Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 18, 1951, p. 5

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ihxrusday january lmfcimi the acton free press paoc itvk spark t little guy lines own league play whiiam clayton moves to toronto gordon oder new b of m manager any of you idle hockey fans and artnts who are interested in how johnny- docs on skates would be velfcdvuwsd to skip down to acton arena on monday an th ghts fier the minor sports rlufft has a ouiftanf houde leagiic jtoinjt full blast the four leanruf vjndcr the tutelage of ttay jrfaon andy wilson harold skillbib and xjovd masai mt have a full comple rnent almoct aeventy beya between the ages of 10 and is playing double bend em two nights a ycvv when the ice lint available on ci ther of the previously mentioned nights the game are switched to conform with arena manager hany holmes schedule the roster of the clubs are peick ed to the hilt with placrs ringing from the small cautious sjwvimcn so full blown youths who dish out exciting action most of th sixty minute each game is allotted in order to give all the kids the snm chance all teams are divided into two lots the small guys and the bin guys this unique division en- iiblesjhelr respective managerato send out a small guya lineup against a similar lineup on the op posing side and vleevewa for the older and bigger kids there la on- 1y one exception thenetminder tfe remains stable the entire game when playoff time rolls around we re informed that two teams will be formed from the small guya and thev will play off for a trophy a similar plan is to be put in effect for the bigger player at the moment andv wilson- squad leads the league with two v in5 and no losses closely pursued bv ray masons club who have racked up a win and a tie in two tarth in third place by the slim margin of a tie game is harold sicklings gang bringing up the rear is lloyd mastics team who havff yet to hit the win eoluma u last thursday night miiton maulers broke even with skilllng jfonginihe first game ax tui doublehfsader phil mccrlslall aeored his team n only goal while hod eorce pbkad in a pass from don deforest for the skilllng ctyb xn the other end of the twin bill andy wilsons red easily trounc ed lloyd masales sextette 0- thanks to some prolific scoring from dob hentley hod sinclair and ed mchugh bob heatlev scored three while the other two picked up a pair apiece itus arble and tom oaklev got jingle markers to complete the score hartley de forest and turk shepherd sniped singles for the masale team mondav night the teams resum ed and in thi firstgame ray ma- son s boys edged n much improved manales club 42 phil scottle mccri stall was the big gun scoring three goals on his brother mike in the losing cage and missing a bak ers doyen from shots directly in front doug vlckery and don dav idson collected an assist on two of his goals- george oakes seowd the remaining goal from a scramble in front turk shepherd rifled both goals 1nnhe 105wgtssflke in the second game ron sinclair and bubba snyder sniped markcs to lend andv wilson s club to a close 2 1 decision over harold skll- ling s tenm don deforest scored hi teams only goal in the dying- minutes to avoid a whitewash the teams ire nt it again to nliht thursday with ray mason team meeting the league leading wilson club to decide first place in the second game llovd masales ind harold sklllings teams will both be gunning for their first wins elora breaks tie in tjvertime game in in exciting game in felora on monday evening acton and elora juveniles tangled in a wellmatch ed came with acton onlv defeated nftt r bvcrtlme wns called to break the tit the final score was 0b for elora whin 10 minutes overtime on the fl 8 score began elora rushed for a wm to score in the first 15 seconds no further scoring was made in the remaining nine min utes ot plov acton juvrniles lost in last prl- li game too uhen the george town aggregation courfted a deel cio uin w ednesda night acton bantam rdaved the fergus ttarn in fergus ou of town ice