Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 25, 1951, p. 2

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the acton pro press our way of life with all the trouble that can be traced to the consumption of intoxicating bevcfagos it socini hat a people sensible as wa-ace-supposocho- be would take action at the root of tlio evil rather than trimming at tho fringes as wo now are doing cases of separations and other domestic doubles that wore directly attnbutablo to liquor increased by 146 per cent in 1950 over the figure for the previous year according to senior maor j plulp welfare director of jhe salvation army it is hard to believe that a civilized com munily should tolerate such cjebauchery want end cruelty as is seen every day at the armys welfare office he said the salvation army is one organization that certainly knows well the troubles that are created by excessive drinking there is no organization closer and more helpful to conditions in these homes we attempt to do big things about human diseases the reliof of human suffering and ever the liquor control board is carrying out research in connection with drinking drivers anch the misery they cause at the same time the beard up new uuile tuj mien to ihe-ver- increasin trade all the odd things of l a tiotfocated in foreign countries vye cfctttepe trto people in koreaare not aware of nil the things connected with our way of life country correspondents there are several angles to community ser vice there are clubs which sponsor worthwhile activities and donate generously to them there arotheministers and the school teachers one aspect of community service that is brought specially before gs is the fine work done by the country correspondehts for the paper their budget of weekly news is the result of much time and thought and we urge those in the dif ferent districts which have correspondents to co operate with them all they can and to contact theminxaseof special news items what events aftetall are more important to ordinary people than the little things which hap pen cetyweek the regular meetings which have become an integral part of so maviy peo pies lives the fires and the kindness of neigh hours which follows the perspnals in a country which prides itself in being interested in people rather than material things all are valuable it s births marriages and deaths which make the world go round- the country correspondents re fleet the happenings in one district kindly they know what to omit sensationalism thank good ness is not their aim in these columns from out of town areas those who have left the district find the names that are familiar these columns specialize in personal items for no great items of science art politics economics or what have you take place there as a rule from the country correspondent comes news which gives life and warmth to the black and white pages of the- weekly paper an everbetter canada this week university avenue m toronto is busy patients of the sick children s hospital are being moved into their- new 12 000 000 building the expansion of facilities will enable medical science to seek out new and better ways cf keeping children healthy and to educate more and more doctors nurses and parents in success ful methods ot treating and preventing illnesses injuries and handicaps wheh impair the health cf canadian children thousands of people toured fvt floors of the 1 3 storey build ng last week and were proid and amj ed jt the beaut ful bu id ng bu it i fot sick children ongmall the hosp tal for sck chidren was six iron cots n a rented houst today housed ti its new be id ng t accommodates 632 beds which together ih ts 112 cots si ts country branch in th si ittoss n mane t the largest chid care centre n north america within 50 m les of this losnu- jll the facil t es ot the orqan at on are at the disposal of s ck kids within less than 50 miles of ths tosvii all the facilities of the largest cfuldcare centre in north amcuj are geared to prov de ll the human help poss be to s ck kids canadians can well be proud of the accqmp lishments ot the hospital for sick childre through the help of friends who donated to such a worthwhile cause in guaranteeing an fiver del ter canada through the sound mind in the strong body of canada s kids fewer strings the ontarfb government under premier leslie rvoit may liefewer slnnoto future tmjrtlclpalgrjims5vrd mlawnluytowwrtiffcictttos to spend lhei sliare of the taxos as thoy son fit and most municipalities