Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 15, 1951, p. 1

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v sevtentystxth yearrnd 32 s4 actcrj ontario thursday february 15lh 1951 eifllit home print pgos six cenli drain rebuild acton water tank w r norton appointed meter reader by puc at the regular moetins of the acton public utilities commiwion vld fcn tu owlaye vein inn the under for thi pmltlon of meter render wre opened there were nine applicants messrs jnmii moore martin uccrlstnll joe jocque dnrt walton john v snvano oniric mrfwn v t no james adnmson and e j ifnssnrd after cuing nvei tin len ders the on fromv r norton wa accepted itecvc e g tvlrr coiip mlmioner j t wore and j 11 mncarlhur ww present nl the meeting the commission decided to hnvet three cars meet irj feb 10th accident the wnter tank wind blasttd and painted nn the inside during the time lhc tank is being repaired this is the mnrt orrpnrtune time as nil the water is out and the tank is drv trans canada steeplejacks were to bo contacted to do this job prices wow submitted for tnm- wtofrtmtremnvmr trw on uw commission jme about town the rhi nf the cerfnrvnle tree ev- pertsfor tftoo was ncoepted this price did not include remo inn four dead trees u hlch vv nuld increase the cost b tfio the wood from this tree trimming was to ro to the corporation and all brush removed superintendent mason reported that the transformers were on hand for the power services on wallace ave the changeover is planned for saturdnv morning next so that industry will be interrupted as lit tle as possible a number of trees are to be removed on peel in order to rnove the power line so the street can be w idened the thaw me of water services was discussed at some length b the commission rulings were given on the thawing which hae taken plnce this winter and the charges are to be the same as foi merl charged supt lambert asked the com missions pleasure on remov ing th irdicntor on the water tower as 1 mdicntor is of m use due to i y n mr modern controls on the tank it ut decided to have it removed three cam were involved in an accident just south of acton on no 25 highway last saturday night february 10th althmigh no on was hurt damage to two cars was tstimated at 100 each allan rom of toroato stopped his ear a half mile soutti of acton to fix a tire and brtmo citttrin milton itetfhu stopped hi cat to help a third car travelling north driv en by crawford douglas spey- side braked to avoid the other cars and skidded into the ross vehicle the driver claimed that he had met two cars lint failed to dim their hilda tfidn wu un able to see the parked vehicle damage to both the douglas and ross can wu cattautod tt w0 so vfcar in hunters unlonstahted trade in the fttee press office i read the voe presn ami the new york time with isjual pleasure writes charlie mccann when renewing hs free press sub scription this weett we ore pleas ed indeed with such on nssiciation mr mccann notes in his letter that in december he received his fifty var button froth the international tvpogrophlcal union at a banquet in the robert trent hotel in new jersev it hnrdlv seems possible that it is will ovi half a centurv sinre he left the free press office after s rv ing nn apprenticeship here vimtf f the late i p minim he has bun a iinotvpe op ralnr for ome time on n new jrse dnilv some ol out oltui tenders will it cull mr mccann and join vvilhns in con grntulntums on the rctiigmtum and honor hi received in ijhiiimi truck sideswipes cars parked on ice kitchen linen shower held friday for mrs lino marzo among the mnnv actlrtrrtfr caused b the extrcmelv slipperv roads on tuesdav moining of this vvok is one which in vol ved three vehicles a siller creek a car dnven bv mrs thelini cotton of ralliniliil hnd stopped at the edge if no 7 highwav and a stcond vehicle dnvin b william rirrntt was also stopped neni bv a tiansport uuek of the cuelph tltv tiansport co dnven b clor- don westward tried to stop and sideswiped tin other two vthnhs there was no dnmaim dotu to the inick but the damau tt mrs