Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 8, 1951, p. 2

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aobwo the acton rux press thursday vsbruary th 151 holding the line theie am day of er rlilng coiij in lite publishing field and more and mora newtpapatf are finding the only answer ly distributing the coitoviiioiuridjuhkilbuaituflyol tfeets increases reveals that the increases are much less than the customer is paying in other field from haircuts down r publishers can do a lot for instance in our own case we have been able to meet some of the added cost by buying materials in great quantities but this required more storage space end theredxenlege of having control for buying for two newspapers the expenditure on modern machinery has also reduced production costs without these advantages larger increases would have been required to meet costs there are ways too in which subscribers i k- end customers cn assist in keeping price down prompt renewals of subscriptions means savings inbillings it costs in postage alono four cents on every billing plus stationery and bookkeep ing this can be saved by watching your label and paying ahead of expiry date advertisers can help by sending remittances with advertisements or calling in and paying be fore the accounts haveto be mailed a penny saved is a penny earned and if we arc to main scnplion prices the pb is one that must bo done cooperatively we might add also that in making remit tances by mail do not send cheques for small amounts a little inquiry will reveal more eco nomical methods of remitting it is not our desire to make enyjncreases at the present time but tcl hold the line we need the cooperation of all to theyve loose again every community has its occasional visitors who have a slick racket according to a recent issue of the brampton conservator kevsral-retl- den of that p cpunly town had been victim izecfby socalled salesmen the conservatr states that two men said la have been driving a car bearing a british columbia license extracted a sum estimated at 40- from a number of bramp tomans before they blew town there it no use saying it cant happen here or we wouldnt be the victims of these rackets usually the flyby night salesman is well armed with proof of hlsjiellablllty and will issue re ceipts he quite often has the names of citizens you know and may produce orders supposed to be signed by them there is only one way to meet him take time to investigate and if in doubt check with the police one of the things always required by the high pressure salesman is immodiate acceptance and your money take time to investigate bo fore you give oither to a stranger i attmt ihitrh ahjurrh at atnnuhi atiton ontario a friendly chorclr parsonotfe 20 ftowtr avenu imionv iki rv v a urrry ba bi mlnllrr mb o m uwflim atom organlat anil choir leddaf 1011 meet the rise in costs beyond our control making up the tax rate another evidence of things to cdme in the way of higher local taxes in the county road budget passed last week for halton of 210000 which we understand is 31 000 greater than last year maintenance of county roads is esti mated at 134 000 construction 45 500 mach inery repairs 9000 and 21 000 miscellaneous actually road expenditures in halton last year were 178 446 we believe there are 130 miles of roads in the county on which the 210 000 estimated expenditure is to be made this is roughly a cost of 1600 per mile for county roads total mileage of all roads and streets in the county is 738 miles which leaves over 600 miles looked afterbythe province- in highways and the towns and townships we are not being critical but rather present the figures in an effort to show portion of the costs that make up your local tax rates the whole municipal tax field could be similarly analyzed and it would likely bring out the fact that muniopatcdoncils who provide all the amounts for the various bodies have little voice in the setting of the tax rate but the rather diffi cult ob of making the announcement of the rate and hearing the complaints coddling trade unions delegates at the annual convention of tho ontario provincial federation of labor in toronto clashod over a motion seeking government legis lation to limit working hours of hamilton stroot car and 60tfrtvers to five days a week while younger delegates supported the motion older unionists argued that it sought too much