Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 25, 1951, p. 5

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tttursday january isuj 1091 the acton free press pacac mn baxters score all goals n 61 game top league jitter starting o season att in the georgetown industrial tragus at the viy bottom nitrtjibttirti izbdjfntolmttlosscssjon atttrxl place in the game 1aat fcfoaelsy night 1n georgetown arena thre team entered the tripleheader tied for first but baxters emerged in the top slot after defeating georgetown businessmen 81 the other high team alliance bowed to provincials 3 i as well as having the leading team at present baxters can boast their goalie ingle robson is the least scored against in the league baxters made its firm bid for first by scoring every goal in a more orless shutout game al though the final count was 81 goalie robson caught the puck on one pf businessmen a shots but hu- orm hit the side of tho net the puck flew out of his hand andin to score the onlv penalty in the decisive some was to anderson of acton in the third period baxter goals were credited to stewart 2 fields allan jordan earl hassles the lineup was robson grlnrne masalee robinson karl masales zajae d jordan anderson everdeff win by margin of disputed goal in the first exhibition game of a new series to be played in acton arena baxter labs just sneaked a win overleand electric a team from the guelph mercantile oop last tuesday evening the final count was 3 2 for the lab men with a third goal for lclands disallowed although- he light had flashed a final tl encore the game w as a hard one to lose and a good one to win ns the two teams proved very well matched and well refereed at the end of both the first and second periods the score waa tied in the third period a puck forwnrd- ed by a iceland plnyfr seemed to make the baxter net mark and the goal judge put the light on the referees called it no goal however the scoring summary was as fol lows oath administered eramoso council the council elect of thejtjjwn- shiprtff emmnju met at the home of tove d dgray at 11 m on tanuiry 8th 1051 present were heevt d d gray deputy reeve e it bcnham councillors j r rutherford thos g hutchinson- and v l cox road superintend ent p r penvoy and clerk s sc royeo the mtmbcrs subscribed rf to the urual decla of o nntj baxters are full of confidence as thrv enter the last five weeks of the georgetown industrial league games the playoffs of the top four teams follow the georgetown league is com posed of six teams which all play ever monday evening entered nre georgetown businessmen nor- a smith and stone provincial and ml lance managed by clar ence rognvaldson and coached by keruih mcphail the local labmen hne a good chance of taking this loop if they continue playing their fine calibre of hockey this is the first year that baxters has ployed with the georgetown group although the plant has hail n trim each year since the war the first winter of games was 104548 nd many of the same players are stiuwith the club before grouping under the box- u r name some of the players were w ith the junior farmers team that ui well up in the play of fs one yenr during the war the team had to default a game due to lack of transportation trje baxter team has played georgetown port credit and other assorted teams other seasons but this is their first winter of concert ed effort and regular schedule no league was entered before since the lobmen could not get sufficient tim on acton ice that was when o h a teams rated top billing this veor however the rink is nlablc and the team is planning exhibition gomes uhich started last tucwjav w ith lab vs guelph le land electric a group from the guelph mercantile league the other games in this exhibi tion wrfes will be double headers it l believed ffitt peri tj fields master anderson 300 marshallrsmnwn curric 11 00 ehaholnrfmallard b anderson everdoll third period b masters zajac ib 00 1100 ibm two penalties were meted out to lclands currie one five minutes in the sectind period for striking the ref with his stick his second was in the third period others uere to t masales and zajac in the second baxters bobson a lome masales robinson d stewart c marshall somcrville w alts earl masales zajae allan fields masters jor dan anderson evcrdcll lclands cloujr 8 mcclema- khan humphreys bossett smith gummlcy h harrlnaton a har rington cetxito currte w chis- holm t chisholm andmallard murfins c r cross s s auto parts parts oil anti freeze for all make cars and trucks