appircntlv dldn t a k rest with the acton lines thtv lost 6 0 tonight thursdiv the juvs ttavel to ftrgus and on friday- ew ning thi fergus squad will re turn the visit henry jolley dies in hospital jan 8 hnr t jollev thv father of mr n long mrs f evans on j llrnrv thomas jolu of linn houv died on mondav jinuarv 8th in montr al hi was hospitalized for a uttlr h was in his 74th war mr jolu was d native of wei link ton n w 7 aland for three stars hi livid at rh eton hi workid in the private c ur dtpart n m ef tht railwax nnd rt tired in lh th fum ril strvwt v s ht id on rttm sdt j mu n 10th in montri i hiuif hii vmf thi fonm r fl i u duff u id in u ut sj sn fdw trd sujnlt ind sdm of m ntitnl hi nrv tiunrms of i nm h um ont ii ir id of ciljrr nnd 1 inns f north ri opt fivi duahirs mis john v rs hooti an t mis c divis t montml mi i h mi rttid mr n ionr of mijusi ind mr ii b11 of ci kiliwn ont 24 krandiluld r r md n krrut jnnchild moffat winter in florida for three ladies ms flsu mrs timb in 1 mts g n vrnsh kft t witk o p nd ih rennmvli r f th w nter in h rida ml wmviljiid of oring v illo i isitinn with hi r atsvtr mr and mrx douglas turnbull m- ind mrs giortfi niack of alrbi have mdved into mrsr ei lev n house for the winter mis edith fc is confined to her home with the mumps baxter labmentie for league first baxter labs the sole acton cnt- rv in the georgetow n industrial leiciic climbed into a three wiv tic for first place on mondav night b plavlng to a 44 dnw with i strong provincial piper entry the labmcn ittirt d in new uniforms finallv made the top rung after be ing conceded little chance of fin ishing near the front at the start of the season alliance piper mills ind georgetown businessmen are the other front running teims although tht come wis prforlv handled bv the reft rees the lab nun took idv intage of ever op portune v lornt misales fvfe somen ilu riv everddl ind mel jordnn tucked coals behind pic dillon provincnls netmlnder who wis i stir spmgled jumrr of list sinson ind ilw iv i hard nut to crick pi iv thr it ned to get out of hind sevenl tlme and as a result of thi officnls ntklirenct julian zijic sufft rid i severt facial in- jiirv the seri s rtsumis on mondav night in giorgttown and the bax ur team are offering odds thev will be solo occupants of first place come tucsdiv whether they fin- h as stated or not ts a sure thing thev nrr thi surprise team of the loop nnd can expict a stiff bat- tlt for position as a prtludi ti exhibitions m cton an na baxters handed morrison ill star sixtttte all 8 of thi ml a ifi 2 helicking on tut d iv night tun whtn the teams sw i trhihfnet minders thi bactii line up follnvs rob s4 n k i mis ilis f mnsales de u mistirs c w talds k allen u ilttrmtts r mirshill j stew irt f sunmill r fvrdll m i irdnn t 7ijn i r vbinson i chestnuts downed by peanuts at y 1isl vvitk th id u h otht r ontii tht tu mit v william h clayton william h clayton who hn oon the manager of the bank of mont real hero since937 avui be moved in the immediate ftftuce to a tor onto branch succeeding him will be gordon oder who comes frbm the picton bank of montreal here mr clayton and his wife will move to toronto as soon as they find a place to live there ond in the tneatttlme mr clriyton will commute in the years he has been n a mr clayton has boon an active member in various organiz ations uo has been orcthe library oard- since 1043 ndjtojjcciujk s juushuum wtarywasure isctjwt phttcriuntant at the bank gordon oder this yeftr he is president of the acton lawn bowling and tennis club shortly after the inception of the ys men s club mr clayton joined and has held different pos itions in that organization in the yenrs tint followed mr oder who succeeds mr cliy- ton first joined the bank of monu real staff in gait where he wlis born and educated he later ganed considerable experience at branches at kincardine a hist on b ge6h misonburg trenton and tweed a follow of the canadian ban secretarytreasqrcr i he has served two terms on the public school board and was on the ymca board