Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 25, 1951, p. 3

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topb8day jattoaby pih 1181 the acton htapmbs pax1b thbxe fashion hist wr settle back down to buxuic thii uook in a simple allpurpose house drots the decorations ore all down the presents and cards put awajtheiy seem no mar rea son for not giving full attention to the houv uhen hr chilly days en courage housewives to 9tny liwldehft whore lli worm since home drci- ea loce their attractiveness when they fade one of the most import ant things to uatch in buy ins one ts hat the colours are fast bright colours and fla design cheer up the wintry dayi short plain sleeves re bet to keep out or ine dish water and w ashing and for when sweater is needed ocrtop thin rundo wife gajnsl6lbs hello horn enable eri no 1aed to aland on duty u you haw an auto- mallc washing machine tim regu lator on some of the machul relieve you of the uk of adjusting the wjjher for each aticcefcslvtf op eration i the right um automatic washers are equipped with a helu- fill pbvd mechahlsni which eliminates ihej- tutfgln and wrjntf- ing that may stretch or tear gar ments but it doe not dry them only an elective drier of which titer are very few in canada do the job of drying them to a damn dry state before you buy an auto matlc washer consider whether you have an ample supply of water tfie plumbing cost and the place for installation now uhat about the old washing machine which may continue to do a good job for you have ydu cleaned it regularly oiled it with inprraov machine oil hi replaced frayed cord rustv castors u orn wringers or a broken gear shift if these small- items are neg lected the motor will be under too grortt a strain to last much longer and it costs more to replace it than small parts further in re gard lo the motor it should not be forced to operate the washer in a cold pjace roll the machine into a warm room on the night before the laundry 7 to be done so hha all tvyvaavaamptaluxcievcjr under swvcitcumstance try to heat oiled parts ulth hot water or other heating methods the neat houseu- ife always cleans and carps for her washing machine after each uc in four jteps you can keep it clean easily 1 wash outside finish with soap- and water 2 rtimoe unpilur or gyntor to clean soap ind lint from inside the holdir flush the drain pipe 3 wipe inside ind outside of ma chine with dr coths i release pressure from the wring er rolls leave cover off ma chine for a few hours ttlti question box my h afc why do vibrations occur when using the spindry ac tion ofdkautomatlc washer antwet it may be due to one of thfea reasons i the knob on the- gyrator u loose 2 the washdr is not level 3 too many clothes have been put in the tub mrs w c ask what do you check if motor of washing machine does not operate annwer first chocks at the wall outlet as the plug may be loose carefully spread the two prongs outward next check thefuse it may have blown if so replace it with one of the same number of amperes marked on the copper end then too weight of clothes often exceeds bulk so you may have put in too much clothing m s w asks what can i do if the wrlngepcloes not wring the clothes dry answer thj roll pressure is probably not great enough the spring on the wringer may have to be replaced however in some in stances it is difficul to place certain garments through evenly when you have to fold in the buckles buttons and zippers and therefore cannot wring pvcnlv as you probably iy i know a u ringer connotprcss then iih- tl government of canada 3 first war loan bonds dua pabroary ui 194852 bearing call letter d only have been drawn for payment february 1 1951 at 10050 for each 100 bonds of this tue bearing the call letter shown should be presented for redemption on february 1 1951- or at soon thereafter as possible with all coupons of later date attached these bonds will not earn interest after february 1 1951 tt abytefclbsliouliuook af this my tf it r m to me thm krpmit vourtclf whtn ou get up in ir in honitthtnk like kr ping up it cttr sou tan l run n car nn juat gtim it jiol to have i irnt of oil mm iirvow too nd 1 inure tht itnuulta work with m nnd the nion i ii netd niuili suphw 1 get paid mttrn kind of old tgv in