Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 1, 1951, p. 3

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fc- ji41 jhursday february lit 1081 the acton free press ha fashion hint rr the top note thin cu4n u brll- lianta lit new york it evident ly brilliants everywtipr on aeer- vea shoes hit ve u hashing thfr radlla coetassae jel- lery aalea the icedrop aparlde vt the clear rhlnaatone has treaty elaaarim that jnst fruit the winter knonta a tfctttttdthftvert new est hats have brilliant on tbov btrttenlllee itunu can be boocht for tacking onto the veil of a hurt seasons hat or prinkllng on scar ves o collartr chandelier earrincs are must companion piece for the very popular rhlneatone neck- lacefi ao4 choker the ladle in faahlon thla wnter are all o8llttt the bowl tilbz your eye deserve the nest consult 1 rmbell rglctrl offomtfit hmmm 22rl2 bum van wyck cleaners plekup and del very our truck is on your street every day phone 273 hollo homomakorfi buying a large cut of meat la often ah ec onomy as many homomakors luwu found however the way in which ih is cooked and nerved can help the budget too take a 8 or 7 pounc fresh jwrk shoulder butt ms anr mthmple a pork bait has me bono which extend bnly part wax throtlch iht pleco wo place meat fat aide down andj cut a two inch aliee off the end opposite the side of the bone then slice 3 or bo lew shoulder chops about h inch thick having cut to the side of the bone the remainder about 3 lbs- ready for the roost pan the shoulder chops and piece of thfek- sllce are put in the meat keeper of the electric refrigerator for cook ing later in the weev as braised pork chops and chop suey hoast pork shoutdkr place the roast fat side up in open roast pan sprinkle meat with a little garilcsatt fw up and about h tup table salt if you have a meat thermometer insert ft in the thick part of the meat so that it does not touch the bone other wise calculate 41 mlns per pound for cooking period place in pre heated electric over of 350 degrees and cook until thermometer records temperature of isa degrees keep meat hot while you skim most of fat from juice and make a gravy store fat for f finrl hfvn i-vck- tare- ktvtrj7iyiriim 7 serve ronil iporktvmiinkea pota toes and oventenmed carrots pohk chop suky 2 cups hot water 3 bouillon cubes 4 tbspi bottled soy sauce t tbsps roatt dripping 2 cups diced pork cup flour 1 tin mushroonf pieces 1 cup sliced onion 3 cups diced celery 1 tin chow noodle saute pork cut in u nch cubes untp brown in dripping sprinkle in the flour pour hot water over bouillon cubes and rttr in soy sauce then add to floured meat stir in mushrooms with thvr juice the onions the celery add chow nood les just before serving serves 4 or s accompany easserole with cabbage snlad and boiled potatoes portc srouidett chops sprinkle chops lightly with flour snlt and pepper brown meat 1 1 hot skillet and pour off any fat wanda dcdc 0ne of ho lar toci allrarckj of wslupapore to choose paints books from in westom ontario somo of the mora popular brands of nationally advertised paints carried in stock toys stationory supplies kennedys book store 25 wyndham sf guolph angus kennedy prop remove from heat and pour ctip tomato julee over chops then cover and simmer about 1 hour make gravy with one bay leaf added to the juce serve chops with masted potato and blaxed squash takte a tip 1 pourboillug watetoyer saus- ugm then drain and cook oti mialum heat about ib mlntttaa in n srilfet the parboiling meth od prevents ahrinvage l pierce sausages and weuiertwhji a fork twice h each piece to pr- vent skins from bursting 3 clip the rind from bacon wjtfc kitchen shears then place the rind on one sde of the pan and render out any fat as bacon cooks always cook bacon on medium or low heat for about 8 to 8 minutes when done the lean part i5 a red brown and the fat is transparent turn the bacon frequently and drain off fat two or three times while cooking 4 always drain bacon on a rvcca of clean absorbent paper before serving for 2 or 3 minutes 5 ever combine 1 lb sausage meat 2 tbsps flour and m cup crushed pineapple drained shape into cakes inch thick and cook n a skillet for about 10 minutes 8 when ordering spareribs h is advisable to allow one pound of