gov ernment coddling this view was stressed by fcobert ford president of the ottawa typo graphical union who said he was surprised that any labor group would ask the government to do a ob the union itself should be doing and he added it ust shows a lack of intestinal forti tude in the people who ask the government to do their work if this sort of thing goes on it will not be long before trade unionism is wiped out altogether mr ford has probably been studying a re cent history of trade unions in russia and ger many which describes how by rneans of legisla five coddling the unions in those countries were gradually absorbed by the government and the labor leaders became bureaucratic slave drivers of the workers the same process in its eatly stages is operating under the british labor government which has already absorbed many labor union leaders it is a natural and quite logical process and it is being speeded up by the nationalization of industries which must in evitably lead to the nationalization of labor unions socialism plays with labor unions as a cat plays with a mouse betore eating it you say he swallowed bubble gum the good old days tyay have seemed better sunday r brtnuaflv llth 1000 urn sunday etinnul 1100 am mumlng wormhlp sub jret flarrlrr to god unit aentinn in scries 7 00 prrt kvxnlng wordlilp a rtlmillds sermcmette goapel hymtu on the ncreen comr and lngi thought lor the week i would dive nothing tor the chrlatlanlty of a man whoa very dot and cat were not the better for hla relltflon rowland 1111 ilrrnbrrtrrtatt cliurrlt it cjattab knox llultf1l acton mtv iu1iikkt ii armhtkonlo ma mlnllr sunday itw a ht- 421s kkunuary ii th divine worship is p nib sunday school- ble claxa fct alhaua qhturrlf abhiiawi rtar ttav w q lumtaa sunday femiuajiy llth lent i 000 0 m iloly communion 10 00 am sunday school 1100 11 m bckinni r s class 7 00 pm- evenlnr prayer lflltcn ion let tsirv widm d b pm a welcome awajta you ma lilt bo0 7 00 pm divine worjhln cfrmr let ut wortmp anif dourx let uj lcvu bwort the lord our maker visitors will be mode welcorm fiapitet fiburrb aoton mr hunley wa4mk htudrnt paatar sunday pfmiuary llth school i9sj and 10 30 am sunday bible clam 1130 nm morning service 7 00 pm fvinlna si rvlco rnn ducted bv youns people friday b p m b y p u wednrmhy f brunrv 14rglhlph assn byp u ik itmr tfirty i at guelph backjn 1901 taken tram the jiiue 0 the acloi frit press 0 tlllindoi feb 11901 they hardly a conversation lasting more han a few minutes in our town is complete without some reference to they the should do this that or the other thing to improve the commun ity th s is asituatton thi 4s by no means con fined to our town it ts common throughout the province and the nation just who they are v t are not sure we suspect however that governments mun cipal piovmcuil or federal art involved somehow b tdk nci the ml tudt that they should be responsible for evcrv thing ve shuffle off an feel nq that ve personally are respons ble in anv wa to stt to it that th ngs are iccompl sh ed h oir town vvt hear svth quest ts a whv don t they br nq more r iusir es to town why i don t they keep tie streets clean wry don t t thev do someth ng about the cost of i v ng the mjn the canadian family changes in the number and average size of canadian families wilt be revealed by the ninth decennial census of cqnada to be taken n june this year during the ten years from 1931 to 1941 the average number of children per family decreased smce 1941 the number of families has risen far more than during the 1930s but it is probable that the average number of children per family has decreased further in spite of a marked increase in the birth rate exactly how much each has changed will be shown by the 1951 census the 1931 census enumerated 2 149000 familes while at the 1941 census 2525 000 were recorded an increase of 17 5 per cent judging by estimates for years since 1941 the 1951 census will show a still larger proportion ntt as wtll as numerical ncrease over 1941 the estimated number of families in june 1949 the tales dale for which such an estimate is availabe was 3 187 000 an increase of over 26 per cent strict 1941 thi ffrt nlnrm ranji on tuesdnj at noon for the first time ulncr sunday lmh july 1000 when the beardmore farm house wos tn fire on this occasion it was only a burn- inr chimney on lccs tailor shop and the brigade was not called