Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 22, 1951, p. 2

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i the acton free press why 43 mills the tax rate for acton has been struck for 1951 jt nine mills above that reguirod last yeai owing to higher costs of running our rnunl soon be using w the old assessment plan had been in force the rate would have been 86 mills in comparison with other municipalities the taxes here are not too high all over ontario we have had an expansion of municipal services weve had public approval given to big deben ture issues improvements which the big major ity considered were well within our scope acton is rowing and is experiencing the cost of growth there just isnt any other way thanto pay the cost in the tax bill the duhr6f council are not always easy on them revolves the hearing of all groups of ratepayers who believe and argue for- various new municipal expenditures on them comes the duty hearing any complaints from those who pay the bttts it will be well if ratepayers will make a careful and intelligent study of the budget appearing olsowhere in this issue its your money and in the interests ofpublic under standing council has decided to give the com plete details in this weeks and next weeks is sue we suggest you clip it for- your own refer- encea7id-tjnderstanding-f-your-municipluy- cheaper and better houses a group of us technical experts claimed that americans could jae getting better homes today and at from 20 to 46 ljss- cost the cipallty7hddul6tmptovemerils we will tjivmasrtheyrvrenot problems of growth the problem of greater toronto and con solidation of the adjoining built up area are duplicated it appears in brampton where the nearby industrial expansion of mallon is creating e problem in bramptons rapid growth and the extension of services to accommodate the con centration of employment in this district last week e delegation from brampton con ferred with hon c d howe in ottawa to get some assistance in view of the fact that the dominion government war program is largely re sponsible for the influx of people the pool gazette says never has the need for such a common endeavour beon more neces sary than it is attho present time the problem to be considered is one of abnormal nature in that itis apparent the town of brampton must plan for residential accommodation orr a large scale for people engaged in an industry located beyond our borderline very seldom is a com munity called upon to meet such a situation at least on as large a scale as the current influx of employees ai a v roe canada limited in mat- ton towns located within reasonable commut ing proximity to iarg6 have always had this condition but as a general rule the number ol commuters constitute but a smalf percentage of the population of the towns affected there you have it the problem of toronto end the immediate district is spreading bramp ton is meeting the same kfnd of problem and the present structure of taxation makes no allowance for these growth conditions street improvement we were rather interested to read editorial comment in the bracebridge gazette recently on the paving of streets in that town not being coryersant with road paving material the terrrt mulch covering was intriguing but the part we could understand was that the cost was approxi mately 20 for a road surface of this nature in front of the avorage residence it is said the life expectancy of the surface is ten years and therefore the street would be free of dust and mud foftkts period and not require any calcium or oil treatment the suggestion is made in bracebridge that the total 20 amount be paid by each resident and avoid issuing a debenture and that it waulclmake a much better street and well worth the convenience to all citi zens in view of- the fact that the figures here are comparable in street mileage etc with those in bracebridge we quote that papers argument for the mulch surface it might be considered a basis of solution to our street problems here the figure presented for mulch surfacing bated on an increate on last years cost runs at 300000 per mile with eleven miles of un- paved streets in the town the entire job would mount to 3300000 work on gravelling and grading the uniurfaced streets last year cost ap- proximately 270000 takirtg this same cost over a period of ten years would bring the total to 2700000 and this does not include an outlay for work for abating dust nuisance 270000 this year will be more than a mill on the tax rate every citizen in the town would be much further ahead to pay out 2000 and have this street mulch covered than to continue payiag this amount on taxes included in his twenty dollar payment would be the assurance that he had a dust free street and in the spring and fall a mud free street and much cheaper homes they rralntainedwes because of enormous waste in materials due to general inefficiency in the homebuilding indus try irrational municipal building codes- and featharbeddlng the present home it was charged uses s0 more cement and cast iron pipe than is necessary and far more lumber gypsum and steel founda tlons are unnecessarily deep houses are too far apart there is far too little standardization of doors windows kitchens