ribs to o parson 7 there are two kind of spareribs side or rack ribs and back or short rib the latter have more meat b stewed pork hocks should be covered with seasoned boiling water and simmered for 2 hours then trim scald with fresh water and glaze n the oven with a little honey the question b03t afrs k l asks how can you tell if roast pork has beep thor oughly cooked answer avoid pink pork fresh roist pork is white or grayish mrs h g asks do you serve hot or cold applesauce with hot roist pork answer serve hot rpplcsauce or a combination of apple and noodles or apple and onion or gravy much praise given late jack miner the price of cocacola includ exci ing sales se taxes 7c ter bottle 36c per carton of 6bottles tc per glass at fountains the litejack miner cnnadinn naturalist practiced what he prea ched he vis not 1 government empioee nor did he receive 0 sal ary from anv outdoor organization but for forh veors he gne lectures to finince his work at his canadian bird sinctuarv at the time of hi donth the jack miner foundation took full chirge of nil operations ind mikes fimnclil ippeils twice 1 eir to raise money to cirry on thip cons r i ion work started b him hononblo t a crenr the be loved cimrinn senator in speak inp of him said i doubt if there is in an field of work m canada an one wlitr has kien more or rndind a gn lti r national sen it to north ami riea than tack min r long hi fore he died his life ind w rl had been recognized in irioiin statt- and onl last month 1 mimnml plaqife was un tiled in michigan in m mnr and in honour f him honor iblo iuivp cecil kc cnhini t minm r for on ino r 0 ntk said born from a chrwiai h u of tapk miner canada has a h ssotr to ill mmaklnd and a shrim t i 0 k 1 1 attir s whuh 1 no 1 up 1 itii m h r on t irth tt h i ip i ti 1 ill i r l ih np are but ink m n r s situ ti u is a m i 1 f r ill t 1 r h h n t ibl paul mar in kc in pimtit tnbn to tht 1 it 1 1 v min r a i hk mmr hi wutliti c in id 1 acr w tin ki mi 1 i11 ts th dull gi fh u 0 th cunt m nt 1 is 1 h nu uu ni nil hi lati j ck m n r t th m f ji k mini r s rti ith iinl cinadiin p irli im nt irlans isitti tht hnii of th latt jaek mim r w ith difi rent plans as a nn muni evi n two pnn inotal pnmurs iti d th famed plare u ith sugj stums but what v as n mimou 1 d 1 ided up n was to in i 1 a 1ionil wild i if w t lt obsird dunng thi- wik af his birthda bill uj introduci d in the hoiim of cdmnwns cjn idiun con ns- and b a unanimous ott of both thi canadion hon of com mon ind mk t nat c madian nation il wild lift wivk ias ere ated as a hmg mt modal to him pr3iticil nn provincial prm u r gt i hvs w ntti n approval in eluding hon guorre dre mp who at that time was premier if ontario and now had r of tht op position at ottawa cacquer once was solely chronicles of ginger form written specially tor th acton free preag by gwendoline clarke there have been many times during the last few months when one might have called this a wln- teheaswinlor bui not now not with the temperature hovering around the otero mark at nlghtand about ten fn the daytime actually it ms good weather for getting around cold weather without wind or slowna is easy to take lfr only there were a little mora snowt just enough to give a protective covering to wheat and clover these are the days when tho farm er looks worriedly across his fields and wonders will the wheat be winterkill td and what about khe pastures and those fieldi newlj seeded down tocldvor last year mo wonder farmers arc anxious a hundred dollars spent on seed last year or several hun dred according to the atxc of the farm and it can nil bo lost so eas ily in unfavourable weather that is hard frost without n coating of anow to protect the tender young roots of whoat andgraitta however wo are entirely atthe mercy of the weather there is nothing that any farmer can do about it except wait and see and hope for the best but while we wait for the winter weather to makeor breafc us we are certainly thankful for small mercies we are glad the house hi easy to heat in clear cold weath er sure we might have quite a good time counting our blessings except that every time we feel thankful for being warm and com fortable we remember others who arc not so blessed perhaps