will hope the fact malor tallies a delegation from the onlarjo municipal association in their meeting with the provincial cabinet recently asked for spoclfic changes in tho method of granting f for education police fire fighting and ho caro of indigent patients this association represents all ontario cities 20 countief 1 12 towns and villagos and 103 town ships lounh the delegatio and rhlpil mh altlu ting doalt with other subccts tho m im discussion was on tho method of provincial qrants or the reallocation of responsibility for social services and education costs tho government s attitude toward taxation is that it is preferable for every sphere of govern men to have as much autonomy as possible welfare and education premier frost said should he administered by the government closest to the people and thaf is tho municipal- government also ho thought tho responsibility of raising the money should accompany tho re sponsibihty of spending it in his meeting with the association tho pre mier promised an increase in municipal grants over 4he67 ooorooo of last year this can be considered in two lights first of all it will be necessary either to raise the present tax levy or find new fields for provincial taxation the in ciease in grants to the municipality will be a wel come iiem when councils meet to establish tax rates but no one is really getting anything for nothing it all comes out of the same pocket whether if comes from the municipal provincial or federal government the municipal association should be com mended on requesting standardization of day light saving time by controlling the length of time for which daylight saving can be adopted a lot of confusion will be elirffihated tho confu sion that results each year in adopting the re quired lime seems to be increasing even though somo municipalities adopt a specific period in which daylight saving time is used they may have to revise their plans to avoid confliction with surrounding municipalities city necessity the other day in toronto we did some side walk inspection of construction no it wasn t on the subway project but or bathurst street m one of the city parks we were arriazed to soe work men making foundations and laying pipes for an artificial ice surface there was apparency no i uildihg but this surface is laid out in the open where the wind and ram and snow will limit its i se we ve seen the many natural ice surfaces kept up by the city in various parts and they ap peared reasonable projects but apparently the fickleness of our weather in canada isn t de veloping enough good hockey players for toronto s needs and the taxpayers are providing expensive artificial ice plans at strategic spots we are not concerned about how toronto taxpayers spend their money and we mention the observation in the hope that smaller centres will not try to keep up with the city dwellers there s a limit to the ability to pay and we don t think artificial outdoor ice surfaces are essential we are rather surprised that in view of the head lined shortages of steef and building materials that such a project s proceeding but then we dualways looking in wonder at the tontradic tory things they sayanddo in toronto editorial notes iiuri ortti i wtaurt wt v north east west south news from alt directions v- trllnr moorman a puss t it lmitnnn was tin subjict of n f jitim nrtiin in thi unmilton s11101 i itt woli this cut hitl n kui u ly huh r tin tho front door of ii honk slor snack unr and accepts with rnndesci nilon any puts or kind wirdi that arc offered lie i nnmtd for william the princt of ornnttt hecniise of his color nnd this fict niny account in pirt fur hls r nil mi inour hill the n porti r admits itn tilt of an extrovc rt und ajalnst outlru orw dmlor who sold thi oikvilu trafalgar journal has rt fustd to sell the pap r txcmifco of its stind nnlnst the incr ns of liquor out lets then curloall cooled the spectator spectators ulio found tune to slip iir to tht hurhnktonar na last uitk to m if rumours thnt ice uis b inj mult wn true found lh mst iws rush a out onto the floor of th mm with n show i roller or wheelbarrow in tht ir hinds thi rt wen over fto tons of ice to be packed bitwten tht close h pined pipes on the arena floor and amont n ir wis shnnchnud into tht jobs all di ind far into the njht at one timi the ni lineton ga7t tte tills over 100 were working nwn on the ict farmers offict worktrs school children nnd nil pitchtd in to hilp ns olun teers under the direction of the town cnrinttr