bathrooms ceiling heights etc building codes are much too compli cated and require sometimes twice as much plpo electrical wiring and ober materials aswould be sufficient whether or not in canada we are as wasteful in all these matters as is chargod in the united slates comments the financialpost certainly we could benefit from a good hard look at our home building here too destiny beckons the destiny of ontario is now clear because of its remarkable industrial development in the past decades because of its unique proximity to the largest markets in the united states because of its central location for obtaining raw materials and delivering finished products it suddenly finds itself producing 50 per cent by value of canadas manufacturcdgoods in a year our factories pour out goods worth six billions we fell proud as we read this introductory statement to the publicity booklet in ontario your plant will grow published by the depart ment of planning and development of the on tario government the booklet describes in a most attractive manner the various advantages of ontario for manufacturing- it deals with markets availabil ity of skilled labour convenient transportation by walei and air as well as rail and highway the constant supply of materials- available tho abundant power and ends with the assistance that the department is only too willing tooffet any prospective manufacturers who would be interested in settling in this province on the back page a map of north america all light blue is crossed by a black arrow point ing right at the very area in which we live southern ontario big lettering at the bottom of the page reiterates in ontario your plant will grow and the most impressive part of the whole booklet is the realization that we are fortunate enough to live in halton typical of all of ontario in its fertile land prosperous industries good transportation proximity to targe centres and above all in our happy and healthy people editorial notes were all in favour of any scheme which will make it unnecessary to change auto plates every year and if we must change why cant it be done iiuthewarmer weather boys and girls of yesterday are the citizens of today and it is only to be expected that the band would ultimately revert to acton citizens band thjstrend was shown at a recent meeting and all will be pleased to see it continue to function and be oj service to the community rather intriguing was an advertisement we noted recently of a duplicating machine it pictur ed this fine new machine ousting the paper pirate three top executives smiled posed with a pretty girl beside the machine eliminator and big saver was there a real saving with all four needed to kick out thejjttle paper pirate what were salary costs of the four in comparison with the socalled pirate the following item is from le progress of hull qoettecjerel statistics inform us that the canadian people spent 614000000 for alco holic liquors in the year 194849 to gat a fair enough idea of the importance of this expendi ture it is enough to remember that 10 years earlier the total spending of the federal govern ment amounted in 1938 to about 600 million dollars ten years later the canadian people were spending as much for alcoholic liquors beer and wine canada like all other countries considers itself overburdened with taxes of all sorts a country that spends more than a million and a half a day for alcoholic liquors is not short cf money if half of that million and a half a day were spent for humanitarian and social purposes what good it would dol 3z tyui w iaai tadmlctuy i awi tuji we tum the good old days may have seemed better taken jrom the lnue of the acton free pren of thurn feb 2l1ih tiiken jrom the luiiif of the fret preas of thurtday feb 19 193 mttltfh 0jtirrli pf0tittjtka aeu owtalrw a rnikndly church pariit20 bower avmtu phone so luvk a carrry ft a bd mlnbter mim o mliuminhi at-clm- oman i at and choir leader 100 tim mattimirwiinitilp suh jtl tw llblr dlitcnvery venm wevclfctkwi 700 pm everting worship sub ject in chrhh there in no etit or went we are nfolntf to uke ntmorttrlp to holland hv way of miniature illdrti thought lor the werk to tfe christian death has re demptive ultfnlflttvx it in the portal through which we enter thr prmw of our lord hhyi jimp the tomh is not an cndluut night- it u a thorough for a way that rlomh in a floft twilight and opena in eternal day annnymoun i albatui dfltftmlf attftiu kmurluv w fl ioikum ft- a suitoay rrjmuaitv suit iom -lent- iii 000 nm holy communion 1000 pm sunday school 1100 am morning prayer uimui claim nc- 700 pm evcolnb prayer lrntrn srrvlce wednesday rvr ing 8 pm a welcome awalu you frfftbiltertatt htnirrrj la cfltalttta knox ollotusl acton kiev feoiiiarril armhtrohw mam mlnuur sunday rkiutuahy pavh lfei llft iim divine womhlp 13iapm- sunday school and ttlttlclaa 700 pnr divine warhlp coftie it uj tuorftmji und bto down ltt us knsrl lirfore h lord our mttkev vlillort will b mad wlcon sallett flhurdi mr huhly we4lu sunday febiluaity 25ui 1dsi 1030 am sunday school wi dlblr clarr 1130 am morning service 7 00 pm evening service youlh for chrlet from aurlpham- bajuiador qulnltto tliuretlay boo pm prayer meet ing fridny am p m muwlon bend boo pm fjypu