nt tit the um ttrlhhi t 1m 1 ii tn mtghlv glad to g t that ilium hut i m going tu want mort mone canning tn and thtt a juit whit 1 m u ing for nan with m lij itsirui it h n thrn 1 won t be li ing th life of h iu hut at it ott i ii hat moitt ot the comfort 1 u int pd riht now it muhl giwwt to know tint if mumhin lui hm to nit m liti iiihurnntf will takt tart of m fimil nhtoa iltnt ou think n m tn sluxild ly p j rt ide for in wn hturl i do ml miuian 0i ttlnr rn uli in arv doing it now with th ir own jift uuruna th life insurance companies in canada and their reprenlaunfs t vwmkimo km hatiomai ntooifls tultojuo htlonal ucvtitv l j0 take a tip 1 hang laundry as straight us possible on the line to cut down ironingtime it is sometimes idvisable lo hang part of the wish out at n time rather than loop them 2 cover wire coat hangers with aluminum foil or cellulose tapo and hang dresses jackets and blouses on them the fabric will not frce7t to the hinger nor pick up rust stains t if possible take down clothes while still dimp to sive neces sity for sprinkling 4 sprinkti drv clothes evenly with warm trattr i handerehiefr and linen towels maj be placed in a ptle sprink ling every third piece 6 hems collars and cuffs should bt sprinkled a little more gentr- ouslv thin thinner areas thon folded irusidc 7 pack piles and rolls of sprinkled fabrics firmly in a clothes basket and cover with a heavy towel ket p in a cool pi ice ov ernight or iron one hour iftcr dampen ing 8 do not iron coloured silks or nlon too damp thu ma streak 10 do not iron over plistic buttons or idjusurs thev will not hold their shipe jl do not e er iron ilistleizid pir s of girments 12 do not iron pile fibrics uich is velours vdvtts chtnile robes or btdsprt ids chronicles of ginger form wrlttrrt socially fqr tht acton fr iv4m by communists cant be easily spotted ther i i gixat pn ponderance ot public opinion in camdi in fiv- i r of somt further iction b the rotrnmnt luthonlus agnnst th who opinlv idvocitl com munist doc runs in caviida and pirticutirlv those who make it quitt cltar th it in the evevrtt of an unhunpv conflict betuet n thls countrv and russii thev would be on thi uuiiian tdt of thi argu mi nt thvri irt pit nt of p opk like hi tht r ir unirsit profts ir schil t u h rs libtr uidirs ind nn r rvmin who quitt p nl tiki this t ind who quiet frinku i is did i fr iuh sl i n i yfst who his b n r cintl fird b mht iiriim nt th it th vouldi n h siipp rt th ir wn niti n ig uru itussfi tn war th r il iiftuultv rtht this is j t ill th it tht n i li comraun i in pr id d i cmmunlst ri s oxit uj t i h point of lnnounring hit h w mil i f kht for itussta t u diff tul t i find tht point nt wh h sthlih ii or ev n u elf ire st i id is nd and communism bt kins n n wh b lltts thit tht maj ir mlustrus of this counr sh uild tt tiktn ovi r b the state vorn wh h ids thit the sta e should rt distribute w tilth com putelv an m i who txlirvrs that that stite sh mid permanentlv cortol trol pritts ind wages inodvwho fts hat thit siate should havt tht sir ti direct men and wo mm 1 1 particular oecupitions t i cohimunlst in thi sense that h hn accepted the tht orles of tht founders of communism the man w h i preacher these ideas mav va tha he is a conseri itive or a lib ral or a socialist but he is pr aching communist doctrine he holds much of the communist faith evin if he docs not go to the poinlf qf announclnu that he would fight for russia against canada what wmntuev night before lost we could n t xleep because of thu high winds rain and thunder ilst night the wealher forecait was for jcro tempewture but it only got down to 8 or fo above in this dis trict which is far better than hav ing it so unhealthily mild anyway we don t think wc have anything to grumble about not when wo turn on the radio and hear reports from other parts of the world of earthquakes jiurrlcanes and an av alanche by comparison we are are luckv except that even here we have one volcano to worry about world war iii we know it is svethlng and boiling on the in- ia w it erupt and send its scorching lava to all parts of the world that is a question that no one seems nbje to answer right now hut we njl know that when a volcino shws signs of activity within it generally ends up with