cot tons tat was estimated at 10 and to mr hariatt s ai si u olht i tais as will who stnppt d niarhv waiting tor tin binding limks in fou piomdmn alniu tin lughwav damages awtfrded mrs ryder family darruitfes unoununjg to mjb0o were awarded tit rod ryder and her three small thlldreti id luullou court on yueaday th taction arom from the daeth of rod ryder in acton- on september tth 1m0 when he was crushed beneath tbe wbeeu ttfgray coach bus on mill t in acton he wu riding a bicycle r turning home from woik in ihe late afternoon wlun the an idenl otcurred tin jnrv ii turm d i lord it i finding the firm coat h lines per lent negligent and jtihn wln- ti rs of a- ton 10 p r 1 1 nt negligent linmagts ot 22 000 wlye award d mrs beltv rivtler 3200 to mad ln hvdtr 4oo0 to nrvin and 4ri00 lo glen i itodent k l tin t hildren of the late itodonuc rvdtr the attion was lit ard liefore mi justice king on mnnla and tues tl iv of this ui tk in milton the jurv returned the vertlirt at fl 10 p m on tuesdav mr k y dick of milton was assisted bv mr w c macdonnld of new toronto on twhnirof mrs ttvdnr and familv mtf c margilvnrv of toronto was counsel for the grai coach lines and miss s dennett of georgetown avsls e bv mr t w thomoson of toronto appeandil behalf of mr winters obituary born near milton e claridge dies iast fridav eve ning febnian 9lh a shower was held at the home of mrs robert footut foi mrs lino i marrowho as recentlv married i a voting mrs footituvvere mjj hooshlev tshppt the evening was enjoablv spent with mrs mar70 presented with mavor tvler was to bring to the l and low kfts of linf nnd nttentfon of council the wood which kitchen ware an attractive lunch plaster models made li at the spring prone rt it w- served felt the town could use this wood for heating purposes and the work men could cut the wood it wai model aircraft plaster models by acton ys junior clubs i also reported thai timber is being cut in the bush in w hich the spring is situated a report of the hvdro electric pension and insurance scheme of which actorr is a member was tab led a proposal is to be discussed regarding raising the amount of benefits mr m jordan was present to in quire w hv he had been let out after discussing the matter w llh mr jordarr the commivion talked the matter o er w ith supt mason it was felt another man was need ed for the work which has to be done this summer and mr jordan was offered reengagement at a sal- arv of 2 000 per vear a letter from a consumer asked consideratton of his account he had quit his job nnd his bill was owing for two months the com mission tided that the regular col lecting rules must be adhered to a letter was read from standard chemicals stating that the carbovs in which the chloi mntion com pound is purchase d had mere nsed in price the pi ire has ris n from s to sh per txmle foi tin eolitajn ers a ttei from the hectiuil lm pletvti s smh i mot of pniai to conmmed on pag fiijh local farm forum hears mr robbins bannockburn farm forum have been enjemng their weeklv meet ing this winter the meetings art held in the home each mondav night to listen to the broadcast and discuss the problem in question on review night in january the bannockburn forum met in the school and entertained the forum from the stone school the acton uind bannockburn institutes nnd other friends following the broad cast mr bobbins principal of the acton school told of his trip dur ing the summer titfengland irclapn scotland and the continent he alo showed two reels of pictures takn dunnr his trip lunch was sen et and a social hour enjoved mr and mrx v j mcdnn ild were hosts to the fomm on fi hm arv sth ind mr and mrs s mat- thews od febmarv lth wmail i world food bink silve the world food problem w i disxursexl it the laitir iinv mg vo definite plan of distnhutmh the food surplus could i be irrived it hill tvining follows each or the inei tings trophir- will be presented to the wmneis of the mens elle ball league tonight ithursdnvl as a new schedule gets under way the bovs and girls hit and miss sched ule also is complete this week