Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 1, 1951, p. 2

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kl the acton free pre5s thursday february 1st lksl who is most capabu dominion ncf provincial gowmntohta ro hinting on various sources- of raising funds to meet the ever increasing demands on public pending the difficulty comes in the fact that once a new ta is esta to meet an emer gency it invariably remains in force for example fake the tale and gasoline taxes which were wartime innovations to meet an emergency but have remained and been increased as a moans to bolster the spending by governments one may always argue whether government spend tng is carefully administered the fact remains that all these taxes and levies contribute to the higher cost otllving and lower the amount earned and controlled by the individual it is said that iri terms of 1938 prices our present dollar is worth 58c it woud be in teresting to note ust how much of tho 42c shrinkage has been caused by government lev les speaking of old age pensions prime minister st laurent is quoted as saying the people seom to want it the samccply is applicable to most public demands and it might be well if the people would analyze their wants in the light of their ability to pay these are days of making up government budgets do you want lamat higher niiyniu1hmk gnvprnmentsnatc better ablo to administer your wages and spend- tngthtm y ere national health week as nations go canada can be considered to be a comparatively healthy nation wilh excellent health departments supported by all level of- govemment federal provincial and municipal- doing good obs these departments spend mil lions to prevent disease and to care for those suf ferlng from various illnesses thep there are tho voluntary associations mostly educational in their scope which spend time effort and money to keep the people in formed however much of this monoy and effort is wasted because of ignorance and apathy on the part of the general public with many persons either too lazy or too careless to do anything about maintaining or improving their own or their community s health conditions much illness is preventable- illness which causes human and economic waste but such ail ments continue to take toll dipthena and whooping cough are preventable yet there are still deaths from both early diagnosis wpuld save much suffering and many lives in the cases cl tuberculosis and cancer yet there are suffer ers who fail to take the necessary early precau tions j proper eating a balanced diet is one way to good health that is why an event like national healtn week the seventh observance of whith is scheduled for february 4th to 10th is important this week is purely a health education proect ponsored by the nation s leading voluntary health education association health league of canada in co operation with health and educa tion authorities throughout the nation it is de signed to emphasize the facts about health and disease in an effort to create a lasting under standing in the public mind it is true that every weekihould be a health week but it s obviously imposs ble to wage ruch an all out public ty tffort in favor ol health every week so such a cinpagn his to bt con fined to one week a mr drinking driver problem creator light on the prolijtm of the drink nq driver has been shed n l report bsuih by h d aichbild director ol rese lich of 1he liquor control board of ontario and dr ward sm th of the un versity of toronto s department of phar macology based on nformat on obt ned it the first internation il conference oi alcohol ild tiaffie field at stockholm this sunimtr and research work carried on by mr arch bald and dr smith the report states that the problem of the drinking driver isgreater than official statistics indicate the opinion that the drinking driver problem is greater than indicated by official figures is borne oul by a survey conducted in toronto by dr smith in cooperation with the police depart ment and financed by federal authorities although some official stahshes say only one per cent of ontario accidents involve intoxicated drivers the data supplied in the toronto survey hows that twenty three per cent of the group tested over 900 involved in traffic accidents had more than a trace of alcohol in thprrblood it was also established that the proportion of drivers who were in a large degree ratponiibta for their