for four years last year mr clayton was the treasurer of the soldiers memorial committee and the secretary- treas urer of the commemoration com mlttce comes from there to take over his new duties here both mr oder and his wife who will join him here within the next wo months take a keen interest in community activities they have one child two-ycu- old jane eliz abeth speech reported to knox wms ladies the flrtft meetlngof 1051 of the suiior auxiliary wms of knox- church was- held january 11 at the home ofjuus r m mcdonnld with a good altendince mrs mainprise was in the chnlr the dcvoiienal part of- the meehng was under the leadership of mrs h allison with mr hansard nnd mm buchnan arslstlng miss ruby clark intro dueed the new study hook cai d our share in the world mlsilon a duet by mrs f anderson nnd mrs r t uac trroatlv enjoyed mrs r m mcdonald ie- ported in an interesting manner the speech of afrrt reld the guest speaker nt the jinminl meeting o guelph presyterlal pn jnniiarv 0 after receiving reporti from sec votaries of glad tidings welcome and welfare nnd mission band the meeting closed with praver by the president t- clkaring auction sale in erin township of ilalsteln cattle tractor imple ments hay grain household fffeou fte tlw undersigned his nceived in slructlons from mrs laura duffipld to fiell by auction at the firm lot 111 con 1 frin township slt- uiti d on the erin frnmnsi town lint 1i miles north of 24 high way on tufhday january 23 1m1 follow the signs from 2 hlchw commcncingat 12j0 clock the following juonhranohin m 10 i li i ft hulnlwincuwrfrwih dtt- lmbtr 11 wih heifer call ul foot houlcin cow fresh jon u with of halton county fcontimied from paa one jjissm max ted county tresjrurer were elected to the county board of audit and warder dick and past warden william vanslekle were appointed eommlssionersr to the haltonpeel home for the aged board of managers following the acceptance of col g o browns reslgnnuoituas mem ber of the north halton high school area beard council ap pointed georgo e cleave nerval to fill the vacancy col brown was recently selected secretarytreas urer of the north halton school area board council approved a bylaw to borrow up to 3200000 to meet the current expenditures during the vear the roads committee along with county engineer r f smith were chosen as delegates to attend the annual good roads conven tion being held in toronto next month reeve litchifeld strongly criti cized the toronto star for a press report in connection wjth the new home for the aged he laid the newspaper stated the county paid 123 000 for the site on which the building is being erected he felt this information was very mil- leading and would give the citl installs son wardente be he said that since he brought it to the attention of council last fall two more accidents had occurred there he felt thai if the tree nnd shrubs were removed it would help to eliminate some of the haz ard there some immediate ac tion should be taken i was won dering what the road committee had doneor what they recom mended following their inspection last month he questioned reeve thorpe told members the inspection was made rather late in the year to make a report but thought something will be done about the harard ot thftt rolnt the engineer w as going to gather some men together and do some trimming down there but has apparently done nothing about it injected reeve george currle members comprising the various committees are with the first mmed as chairman finance j w hlgglns ken macdonald e r lauder emmerson ford printing and education r j hargrave ceorge h haswell c palmer george thorpe county buildings joe wickson howard litchfield william g marshall george leslie hospljals h d allen j j stew art marshall pnlmer edgar ellen- ton lauder agriculture and reforestation zem of halton the imprion i george currle ford palmer stew- were throwing their money ar- ort allen special communications ellen ton leslie higgins haswell county roads thorpe currle allen wickson ellenton assessment marshall