witi ii new series planned to begin im mediately other activities at the y include the junior handicrafts club where about 15 girls meet on mondav ev ening- and about 10 bovs on thyxs- davs both groups are busv mak ing plaster models two meetings have been held of the model aircraft club and ttrs saturda work begins on the actual models over a dozen bos will be making these models together each saturdav afternoon foll brief illness from rulniou irv thiornhnsk fi n st clir itlfe chetl satillel i k hi nir lrd at his home at mihn onl ard w virs he had fust tak n ill on tanuaiv j win n a blood riot fmnv t tl tin his lung ihvis found un i onse ions in his hndware sun l i is f bom in scott h bloek nt ai mil ton he was a son of tht lati mr olitl mrs her be it c cltridge besides bis wife the former maude sheplt a native eif glen- wnod near meilin he is survived bv erne son gordon of thamts- ville also tint brother wm ii claridge tf toronto and four sis ters mrs flva robinson of dun- dalk mrs viola kinneh of webb sask mrs telford woods lruby or lislowcl and mrs norma mont- gtimerv tf toronto besides hi parents two broth rs merwn and fercv predecease el him the funeral w as held from the home of his sisterinlaw mrs wm brnntan of glenwood interment being made in merlin cemetery the masonic order of which mr claridge wah a member conducted a ser i in the htinu the night be- j fore thifunerd milk producers entertain distributors families at social evening the aclhn milk ivtulnccrs held a sewlal ev ning nt the home of the president j j stewart on katur- tlnv febmarv 1mb entirtnlning tnelr fnmllieaantl hie acton milk disti ibntois the vi ning was spi nt to prtikiesl eurlire and other games prize winners wen- mrs g irge soiiitiville first mrs wm ritchie s ond mrs a adams first and mi ilae k sir wart second ijidles tuivt llitig pi ii was aon bv mis w jhnyoii and nuns bv mi ion alo vancm n all njovd a lovnlv liiiith s i t d bv tht pio lilt t is befell oini home assessor selected for eramosa twp repairs to water tank may va pipe p sudden- fhirtuattnns in th watt r prt ssure m the pip t hcrvlutitf nil acton home s innv be xpt i u nt t d for st vend wi e ks vhile the ftofloo kiillon ovt rhcnu wntii tank on main strut is in mi itfiaind contracted hv the rublie tlhlitits cotmuissiein last june to tompleltk 1 1 plat i the dirrodtd st ej tiottom of th intik wot knit n tif tin lltnttui stt i 1 co of fort frie began work inst tjiursdnv it is ivpttttd ttiiit n legidaritit s in the watei pmtmiro v 1 1 1 toiitiii foi two uiih tn i month ilt pt lithni mi hit wt ithct which ninv pn vent the nit n fiom woikitui tuitsjdt ofi tin tank 1 m uuk w lls j b m mm mt twl 1 ii lh shi d itlw 11 it ts daughters of knox described to wms tin mini il nf fraimjs1 town up was all prtsiilt at the ngulii tmetini- lit hi in hotkwtiod tow n hal on february jfi 10ri with the reeve 11 i cri pr siding th minutes of the januirv met ling rt rt atl and appruvt tl ctiir spontlent t truiii th follow ing was tiad and tirdertd filed the mmimitv welfart count il fri hum rt id ii oi d fomtntion coiii- imtttt cimxi roads asstw lation i ntl dtparlmtnt nf munitipal at ixpiinc in th oriani7iitiin of fairs i tin daiigbtt rs of knox andrtf tht ir it was itpoib ft bv tin dirk that iriaurttuil tm t tj list rimnth af- tht njiw plowinr airtimtnt had t i tht r ading fif npfiits nml at in i n appiovtd b tht lit pt fif tt ndjng to busini ss in foitriditm hiehmavs aiut that iii liilifim of j with the world i iy of prkr the lhtllu ioit1 sulisiflv atmyjnting tot inn ting t losed witltpiav h had lit i n lift iv d n a buffi i tnkine up tin sin k whin less than a spttifjfd amount of water fsiused in town and pro viding extra at pi ak periods now with uu tank completelv fiiainitl this burr i will bt litkiue and thi amount of wjit r in the ipipts will varv in stun cases of hiiini s on luih round wat i miv be tut off altogi thi r tttr ihort jmt- iods of tiim dtiririi thi itpnii woiknehin largi ipimtlto s ue be ing diiimm off bv indutti it s in mouslv tht bufft r tank had sup- plinl the- ixtia iileud