Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 15, 1951, p. 3

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the acton free press paasthrjdi anne eaxtol one of holly woods ootifjodirtg youngaf ct- resssrs otcarhowar for her work in the razors dg row plays the title role in all about eve at the roxy acton aaonday and tuesday next ml is baxter takes the part of eve har rington a fledging actress who will stop at nothing to become a star her success is the pic ture storyl homemade candy seoms to influ- t nee tho activities in the home from the youngest to the eldest the r- dma from the saucepan bring th folks to the kitchen and as noon a it is madi briberybag ins a lltjle tol picks tip his toy for a piece of candy nnd gmndpa becomei ki most charming reu candy can be delicious homemade take a tip uio a heavy aluminum not and a wooden spoon choose a itep saucepan one that holds about 4 timet a much xs the inured it nls used grease the top of the pan about two inches down with butter a cindv thermometer registers nn accurate test to prevent a breakage place in warm water before placing in boiling syrup 4 to prevent candy from sugaring add 2 or njorp tablespoons of corn syrnp to any recipe a n cook the crawly mix by stirring oversow hentnillgughr isriln- grapefruit juice mc 51c tomato juice 12x2 r 39 dessert pears 28ir i8e pineapple sra x9c pitted dates 19c lyhn vatjjsy goldish kkfinbl corn m bfiwk rata mt m ir dandee tea36e peanut butter aoma 75e 18ot 35c new sugar crisps 35c cereal for baby wtm 23c quick quaker oats 35e red salmon fakoy ootfoe v4lb tot lvnn vuxev 1 cream corn sliced beetsfs tomato juice a spaghetti hmot 335e 12c 23e sauce 1soz iw 14c iynh valley sieve 4 5 peas ss 25c tropica 20or tin fruit salad red raspberries 29c pineglo conserve 12oz jab vjc fast fudge mucssle mother parkers coffee s xos free plastic mixino spoon with kelloggs allbran lq pko kibblo or meaties chicken haddie spice cake mix 1 lb tin ttlbest fko 14ie 23e 35c morli ms s grapefruit 1 11mrm swu us- oranges h nc mjcltol trily silcil apples tomatoes 4 for 29c dor 43c basket 59c cello pkg 29c sll nu l lelcrs splrnrli laullmouer radlshrm tantsrtnr salailsrrapea b solve cover the pan for the rlvt two tnlnuten of boiling to pre vent crystals forming if pan 1 not a deep one leave off cover and wipe nway crystals with a wet cloth wrapped around the tines of a fork fl fondants- candles that require water and hard candles are cooked without slit ring over high heat after dissolving sugar then remote syrup gentlv and permit it to settle for 2 or 1 minutes be fore pouring it out 7 candles containing butter milk chocolate or molasses nre apt to burn without stirring begin conking these mixtures on high heit nnd test for the soft ball stage frequently while stirring cool these mixtures slowly after they ranch the boiling point do not beat candy until almost cold 8 if candy curdles while cooking do not be alarmed as it will prob nbly become smooth when it is beaten c a n a me xa 1 cups grinulntcd sugar 2 cups lijiht cream i cup light corn syrup 1 cup pecans stir these ingredients ver high heat until sugars melted lower heat and stir slowly until soft ball itnge 2m degrees remove pan from electric element and let cool slightly dent it until stiff ond add 1 cup pecans pour into buttered pan cut when cold peppfumint ckeams 2 cups irinulnted sugir 4 cup corn srup cup milk tp cream of tartar lsp peppermint extract stir tngrtditnls over electric elo nnnt turned low tifttll sugar is dls solved cook and stir occasionally oir medium heit until test for sqft bill stage 230 degrees cool slighllv and but in peppermint t xtnot ind colouring if desired drop it from i tcispoon onto heavy wix paper butterscotch 2 cups brown sujmr cup molasses cup butter 2 thsps water 2 tbsps vinegar place ingredients in a deep kettle to allow for fowling stir the syrup ovi r high heat until crack stage hoo degrees drop enndv from u nsprton onto waxed paper popcorn balls cup popping corn tsp silt i tips butter j cup molasses i cup sugar pop the corn makes about 0 cups ind put in greased bow 1 sprinklt uith salt prepare syrup b melting butter and stirring in mohsus and sugar cook to the hrd ball stage without too much stirring pour over popped corn and shnpe into bills with hghtlv flnvourcd hinds as opn ns cool en ough t6 handle valentine jelly 2 tbsps i 1 itnu tup c ld w ti r cup cht rr juitc tup sugir c indi ti pun ippk snk j litini in told wtir lit t thtrr jiut md sul ir to boiling tint ind