Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 1, 1951, p. 7

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s thuhsday february lt 1951 poets corner tho following poem wns tnken from an old fourth reader of nvtr fifty yeont dtfo and kent in by 13 cy a subtchber inctvulh of memory b alice cavy among tho beautiful picture that hantf on m6morywail 1 one of ihe old forests thnl kciflththe bent of nil not for lb uriarlcd oaks olden dark with th mtsufctoa not for the violet golden that aprinklc the vale blow not for thf milk whle mies that lah frotvt the fragrant hedtje c9qtittlnatli bbou and stealing hlr gol- djan edge 7t for the vines on the- upland where thebrightyed berries rt nor the pink northr pair wwi eousllb it koetrtrth to methe i onoe had a utile broth if r with y that were dart and deep tn ihe lap fit that dim old foreat he lleth in peace asleep light u the down of the thistle free aa the wind thai blow wewved through the beautiful summer the summer of long but hi feet on hills grew weary and oe of the autumn cvs t made for my little brother n bed of ihe autumn leave sweetly his pale arm folded my neek in n mwk embrneo as the sight of immortal henlity ailently eovered the fncc and when the arrows of sumct lodged in the tree tops bnpht tie fell in hli unlntjllkc beauty as leep by the gates llht therefore or nil nictures that hirc on memorys wall the one of the dm old forest aemelh the best of nil the acton free press page seven 7 douglas street guelptl eyes examined glasses fitted if vdu havt am oil 0 gas conversion buhner af fuwkland fuel conservor will cut vouft puel bill as much as 4q for compftf ftfwmofa call peculiar position of paper uadio users henry morgan n sardonic some times misguided but always honest man lumbered to his feet before reporters columnists editors and publishers nt the nnnunl dinner- of the new york chapter or sigma deltn chi the nntlonol journalistic fraternity and delivered a apyech nnd it vjt n fine upcech lwas asked here this evening said mr morgan on h inly because its common knowledge that x am an nuthprfty on this ntuff x num ber jnf people here work on newi papers that lartt nearly as bada what i do i have to rend them somi people produce radio pro grams i have it much won than they do i work for them news papers and rndio-ahe- two finest influences of our time i figure yopsec befpre you the creature you have made i am theverajd warped man r because of you people in thli room t believe owen la it i more is a comrnunut became of you people 1 believe d it was n ceqlus and also that he ruined the country i believe thnt there is more crime in thin country than ever before and that our police nrc the best in the world i believe that elsenhower would mnke a brent president except that i have read that military men dont make rood presidents nnd besides he willrun if enough pressure is brought he will not run he cant run he re fuses tn fun he doesnt want the job you can talk him into it hes trylnu very hard to mnke it look a though ho doesnt nvnnv it he ha nj a1ftlfl r wglgfirw you hnvemndc it possible for me to take five cents nnd buy in one package a now picture of pres ident truman my horoscope for the dny 15 comic strips and the stock market reports and ive read some terrible things nbout you you work for money advertising dictates your policy the depart ment stores dictate your editorials dont you think youd be ttafiplcr with some other system wouldnt it be nicer to have a bureau of some kind to supervise your work thin if the bureau didnt like it you could adjust or get killed still in nil its better thnn hav ing people point at you and anylng theres a man who works for money somehow its getting to be very unamerican to work for money its also unamerican not tvi work and to live on unemploy ment insurance its unamerican to have social security and its un- i american to have such a small i amount of soclnl security i strong ly suspect thnt this is all your fnult in short you people in this 1 hoom have put me the average man in a peculiar position i now have to make up my mind for my self as long ns you keep doing thnt as long as you keep forcing i the man in the street to mnke ur his mind for himself thats ns long i ns well have the only working definition of democracy thats worth n dnmn thnnk you mist sprayer bfmurfin zsixhuzu works hi plumbing heating i not affectedby weather n new orchnrd mist sprayer crin be used i in the rain spraying with or against the wind it sprays from 100 to 300 trees in 30 to 40 minutes from j one 300 gallon tank lond i is said to cut cost labor nnd time and the sprayer handles both old stan dard insecticides nnd fungicides nnd new concentrated mnterials sunday school lesson sunday keimuauy 4lh lt5l jesus uses ius poweft golden tofctrtrjusua said ho not few only believe mk 530 uhsnn text mk 5 21 24 3b43 kxpositjon- 1 jcsua suutfhl by ihe sprrwlnjf 2j24 to make this lectori more com- prhehslve we ure including the fmoltinjwif 35 to 37 ulottg with the prescribed pa ssayiejh soriaw brpught junw to jesus htirinbs more men to him thnn ajihom anything else- jalfua iic- longed to n clans thnt wns lurely hostile to jcsu he never would have come to i im if deep sorrow that no human- hand could help had nol entered his home he thought- it a great misfortune that thin sorrow came to him but it was great good fortune because it brought him to jesus the things thnt we in our blindness count our greatest misfortunes are oftentimes our greajcsl blessings in his overr whelming anxiety he wns thor oughly in earnest nnd his prlrii wns in the dust he fell at jemis feet thnt such a one as jesus allowed him to stay there s one of the many proofs of jesus deity ac 1025 20 rev 228 0 5fli jairus prayer was short to the point intense jesiik wyltfj he is always ready to enter