out tho first examination at the pub lic school for the new century took place lait friday and the followlns pupil won places in the flnt roll of honour of the twentieth cent- u rv first department herbert fyfe ronton brown lottie moore idn laird ida day myrtle matthews hoy arnold howland brown os car brown philip holmci enn pearson florence chapman una kennev second department dan ritchie vida folster frank havill charlie matthews myrtle soper mamie agncw third deportment percy grlffeth vincent goodcve annie kcenan emma tovcl jimmie mcqueen mabel arthurs fourth department fred gra- hom beatty arnold leonard wor den eva cook keith goddcn ella buraess delia la u son a m mc pherson fifth deportment alice prout backjn 1931 taken from the uu j the acton trie press of thurf feb 5 19j1 the slujfhinfl panties are very popular these duys anions the- young rind oldcr ones too a one month s short course in agriculture and horn economics una conducted durinj tht month of january at kilbritu the course concluded with a luncheon put on by the class members and the pre stntinfl of prizes messrs r j kirr d d waldn and w j akins uttindid the an nuol convention jof the fairs as sociation in toronto thb wtek dublin old boys held a very en- jonble and succossful social even ing and dance in the town hull acton on fridov night the event proved a most pleasant social rotn erinr for the friends and families from the dublin scat ion quite a number attended from a distance acton hockey usim took top place in group and has a tuo fionl lend in playoffs defeats were handed out to bnmpton and bur lingtan on their own ice candlemas day wat a beautiful winter day and if the bear dldn t ee his shadow it was his own fault magistrate mcllvcen convicted blackburn and merritt of george professional directory and travellers guide dr w g c kenney fhilclan anil burf can successor to dr j a mcnivcn oiricc in symon block mill st acton office phone 78 reuldenee church gt phone 15 miscellaneous dr d a garrett phylelan and uurgeon corner of willow and river sts entrance river street acton ontario phone 21b dental dr a j buchanan dental surceon office lilshmun block mill st off let hours 0 i m to 0 p m x hay telephone mb the victor b rumley funeral home funeral home heated ambalaae phwu 30 nikht or day s rvinu tht community for 4 ytars eve cake by appointment wm c milligan ro optametrlst wed 11 am to 0 pm at mill st residence of a t biown please telephone m5j warren brovjftsydney dunn roy lown for assault upon acton play- cook harry bell arthur kennv jick nelson ethel barr chortle hell ruth nelson gordon john son josie kennedy andv o brlen actons town ckrk is poid 150 for his services crs at a hockey match between acton and georcetown at i leoauc came at georcetown warden and mrs a mason left this week for a holido trip to s pctersburr florida north east wet s outh news from all directions editorial notes t e ctnltn st son started on wednesday and easter s usi s x weeks- away l o j tr but the vli urge was go west young lew canad an winter travel urge housma s tuation the roads tlie appearance of the town why don t the bu id more side walks rov de better street light ng develop sports among the oung people organize a drama society the i st cousd go qn ad nauseum this they busmets we believe s sympto matic of the leave it to george attitude that is pievalent all over the country v lin t it about time we realized that nsteadof they we should jay we and then go ahead and get things done nothing is impossible if we really want it and go after it how by thinking and planning and working together by putt ng our best effort into anyproict we want carried out what our town and indeed all canada needs is more we a lot more and less they contributed go south otd man new restrict ons will likely take part of the fancy chrome trim off cars in the near future what s left will still be susceptible to road chemi cals used in winter one of our editorial comments of a couple of weeks ago was selected by the financial p04i for its position as editorial of the week we appreciate the honor van mtern pupil th hamilton spectator i irru d tin mli niting storv list witk of a unj dutch puntir eturt otidi miik who iictnlk optrud i ttuiiio th ri ind oon pi ins to it in oxhibituin of his painting mr oiul n 1 ik w th fiounti pupil f ii in win murtktn who tiustd uiti t front p m st nsit n n ir ll t