idd lium stir for 10 minutis h n pour into pin thi hi b in rn td with cold w itt r i nmt it t stind a hour biforc uidnik t imiiid iu ippk that has b n sliid thin mirk this ttfkish t liht in quirts md m iki heirt sh ip on ich with pinnppu chill in th r a hour chronicles ginger farm wwtfeti stxciailv 1or thm acton pr by qweiidollne v curlte thr question bo mw i m asks cin ou boil iikirtd tind i s cond time iwvur hi nn idd a littl ftihr i uk irotl cinrt ind boil ikiin vtss b s asks how c in ou tl t fir xift bill tnd stig nswtr hi i cup of cold wit ir in nidiinvs drop 1 n littl f tht lxiihng ynip into it wh n thi srup cm bt k at hi rod up in thi fing rs into i sft bill ttait will ilmist holtthts shap it has reichisi thi rikht stigt of 238 dtg rus mr u p atkt can w use thi li ric nn r foi b iting cand nsw t r c indv mixtures in imnuntt tittid in our recipes can b b it n whih hot in th lirgi iviwl of 1 cine fopd mlxi r bt at cind t hijh sp for sbout 5 or 0 mlnut s if nuts in to be ded chop fin or dd b fore pouring mt t but i red p in c i asks whv does tmooth fudgt bcome sugari ifttr 2 weeks answir mos cindii- should be ui pt in i shall iw tin box ind cox t red vylth wax paper after nn eperlencj such ajihi had lat week it ian t laay to sit tfflwtmfftr wrllt hla column nh urauy i don t want ty inflict our worrits upon my readtjn most people have i ndugh of their own yet i cannot umte n chronicle of weekly events at ginger farm ond ignore whnt has hippened so for give me if i reftr briefly to what has taken pi nee my sister in lows funeral was innt wednestlay from the funeral home in milton w thought tin flowers would nevi r atop coming they wrrx v r iwnuliful only n few however w n sent to tin cenuurv the others were distrib uted to the ihurct and among tho ilek nnd shut ins they had servt il their purpose in honoring the dentl but ofti rwnrds tveryone ngretd it would be n nhame to let the finwirs freit outsidn when lliey nvipht erve n l ttrr nnd hnp pier purpose by bringing pkasuri to the living for eu rnl dnn ten our big house wrrrid filled to capacity ith friends here w re nine of us auqgf a fit rthlbcrvice thoe from a distnnct came back for u a nnd some of them were here for stipptr on thursday tin exodus began in uie morning bob nnd four others set out for north bay in bobs car it was terribly cold nnd windy but since we had not paid much ntttntinn to winther n ports it was not tintit nftcr thty had lont we htard how bod road conditions wtri in some districts pai ticui irly joing mirth tin n piitiilr hi jin to woirv siid thev should nt vtr ln l startt d out whin it wis so cold i low t vtr dauuitir phontd la cat friday morniiu and found that her until nnd cousin had both shown up nl tin offrtt co wt wr nit consider ibly relieed on that score bob would still havt nnothtr 00 mlhs to tnvtl from north bay and v haven t in ird from him yet baba tht inst f our visitors went back to sunnybrook on sun day she hud stnecl a tlay or two lunger th in tht rest to help me gel nil the xtra washing done and the house st t to rights now partm j and i nre alone once more snatch little extra rest nnd getting td our ordinary evtryday horis although we still find it hard to realize that our happy lit tit fimily gnthiring could end so disastrously and et from this nn from every new experience we hae 11 irnt a lot ind it has also jivtn us many hurt wirmlng thouilrprtotronsuri for tin rtst of our diys whit stands out in our memory of events during the last wnk is the kind mss of our friends i think i men tinned tint last weekbut it will bear re pe iting tht diy of the funepl two of our neighbours c inie in bringing cakes nnd cook les with them without losing any time thi v set to work cutting sundwichts and making other pre parations for tti while we win awaj nt the service thty hi lped strt refri shments to tht twtnt five people who came back the firm f i om the cemetery af ti rw urds tht se good friends of ur wished dishes ind left everj thing ship shipe bi fore re turning home i didn t have a worrv nt all that respect that is whit it n eini to hate good n ighbours and i im quilt sure it applies to countr peoph throtikht tit ontario sometimes wt hnr tint neieh lourlintss is dvine out at times i hit thoimht ihit too tint is to sa i hivi rtihzid th it n ilii t ouis don t isit hick ind forth th tho usid to tin n rt not tlu numbtr of ts of inou kind t r nous pirtns hkt ttur d to tu but tt niikhbourly irt irt still in thi imi plic j11 n spond ts uucku s mr to th si in