earl swift urew prett warm at t cool job moua with mmtrh a moum provi d thnt i1n dmtruc live powt rs could puna beyond the st ij of mhblini food nnd scaring a year or so a growth out of ladles last wetk nuir hornby when one of the mouse kind was bin mod for 0 fin a trafalgar township fam ily tif six was left homi less nfter 1 1 waklni in the nlfiht to find the makt shift house all aflame the f itlw r thought he h id srt n the mouse in pit stion with a match in its mouth ivnx vejir frln the frin advocate tt us of a 12 irnld bov thomas wilson who lu as walking to his home n mile l of that vitlnft nftt r midnight 1 1 st w 1 1 k w in n he encountered what he thought was n dor he jlurmd his firhlilht on it but the anlmnl hissed and crow led mennr- iniik tin ind tlirt w a snowball tht mim il jump d into thi nr hut ronliniittl to stnlk the imiv who re turn d to thi iiiarc for a ridt homt ivodil result nls hearinr the stor think thnt thi animal wos a knx weathrr or nt i- in nitkm thi iiithnntv on wtatlur for tht georuetown her aid ixplainod thnt corly jnrjuary- rninfall was on n par with normal wtathir conditions since it equal led 11 inches of snow make up our own mind ns to whether we are fortunate or not in having hat tht ram he savs the good old days may have seemed better back in 1901 back in 1931 tak i m jom tht siiu of rn h rr ttikn fron tht issur n ttte frrt pr n t f thursday january 24 jo pn ss of thursday jan 22 1931 1 th v those socks of ski equipment seem as d ff i h to move th s winter as the sale of refngera tors imqng the esk mos unless our winters change i ma be a forgotten sport for those of us who capnot holiday in the south the present kind of canadian winter is deal yes we ve come to that age and ae willing to admit it we had no dea we were so important a t consumer unt i we read the other day that the sale of cgars had dropped by 5o from a year ago and only amounted to 1 000 000 m 1950 i sorry we cant help the cigar smok ng bus ness n ts attempted come back a m ihon dead n the united states and scores of thousands n canada n auto traffic accidents since the beg nnthg of the century is tar too high declares theinanctial post rvost- of hese peopte died because someone dfiveror pedestrian thought he ws in a hurry because o death trap on a highway had been allowed to remain because some personlhovght he was a good driver and wasn t or because some driving- fool expected a child to be as careful as a grown up th iniuj if mi mi t n kru uhurt s n u t th follow nn ffitrs f h hunt r prt vuii nt xx fir t ut pi di i mh r ml u pu dt nt w il n c h mint minhrv f c h hulm xr imirt r th m nun i kf id 1 t 1 w ii hi ro list siurdi m inn m p ti it in i iik f h h 1 t mj i ir f tt i run h id i i ttutmi t n n k thr f i uni of fur u t rt i it eti d f r thi i ni i nj x m nth iu w mulhr in v c c u inn pc mi x s c ird i h ij ij n c o nt nt ri t m c m is ni t st phi n in n ri t pr n r i u r mrs t akins our b lowd qmndd n tin s daa and tht princi if waits s nrw kinc tdward vii a hiwkt warn mippt md p i m nlbt ardm re and co torno rami to cton in saurda to pla a fru ndl wrm on cton rink with a ttam chsn from hi tuo tanner ies mr cameron an old cton sport wa nianaii r of tht toronto tt nm and btinn well up to thi bus miss was alleged to haw imported one or twq rmnrrs ohe fit ntle man from berlin wai spotted and had to be content w h watchinj the game acttn line up swackr hammer it mcdonald tt mcintosh r holmes t p brown w pearson w hawthorne on thursdi tiiiiik mr md mrs win co iprr w i ri h st in i h ti ss i i thi t k ht r md offict rs f knox undu school th i tuttirs an hirvtstin i nd i nni hifftt cr ip thi s di s j st w hi md sku r ir h iv 1 nj fim pir tht di n th i i i 1 tt 1 1 if i mi dtp t w j p nt ill in is m ide r b i fr n 1 it i s tci it vtnink at tht ill mt f mr ihd mrs w mals mr nd mr tt it flrmlu ind ii r 1 fc h r it a int ttiu n to rn ikt h him n gu iph x th in nik j r il ssion tf tht sthhi ii ard mrs f havjl w 1 chiui t h tini m for 1911 ti miii nutuik of thi cton r i domtii shi ufd a substantial ci h hal met in hind and an in cr ase in astes d d wuldie was tlttd prtsidmt w th w r kn nn first vict and c mckoun second vice prtdtnts the chautautjua festival has been urnntfed for acton for fto ruarv 9 10 11 12 thw vear ml mckechn e was in acton on fon dav and organized commit ees tt takt charge of tht work hov wardlaw on fndav januarv 16 iklito mr and mrs j h wardlaw crevtsons corners a dauh er dim ruddell in eiquesinji tow h ship on