t nd of th wir w in n it w is dls tit s d th it ni m puntint iht ukht u im ttrlin tu b tht fimoiw hutch ii tisl vtnmt r wyi ictual 1 his skillful copus oxjdt ntjtjk v wuchtr sold tht st copits ns oriv rials fot iiiik t n tht txptrunitd art ci hits nulll city ibll btlitved to be ii nm ilton s oldest resident thomns dnls will he 100 t ars old on ft bruary 14th a native of writ i s mr davis bciran linrninn his tmd of stonemasonry e irl he worked on hamilton cit hall and w hen the job of building the dundni cit hnll was t iki n hi waktd to and- from hamilton eer diy the oldest n mbt r ot in tncle union in the elitrict mr davis ha a rold brick ndoisirik his lift m mb r hip it tin bncklaers mnion ond pins uirt rs intt rnaioml union he flpurjiyfcrht is pood for another ten i hdrt ve t dr george a sirrs denut burfeon mill st erorner fredtnck acton oificc nolns 000 am to 5j0 pm telephone 10 legal c f leatherland barrister solicitor votary public officer 22 phone ius 151 acton veterinary b d young bvsc c l young dvm veterinary sarceuu office brookville ontario phone- milton 146r4 f g oakes v s b v sc veterinary darceaa office and residence knox ave phone i3j acton lever hosk1n hartrred arcoantanu successors to jinkinb and iiabdv 1305 metropolitan bide 14 victoria st toronto elb olok willoughby farm agency iarccst and oldlst aknc in canada ilad ofricc krnt bldll toronto ctcortloun lit pre scntntlt tom ilrumin ihonr ccorgrtoun u2w wright real estate and insurance f t wnirht n n wnight 20 wilbur st 10 mirdnnmllst acti n onl rtui iph onl phoni i h ni tl jluators itraltorn inxurom m inbi1 appi u il liitilutt t f c in itl i m ii t i c in l h ind p sti lit h il r t il ii ird m intris c u i h mil illmllt in in iik i am it v 1 1 it i n tbaveuebs guide gray coach lines loaciilu leave actov eutbaand a6 311 a m a5u am 1 1 23 am 2011 pm 503 pm 033 pm sjs p m bio ml pm wnlboand 10 17 t m pm 2 57 p m 127 pm 7 27 rjm d 12 pm u33 pm 112 i in sun to kltchrnar nl i i uul c pt sunday and hotl days b- siturdn sunday and holi dijs canadian national railways last bound dnlv b44u m uutl t x e pt sun tins 94 tin 7 10 p m sunday t nl hit pm dnlv t xt i pt sun ci i hwr at irumn 1102 m iil rti it hurkitikn 1011 p in hrst bound dnl ix it stindav mil mtn d tv 1 i i s ind i ind monday r i jm tin u h t xt pt sun t t 111 a in i v in 7 44 p rn duh t xtt t sit md sun r 10 p m fl lt i saiurd i nl 2 3fl p m in 1 i i u m1 i in fl untop s in i v hvi i at in iph 705 1 a new chemical has been put on the market to harden concretecausing a flintlike hardening jof the surface a drop on the slippery winttr walks impresses us there is nq need for its use i ere 1 price bootl mr qudtndik alas ld to tin gtorffeton lit raid nnnoun drau at 10 hi rin iui to sio re thit its subscription ral i up but dt- u rnunrd thai art would he tc 3 00 jnr ytor while individual his carter mti talenta will now copies of the paper are now eifiht ctnti the lnn advtxatt last wetk also initltuted a ne policy of sub tcrlptions strictly payable in ad tun fit the canadian a rj acene aablvenary cdluaa last week the hamilton spectat or reprinted the front pane of its edition of januao 2bth 1026 as a part of the special annistrsary edition front page ncis is a big firt in hamilton and the lack of success reported b thoi w ho are try iptf to recc i r over it as points on tluir radio sit one man did ma nam to net scotland huuotr thu prtnct f wales is pictured ith the storv of how he was thrown from a horse suf firms a brokin collar bone vance the ever rising coat of materials forced the publishers to make the new ruling lucky claver there ma be something in those old superstitions after all thi florv comes from florida fvi dentlv mrs percy mero of sanford spotted a four leaf- cloer in the irass of her garden junt for luck she picked it up and put it in htr walltt there shi found o 10 bill that she had put in the wallet years before and foruottin all about the acton free press tit o ily pojirr tier publiihtd in alton i ul liihd ucli thursday at ml mill st acton ontario mitharlird sreand c la mall rl ofllrr drpartarnl ottawa foundad in 1875 urmbrr audit barraa ireautua w jt land onurlaquhc dllalaa c w va atlvahltlng tlf an llcqu subscription in advance s3m in canada 3 00 in unitk states single copies 6e telephones bunnell- and editorial office retidence 174 131 i

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