the house of sickness or sorrow or any othr house wjyre he 7s invited rev 3 20 the jewish nrtvrs talth was not nn perfect as thnln roman- gjjvrvnyluiytuwaafw 041 and note mk 53fll hut the faith wns genuine and jesus res ponded to t cf vs 20 2f there are but three recorded inslnnccs when jesus rntsed the dead nn only daughter an only son luke 712 and an only brother jno 11 n ii jesus encouraging the fear ful 35 3fl it seemed as if jesus was now tort lnte it often seems xn jno 11 21 but he never is when those awful words thy daughter is dead fell on the ears of jairus his faith wavered his heart sank and fear seized him rut jesius buoyed up his- sinking faith wth the glorious words fear not only believe he is saying it still to every trembling heart testis pro poses but one cure for fear i e faith jno 141 isn 203 5010 pack up your togs and enjoy the un dnd thnlls at the popular sjtnng spots the bus will take you there id home again in carefree comfort fares are low hunttvliu 9 so cellinowoiid 675 ortvcnhunt haroid w1us steep 1 the 414 ac 700 they may not wake nufte simin njdid jairus dnughter but wake thuy purely hhnll nnd it will not lie long 1 thes 410 47 and the alp into which they have entered is not state of utcnusulnurueit h of hlessed fellowship with christ i phil 123 2 cw 511 so far as wense- could see the maiden was lend indeed the jlcoriurv hnd rea son and coininon senxe on their tilde nut they- were wrong on the other iude was nohlng lint the word of thesonuf gim that wns the jply ground for faith nnd hope thnt tiiirns had hut it was enougn when reason and rommon siife nre onunevtle uw truly wise- man will not hejhtiitr which to accepts he will say let oil be true hulcvery inan irjcludlng our own reasoning and common sense a lint rom 3b the superstitious ignorant people who accepted the word ftf jeus against myc tentlmnny of ther own senses enmc out belter nt the end- thnn the reasonable- people who scorned them jesus entered into no argument wth the scorn ers he simply put them all out rev 2111 iv jesus raising tltedead 41- 43 and now come the wondroun story tile seornern nnd the formal mourners nrc all gone jesus works he approaches the bwl he takes the deiid child by the hand he til lers two words damsel nrise 11 is dune she rifles walks o glnrioiu christ audsnmc sweet day he speak the word to our sleeping lov ed on ii and they too shall arls to sleep nr more jtio s20 20 note the taking by the hand it was a freipient pracce of nur lord fcf ch t3t n23 027 matt 14- tttlvjr i power in that hand grasp he is ready t take all by the hand todfty flan 41iir to the jewish mind there was contamination in the touch of a dead hand num 10 id hut the prince of life vvlll nol be contam inated but communicate vfe and jesus spake to what the spirit that still lives when the body dies luke 055 i pet 3lfl id anu that departed spirit cduld hear nnd responded to the call the spirit returned to the body luke 055 death is evidently separation of body and spi t it was the voice of jesus that had power to thus call back the departed spirit and raise the dead who was he there can be but one reasonable answer to thnt question he wns god in human form cf heb 100 jno 11 14 having completed his pari he commanded to give her some queen marys cabpev the qieen marys carpet fund hiis already reached 50000 tialf the minimum offered by he nniwriiij order daughters of the empire to purchase ihe rug for canada the 1qdf has reporfd heccnt showjngh r the tug in newfoundland and the marltiines swelled the fund by jh40o in ad- inihsions and donntloiiti loffleials said the iodk has undertaken to raise 100000 for purchase of the cnrihl itandmade by the queen mother the money ivlllhe jised 4 o telle ye nrjtninsdollnr jihortage the tastes the test for teal canadians i nwre salada than any other brand tea 122v faith and fear cannot coexist j thing to eat whnt they could not n the same heart luke b50 there was but one condtion be lieve only mk 023 jno 1140 iii jesus rebuking the ostent atiously sorrowful and the scorn fiilr 3710 jesus made no parade of his mlmclcs he rather concealed them see v 43 he suffered no one to j follow him save peter nnd james and johjv the inner circle ofvthe apostolic company fcf luke 9 20 mk 1433 jesus is always dip- pleased with undue lnmentatioht1 do he had done what they could i do they must when jesus mines i the spiritually dend t is our bus iness to feed them in this lesson again the deity of jesus chris i comes out very plainly nnd un mistakably mr- over departed friends 1 thes 4 13 he gives a good reason why hie lamentation should cease at once the child is not dead but sleepeth the reason holds for all our friends who have fallen aslecn in jesus they are not dead but pollock and jgamphell muinrmfttror of hhigh grade memorial memorial engravino 2 water sl north galt telephone tm p1ay your parmn building canadas defences royal canadian navy canadas expanding navy needs more inc the navys job is important to every canadian important to yon in more ways than one by doini your duty to your country you can gain a fine career 00 lite at sea is a challenge and you must be physically lit and able to liveup to navy standards but its a mans lite and the navy otrcrs you a ujc job- x job full ot interest a healthy job youll sec foreign places and there arc finccrianccs for advancement 52r a ut if yu art ktluttm t jud 2i ka crjg h julim r ktttrr ari m cmmajut atrttm mr ar brtitib mkjl uril i th utfruilimg ojfurr ntt hrmtlattartr ottnu r urilt or mv in r the recruiting qfficer thore are k k immediate openings in j all branches f tind especially a today int- f electrical engineroom v communications air mechanics etc j trieinavy will train you k as a specialist get a ptlte facts today a6 cni0w

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