Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 18, 1951, p. 7

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thursday january itth 161 th6 acton free press poofs corner homi 1 jihembr 1 remember the jfarm whoru i was bom ehe old stone housu whose ruod wu wood firm through wildcat storm the shady laum with maple tree the hlncs and the flowers the -laay- droning a the beos through hunllt summer hours tho peaceful landscape nil around of atrentn and hill and dell and still at twilight i can hear that faroff clear cow-bell- sunday school lesson the crook of frogs from dlstnril marsh oiv evenings cool and still and every spring- the mournful cries- of loon and whippoorwill the vickie of the little encktr that wound through grass and atone how often- then i watched them slide along their course at home- the wealth of marigolds that made them winding rills of gold and violets sweet that sprinkled banks with blue in days of old fhe giant elm where quiet sheep liy down beneath its shade the flock of boulder where the lambs gambolled and climbed and play ed the clumps of cedars and the springs where icy waters flowed and rail fences where i percbfsdt to dream in days of old the sculptured holes in shining rock by panslfig glacier made and the green bowl beside a tree where oft i idly jnld the little church beside the road where i first learned my texts and opposite the old stone school where smiles and tears were mixed andtherrhirwdtoitinetvetvet moss in dappled sunshine lay twasthere 1 often wet my feel injumplnglogsatplay the golden sheaves of grain in- fall and corn in great brome rtooks the memories my mind recalls would fill a host of books i remember 1 remember the farm where i was born and though the years speed by on wings and though i greet the mom tn ather scenes perhaps as fair from other walls of stone mind and affection stm recoil the scenes of the old home the years may pass with sunshine or the years may pass with storm- but memory will ever bless the farm where i was bom lillian center crav mtllon pollock and campbell mutttetttfr mi high grade memorials memorial engraving 82watersl north galt teljbfhonk 1m halt jtamdtou optometbibt 72 st georges square guelph complete eyesight service sunday januahy 2i7io51 jesus meets growing hostility golden text when jesus heard it he said to them those who arc well have tin need of a phyirclnn but those who are slckl came not ib coll the righteous but sinners mk 2 17 tessontox mk 2 113 exposition 7- jesus teaching the ignorant 1 r 9 jesus had- left capernaum and the crowds that were authoring to him there to preach in the towns lying near fell j 37 s8 th ex citement over his morvellous power became so great uhtat ho was forced to leave tho eitlesfor a qufeter and more substantial ministry in sparse- jy settled country districts ch 1 45 after a little ho returned to capernaum quietly- but at once the report went far nnd wide that he was at home the presence of jesus nlvuays draws acrowd v 13 1 s3i5 4 1 5 luke 12 1 the crowd came partly from curiosity largely for dealing but jesus gave thorn ffrst that which was far more important than healing for their bodies he gave them the word for their perishing souls jesus could not see a crowd in a syna gogue on the street in the home oratn social gathering without making known to thorn the life- giving joybringing word of god he preached the word and that alone the apostles followed his example acts 6 4 8 23 ii 10 14 25 2 tim 4 2 jonah s 2 so have all the really mighty rfien of god in the churchs history ii jesus forgiving the sinner 35 jesus sermon was interrupted by- a case of dire distress brought to him by four men whose faith and earnestness would hot be stopped from getting into his very pre sence it required four men lo get the one man to christ but it is- worth the most persistent effort nf four men to get one man to jesus and it often requires it they brought the man to jesus because there warcjxq one else who could help and they were confident he could andwould it was necessary to creote an un pleasant disturbance- and to violate the conventionalities to get the man to- jesus but earnest men core more for saving men than they do for preserving ecclesiastical order or decorum they got the man to jesus in a very irregulor woy but tbey got him there jesus wos mightily pleased with their irregu larity and to hove his meetlrfg dis turbed for such a purpose he wos riot concerned about- delivering sermons but saving men they got what they sought their faith wos a faith that could be seen jesus saw their faith true faith always can be seen it materializes in works jao 2 18 nothing is more needed today than a faith that has legs and hands and feet their faith was very simple it was not a metaphysical creed it was simply the absolute confidence that jesus could and would save their friend luke 7 50 8 48 18 41 42 of course that logically involves faith in the proper deity of christ but these men were not theologians and if you had pro- juuinilcd to them the questions about the deity of jesus and the trlhlty they woud have been all at sea but they did believe in jesds with all- their heprta jesus forgave the mans sins before he healed the palsy the need of forgiveness was a sorter and deeper need than the need of hesllna and sin must be gotten rid of before sickness cart if wo would remove misery we mrist- first remove sin thls man knew he- was forgiven be cause jesus hud said so he would huoeno hesltatlbn iw joyfully proy claiming to- ony one my sins are all forgiven jesus snys so every liellevcr enn soy tin name ac 13 30 mesus jjllenclngtlu gnlijflnycr fl10 as always so ln cose the professional faultfinder wos pro- sent and he was v high ecclosnui- tlc 0 scribe a theological professor malt 2 the scribes were there to flndiiqmethhg rujclzc luke 5 17 jno s 18 and they found it- the real secret of their hostility was envy mk ib 10 jno 12j8 they mad avery heavy end very common charge