tires from 30x3 j to 825x20 woods hoist and box 3 yard chov d p aulas bus phone 9031 res robert st phono 131 our shov ri s l st e our trn lmthroom and other lunib c tikturt i on display bfmurfin szi7hutit works fumsind s htating uir isllw doe6 more warm than a vuakit c kmowlcdoe are you careless dboul your tires do you have them in spected regularly careless ness may cause an accident com in and our laro stock of tiros uvaral makes all slias we 11 trade sell 5r retread and you ii get the best of service lome garner motorsltd 45 main st n at bower acton phoh 326w toolhrlrseatajsiahezcouijcilfoii 1wi the minutes wore rcadjind adopted rev john piiver was present and congratulated the council on their election or 1051 nnd rend n portion of the i03rd psalm nnd of fered prayer asking divine gdtd- nncc on nil the decisions of council as well tin that of nil governments throughout the world reeve d d gray thanked mr oliver or his timely mesrage the meeting adjourned to the dining room where all prenent were delightfully entertained by reeve nd mrs gray at n very bountiful dinner deputy reeve e h benham extended thanks nnd ipprechtion to mrs gray for her hospitality the meeting convened at nock wood town hill at 2 pm the rockwood police village trustees were present to discuss fire pro tection it wis moved by messrs benham and hutchinson that we guarantee the p v of roclcwood a standby or 250 for 1051 for hra protection to the township and tho iv of eden mills the prevsll- injt rates for fircflkhtlng to be con tinued and deducted front thn standby when the account totals less than 230 bytbrw no 1 appointing offlrjali for iw1 was ffivep the neceisarv readings and passed appointing of ficials ns follows clerk treasurer collector and relief officer s 6 royce auditor stanley r reld weed inspector wm hamilton school attendance officer george c bayne road superintendent percy r peavoy live stock valu ers george c biyne and lome allan pound keepers wm oakcs oustlc jamet fleming four com ers adam wcatherston euorton henry barden eden mills and arl brown rockwood fence viewers georre c bayne thos w cox geo grieve milton swanston ja l oakes nnd frnnk qstrander the treasurer s bond for 5000 was examined b council and con sidered uatlsfnctory the clerk was instructed to pur chise a et of 1050 consolidated statutes and subscribe for 11 cop ies of the municipal world fqr 1051 3 copies to be charged to rockwood police village by law no 2 authorizing the botrowinf of 25 000 is necessary from the roval bank was passed after hainp been given the 3 read ings bliw no 3 providing for re quisitions and estimates of police villikes and school board to be given to council by march 1st was gicn the necessary readings and passed by law no 4 providing or the expenditure of 28 500 for the construction nnd maintenance of roids and bridges was passed itwaimovcdby messm riuher- fnrd ind benham that the reeve ind clt rk be instructed tojyplv fnr the balance of subsldv on road expenditure of 10w it uiik moved bv messrs cox ind tltitchinson that the road sup erlntendrnt he authorized to ar nncc insunnce for maintenance for p i p d and fire onlv rf ftctivt jnnunn 17 10m and quot- itl ms solliitid from sovtrnl romp inu 5 on motion of m ssrs rutherord ind b nhnm th clerk wis it struct d to idwrtlse for applint ions for assessor f r 10m appllc tti ms nro to be in th clerk s hints hv noon siturdi in jo llni ci ninl mn mn in t w r pis i for jiim i tint il idourned stc school costs v 4000 higher 4 cantinufti from pdoe on tltt increased from 00 cotitn to bl tyb pej hour a cliftordf in cijiihei from 70 cent ptr hourto 75 centi per hour the nnlary o j mcgeachle clerktn asurer of the towb tax collecior secretary treasurer of the pilblic utilities the attendance last wtk was j little u p thin half of the previous week but everybody had ihoclub jjpirlt ind enjoytd thimsclvo ii commission and seen tnry treasur- cmi ulat whon tiiere irils at i r of the cemetery board wan jeff nt 270tf these liicrensen are to bocome cffoclive february 1 this w lit be an increase of 722 ip t h e figlnrles of town employees oyer titdnnci the fellbws and girli mix better and have a good time paul jones dnnpeu seem id bi -tflvorlle-thlar-yer-but-there- last year approval was rect ived from the municipal board for the issuance of debentures on the erection of a now water pumping station on th locntlon of the new well on the rdcond line nortfc of acton th debenture insue was also to cover jhe rcpnlrs to the present stand