in this lisl this will bi lh first major re- tht senior aukiliinv w ms of knox churtli lit id its monthu un ting on ft brum v lilh it tin imitth of miss rub clark with th i ii soli nt prt sidini tin it vobotis win tikni bv mrh john allison w ith tin wt eikt of mrs w masalt s and mrs k w smith mis fred and i on and mis if allison rt jmirti d tht work of the tluirth among th indian inrl niw nnatllans in canada t rx i job tfipiimtl ftir thi lank a miallfvitik part of tin nhitinjtr w us hi anng of mrs hm hnnin s id s liflt i a that mt sis c has mt nabb tiaiutf i tt pit m nt it i th lion of aiiitiilluit wutii t il atitl askt tl i a ria oi c mu ilion it w i nitmfl bv mt srs hi ilium intl i huttluiisou i carried m tb ft deration agritnltun bt kianltd ju on i t ipt of itlv u i is to w lit n pjviiu is ttipiiitfl attil no iilioii be tak on tin rtipust foi ml lbs of wnbl flv pow tli i applltlmlons foi tu position of asse ssui and colli tifir of oog tax re rtttivtd from m ssrs c docms and john iloyd it wu moved by messrs f l- cox and t c hutchinson and car- i led that the application of john ijovd for assessor and colli ctor of dog taxes im approve tl and that the necessarv bylaw providing for his appomtme nt bt prt part d for the nt xt fmm ting the clerk was instruct d to write mr ajjv martin in charge of w d estimate 51000 for twp roads ui w lot h has in t i in thirty vt us idtv of mhhw f watt r dniii cap op ration for the tank hat gallons or 300 ig its vi irs of stiiitlv strvut utihtti h wrkmi n tiavt ii un ft th tank but the first it akaii of t tun d i ist i ar the tomplitik ni w btttom of thrce- t uhtb mi h stt i 1 plit is to be iivtltid on dunnt tin nt xl wejks iti tank w wth vnif- s pn slbli wiiii iij til inn tl pntfd vohfiay spt i tlllv t ink not lion pn t rt it it tht is ih t mk p ra- vilve has in ing s t for normal pres- full at th- an supply it pumping original r i inihtiti dmirhstration it pt of agricul ture for some infoi motion on weed control moved by messrs bcnham and rutherford that accounts amount ing to 2 hi 1 44 be passed for pay- ine nt and council adjotffn to meet tm mondav march r at 1 30 p m rm township conn il nut at n inst 11 d ilillsburfh on r hiitil v iii with lnunds thi tin mtmbtisdl pnsint mil rtvi hi n tin it foltlwm- iliut pn siding illfi i hi iv putoa n j asvin wi no ippluajioiis fr l lwri v lh tin position of assessor and cnll ll it tm of dog u i me is at the i i g illons of vu lauuarv muting th bjaw ap into tht hm s pointing offuinls was laid ovr th work will cost about 37v until the irtbruaiv session the with tin dt in ntun s ilrt ad issil d bv liw was filled in with tht name i to ov t i tin ot 1 hi it lit rry is asm ssor and col j i ctor tif dog llctnsi f s for th j vtar 10 and was passed at the i aafc c l pool f hruary meeting a bylaw to provide for txptndi- turts on township roads bridgs and tulvtrts for 10 was introduc ed and passed with the following mounts constructuin 10 000 maintenance 23 000 ni w machm- e ry 2 000 machine pv repairs 3 000 miscellaneous 4 000 total 11000 the bylaw was forwnrdtd to the dpartmtnt of highways for hostess for w a ladies meet in presbyterian church for special day of prayer service mts fr a ciuitv the minister of the ortoh cirnut was the kiiest speaki r at the worm oav of prav er r ice held in cton en frid iv february th ui knox ir bvterian church the service vvafi well at tended bv ladies of all the protest anf church s of the teiwn and was led bv irs harrv mninprize others taking part in the service were mrs rose and mrs a hav- don of the anglican church mrs john chapman of uie rapttst church mra fred cleave and miss dorolhv simmons the united church and mrs a j huchanan of the prvsbvtenun church the theme of the met ting was perfect love cateth out fear miss cur rev chose ms her topic a sentence which was pnviouslv re xvated bv the cemgrcgatum in re sponsive portion of the service wo as members of thv church which is th uoclv have not con- fesaed courageouslv enough we i icetiot prav td earnetl t noiijjh anil we have not loved ardently nenikh