it is because we ourselves have known what it is to have a cold house in winter that we cannot now enjoy our comfort without remembering those who may not be so fortunate we hate for instance to think o the coal shortage in england to say nothing of their meagre meat ration a whole week s ration wouldn t be enough to give a hung ry man even one decent meal that poor little island is certainly hav ing a long term austerity program and yet last week 1 had a letter from my brother in cambridge and he didn t mention food or coal or even the flu he was writing about the pleasure they got from their television sotbut complained about the time they had trying to get help for the house but were now so thankful because they had at last succeeded in getting a girl three days a week strnnfie what habit can do beciuse my brother and his wife have always had a maid it now seem a major catas trophe if they are v ithout one to us in cannda knowing what they have suffered dver there in bomb- ihks and other hardships it doeaht seem reasonable thnt anyone should look uplm shortage of do mestic lihp an n major problem it musfbe that hrtvngbeen away from fngland so long their conser- vatlvo outlook ndw seems strange to us 7 suppose in a younger country we naturally acquire odlf ferent sot of values which have come down to us from pioneer days where there are theoretic ally no class distinctions no man minds working with his hands and moot housewives ace quite content to do their owjt wotje and run their owp homes there is much tal these days boutma intalntng n high standard of living but do we moan by a uigh standard iubfeertalnly a relatlveterm just ns a loaf of bread is a good mear to a starving per son we have come jo smtoo high a value on material things and have lost the enjoyment w one had in hnpio pleasure i dread to think what influence television will have on our rising generation youngsters i nm afraid will wont to leave their heathy outdoor go men to sit in darkened roonafl to watch their favourite comlcson tv the other dny i wfts in an elec- trlcinns shop where they were try ing out n television st that had just come in a little jtlrl come into the store saw what woshoppenlng and rushed out again in a few minutes she was back njgoln and three or four more children with hef but the electrician was wise to them and had shut off the set poor ldds i was sorry for them in a way they were so excited and then so let down but i understood the man s viewpoint when he ex plained j hate to be mean but if i kept this thing going the shop would be overrun with kids half the time- and hereis something in connec tion with the cbc which atruek ns being rather funny like a good many other folkjdont think much of cbc daytime programs so the other day i turned on shortwave and there was n grand orchestra ploying now if only we could get something hko that i thought 1 wnlud until it was over and then heard the announcer say this is the cnnadlan broadcasting corp- oration to the bbc in london i turned back to cbl soap opera unpopular poplars atn picnic held in a pnrk on the bank of 0 river one chop during a lull in the races turned to a group stnndlng by and said you see that row of poplars on the opposite bank of the river apparently they arenbout4ryunl distances npnrt but perhaps some of you with keen fves can tell which two tree nro farthest apart the group took a look at the trees and opinions differed a each tried to make c ireful observa tion and cfjlicnl judgment finally the questfoner who had made no comment was asked his opinion wh tht first ind last la said i farm forums three main questions discuss value of marketing boards h it cm m u kiting uuitdb ac eompl h th s vi r import mt mibj it ipplit ibli to the inh rests of ill firrrurs was thi topic f i firm forum disulssmn on monday nil ht finuirv 22nd lli thi guid pi id d 1 rv int n sling qtitr n p uu w ith 1 1 inf mmt uisu i to u h qui lion iskid j h up th fjik ti in put to th j tain t ms r win an tin re i m pi liutts in hip in a not n 1 1 1 b m ti ki tin sthi nn s that u tlnnl li nil i h oiu r asons th 1 r dnininint opinion u 1 ith t wh i pmlttv t igs irft b f h ill iindi 1 h m irk tin li 1 it v ut i h ji st mil 7i th pi thi 1 ji urplu ind