Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 25, 1951, p. 7

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1 toomday jaitoav mok 1m1 the acton rhee phe5s raoan pouts corner godti gift to fh wotw gods gift to the world ah what can it be beauty and peace and the right to be fret v yell all of theae things we each hold ao dear hiro each golden day be it lallgh- tar or tear tfor theio are the wonder god v gave to us all until to mis heaven each one mb wtlt call in returrt w shall go to hlshomc in the sky to ret theix l pence with thn anfteht bnhigh new fibre a british discovery new syn thetic fibre claimed to feel like silk and twice as strong as cotton is reported in the financial post it is useful for making anything from rope to lingerie chemically different from other synthetic fibres luf raw materials are by product of crude ol from oll- craeklng plant sard tohave good textile properties o drape well nn pleasant to handle new fibre launders easily and dries quickly and has excellent crease resistance ycm- cleanerjf pick up and delivery our truck isqej your street every day phone 273 l v the newton can be built in units the first unit covers an-ttr- en of only 22 feet by 2fl feet and provides the equivalent of n ono room nnd kitchenette apartment there is a bed closet in thelvlnn roorn nnd dining space in the com pact kitchen the newtons combination bath- roumnnd dressing room hhs a large wardrobe as well ns a linen cabin et and a builtin dre t this is nnexcelleni arrangoment- ln a small spacer the newtbnvs bed rwmwi whiirrsci iacfct frhtrrhr tjrrntt th wa nnd ronf itncir arc needed at inter when the date j a full basement under thb first unit of the ncwnn would not nec essarily have to be extended since no further plumbing is necessary in any future addition a vestibule enn be added if desired the newtons plan deserves close studyit is one solution of the pro blem of building suitable hvink ac commodation within q limited bin- get the newtons first unit has a floor area of 528 cquhre fret there pf us a volumeof rdbaltctmlc feet in eluding the basement sunday school lesson sunday jaejuahv 2fl 1051 jesus tkachks concerning the kingdom golden texttake heed what you hearr thenmeantiro you give will be the measure you get and still more- will jw given- you mk l21 liwon toxttukw l2a pm kisltibnijuiaban nprtii air teacher i2n this like every other great ser mon recorded in the bible wn preached in the open air it would be well if qur great preachers nlso would co ip the sea side not for rent and pleasure jiut to preach the gospel to the crowds that bather there many preachers thfnk itis beneath their dignity nnd leave it to the humble mission workers but jesus did not consider it be neath his dignity jno 1520 jes us went to jhe sen side because that was where he would get the crowds jesus began to preach when the crowd collected luke 84t but he whs not nbove preach ing to nn audience of one jnn ci 4 hut the multldude- loved to gather tn hear jeiua matt 51 15 32 luke 845 it is not hard to tell why jesus always saw in a great crowd a call to preach the gosnh mntt ormrifl mk 22 0 iff jesus began at this time to adopt the parabolic method ot leaching which reveals tin truth inthnrn ik-owlt- jftshrniuusalt itfrom thocaaiholaave no appetite for it vs llr 12 mntt 1310 13 2 ephead optometrist eyas jexamlnad scientifically glasses fitted gueiph 5 st oearges baj phone 1538 establish m years maps of ontarios forest areas made considered the most accurate plnnimetric maps of ontario yet made first in a projected series of sectional maps plotted from aerial photographs covering the pro vinces forested arens hove been printed tor distribution the maps which marie a milestone in ontario surveying nnd map making were plotted by the aerial surveys sec tion department of lands and forests they nre being published by the army survey establishment de- nrtment of national defence through a cooperative agreement with ontario both having right to distribute them the extreme accuracy and detail of the maps were obtained from aerial photogrnphs map makers of the department with special in struments plotted the course of rivers heights of land contours of lake shores and highways and other essential features just as they ap- pear on the aerial photos plotting was rnadc on a scale of four inches to a mile but for ease of printing and handling they have been pub lished on the scnle of two miles to the inch the first eight in the long- series to be compiled are now ready they cover the sections of pnmour iro quois falls timmlns kirklnnd lake cartler capreol espahnla nnd sudbury would make good canadians facing a serious shortage of labor the canadian mining industry ha- suggested to ottawa that workers be brought here from germany that suggestion declares the fin ancial post deserves support and its to be hoped that such a move ment can be inaugurated speedily nnd in substantial numbers there nre very sound reasons for immigrntion from this source the type of people available in- germany will mnke-excellentclri- j 7ens one only has to look around any community in cannda for l proof of that western germany is 1 despnrntely overcrowded with mil- lions of refugees from former east- i erri nrens piled in on nn nlready highly concentrated population finally we hnve jobs waiting for these people vitnl nnd necessary jobs for our nntlonnl development thes 21012 the question s offerf asked how can the church ge hold or the manses the answer is go where the masses are get out of the stifling synagoeues nnd churches into- the open the ans wer he gives by his words is sow the seed which is the word of god luke 811 in other words preach the word not philosophy ortociology i ii the seed growing or itself 2820 this- parable is found onlv ij the gospel of mark but it is in the closest relation to the parables of the sower and the wheat and tares found in the 13th chapter of matthew vs 130 in this parable also the seed is the word luke 811 1- pet 123 it is to be sown in the human heart it springs up and grows because it is a living tiling jesus sows jt and so dors every teacher and preacher of the word it is a wonderfully comfort ing thought that if