Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 1, 1951, p. 6

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page six the acton free press thursday rebruaffy lt j maryin of profit narrow on milk production of ofchrrttlon of tins iwo dnicy herd impiwenriynt groups in halton weir recently made available by thcsfarm economics branch of the foru nrdlnifit from the bhtjsih iien thote rcojuirink heirsihh corrtlrtjf final fitfurea for thy first vtojipilnk jvnuld we feci be well ad- vitd to contact on of the ndnrcpq ot supply in thfr ncflr futtirc jjuoiidoflc if there hkn ben any thought in the minds ofa percenuue of or- ban conjiunrmrtf that nlk toducers of thu province or protitecrintf the following fltfurei should dispel thai id in the west hal ten group o twerttynnx producers tho aver- oc coat of jproduelntf one hundred pound of mlk was 3 71 for the twelve nionfh period ending april 30 jwo during that same period producers were pad 4 07 it pot cwt delivered in toronto for that portion of their shipments used in f the whole milk irade in other wordf from that price muit be deducted approximately at leant 30c per cwt to cover acreage and in addition approximately fifteen per cent of the daily mhtpmenls were paid for at a mnnufacurlnr prlc of around 250 per 100 lbs in to- west hal ton croup the- average number of milkinc cowr kept wa- thirteen and thefr nc riee pro duction was 8453 lbs of milk and 331 lbs buttcrfat in the east hal- ton group of twentysix producers where the average number of milking cows kept was sixteen tho average production per cou was 8301 lbs m ik and 310 lbs butter- fat the cort of producing 100 lbs milk was 3 33 in short while the average production per cow in the east halton group was slightly lower than in the west hnlton group there was n creator turn over or volume of busmes high r jro returns jer 100 worth of feed fed and less mm labour per cow or per production of 100 lbs of milk as in prcmnus eost survtt tht figures reveaj a wide spread n the cost of milk production thf figures which ue previouslj quoted were the averages for the respect ive groups hem ever we note that in west hnuon tht twd producers with the highest net returns wen prnducmg milk at a cost of 24 per cut while on the two farms w th the lowest net returns the average cost was 4 bo per cwt in the east halton group there is a somewhit similar picture2 is p cu t on the ru o firms with the highest nt returns and 5 07 pel cwt on the two farms v 1th thi lowest net returns it is also ra ther distonctrtlng to note that the returns per mnn hour for that por tion nf the producers time sp nt on his cnus nnctd from a low of 13r pei hour n the case of one group nnd 17i per hour in tht second group to a high of 1 12 in th om group and 2 17 per hour in th other th si are but n few of the in teresting revelling and nttoundinp firuris which are presenttd inns- mnrh as ench member enrolled in d ii i a work secures the figures for his own farm business in ad rtt ion to the nvenct of the proup th- two high farms- nnd tht two tow firms we an a ill in f to kim ble th it the fipiires for the twil month period ending the end of april this eir will show a eon- ider ibli improvement wp ins that tiitement on i rerent rmir ntlon we had with frank wchls- holni siipt isor of th ftti halton group ait ore ng to mr fhtsholn kei n interest mi nr tht nf his group ind i rood sti untie uilhng nf th t hi iu id iken r lire he firuirrs mil t i i nidi jolt i nnn t ht hnpi i th i the mi disioiinitd cullinj i t ml t r m s md stop m of th it ik whuh it bysne will defin ri suits xcbtiti mglitutkutd at on- night clattra the nhal night school classes initiated inst tjovembrfn milton have now reached the half way period according to a 1 woodtey ohairman of the local committee interest is not only being maintain ed but nearly everyone i highly delighted wth the various courses of instruction while illness and other activities hnve interfered in nme families nevertheless between- first halton county fdlk school helti at campbellville some