in eniption there are also times when the trouble inside quietens down and remains quiescent for a long long time well i hive a promise to fulfill btciqse of the extraordinary inter est show n lp the boer warsong i told vou if i ever did get the whole thing i would include it in this column now i have it and how i got it is most interesting one of m reiders sent it she had it imong her clippings and it had been cut from the old toronto globe nt the time of the boer war not onlv is the poem interesting but so ilso is in editorial on the bick of the clipping apparently there were plentv of armchair crit ics even in those dnvs it says ladv smith is not defensible at all since boor guns can be mounted fromhigltground in three concen tric circles and brought to beir igalnst the british cimp neither lady smith nor glencoe ought to have been occupied but some pos ition south of tugeli and nearjr the seis the british staff has exposed itself to the risk of ser ious defcils now i force of 150 000 mm will be required before the two republics can be conquered and held there wos more than that but all prettv much along the same line all of it critical but now for thepoem the ahscntmmded beggar when vouve shouted jlule brit tanni i whin jouvl tung god sive the queen whin vouve finished killing kruger with vour mouth will vou kindly drop a shilling in niv little timbourme forace mlemm in khiki ordered south ik s in ibsnt mindid be ljar ind his wtaknessf are greit but me ind pml must tike him is wt find him h is out on ictivt si r ice wiping some thing off i slite and hi s hft i lot of little things bi hind him dukt s son took s son son or i hundred king fift thnusind horsi ind fot go iiu tt tibl bi 1 1 each of em doing hu countrys work and whos to jook after the things pass the ntil for your credits toko and pay pay payt there are girls he married secret asking no penrtuuilon to for he knew he wniildn t git it if hr did tltore in gas and coal and vlttles nnd the limine rmt frilling due and its more than rather likelv there s n kid tharo are girls he walked with casual theyll be sorry now he a gone for on absent minded beggar they will find him but it nlnt the time fftr seminns with the winter coming on we muni help the klh that tom myj loft behind htm cooks sortdukes son on of a belted carl son of o tdimbeth publlcanrll s all the same today esnhof em doing hl country s work tanajrttritwlbok after he girl pass the hat for your credits soke htid pay pay pay thero are families by thousands for too proud to beg or speak and they ii pat their slicks md bedding up the spout and they 11 live on half o nothing paid em punctual once a week cause the man thnt earned the wage is ordered nut lies nn absentt minded beggar but he heard his country call and the regiment didn t need to send to find him he chucked his job and joined it so the job before us all is lo help the home that tommy s left behind him duke s jnl cook s job gardener bironet groom mews or palace or paper shop there s someone gone away ach of em his country s work and who s to look flftor tho joomi pass the hnt for vour credit sake and pay pay pavl let us manage so as inter we can look him in the face and tell him what hed very much prefer that while he saved the empire his employer saved tils place and his mates fthits you and mel looked out for her he s an absent mlnvled beggar and he miv forget it all t3ut we do not want his kiddle to remind him thit we sent em tn the workhouse while their diddv hnmmcrcd pml so we ii heln the home that tom mv s left behind him cook s home dukes home home of i milllomlre fiftv thousand horse ind foot go ing to tnble biv fich of em dolnjr his count rv work and whit hive vou got to snare pise the hit for v our credits- nko nnd pi niv mv rtirfjvnrrf fcipiinp- so there vou have it friends ind judging by the length it s little wonder no one could remember it all tneideruallv vou will notice t is son of n htjndned kings and here h nn interesting item on- correspondent tells me that kipling wrote the verses specially for some orginlrntlon thit was trying to rilse monev for the folks the ab ent minded beggir left behind him it wis recited with great ef fect b one of thelendlng aetres ins of the dnv it i big meeting in t