we sow th true seed it grows even while w sleep v 27 we do not know how it grows nor do we need to know all we need to know is that it wnl grow- gods word is a living and therefore n growing thing and shall not return unto him void isa 55 id he sent it for a purpose and it- shall prosper in the thing whereto he sent it his words nre spirit nnd they are life jm 803 so they are bound to spring up grow and bear fruit the kingdom of god appears insignifi cant in its beginnings in the human heart but it will grow in the christian life we must not expect the full corn in the ear at the be ginning we must be patient and rejoice in the blade knowing that the ear and the full corn in the ear will follow in their season jesus is the harvester v 20 he knows justlhe right time to reap the grain and the moment it is ripe v 29 he uses the slckl iii the marvellous outward growth m the kingdom 3 there is the closest relation be tween the parable of the mustard seed and the two parables that pre cede it it is still the parable of the seed that teaches the growth of ihe kingdom the kingdom of hea ven is like the mustard seed in is small beginnings and its marvel lous growth compare acts- u 15 with acts 2120 see also ps 72 111 17 dan 2 34 35 the kingdom of god was first planted in a single seed jesus himself ijpo 1234 gal 3 lfi in the eyes of the world this seed was small and utterly in significant i isa- 532 3 this par able is inended rntherto teach the outward growth of the kingdom it the world than the internal growth of the church as a system of truth aid ethics or the growth of the spiritual life of the individual there may be other respects in ryhirh the kingdom of heaven is like the mustard seed but the central tru h is small beginnings and gret growth it is jesus who ows the seed he wws it in his field which is the world imatt 13 3738 by th- birds of heaven coming and lodg ing in the branches thereof is sym bolized the notions of the earth tak ing shelter under the shadow of thr kingdom of god eiek 17 22 23 24 31 8 12 dan 41214 sonv take it that the birds in this yarable are the same as those in the fimt of the seven parables of the kingdom imatt3 4 lflt but this will not bear close examln- atlcwv in one place in the bible jesus is spoken of under the figure of a lion in another place satan is so spoken of il pet 58 almost allmovements which arefrom ood arr like the mustard seed small in their beginnnltfs but tfreat in their tiiricent worktielng carrlel on by the canadian march of dimes the red maple leaf is nrppenring simultaneously in other commun ities throughout the dominion fc- minding canadians everywhere of the intensive battle now being waged to help rid this country of the dread crippler pollomyelitul krowth ty the parabte of the lea ven with whlcli jcsu immediately followed this malt 133134 we see that this rrent outward growth was followedby great inward epr ruption both parables were proph- jltlc the use of para bleu by ourlord was in hrrnopy with the figurative mnnner ofsfceech in hui country a figurative form of expression of ten conveys broad meaning the parables of jesus hnve caused great discussions tticy yeld stores of truth to those who will eafcnefitly apply themselves to imdcrytandini thrin see matt lajjti- iffy had otir truivkenorlynakcdtrullicti ilislienrvrs many would hayp re- ceivedtbjm coldly or liave i felted true ipterest for want of under standing but by using pnrnblen this would stir up their minds if they were earnest they would quickly learn the truth they rep resented mlt0h t mrrt iimitid acton i an s requested to htlp fight poiio in present march of dimes the rted mriple leaf n symbol of the fight polio campaign of the cinndian march of dimes is nppraringon store counters nnd in public pi ices nil over acton it heralds the approach of the lofil canadian march of dimes conduct ed throughout canada from janu ary 7th to 31st adopted by the canadian found ation or poliomvrlitis as ttypic- ly canadian emblem for a canada- wide organization the maple leaf is found on coin colleqtors pot- cirhuilrtlnsnnllonnlioncn velopca its simple slogan fight pollop bears testimony of themag good business doesnt make successful salesman but a success ful salesman makes good business harold wiles pay yours ef too on payday with most people leave themselves out in the cold on payday they pay the grocer and the baker the milkman and the landlord everybody and hit uncle dig into theirpay envelopes but themselves result theyre usually in a financial straitjacke and thej worry they worry about bills on hand they worry about bills to come they worry about unexpected bills money is always on their mind touring their pleasure in living and cobwebs gather on their plans for tomorrow whats the answer theres only one the uuf m fciiuml ptrtomst tlmnm on a teai tvi jt ih cniidiut national eihibicioa uui autumn in two weeki j-ooo- pcoplr ukr3 for a copy of ihc hof m rhmlrrc on ptrtom1 pimtmg llttt air umw tl ikr unmmii thexr pcuplc har volunteered a very woikamc hudjirt our rvifr i apprrviatcd wiih e had itarird the plan lonjt ac thank ou o much tor ihomng us th way to make a hudart orlt havetrio for a yax ith no uccrv hut now i think c can rralh l and ut with wol fimmimg mejct jet appreciaie cvammtan tease method of handlinai mono- swell idea personal pi tm mf persomaj pjttming is much more than just drawing upa budget budgets are often frustrating dogcollars they usually tie you down and make life a vety monotonou jflair nt pmouaj planning thows you howto live with in your income and tnfoy it its a complete financial program cut from the pattern of your particular needs andprohtcms personal planning wont help you make millions but given an honest chanceit will cure your dayaftcrpayday blues youll learn how to make your budget work for ynu instead of you working for it and youll also find that prrtonaj planning helps you realize your plans for tomorrow much sooner than you have dared to hope i ui fm fw wtit tw ukst i vh much 16111 nan m maxim acor re wmmr bani of montreal acton bramch gordon oder manager wolklhg with cahadiahs ik eveiv w a l i of lif evince 1117 u v n r n 7-

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