speakers heard ten students nnd two leaders spent an enjoyable four days at he flrut halton county folk scnool held at the farm home of mr andtwtni hoy coulter camp bellville from january 172 th- school was sponsored by tho walt- ton county farm forums and fin anced by donations from raoat of the farm forum lrt the county sevefcnl branch of th womans inrtlitjte junior farmers groups and township federation ot agrlc- rrflth inqujrios are alreadv being receiv ed concerning plans for next win- ter a quotation from leonard har mons article on 1k schools in ontario ww toll ln fw senthe- eii what folk schools ore tho danish folk schbuv u w mw them wro centre of- ilf lightenment eactt refleetedy the lofluenee of a great tcher who built the school around his person ality and around his aspiration for a bettor rural life and a finer community the schools were as- 2w and 200 have been present each of tho pt two tiiciday nlkhu pmid l not dlr- reform calendar to have 13 months january 1st this year was a sun day next year will begin on a monday last year it was a satur day and the vear before it was a thursday each year begins with a different dav so usually does each month the present calendar argues the financial post s changeable nnd irregular t is a nuisance to th ordinnrv man and more important it makes difficulties in keeping business records nnd making com parisons two reforms have been proposei dno is n perpetual calendar in which everv vear would start ori a sundav and everv month would begin with n sundav there would be 13 months the other propos il is to retain thi s stem of 12 mnnths but ar range the calendar so that quarters lie equal with fll dn s each from the standpoint of conven- k nee either of these svstcms would be a big improemcnt over tho present one fins for liner the new p and o passenger liner chusnn of 24 000 tons gross has been fitted w h fins designed o promote stabilit in rough sen she t- bv fnfthelftrg t vwwl to be so equipped tho ipplnnre consists nhu n rectinjul ir fins 12 bv c one on i ach sidt of the ship nnd project inp from thi httm nenr the hilgi f ich fm is mounted on n shift so irrangi d th it the fin is hvdrod mniip ilk inl meed the forw ird lniu of the shti i uists tht w itrr to t t rt in up wwd forn on on fm nnd i down- w ird fin t- nu thi othi r when not in ust tin fin c in hi wtthdnwn into ri si sv w ithrn hi hull imp first t s i mudid ill txpet t- ected by any department of gov ernment- they were attended by voung farmew during the winter months and by young farm women during the summer sometimes ad ults of all ages come to the schools a thirst for learning the schools did not educate away from the land as do gome of the high sehools nnd unlvers- jtiesin cnnada they educated rur al people for abundant living which most of thorn expected to ftmj as farmers the graduate of n dan ish folk school wan a good farm er nn active member of several 1 kinds of co- operatives and n man with a muchrend library at home mr harman general secretary of the united cooperatives of ont ario was instrumental in starting jio folk schools in ontario hov hergott of the ontario folk school council conducted the first sessio of t school and acted in the capacity of advisor throughout the remainder of the weevthe following school bonrd uas ap pointed b the students chairman marv smith onkvllle delegate of the halton junior farmers sec- retar wilma john st op omngh sponsoretrbvthe omngh farm forum nnd treasurer ellen chnp- mnn omngh who also was assist- int to mr hergott and mrs coul ter who jjcted as house mother besides those mentioned above the following were registered ns students otha hustler sponsored bv north trafalgar farm forum vera mav hornby sponsored bv s s 4 esqueslng farm forum marv ferrler campbellville i spnnsnrcdby nassacnwem fcder- itinn of agriculture- florence armstrong nnd ann stoutt bovne sponsored bv bovne farm forum raldn neilson hornby sponsored bv the hornhv firm forum mrs viola alderson north trafalgar sponsored bv covne school farm fonim nnd reginald coulson