accidents was much greater in the group of drinking drivers present and future so often these days we see tho okpression long term planning or long view planning and it sfeoms to hvo roplacocfthal olhef school which talked in torms of fivo and ten ybar plans it is well to look ahead and plan for thajuture it has always boon tho thought of man but in those days of so many interferences in plans we wonder if our future planning is not being over clone if we of this present generation make all the plans for those who follow will wo with our present knowledge make workablo plans for a long term have we the nght- to endeavor 1o- make long 1orm plans there is tho thought too that if all our of forts arc concentrated on the futuro we may lose much of tho good and happiness of tho pre sent there aro plenty of problems that require a solution today that is tho duty of tho present generation if the problems of our day are solv ed perhaps the future will have a bettor plan we of today are certainly making light of many of the plans that were made for us to follow and seeking ways to avoid many of the acts of our forefathers set out forour guidance will our long term plans of today be as stable let s not neglect our works of the present in inr tripr lqr ytn another twenty years just sit back and relax for a little while the world is getting somewhere 4fter all life expoctaricythc federal health department has announced is up 20 years there doesn t seem to be nearly enough time these days to do a fraction of all that appears to be on life s agenda as well as the routine work there s the things wed like to do and learn the places wed like to go and so on the wistful line of thinking that all we need is more time is j cheered considerably by the thought that almost ell of us can count on having 20 more years to do those thirtgs in than we would have had if we were bprn so years ago public health authorities note that as well as the increase in life expectancy the general death rate has been reduced about a third in canada during the last half century definite progress in medical science is coupled with a spreading personal concern for health just last week il was announced that the halton county health unit is again expanding its services to include a child health centre at bronte continual small ad vances like this one boost health standards slowly but surely education has reduced the death rate from cancer and tuberculosis the infant mortality rate has been cut 50 per cent in the twentieth century and the maternal mortality rate 60 per cent the statistics are certamiy encouraging until our thoughts revert back to the first thing that struck us when we read of the increased life expectancy we thought we should have 20 more years to get caught up on ourselves there must be something wrong with either the government statistics or our figuring be cause it s certainly not true is it well at least you wont be troubled with the sew er back1ho w into the basement the good old days may have seemed better back in 1901 editorial notes a smile has more thin its f ict vilue at oi t t me la ness was someth ng for com n tnt but now evlii automobiles ir shiftless potir in c ni t be much compljint on tic pioljlem f snow si ovfcll ng th s year jncl so far thu cost of cli- ir nq the roads his been i ght l otype mtil thit sord n 1938 hound 1 qc pound loucned l new high last wtik of 31 c per lb half the price of butler ind l 100 lbs c in go ti i pretty small bxx alum num bottles are now on the market for packaging they would be welcomed by motor i ms since so many think it all right to throw bot ties along the roadways and rum ttres taken from the issue of the free pressof thursday january 3 j 1901 the merchants bank was at home to the public on monday morning for the first time in thr splendid new premises specially erocted in the warren block cor ner mill ond willow st that the citzeni ond public generally wcr surprised at the elegance and sub stantial character of the bonk a ne v premise ond fittings it putting i mildly indeed the interior nr rongements are perfect in point of convinlence appe and com fort to both the public nnd thi bonk officials and the exterior is quite imposing enurtng from mill i st through double doors and pis sing through a iunt vestibule you reach thi roomv public qinrters rf the bank the fittings would do credit to i city bank in fact the canidiin of flee nnd