pip- on the cemetery hiji coun cil decided to call far tendon for the pumplntt station and also adth orl7ed the ntcessiirv changes to lh present pump to be used in the new well the municipal board approved the lew on owners and occtipnnts who derive benefit frpm the con traction of the sewerage dlsposnl svstem the lev ig to be suffic ient to piy onehilf the cost of tin work this by law wis passed nnd the council instructed the clerk to bill residents not using town wnter at a flit rite of four dollars the bills were to be sent out an soon as possible for january normin r horrocks represen- ing the lafrnnce fire engine and fonmite ltd submitted n formal proposal of 10 050 for a new fire truck and cqulpmcnthe explain ed that the town was eligible for a 25 per cent government grant if it protected rural areas- the prop osal was referred to the fire committee authorization for payment of the following accounts was given sewer accounts l cutting hauling stone 10 50 elliott sand and gravel stone for roads 0 70 geo robinson tnuling triple t topics -14- fpii siill os stone 500 j ridley hauling stone 800 cnr railway frelfiht 1504 gypsum lime and alabnst- inc stone for toad 350 c e napier co ltd 12 050 30 13 03104 second financial report a loutitt wood cutting 1232 acton free press 30 02 municipal world ltd 20 00 assoc of assessing offic ers of ont member ship fee 10 00 f w crump expenses re trip to milton jan 4 225 acton p u c 310 81 j b a damson attending division court 800 c f leather and salary and account 124 31 bnllentlne motors tire repairs 500 thompson motors repairs and new tire 117 18 bell telephone co six phones 43 47 s mon hdw hiisc 1854 watson s dairy bar 1100 motor vehicle licenses it 2 elclt 600 741 00 d h lindsay r r parker c hansen and w ruddock discussed with council the silting problem in the creek from fairv lake th rough mr lmdsa s propertv to the bcardmore and co tannery the tow n engineer reported that afu r hnini seen the situation the town would be unwlsr to mike any fin inclil outliv in ittemptlng to el problomof making some-fcirlsr-tnku- pirt in them i guess they can find oasier ways of cheating death if tho boyj dldn t let looe jike an atomic bomb some of these frail lassei would take part in the dance so take it easy boys some people received a big sur prise wiilo lunch time came fri day night the three haffenden brothers who nre amateur enter- tiiners put on a show at intermis sion time ont brother sings the second plays i mellow electric tfuitar and the other i solid bet on the piano the show started with i proup sing sonf nnd then tht brothers pliyed a number of popular tunes in lh ir own ir- r mruments with i utile encohnrcnunt ver m st dennis sang hir own ir- rangtment of mclanchoi biby vtrni has a good voicl nnd with i little training could posslblv be come another djnoh shore thl gang from georgetown also recuved i surprise this week there were no dishes to be washed this week and they had to pay their admission we notice a lqt of members nre taking up bidmln- ion op monday and wednesday nfrhts cliff sutton is starting a beginners class next week so dont be bashful and pass up this oppor tunity its a flood njght senter- tainment free v in cose some people did not see the sign explaining terms of mem bership on friday night this is the explanation at the present time it concerns members who are under eighteen if you have attended the club 8 weeks yoli have paid for a full membership and there is no longer the usual 35c admission charge vou are ipvcn a full membership plus a ymca membership free and charged only 10c admission coming to the club friday night hockey port credit clover leafs vs baxter iabmen tuesday january 30 8 3a p m acton arena apuits 25e chilbhen free hockey friday jan 26 was be completed on monday ij ciuse of an increase in the load at certain times and sometimes wea ther conditions the foremin re ported the road committee was em powered to have the grader tires ret read ed and council discussed it lenffth the inspection of the flush ing in the sewers in compliance with the planning board act terms of office of the members were established lis fol low thcron jones three years w matjocks three ytirs c hansen two ears d blick two vears j greer one year and j creljjhton outstanding tax arrears of 1327 27 were to be collected on the instructions of council thi b liw requiring that dogs be tit d up from sundown sundav to sundow n monday and from sundow n wednesdi to sundown thursdi wis reid the requirtd numb r