mt nemo sponsored bv the mt nemo farm forum the theme for studv nnd dis cussion- throughout the course was how can i be nn isetto m com munit nnd wis presmed to th students b irious spenkers i follows vfthiei nt community singing and values or rural living by llevwm young padre nt th oac guelph who explained in detail why community hinging was such good fun with an uplifting influence that brought a crowd to gether a one while money wna an important way of measuring values it is merely the framework nf itfe nnd ni we mfist make sure that our spiritual values are right so they can- become the foundot- itaffalnp then j mem rs d n f low irod pin 1 1 w hi i om but ts oil i i h p n f 1 prtitjh i ft for knrjn f ulimir not brtohr in list uieks column w intini ihi hit pris nt pruspeit- miim to fii emploxnitti m mdustr iinl timilid 1 itvuir fiit th firms v in ittt r of fut with the ieptlor of the depression t irs th it his tit en the t etiin is long is w i in renii tnbi i iid thi goi bai v ti tho i r pirt of tin eentur we hji uifonnition howier from mi r m pim of tht neparment of coloni ition and agneultun of tht c iindi m nation nl rnllw n s nnd ilo fixini w dimson of tin n itioii it selettive ser ue th it i f nrx good suppl ofdispljcid p pie from europe will be ntting hiumg the next four or five months thcm will imludc men of nring degrn of exponent t nnd nf m eral n ldonalitu s nigim cnh oslovak fxinish french hungarian jiigosla lat an lithunninn pol ish swedish arid swiss all will b ereened for health and securi purposs i in addition therrwlt bo the uual salrf an informative talk hn the principles of coope rat i ve move ment was given by my hergott who explained the origin of the orgnnlxatlon and how it benefits the farmer today modern trends- in education was- veiy ably taken by m a campbell zimmerman who ex plained the hope report as recom mended by the royal commission on education of which he was a member he told how they plan ned the new system with tie idea of educating the body and soul as well as the mind thus training bovrt and girls toward good citizen ship rov r e porrilt campbellville spoke on the church in the community and left with the stu dents mnny helpful ways of im proving relationships with the community church not forgettlrfg to remind them of their duty to ward god as one of his stewards and their obligation towards their tellowman owing to his experience in org anising farm groups rts jfeath- erington was well qualified to give information and lead in discussion on where is farm organization leading us and enlightened the group on many points regarding this subject mrs gordon grey well known columnist urged the students to cultivate good rending hablta by starting at an otfrly age to always rend that which helped to trulv live and think her talk and the discussion on literature approc- intion wis well received mrs grt recommended the reading of biographies nnd historical books as well as good fiction tohelp enrich our lives and understand the dif ferent phases of life dr mather of tho hnlton county hcilth unit presented the history and benefits of public health in the community halton countys own ethel chapmnn home editor of the far mers magazine toronto was prcs- pnt nt the folk school for two sessions how everyone can play his or her part in the home nnd community wns the theme of her mspinng talk much nf whnt she snid will remiin with the students to the rermindcr of their lives en abllng ihcm to create their own sntisf ing homes loitherwork was the subject chjnsen for hindlcnfts undf r the direction of mrs cpdrir hnrrop milton studx devotional periods and discussion wns interspersed with folk dnnring stuns gnmns nni singing the mnin fenture of this pinl of ho w t h em mnnitv plniknrt nt i imi stone school on frid i evening preced- d b n film on tnoperntives un- di r the direction of mr gordon grt mr hergott gne a short xplan itorv talk on the ethics of squirt dnncing nnd lnd in mnnv inginj gnmes folk dnncing and qti iri dnncing thi hiltnnjunjor firmer wcr nt this pln