accompanied bv mis fthel franklin vn the organ mrs jack dav idson san thc reutif ul garden of praver the program for the service was pieparvd bv the christian women of ge rmanv and adopted bv the c ommitte- of the women s interj churchy council of canada the same ardor of service wai used in world oav of prayer tortcea all ov r the world tin offering was to bo aisenl to- vvaid ufe distribution of chwstian litetature throughout the world next year the annual world da o prav of sei vice in acton wjll be held in the ilaptist ehurch i nder the direction of mrs slant v cupps of that ciingrogalion approval the treasurer was instructi d to forward membership fees to the ontario good roads association and to the ontario associ ition of kural municipalities in futurt no n bat of dog tax will be granted txcipt m casts nf nor i thi n 1 ve and clt rk win in- struct d to petition the d part fnent of ihghwavs fur tht statutnrv urant on tht iiilount of 42 h13 14 road f xpt nditun s for thi i ir l pvl j aciounts wrt p isnt d as follow l n i il accounts sih 1 f smi 3 rod sj3t1 ii the woman s association of the unit d church wjs held at th- home of mrs c i poole on tues day with the pr sident mrs j wilderspin pnsiding i the divotional period was uken by mlss k hawthorne mrs f i cleave and mrs c l poole roll call was answered by th word aftoy several new families have movtd into town and the friendship secretary it visiting among them thi adn s are busy quilting this month at the homej of mrs c t pooler and mrs f cleave mrs poole ismstrd by mrs ii rums mrs e jennings mr d- lindsay and mrs r veldhu s s rvid a vt r invt iv lunch and s nnal half hoi w iijip nt it the t lit of he meeting a ote of thinks a a- given to mr pot ilt for h r h rye and also ti ht iinrh commitu i boys and girls band members hold banquet continue blowing for acton im fn un act n f itizi ns hnd il rtititini t ith a junor th un ims mcl virla n- fir in rhin s ato it ft ifi hiniis nf th nt u plectrd of- rt ind xi i ulivt irt t mci if c his woak progresses steadily on the gallon county home for the aged on no 25 highway south of milton work on the home began in october of last year vhen the tender of the kemp construc tion co for 530000 was accepted by hallon county council the central portion of the home wall de two storeys housing administrative offices ond nurses residence the rest of the buildings will be of one storey an interesting feature of the halton home for the aged is that there will be accommodation for married couples ah conven ences for older peoftlere being considered for the heme above is anover all view of the work l hcsbjct1 done on the home so far i photo tu drrdqe- bluuini for cton sine ihtj mimlwrs of thi acton ho mil girls band md t initvnli n ol cton oimd in 1 dtlicmul i liht on fndi ivmini it thi l itmn hall and tilkid or hands if thi pist thi pnsrnt nnd plans of thi- tuturo the dirrncr fi a ttnkis dinntr suth ull lh trimminis and wm dilmhtfiills irrjnud and s rvd b the icklon auxiliars a sink sons ssas tnjoid and whin tht business iarl ikf thr mis tint cami round alt wrrt in a kchkj inimr of mind to plap band actisltus mr mdnv m in acton bands cha mason who has up fo cissful in orionizini and cnnduct cm d f tv h bos and girl band n i rslnui o a j in chatkir of thr nt and masur 1 r sr is mav fc ffirtrs wi w ith last vari raw fird dntikta mas m tt nd itn a- handrravlt w luinyncsn to ixsibu man of those present paid tribute to mr maum work and the succi is he had attained in t dulv t iced vic pri id nt in chart mr rrd hn rrtiiim- but preed assist w hcrev ar nf c n monies vur t nt c n monies aiuj iucvc llfirnravr wtrc pnitnt a puists th xl were bru f talks about bands and it appears that th bovs nnd uirls have thn up and that it stir ur sr a iasnn a and prsul nt charlie kinffimill vic vnuld b in tht 1 1 m tiim l st inti n ts to th- council prisidinl shirlis ilouton u-aur- i tom wan- s crilary ted ty- li r oiti7tns committee llay ag- m rtttdolph spiels orel 3 prlco nil a member to be picked from

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