against- jesus he blasphomelh mk 14 84 jno 10rh3v their reasoning was right up to a certain point no one but god cap forgive sins and if jesus was not god ijowas n blasphemer granted the jtfnltnr- fan conception of jesus and the scribes were right and wis execu tion justifiable but if jesus is god then ltfe the scribes who ore the blasphemers jesus demonstrated b his startled accusers that lie was divine nnd hud power to for give slnstiy reading their secrct thoughts 2 chron 8 30 jer 17 d four out of ioo attend university out if every km cmindlnn chlld- ph 130 1 2 then ho uliuwjfen 0lin etiw grtidtj 1 only 07 mother proof henls the pnliiled jnun he wlrfhos men to know hint the ron of mnn hntlt power on earth to forgive sin so he per form hn net thnt we enn nee unci wjdeh flemntidn dlvln power for lis accomplishment that w5 may know thn hi hnnc tho power or thnt wltich we ennnot nee nwh whieli dailrinndfi divine iiowor iv jenub henlintfthtf 6lek 1 1 1 2 emifl simply npoke the word i nny iitvto thee etc hwnn done fitrnkhtwny all were nmnzed ainu thoy worn- not converted mntt ii 23 the ncrtbea were not even convinced why not dp- cniiso their henrti were hnrdened nnd becnujm they had nude up t tlrf jgmiiw nothfcitf moruohjuillmylirymh who did hi ft wonderworklnjf by trick ery orth old of vtl aplrlls complete thefr public school course only 21 iver complete ornde 12 nnd only 13 complete mntrlciilntlon of thnt 13 only1foir ever fioto university- these fltfurenweve ylven rftcent- ly by dr g e hflll prepldent of thtrunlveifllty of wprni ontnrlo nt london spenkintto the klwnrilb club pr hnir stntod thnt the hrenteiil problem fnclmj educntron in cnnntln ihr nlvnwlnof the iftrjie number of boys nnd lr1 who fiiil to complete their oddentlon i the picture fliven by dr hnll wns much the nnme for the hlkh schooli nnd vocntlonnl schonla of 100 who enter hluh school only seven would complete grade 13 only niv would compiefegrado 13 or vocntlonul school out of lqowhb enter gmde0 the university president said he did not- feel thnt economic factors were jjii only reason for this fnll- nre to complete education he felt erection of n 100ft flnff mnst j thnt n hlhh porcentafio of dropouts liven to the london county coun- wns accounted for by inck of inter- cil by british columbin hnn been est in the curriculum nnd other stnrted nt the pestfvnl of britnln 1 fnctora refntlvr to the school sys sntiui bnnk londoh se tern pagk ssvkn festival flag maht j flnff stfvnl or doh hrte bilton perry limited plumauiijfcleating aircomoitioning and sheet metal contractors acton ruts perry 269w ontario 1- phonis ed bllton341w wa i i d ad cd c irfl a l lr arek i wii to koos fronjnjrveifeimontifto ps hi w w soma of h mora popular brand or a i nl j hationglly advartlsad palnh carrwd in tlotk books stationary supplies toys kennedys book store 25 wyndham st guelph angus kannady prop iisnssleililsas r can cut down your money problems with feal 9 ixtsisi what phonal pi prrtomsl plmmimg ii more than mere budgeting that by itself ii dull pfrssuaj planning u- a potitive financial program for sucteiiful in dividual and family living a pro gram for progrtftsivc 806 provident fjeo p i cr people who have idea for their future and want lo mike them real thait why ptrional plsmniwfi w diffcrcncii is a plan that facet the fact thai all of us must live in what we have not on what we wih for tt alto faces the fan thai a budget- plan timuld never choke the fup oui of life it shows od how to put your- telj on your own payroll as well a- the buuherthe baiter and candlettick- nialcr it ihow ou how to build for tomorrow while yiiuepioy today yes and it shows you how to get the mon out of life with what you earn in pnobj planning die important thing is its not how much vouh jncomk is its how voir ost it 7 what pfeoeu am layind aftout personal planning ptrional plmning was introduced on a test basis to visitors at the canadian national fxhibition last autumn thousands of people retponded to our invitation and asked for copies of personal planning for successful homemiker upiodjte and practical for pres ent living conditions is shat one v iii lor wrote us after reading the booklet i needed thit athicc very badly wrote another and you have already helped to straighten out a quarter of nur peruinal problemi fxcellent pamphlet- said a third my budgetplan will be organized within a nionihl these comments and many more like- them are in the tanks fdes at the head office in montreal w0 y fttm v6w money m mb mtw ym7 can you make your money do for you the things you think it should yoa an with personal planning k hasta of v0u1 money with personal planning you can be boss of your budget you can organize your life to rid yourself of tiy- afterpayday worries more than that besides living withfn your income you can make the most of yotfr money with personal planning pmonuhamiftg kt evtlvmv get yourulf a copy of our new booklet personal planning and youll see wha we mean whatever your job in life whether youre- a factory worker or office clerk stenographer or housewife farmer fisherman miner or businessman ypuwill find it immensely practical in dealing with personal- and family financing w money miiacib personal planning doesntdea with money miracles or show you how to get rich overnight thats something we icntjw nothing j bout but it does deal with money management as bank en to the canadian people for 1 3 years we do know something about this ww to getjhe most out of vout money rprfonaj planning is a cheery nttle book that telk you whatever your income how to get yourself on a sound financial foundation how to get the most out of your money t cajl in at your nearem b a m branch and ask for a copy teeres do obligation except to yourself u to 10 v acton branch cokdon oder managar bank of montreal canada- pimt a4 w 0 r k i h c with c a m a d i ans lr t v e r y w a 1 ic of 1 1 f e since 1 7 1 t i- vj

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