pnrt nnd px d their hsire to pnrtlcipnte in mnnv more notht r ft ntilrt o he folk si honl ls thnt wnrk groups nro f irmt fi to do the d tik ehnr s nn i t loperitive bnsis th folk stuol is nun d nomin itinn il and iihsud nt i f n e to g to th district holsteirrs place all canadian thu lolktlnlrkslui ansocut- tlnn of cniindn hna niutouiuul thnt diltchlnnd iliii antrit monogram u luir lumllookbin mrntlon for ml cminilljtn in the clnta for thrtyciirolil ilolirtelh bulb a j vtnmlitii juduh th- landing kol- mtalnn inthc daminloh fwnii xhlbltebymoi saawovth trim- mnn 0nt dutcliland w grand champion nt the halton county black ohd wnjldy holdlnram iimiioh wllhmllonfirffsfihaf lthrv senior chumtjon itho cvtib kloul toy owned by ti wctorn pemuylvania airtwclal brknllni atomolauodi amonjt the unitamilc nomliuited for allcuuulun eotulderauon vitrif salax prince owned by hobtr c alexander gooritou who wu senior champion at uie cnjt lldla graymar beech beetle three year old heifer owned bjar paul deer oeoraetown and produce of poblar itow chloftillnaiald owned by noes segbworth s0ntonic arples runionlp is a krw brand name being uaod yor apples grown and pocked in kent england it la a lomlilnnllon of the mlnlnlry of agriculture extrn panoy and fan cy rradea of the flneat deaarrt ap plet tlieae are carefullywrapped in an- attractive paper then connt- pneked into strong cardboard bora o the hew pack la reportad to be well received in jhe large brltuh innrkel- thla year rote a jtamjiom oitomftbiht 7 st gkortqes square auextai complete evkfilolit skrvicr baton perry limited plwmbing heating air conditioning and sheet metal contractors acton run prry 369w ontario phones ed blhen 341 w t in tsowal pi zo its the h4t dutcdme not the income liiuu itl jy that counts a lihle buys a lot of telephone service day we rrcrivc hundred of requrtu for lervirtr iti rul uikul teuni up as tuurh as tuoa uier tilings you buy 1u fact your telephone bill jow takes a smaller pari of the family budget than tt did fie yean ago vilb more and more fsjmbes getting telrphnne yon ran now talk to twice u nuay people and eat la that way aleaa you gel a let mar u erriee or your money at the same time the qaality af ulsphaa aarries keep staadily improving in many ways and as always telephase peopla try te ha helpful and friendly any way yea leak at it todays u is inf alu if atsts wt m hraleal teu ran he sura ysjev aalgkbearkeed will be serredtsad year place aal th list pre lected taking ear af p witheul aaryiea u aaiekly put lilt u aae af ear uggeal aad bum uaeesuaat hi in tie ieli ieumme cthmht tkuk do you know already we tiw starting to pay for fie sewers ba reddy when it goes into operation keep the work m acton by hiring local contractors we havo al ready done some of tha toughest jobs so let us have thaf easy on of yours wl start any tint you say 2 25 per foot j e mcmullen contractor phone 270j or 66 136 bower ave u not iidw ninth your ffluijuc is iti how you use it i liu is one of the thief points made in f m bright little houklee on perianal punmn in m itttr what vou tarn 2 x week or 10000 i vtjr ihi rim prat t if il ippjoath ta uruliiient t fill of wine ju help jou ct 100tent or ter tfolfar vou earn hurt s no mtiitv iiiaju to il ti tan t nuke 2000 p as far is snfh hut it i an ive vou oinplttt fn ist mir vuur ivn moiuv and put lie facilities of a irtat saving institution it wmr mm h c m otjinini it vrtn il planiitui is a i inik ti u pttminal tiling l tu will be tlu an limit with in assist from tht hulk of m mtrcal you 11 t ulor tiur pi in to it int mcoiye your h io jur ilrt irni i lit outmme mill li mrul up to u uiult riji h it ask t ima os ti in ix lir n il il inning t if j hn r in n issi u tin iimrtrdiiit- rv km kh ii m i t siit mjiiu 1 it h v r blurhjit nil future t 1crvm al nuluat tht iurtt bran ohluion rftf to jour if au fob vou opv tooav at vmja neaiest i b h uajkh1 bank of montreal atton branch ctordoan odiir manager working with canadians in evecy walk of life since m i 8 it

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