distnss biciusi this kindlin sn thit has jhii s tr muih in iid net putnrs tu uti i ind his f imilx ln iid r ind it i tit it since this sir i n h id to t nn to th m th v t ft hljd it h ipp ni d hir gmk r irm mtknot in tlu c t oiukhtii vi ui thi would hi hid in lwful turn n ink to ctt a dtmttor m th nviddu of the night ind it is doubtful if hospit il iccom fashion hint heres one for the youngs tent whose fashions thnnk goodness do not change lis draritlehlly as moth- er a a good serviceable snownult can bt handed down to junior and inn lunior ii nnd still look well fvi n in ahi soft snow a snowmnt needs to take n lot of stuffing al though tin 7lpp rs nre apt to slick making it hard for chldn n to flri ish dreeing tiumsilvia stllv thi v certainly nre the ennlest way of finnllv securing an eager wriggler into his suit the ribbed nnkles pre sent iinnthi r problem when they hecomi tight ovi r small boots but thnts nnnthernf the tmlnor lis nsters of clothing growing yniing- slers with mony cheery colors available pick n different one from thi rietgtiftorsvnungrrv ao- you tan spot vonr tvke in the dlstann after mii u said and done how does it taste in the cup thalis what counts salada tea bags yield the perfect flavour v mndntloiv could hnve been secured at nil- so we find plenty to be thankful fojvayfn now well i hnve just been down for the mnll nnd found n postcard from bob he said ho wns nlmost nllff with cold whtn he got back to mnthesnn and that it wns r b low 7i ro when hi arrive d who wouldn t tx cold here it is one bik mud puddle so wi t nnd sjoppv von hnt to step outside ivtn for iloni y g nernl iv shi tnki s tin pnpti and never stops running until nlic rcithcs the iiqnt doorstt p today siil walked ill the way picking the cleanest and driest spots in tin lan and never one dropping tlil foldi r oho was carrying surtly dogs must hive home kind of rnsunink power it t in t be ntl instinct cnnndiin rillwiys providi d job for 113 342 perhons in st pt mbt r 1050 rt3 ip q0 2o om if yon nn miking utirnd you r it it ly d n t nrt ill i tl r an iwi n liy iur j rot li m f f it ir tu n r il s flinty no w n irf ii i nr to i nd tl in y i mint hiivi lift inn ir mi i r ft trine i tit tl i et nr sw i n nl uitl tin trip t it hie u i renter i hld 1 1 1vil li mi 1 b v im hi will liyw y i i nn tin ii i w t t r ion tin i w ii 1 i m ii v i lii t it py ii i nnly l ui tin r in lli tt ni in up y ii i i m it r ly or j i rlmj i yi in wuirl nt i tl i urn nit f im i me y i i ii n nt in i liter yinri wl t your rarning kwi t drrhnu if ynur lifr invirtu e man will ill y in w rk out n plan to ith ft hi if or nny r tl rr finnn il ii i il tie fut irr and all i pliinn wilt i litlfd uik ii ni t r ptnn wlnrt 11 within v ir rr nun s only y u hf- in jriwntrr t m l truuiimk ond rnrni riinkt i thin if ivu e jm nail 1 an 1 t i tjad t tnui i nty f tinii t i ivi into your pr t u ma i i mittr 1 w c ni i thty mny t m rr t an u mill i it c uuijlian f irililir i ivr tinrltf i ly thr ndviri nn i pf ttenci f tl r m ill ni lifr indrrwritir rrly nn hml tho life insurance companies canada wooking fou national phoohiss 1uildimo msonal tecuity people in eery walk of life ate finding benefit in personal planning ond many of them ha c f men to tell us how the ftel about it all agftc on one point in particular the nttd jar personal planning m these days of bsgb litutg costs fesoal rlwi 1 aait jtamdxh optomftkist st firokgj s squ re guelril complftt l igiit sjrvicf pennnal plutntni shows vou how to live within your ineomc and ettf t tt tall order nut a tall as ou think pen md plunriihi faces faets one that mi h ji r to lis e within vour intoinc i un that tnu must hae a budget plan that works f ir vnu n it vmi for it 1 hrce that a budget plan to i rk must be your budget plan planned f r your needs bv vuuj it must fit your individual urtuniiumo and ptrstinjl piunw mei one hip step further it show you how to enov life within vour ineomc b helpinl sou to plan and build on whatou have iu tan onlv be happv toda if sou re not worried about toninrrim huk up sour tops if personal im inninj t jav it s sours for the asking at am hr inth of ihc h of m 1 here s no ohlilau n eltpt to urtelf bank or montreal si ou will like reulmu our ii of t hnoklri about ptriomal i tammimg iii iitrn in brnr irv ornul style and trtntrout- y itluliricd with hunt cheerful ileiihei w acton branch gordon odek manager wodkinc willi cam 0 i a h s ih eveby waik of iife jimce 1817

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