of timts and passed approalwis rect ived from the munlcipil board for the chinjies in the zoning b law r goodwin asked exunsion on thi time limit for remo il of tht pirkitir signs on mill street p r mission wis rrinttd to ieie th ljns m plict until ma 1 since 0 45 pm oha int milton coops vs georgetown at the milton arena iminatt the silting and conseqiunt nsinc of th miirhra jyhllll w csolwln would be moving niisid hv tht installition of sew i siiretttions for lmprocm nt of rs w mid b it in wndvorv soon shower ton couple held in lorne school shock wedding highlight 0 r 0 athertd at lorni s hcml last friil i ttninn to hon or iitoi kt nned and ray evtr i ii wh ire ti t mirrusf thil month mr charlu mckeown act j f td aj mister it ctremoniis for the irit d proki im w hich included a dint b shirh ind bil thompr son a plan lo tv herman frtnttr anadinji bv dhroth im nd i read in e bv allenda brittnn tivs j m harris rt ad thi 1 1 lr vs to tht prospective bride ind room th junior fsrmt represented a shock weddlnc whtch proved to be just that adding to the tun of the cm nine minv useful and beautiful rifts wre brounht for the couple after a lovtly lunch the friends and nt tiihhours of the oung pair rn oved dancing to the music of mary mckenzle at the piano mansell nelles on the violin and charles rocner on the guitar mr i indsiv complilntd that th silting tneked th w itt r up flood inn mit his mill tht nprisintit iv ii irdmon and co siid thit th dim i mstnuted bv tht town t i i th silting cui slon wai not d tjuit ind kd m mrrt im in th s of thi dim if thit woult hi lp tht situimon mr pirkrr f it tht ngint r hul m 1 1 no n r t sugi stlons hut 1 1 ni d onlv t he w rrled ibmit whi w 1 iltl piv f r tht prtjtct inr i kt d th s w trikt tom iijitt t t m 1 1 with ptirdmir pr nt it i id m- i inds iv s iturd i m irning m h lm ir rn nunii r i kid fi i cmiiuil ruing on hckc prirtict i sunt iv c mncil de tht pirklng bv liw wi re r ei d from the depirtment of highwivv c uncilltrs lwleck j crii r f t i i r c woimi r tti impson n putv rt v t j siuyt in i r iv hirgrne w r pro n i th s r gulir fndiv enfnt s p mivir f tvhr presided tin d f ir sim actonians requested to help fight polio in present march of dimes th rtd mn i i if i vinh of th f tht v 1 nmpi gn f- thi c midiin mjri h of dimis n ippt inng i t t c mt rs md m puhlu pi i i il n r i m it htrilds th lpproich of th w ctnadiin mirth f dimt s t ndiu thin irt vvithirs md vv ishi rs j tint i nl i n c tshiontd itun tli it is st ttoiiiifh so cm ful with tur tlotlus its hiidt hv urstlnchoum- ind iiis th ixihisivi stntintl of s ifi tv tt protict vou and your v ihi i mttlunism modt 1 cop sh vn ht rt uvio mtkltl a0 o ii i unip 12 extra n zt n foods off r such tempting v irn tv ind conomv thit vou 11 rtvil in tht vvjv vou can kt t p a bij stth k up to 00 llt on hand in lht colttr cold rrit chest of this nt w l il wi- stinghouse tin tt u p lie frikir itor 11 ik a tit m w mi itkipr ind two kt k ti p t tt if imidr iwi rs for ti nu m sit cajt fruits and tiii oh i im tho nllr st i ivr a ii 11 300 fr idv i tht n 1 iv pru trs s n tint is lan net iv id thi r fnhm nt bmh conn it th ireri i id i wis dtrided to hiv it i ros d fr tht isn d rilinizitjnn th mipil i lf dt pu v rtv j j st irt rt i f m coin c ill ct s p pirted for tht snst cajmuitt t t p t tins ind dmit n en hit t wis n t nectssarv mike jopt s its simple slogin fifih t th stre t lighting p b nr s mon if th trig ivl through nit cinjda from janu 1 n 7th ti in i d ped br th cinidun founl i ion fir p 1 omv litis n a tvp ri iv cinidnn emhln for i cm ii ii tttit n fict nt vt irk h ing cirri d oi bv illice st the committ f it iht pntent 1 anting v n ade th cinidim mirch of dim s quitf the red miph ie if l- ipiirhi complnnts on the viring routt ilmultimouslv in otht r rnrmim- ot th girbage truck uoro discujiitie throurhnur the dommhn re ed and foreman kirkness reported i minding canadians evervw hore of that it was not always possible to the lntenske battle now b inn follow the same route depending u aged to help rid this country of oil the load pickup could not al- the dread crlppler poliomyelitis l l for sale i used o i burner tjct4 condition 1 enterprise comb nation col wood and eltctric stove with shelf at 9 6 used washer 39 50 up 1 kitchen cupboard mod em new price 7 50 our price 31 95 see these at modern plumbing and heating store your local appliance contr j e mcmuuen phone 370j s keep abreast the times read the local ads nr

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