saturdav january 17 103 robert huddll in ills ftbth ear tuursday january isth itml tillrfa flijuttb p oliittttha aelon oalri a rwtndly chunch phmuiage 20 bowr avnu phone ftd umv v a chttry aa ho mlnlslor mu o m oruanuiiindi ndcholr r ldr- sultlay lanuajty iil h lilm 10 00 ii m suudnv s hool lino nm monihiit worlhip ib jut harriot u to ootl t on irniiiil too pin kv ulna wormilp sub ject playlnir tht ifanx through tl 00 v m inti r conun uutiunal flivuldc kiiom pn abyterluii church an liour of fellow ship come and slntf tin old fivmns mid tihnt tivtn u rup of tt ii a happy hour for nil tjiuijoit or im wi t j 1n miittiiusli uiul in tonfldtnit dmll iv vourntrinith lrjj a l30 ifrrabiitrhan cljurrlj lur knox iuht aton ftkv konrut ii armhtiuva ma mlnuur sunoay lanuaity ifllh iftfll ttrkrinrrrnifciiurwoviiip uii pin lannllrl hlur itev iv 1 lixtoii ha sunday januak jilih s x ni sun i sund i t00 ii in if ol v communion 10h a in sund st in ol 1 1 00 ji in moililiu pi iv i lh ilium m c hiss tm pin f v niiii pi ii t a weloome awulta you ihil sihrijl kiwi sunday llllilt claw 7 00pm oivlm worwhip vimtoru un wtkomi tfurtr inio fu oaten u id lfitika- njultld and turn ihn rourff mllli iraiif sapht uljutrfi aoton mr htauley wodack hludent poator sunday iamiiahy jhih -hi4iml- 1011 to iu30 a n t midav- lllbli culhh 1 1 if am mom in if stivlii 7 m p m yveuliif srrvlee rah- durtrtl liy group of joang ivupir of f ollrgr mt hapual i hurrh laronto male quar tette rhursdiiy l pin i t i m rlinit- trut iy ft nm ii y pu i coul th posits tllatjivird hi the guro hiiih in akinm india arw hlh lit sulphur ctmluit i professional directory and travellers guide dr w g c kenney iliyiilrlan anil nurcron ism i smit lu lir j a mrnlwn oftii in svinim lllixk mill si aitciri itftlrr 1lonr ik kriildrncr c hurrll hi ihonr i5 mihctllamfovh the victor b rumiey funeral hoaxe turirbl llawr llelrd ambulauev ilnini jll nlulit or flay s rvinw tin lonirniinity for at yi uis dr d a garrett rhyalrlan anil surgeon- cuinir nf wiling anil itlvi r str fnti inn hut i mt i t k acton out ii in ihonr 23h fvpcarf lly appolnuin nt wm iltstai f dr a j buchanan drntal sursron ofllt i i isidii ill illoik mill si orilii llnilr- i i iii lu fl pjn x hay th hllonf hi dr george a 5irrs drntal hurgron mill st miner lriclinrk arlilli i olliti hours duo mi in i jo p m tr i i- ihonr 111 c miliigan ro optomrlrut wi- 1 1 a m to m it mill st himrtiuci ut a t iihown ill usi ii iqlll llll jjiij vftikinalit b d young b vsc c l young d v aa vrlrrlnary murirona olfm llrookvilli onlariu iliiiin milton hum f g oakes vs b v sc veterinary hurgeon orriti urn kislilinii knox ave actun ihonc uo c f ieatheriand uarrlaler a hollclor notary public offict 22 phuni m i 151 acton lever hoskin hartered arrountanta succi sorx to jtvskins am hardy 130 metropolitan hldi 44 victoria st toronto till 0131 willough8y farm aency lirktsi tndoldi st ai it in canidn hi ad offici knt bldb toronto ciliiriti town ri pri si nt iti e tom lieu son phone georgeloun 332 w wright real estate and insurance f i weight s wnight n wilbur st vi m ud nn ii st acton ont cm iph ont phon di phi nt 411iw aluatoni realtors insurora mi mbi r appriiml invtituti of imd i mi n in rs gut ii md disli itt hi al i- stair id ard mi ml rs cui i h ml iiti it ins iranct ak nt sk l n travellers guide gray coach lines foafllrh ifavf actov caatbourul ao 311 a m ii ill a in 1 1 j3 a m j iii p in 1 03 p m 0 33 p m b33 p rn b0 5u p in wratbound 10 17 am u 2 pui 2 v7 pm- r pm 7 n pm 0 12 p rn 11 pm 1 12 a m isun to kitchener onlvi a il i xci pt sunila and holl- das b saturdis sunday and hotl- klnvs a davs onl lis dill pm mis dill flil canadian national railways ratbound lis f 44 am uaily ixcipt sua- 0 4 am 70 pm sunday n in pm daily i xci pt sun hsir it lioruituun 002 a m mm ut ciork 1 in 1011 westbound lis xn pt similas in 1 mon iv an suridi ml m nday 12 11 am dails i xcpt sun 1 4l 1 m 0 v p in 7 44 p m i xi pt s it i ml s in fl 10 pm st p sat irdas i nh 2311 pm i ills 141 am flajlitopl i is nls llin it ii iph 704 the acton free press tie onlr poper tier pumuhrd i artrm publtgid each thlirsday at m mill st acton ontario uthariied as secswl c laaa mall pool oftue itepartnent oluura faunttod in 1s7s member audit burmstf imullsvn v1- and ontarlaquebee dlvlaua w v a advarllslrtftllaut on ktstqimsl subscription in advance 16 in canada 3 0qjn uniteo sta single coplet 6c teuphones butlneii and editorial offka 174 residence 191 i

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