cereal 1 7c 43c quick quaker oats 35e margene margarine ml 39c 80ap pe10es are advancing buy now soap flakes carrolls economy package 4 lb box romar coffee vi 91c dandee tea 38c 75c pep dog food ioc chawion cat food 2 25c swifts cleanser 225e heinz spaghetti w 14e blue ribbon coffee 99c v m oii1i jl j t slir 0 oranges tims s7r 9 grapefruit i1iesii ready to hebvk salads 10c cello pkg uiik end pruts os ml hhuooma hp1vacii ceieb1 lettdcb kadlsheh bavana8 r

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