leslie litchfield thorpe hargrave countvc home litchfield mac- wickson mar ound he stated the count v paid 6 000 for the site instead of the 123 000 a reported and askeilcouncll to have the clerkrrrethe newspaper seeking corrrtionof the printed rt port mr jjch field told mem bers he had been talktbg to the re- i donald haswell porter but had not seen avorrec- grave currle tion printed to this dates council council adjourned to meet on approved of hli suggest on january 30th a mutual aid fire protection in halton vv as again brought to the attt ntion of council bv deputy obituary reeve f r lauder oakville he asked numthrs to consider the arfon boni trucker mitttr as he felt that such a sihinu muht come under civil de- jed fa accident fine progr m nnd if the mutual aid did not iwlst halton might be h r 0 in irrid nt vvh n llictsrf with othir counties forming hs ru k w1 hu b fn igh i distriet committee will be ap lr m tnl r n tinmrv rth 1 untid to mvfstlgate all inglt s xt xu n 111 j n tnlrdied jt thi thequtstlon f t it eld nt thi trim h ijk i th vthicl 7 fit from h 1 v 1 nsmi in t fi ilk wis 1i iirfh ti a jtind ii vh n thr twin cuives at foot holsttin cow dul about timo uf nil shut burn cow dut b lbrujry u hulhtljn cow due march 7 hohtcin cow due march 0 hoisum cow milk ing due march 12 holstun cow milking wul due march 11 part illrlford cow milking well dut aprilifl houtm cow milking well bred april 21 3 young cilv ls llalstlln bull 24 years old plgi and poultuy york sow due kb u vork sow dut ttb 1j yuung vork sow due icb ii young vork sow due itb hi yuikjapax brd nov i yore boar i ytjr old 50 liglft sulx 1uiilu luying 75 jlt clnt horsis and harness black team good m all harness bt of nbitlchmg uam hauilis singll ad of hlavy harncs binglt harness horse biinkcts collai bells hay and grain a50bu- of heavy dry mixed grain a bu of wluat 100 bus of whiai uiot bai ley 350 bus of turnips 5 bus of mangolds 220 bilti of dry mixtd huy ib ton of mixed hay in mow tractor and implements cockshutt 70 stundird trilu- on rubber equipped with lights st irt cr new in 1040 cockshutt j fui row trictor plow on rubber mc cormick deenng trictor culllv 1 01 with power lift mccormick dttr mg 15 doubll disc fertilizer mi lrun drill with power lift mcf or nuck dctring rubblr tirtd man urt spreader cockshutt binder 7 ft cut cockshutt mower j ft cut m ii side delivery uddtr and 1 ike mccormick decring dror ht id hay loider dump rike cock shutt 1 row finisher cockshutt riding moulder mccormidk de r ing potato digger gray snyder potato picker ok potato planter ok potato sprayer potato sprout ei bueehlor rubber tired vlmpjcen beirinjs firm w hon vyaton box medium firm wajon 14 ft flat hp rick piptc himmer mill 10 cir- cul ir s iw on rubber 5 section hur rows fleury walking plow turn ip sower bench sleigh walk nt scuffler power fanning mill higi beam scales steel stone boat jjnm bags 50 sap pails sugar ket tic 32 foot extension ladder power eroory stewart hand power clippers grind stone black smith drill stock nek mh pulp er gravt i box colony house 1010 ht ivy vise ringt shtltcr s rolls of snow fence brooder stove riucki n crite feeders 10 utt 1 1 posts lfl ft wire gate letrlt f net r hind iprivtr lomg chuns ind ill smill irticles dairy equipmfnt iiousf hold effects chore bov milk ing machint 2 units pipes pumj s is good is niw delavil creim st piritor dnirv strum r and pnl hilf hp iltctric motor hp 1 line motor brings ind strit on 1 hp air cjtialid nilni gin nl iuctnt automitit eoik sttvt tw tnu cooking nnu s lire qui hi c ht iter buff 1 tt t ih n t ibl b dr m hiijjv pi ni id 111 it t r s dr w 1 h t fl b dr m d h m tin iih r irt i 1 s i t n r n t thi 1 o 1 b t il f th fi m i n t r ill j i i nl f n f ml 1 1 iik i is 1 1 r nt tn t 1 r u t r 11 in m il everton euchre in school held by jjdll club the bull club held another luelire in the school with olght tnbh 1 mr harvcv lestln wns high for the men and mrs robert klngibury for the ladies and mr ilnrold smith lone hands w ik end nnd sundny visitors wfth mr and mrs j p