hort i k hit t f lrum t dpfpif midi pr in t fill t 1 jvi t ibl i u 1 i n 1 d w ih 1 1 1 irkt tin j in nil tt w ml 1 h 1 t pi 1 nt pin s fi in ris n nd f lllini ti t nflkt bitwe n th rniik tin b jnls j 1 winniis piivuuis if thi b i 1 d m diffi 1 1 nt pipv mei 1 s t up ditfi 1 nt umilitioris for thi sari mini dit how 1 uld this duu 1 b avoided th mijntv if fuium iti d th 1iti n t h 1 111 ul tin ha ir 1 s tnp b th nun m g m 111 nt ti 1 mtrol th marketing of p 1 uvrp tlii w hoi d m ni hi ih s m il 1 cja in hie proi n t 1 n tin an b idi t n i 11 t nth thi nm i 1 1 oth r ul t 1 i 1 t t nt itiv fi 11 v 1 y i nti n f t 1 n ill m irk ting h 11 ti ti th 1 i t 1 t 1 v 1 in wh it iv ii 1 pn luc 1 s ip nkt tine h in 1 mhli t r 1 1 tint nn sl i h- t t utnl n in n pr 1 i ultur ipidlv natural product the tan of on or iental tree now made synthetically it comes in manv more colors than nature produced n 1 1 if au 1 f mini h iikht ntat 1 s sh uld h rid h th niirketing s h in in out 11 v w brunswick pr in fi w anl inland md n n 1 stnti 1 h iv a mn kiting boird f r thi prod urt and it 1 cliff it tilt ti romp t jwith thi ir betttr qualitv pioduots i ignv farum thiuaht hv put ing a bin op guds coming into th prov ict it would in lp to ke p the salr of the prikluel hi n ahd as nn ex anipu nil ntioo d british columhi 1 apph s then is 1 go id sijpplv of ippli in thts province thi v also thought pnnr fdward tsland nn i vt w brunswick pot at 1 s sh mid h bannd 2mmm th him hi r nm of the proliitts in that ana whieh should b nn 1 rt d b a marketing sch mi an explanatorv note xvhih pn ndinn the u cond qui stlon was a follows under thi federal act 1 protlui rs m irki ling board in om pnrfintli mn have its powers etindtd to control ihi marketing of its products in o jterprovinees sortit p oplo think thls mav efd ti 1 u 1 ni 1 in in thi nk pi dm 1 rs 1 n i ti id un id t 1 ul 1 on 1 r qu v in d ts v d n ma kt t nn lhim ms 1 in b eomp g in tin hu in in pi idm t md th n hi 1 in 1 kiiut nf tht hum in hi irl mt vi nm iliim tht v n practlc 1 11 v tht sann tradi uni ins trv to b tt r thi t indi on for thi work ng mm md tht m irki ting sth mi trv to to he ti r the ennrttlons ind th pnct s for th farmi r r ro duct r om nh forum th night tht w 1 r sinulu tht marketing sch me pro mt ttx inromr of thi protlueer ju t h tradl unions prott rt the u ir s of tht 1 ibon r ill bv s t tn tin price of tht commodltv inportid into th cornmunitv and ild th r 2 hv conlnllinj th sili s m idt hv th di iii r or im port 1 rs of that commodltv t g siskitih w m iiontv board n bv finantmg bv a iionsi granted to produci rs ind making a chargt to emtr i xp tisi s t g hog produrers piv 2 cents a rarenss irr ontario bmnorkhurn sums it all up hv stnt ing the hoth aim tibttter th ir fin ineltl returns you11 get more miles per tire with coodvear inner tubes thompson motors iso m1ix strut rhonah fordmonarch sales slrvrcb goodyear inner tubes are molded full alze to fit caafngj 4 they are tough non- poroos and air-prcs- sure tested properly inflated they increase tire life by many extra miles carrolls atmrjianma pancake tflour ra x9c 48c aunt jemwx shrove tuesday feb 6th jug 53s pancake syrup maple syrup corn syrup 29c pure honey ms 45c ous aolovrr leoz ran 9so 68e 85c from australia corned beef loaf tbe label would seem to indicate that this is somsuilif i different from ordinary corned biief but actually it is nolid mast 1oz tandsr snd very good flavor vo tin racommsnd jtaeiclit valns 29c peanut butter grapefruit juice fruit cocktail peaches aylmer cooking figs marmalade 35c 48 oz tin 3jc 20oz tin 49c 29c st williams am- 24 oz jab jww biscuits lb 29c westons melba oream bandwiohes soap with fab kc 39c s 33c palmolive kleenex 2 chan speed coat 59c 98c pard dog food 2 kiwi shoe polish 18c dog midgets hos8 miller 1 at 1 lb baq awc sure good choice quality tomato juice 20 oz tins lip tons tlea lemon pie filling golden corn mincemeat purple label lvnw vallfv 220 oz tins 17e 25c nkh hulnhwick potatoes riouida jm oranges apples frinii importetl carrots- libby 8 am 2uoz tin jyli 50 lb bog 99c doz 32c basket 49c 2 bunches 23c rrjsii daily nrw cabbare celery impertal grapaa tonulori hplnaob bmta lunaiui

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