school fumture co ot preston who executed them set themup three times for other rnw bnhksbncopvfrorn ln grippt rults in mini housi holds hi r there wxs n rumour in town list wick thntmr jimcs white drovir erin had died from the effects of i serious iccident which befell him while boarding a iralrvat ern with a car of cittle messrs j h mit thews nd v mcmiliin went to erin on sundav to attend the fun eral but thev learned that mr white was living and though his injuries art serious he ih v ell o1 the wiy to recovery reeve williams his proclt med saturday a public holtdi out of respect to the memon of our liti beloved queen victom th 2th of mny is to bt ptrpttintid as i pi ninnent holid i back in 1931 taken from the issue of the free pn s of thursday jan 20 1931 jlrtltft ollinrrtj af sniitt a riiiienftoly church paraonatff 20 kvwr avnu pi on- wl ktv v a rry ha raw mlnurur- mlw o m i iwiiri arxm orgmnlkt fend choir lmomf mjndayjffcttjuially 4lh imll- jo 00 am sunday ft imol l 1100 am morning wortiilp too pm kvtmlnfc wommp tmpuohl for the- week in qulfrliittu and in confidence nhll be your utrtttfth i i oh so is ffrt jvuum tillfurrlj amklwm lueurylbv w o lukim ha nd sunday ftrmuauy4th 10m sunday before 1a nt 10 00 om sunday sehool 11 00 om morninr pr iyi r beginners class 7 00 pm fvining prny r flotji r rvici s will br conducted by cnpt r a tiylor newly ap pointed fit id secretary of the church army in canada a welcome awglfa you junnbu icnox lutlusi jtol rkv unkmrr u aumwrmxrya h4a mjiutr mjniav wfmuail 1 h tx 1 1 vlt rn ixvlii wornlui ii1f tittt iuimlny twi mtiti 7 1 p f n ytmnit vffrpi- nrvlc nn inur hurt h ywiorf popu vwjv will w rtotxlhi urf th toming trvuk mix orra tunn will lw yufat pdbjr reek yinttiv fjuni uhlluilc my atrros mr hunly wmxltv htudrnt pnti sunday ffdftuary 4th 1iw1 1010 o m sund iv school ond nihlj class 1130 am morning service 1210 pm o mmiinion 7 11 pm acton inti r church young pi ople s service in knox presbvteri in church thursday ii pm priv r meetfrlg fridny a pm- mission band ft pm bypu a littl more snow every day makes the drifts that much deeper the wise motorist carries a snow- shpvel on his trips out of town these days january j03i was the warmest in ten years according to the dom imon observatory tho free show at the greflory theatre on tuesday for the school children hod a line up for a block to gain admittance the seventeenth annual meeting of the maltorxotjrrt5r children s aid society wis held at the gordon home milton jnst wci k the in spector s n port showed thit vi ry cnergilic ind efficient work wis being nccomphshid in the county thi first reunion banquet for ill ex sirvici men in hi hon countv was held on thursd iy list at th bnnt inn over 400 were present col g o brown shcrrif of hoi ton countv icted is loastmaslcr acton ind burlington in closi far first plic in the tocil hockev eroup a win to morrow at bmmp ton is needed to givi acton th lndi rshlp reeve a mason wis the unon imous choice is warden for hotton county council foe 1031 he took the oath of offici before judge moore of acton at the meeting qi halton pres byterv of tho urpted church ot oikville normin e coswell oak ville john flvin gimble acton ind john andre v mcdcrmld f gtorgetown were received as cm ttidates for the mlnistr born thompson at m 1 on on fn dav january 1g 1931 to mr ind mrs giorge frinklin thompson a diughtt r north east west s o u t h news from all- directions f professional directory and travellers guide mfdical misckllaveods dr w g c kenney phytlelsn ami hargrwn isucccksor to dr j a mcniven office in symon block mill st acton ofnte phone 711 reildtnee churtn st phone 1m the victor b ruaxley funeral home punrral llamr aiubaluh phom 30 nisht or doy serving the community for vi yosft dr d a garrett evf care by appointment phyfilclan and kuneon corner of willow ind hiver sts tntrince rier street acton ontini fhonr 23ft demal dft a j buchanan dental surxran office ishmto nioclc mill st of ficchmtrs it tn t g p m x hay tellphonf 148 dr george a 5irrs- dentml harfeon mill st corner frederick acton ottice hours floevam to 5 30 p m tfulphone 19 waa c milugan r o optometrist wed ii am to 0 p m it mill st nmirtrncc of a t itrown pleific telephune 3fl5j vfterinary r ti vniln r c l young dvaa veterinary hurcons offue broukvllli ontmo phoni milton 140r4 lfcal c f leatherland barrister a solicitor notary public office 22 phone acton res 151 lever hoskin