ondnn the musical setting came liter so mtw i think thit tikis cire of the absent minded beggar ind thinks i lot to ill those who h lped in the hunt yotih i in snow with wbcrri the going 1 toughait goodyaar studdad swragripg will pull yon through where other urea slip apd clog tec u equip your truck or or for poiiivtr trac tion in mud and show deep utrong itudi act like tractor cleats bite deep take hold keep you going in the bad road teaton without chains coodvear stwam suregrips thompson motors iso mill street phonei 69 fordmonarchsaiis m servlcf aylmer slicedbeets 120 i tynn valley corn iso moit dtstruttivt insect ever t niv ide cm uli s spruel i idi n for i st is the spruce bud worm forums favour high quality produce holton folk school held this week h lit n irm y rum wtiit into dtmu sim on mmidi night jinu ii v li if t r listenuil to i broid mir n mirkitmg qu ilitv prod tuts thi fust rpi ti n ix r m with th st itt nn nt r d jd il r i thit t nsiim bu hih ipi ill v u diut in pn f rt nc ti 1 w qu i v pr kluit uli i h uld l d n il u qu tit 41 luce th tn 1 1 t f l w 1 tnr i if imd th 1 iti n fr rimg 1 1 il pi tt 1 n th f inn or r n 1 t t th 1 i w audi p tin shtul i 1 k id i in t pn tt i iclinl pr h 1 eis inn t i i iit i li mirk t k i qu ill r du nl 1 1 r t n to th ms iv 1 1 1 t fh n urn 1 st m i ir 1 wv must i t t id hi in fnr ftriht thr u i irntkwjtpjr pi mts and ill middlt n n ind mirkid i mi h f r th i minn r t par h is 1 ilh rum pn sd i d ir t hiv ill on iri pit it ms pt utlht up t mir hjnn stindird l pr p r pukic iik te mt mo minttorrrd thit urplus milk should in b si nt t i dnr bu nt to 1 mirmr th ilo thought thi r w mid b it ss surplus milk if m irkirin i it illowed in thi cuintr the stcond qiu stion wj ho v mpirrin is th middhmm t th pr yiun r th imuiwrtant f ict ir 1 f ht mid dlt man sims to b t sprid the price ts far as p sibli tx tw n tht producer ind th consumer ani to tike most of tht profit oh forum sta ed thit th mlddlomin wis not imnoftant enough to just- ifv the percentagi of the cunsum h cost that he collects however ilnnb forum st it d un il m ir iblt to hmdl our ki l 11 lpiritivi ssttm t 1 imi thi middle 111 in is 1 nuvit apph b r lrunx st it tl tht middlt unit finds tht m irkt t fir th piod 1 1 i ui h uld bt h id d un t 1 fur vliwj fn i 20 p tint f th b put tf jh 4 t i 1 id thu ii nt t in th pr 1 1 i 1 rt t lu tt 11 thr pr mi 1 1 in 1 n 111111 r b r durt d i i k n y r nn st it thi ii th 4r4nl 1 i tm 1 it th w n t tht npm n 11 1 h uld n i n i uht ind sild thr high im k r tjit b iht dir tt fr m th i mhu i 1 om mm ul s d th pr 1 r i i kkine 1 th pr d 1 r t 1 t th r n un r tnd 11 th f t t t r pqi 1 miktj tv fir hiu r sh uld r p 1 t itl st rt ind mirktt h r produrt ind th lu ill in f h publ 1 t 1 bu d r ct fr m tht pr xluct r 1 th first ii dt n count firm r irum folk s ho l f in prgr v i it thi homi of mr and mrs r j c mlti r with tt n studi nts in it tijidinct this f lk school h 1 b in put into nttion thn ueh th rfirti of th count firm ridli forum committee who hiv had i t mmittie working nn 1 sine oct ib r ifl 10v tht ann nine mint m id i r tin broadcist ixst monetae r gret tibh credit d onlv limitonlfi um fir sponsoring thls nrojec all tht forums spnnsnn d stud nts ind the lunior farmi rs plived a pirt i in sponsoring a studt n ind giving i gi m rous donition thi women institute donations wire ijso trv much appreclatod bjl peanut butter tomato coclttail uotja 35 h2se h0nts oairroenia fruit cocktail 1s0z tin dandee teasse 75c oolden tip tea fijse quick quaker oats vi 35c jewel shortening s 350 haunupancake syrup 33 salmon bed 00h0e wlb tin heriorb corned beef 440 heinz ketchup 25c romar coffee 47o92e libbys skp brown beans wise vel palmouve38e clarks soups 17c 8c0t0h broth tt or xtkoetablb m 10 oz tihb ginger bread ln29e aylmer peasjucarrots a sf 33c heinz baby foods 9c mushroom soup 17e peek freamflvlta wheat 5e margene margarine red kidney beans stokflvs 15 01 tim 39 15c bruces budgie seed i success save on oabboll8 wax tm 3c 107 soap flakes box 59e peaches 21c bri0ht8 0hqi0e iboz tnr h 2as oranges tiws on tionint jus grapefruit macs 0shvs fascv fancy apples 0 1 leamivoton onions doz 44c 4for 21c bkt 65c 3 pounds 10c

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