bnham v ere mr nnd mrs charlie bjc and mr nmv mrs jack morreli guelph mr and mrs bert palframhn mount plenrtant vuihjd frt sundny with mr nnd mrs wit hortop mr nnd mrs robert pntten nnd dinm guelph visited on sunday- vith mr and mrs johivaltcn mr ted fountain guelph spent the week end nt the home of his parents mr nnd mrt chirlle fountain mr nnd mrs fred murrny ouelpb visited pn sundny with mr nnd mrs w head mrs alf coullng has been stiy- ing with her tiothor mrs irwin hamilton whohos been tinder the doctors catfriitinln kli wish mrs hamilton n speedy recovery mr tien lmmons uiolted his sis ter mm ros7ell acton on satur day mr nnd mrs hnrvpy jestin and bobby visited saturday evening with mr nnd mrs ted testln ind family rockwood mr and mrs alf boles nltended tht funeral of mr scott nt preston list wednesday -jrtfia- th re nro wnsbi rs and washers but only ont cushioned action thnt is so thorough so cart fui with your clothes its madi by wfstinghouse and hns the exclusive sentinel of snfetv to protect vou nnd your wnsht r mechanism model cdp shown here 111 to model a0 iw0 pump 12 extra modern plumbing heating store phone 270j acton notice we would ask anyone ordering flowers in the future to kindly phone 30w or if paying accounts to call at the funeral home thank you victor b ruaaley the victor b rumfey funeral home phone 30w kit bid it of th 1 i hi tho 1 111 i ller fnt i r v 1 flhnton ipokt on the moth r 1 xcitinj 1 ff rts if 1 committee in respect to ti ins ht chst i thi firmaton ofufire arcn jur 11 v 1 liti more rounding milton he was sorrv mlrismtl thin tvir b fore and discussions hid not continued but 1 ip thi first lin tho chstnutsf it hi wmiu like to a e them re w n 1 s siu mini b the count newed f is n in tht thr two tilts tht rn jot wickson t 1 1 mprnbrra i 1 units shid thur shtlls and thi ht wis quite ip fivour hut thought r oif i rt chi imit w nt tl i wn tj 1 fe v 1 10 a id 1 11 th u th n f 1 1 1 1 tht spikme ind bilt bindltng in thi s f mu s u 11 1 rx kood and the i ill vv 1 ki pt in pli bv super hunnn iff rt m p irt f ill plivors th ill stub ntlu kimisaretoo t uniirous t nu ntion tti k 1111 in ri il uttrth tik- ing pirt m m i vm me w rnon thin n t his monev 3 worth the it ague is or n to all and am vol- h vball enthusiasts coming in are assured of placing and a good time chnstims s ion had ihterttjr f d with ftirther tllks deputv r rievi geo i eslk informtd mem 1 b rs fsqvwslng had never had in ru k 1 im jimm 1 b tw n tn ti n ind i gnil box the mr imr siid th truck rtrivir ippir bll dd nut st t the tnin i h mil t itt mpt to stop riri in em m- tiv 1 ir wi is 11 v r in turk dm 1 mehinlc hi had be n fini it ov rlinl ml h d 1 n iw ich fist ttrms 1 h ih cl rk l ml mil 1 1 r ii in s ih f rm 1 i i ninsov ph 11 o n ir nn tl rk h 1 i1ii1 1 111 n i 1 irei fonned but vv er propiring c ur h id his w f hin such i move th ie in the south nn n s rrodu talor h ern portion of the township sought f h r ht rbt rt titor gmlph one to hivi such in irei created he said reeve wickson igain inquired of council what the intention n the road committee were in regard to the removal of trees and shrubs at sm rmild it home two diugh rs jo ann ind glendn mat- both it home ind on sister mrs tcu t hirdle georgetown funenl st rv icea were held on jnnuarv 11 in wlndsorwltlrint the eurn odpoaltc the wevnuand m in windsor grove cemetry your eyes deserve the best consult r m bell raillrd optomalriit phoit 23rl2 erin january clearance sale big savings on mens ladies boys and girls coats and ski suits mens ocoats priced down 1a ajc as low as 4lf9 ladies winter coats greatly reduced some sell ng ds low ts 995 boys and girls coats s 1 b io i i reg 12 5 rlciuclc io 895 childrens 2piece snow suits reg 7 95 da ac price to clear 070 childrens sweaters rtg pr ce up to i 98 reduced ao 0 hoc ladies wqol dresses rtg 12 95 to 14 95 pi 1 i io girls ski suits s ls up to 1lx 995 ladies nylon hose rtn 1095 to ck u it 795 rr 89c m ill m ij clothing store mill st acton t7

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