chartered accountants sueci smirs ttt jkis ai hardy r30a mttropohtin bldg 44 vietona st t ronio fig 0131 willoughby farm agency iirk st ind oldi t nr in cm id i hnd off i knt bldk toronto t ik t vn h pit si nt it m tom llruson i hone irorcrlown 3kv please and thank you are not outmoded expressions as one might suspect so seldom are they hoard these days they should be cultivat ed their use takes little t me or energy but adds much to the gractousness of daily i v ng in some service clubs fines are imposed on members who artt absent or late wonder what revenue could be collected if such a plan were introduced for members of parliament in bolh dominion and provincial fields might help in the budgets harris 1 tc a c n ijnimnt if hnnuls r i ltitk i p npu u ts flown l tc from bntun f r tht hums c lul dim t in 1 dtulnn ont tlu k tiuini hilu u is mule from i rtti hindtd ilmvn f r t nt r i tion b thi h mst kt t pt r tt tek h i um tiibtltnn with tht sc tch tuit i imt i m ssil1 if jrtetink tt th m i ir ii mil it ind th mi nibt r of tht dub fitm the pro ost of pretu uk icorjetpun iwapen tir i scip s hie just liun in stallid at tlu c rkttoin public school list uttkt herald report tht firt dtpirtnunt didn t recom nu nd thi in until ncentls beemsi of tju pood timt the ouncsters made in practice drills and because there wre to tairuas despite sptd drills and two stairs moth ers are filad to knou the regulation escapes- are there just the same hftltan nralth the halton county health unit is expandinu it ten ices to bronte dr mathermoh and unit direc tor has announcid there will be a child health centre open two fri da afternoons i month in the church of tin fpiphan pinsh hall homt and school assistant volunteer w ill awst the medical staff thus will b the sfxth health certtre functlonink at tebular inter ih throuuhou tht count rrorrrvs rditfon thi giulph iuk mi rcur hid i vi i spci il tl p i pr iriss iditidt ijsiuturclin full of hin- t r tl rt i i i 1 nt r t nj p tun s u t k i thi d vt lot mint t f tin cit and mun f its m tib kshni firms v um d mi lie thost who i tt uuit en dit to tin cit ire i ii ut c 1 john micne ply sicjiq jh 1 1 and sotdiir ind thi nuthnr off in flindirs fit ids nothir fimous jon is edward johnson re i i nth n iin d m ni ral mnnirt r i f the nt w york mitropoluan opt r i i co th klnr of the chicago w hi it pit arthur u cutti n is nn other thomas h cnstain author of the btst sellt rs black noiic the monev min and son of a jllundrtd kinks is i forrm r editor of thi guelph mercury flydros helen hubert saunders the chiirman of the ontario hdro ittended a ban quet in erin on january 17th to mark tht official inauguration of the erin hvdro flj ctric commii slon the town hall ubs specially di coraled fpr the occasion mr saunders ui icomeel frin as the three hundred and tenth munici palitv to- join the hvdro commls slon family he ae a vivid description of how main office em ploy it s courted ulcers w orry inn about no rain no rain no rain dur inif his talk g oakes vs basc veterinary hnrgeon and residence tcnox ave acton phone 130 travellers guide gray coach lines coilrs lfave actov fust bound afl 3 am it h im 11 23 am j 1h p m 103 pm fi 33 p m 8 js p rn bloml pm westbound 10 17 am 1j52 pm 2 57 pm 7 rft 7 27 pm 1 12 pm 11 22 pm 112 am isun to kitchener onl i i jiil txtipt stindiv and holi days 1 s ituni i suntl iy md lioli d vs wright real estate and insurance f i u men r n m u hight l 11 ii s ml nn ii st i it n ot t i u h ont 1 i n i 1 t n 4 h w a i ua tors lit altuvs inont mi 1 ir i t 1 canadian national railways ratlhound i nl i 14 t n i ni i sijij i v 1 t m 7 11 p in s inday 1 h p ii iul m pi sun i v h il u i nn ih2 im huh i it ij t w 0 ii m m 1 f t i i lft ill hrilhound i i t s nrf i m i m n i s n i i it m hi day in ii l i i pt sun n o i 14 p m it i t t tlt tl t t i i 1 ii 1 l i i 1 it i t u id 1 i i t s it m 1 s t 1 10 pm fl t i slim 1 i i 1 hi p rn s i t i i 1 i it l i fl ik top s i 1 i t h r it i lh 7 the acton free press tit in pijr eif pumulw in a ion ivil 1 ci ch thursiijn at vi mill m acli n ontjn ulhoriird i sreond clu mall po1 otflc ifpr4bitnl ituua feumud in 1875 flrmbrr audit nalp irruullon wma and onurloqurbrr dlvlilsn w a advertising tu on raquatt subscbiption in advance 2 30 in canada 3 o0jn united statis stngleopiej oc telephones business and editorial office 174 residence i 131 it v

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