a large company guthcrtd at the home of mr and mrs thomas statham church st lust thurwljy pvcntnt 4o purticipute in a purlur sucial held ujjder the uuhpicts tif st albuna church a delightful evening was spent on- only re grettable featuru being the absetire of the pastor through illness mr t ii harding wils nuister of ceriinon- les and hi presided over a very enjoyable program cintribuud by messrs it j gurney councillor jeans miss disettby arid the schol ars of the sunday school with mix jean smith and mr j 11 wallace as accompanist rev ii a mic- pherson and mr h v moure con tributed brief addresses 1 the following officerselect of acton wow were ilistallel by past consul conimainler francis on monday evening at the regular meeting as tin officers for the ensuing year of acion camp no j 12 cc sov i jeans a i sov i g- vincent clerk sov g agnew banker suv s wilson escort sov j forbes watchman sov a secord sentry sov s itose phv- sician sov c i kelly a special meeting of municipal council was called for last friday evening to appoint an assessor for 1001 the bylow being overlooked atthe regular meeting r d graham was appointed municipal officer for the perform ance of the following duties as sessor collector sanitary inspector caretaker of town hall public school cemcteryvpublic park male- ing monthly collections of electric light nccountscutting weeds re pairing and building sldetvallw vil lage constable poundkeeper tru ant officer and such other duties os may be required in connection with the work of the munlclpnlty the salary was fixed at 43000 the oldest delegate at a recent county sunday school convention was mrs jane sprawl of acton this veteran is 78 years of age but yet exhibits a lively interest in the work i if the boys and girls who cvh on to passing sleighs do- not quite catch on there will be on accident catch on it still snows with ease many interesting and enjoyable valentine parties were held lost sattioy among tbe young folks at a meeting of the gait fiuslnesn menrt association mr angua ken nedy win of mr and mrs j it kennedy acton and one of gultt business men was elected- to the position of secretary of this im portant organization mr allmrt onell of kumlonpi nc who is vbliting his pn rents mr and mrs james onell at lime- house renewed acquaintances in acton mi monday it is thirtyflvc years since mr oneil went to the west with all the pomp and ceremony and fancy dress soeial features the ontario parliament got into swing last week rturlington caledonia and flora have all been eliminated by actim hotkey team on in stratford for saturday night with the return game here on monday the boys are playing some yrval hockey and the fans ore right with them the three act comedy nelty ann by st josephs players on monday and tuesday of thifl week had all the attractions of n local play and drew splendid audiences at both performances born mckinnon thacton on thurs day february 12 1031 to mr and mrs kenneth mckinnon a son nren allan at the home lot r con 2 erin township on mon- flnv februorv ib 1031 william jlajlon in his 7flth yeor tannin from trees homes for aged expansion project ontario current expansion pro gram for iui homes for the aged features more than fifteen projects welfare- minister w a goodfellow announced recently new accommodation for more than 2000 aged persons will be provided by- construction of new homes for the aged or by enlarge ment of existing homes besides new accommodation the program will also result in provision of mod ern and comfortable housing for old people often in localities where in the past there have been no adequate facilities such a home was recently opened at gault 8te marie it will provide accommodation for 126 elderly per sons work has already begun on hal tons home for the aged newfoftcsts forest lands of britain arc being increased by 3 million acres with existing woodbinds this will give the 5 million acres of timber land called for in the postwar program severol wild plants and trees have been found to yield enough tannin in practical quantities to make substantial contributions tt the needs of the tanning industry according to a report from the united states deportment ofiagrl- culture a most of the tannin used in the leother industry in the united states in the post come from chest nut- trees it is reported but as a serious blight bns reduced fhts usual supply researchers have bern seeking other sources trees like hemlocks and oaks and even the shrublike wild sumac have been found to yield tannin in commer cial quantities and investigators ore testing certain plant roots as it possible source some crops need salt as some foods require salt to bring out their flavour so do cer tain beets swiss chard table beet and crops like celery mangolds sugar turnip respond to applications of table salt along with the fertil izer according to scientific workers in various parts of the world engag ed in nutrient studies workers in different countries are beginning to suspect that sod ium fcommon salt is sodium chlor ide may art as an important co- partnsrwith potassium calcium or magnesium stimulating their ef fectiveness by its presence professional directory and travellers guide medical dr w g c kenney physician and hurfren kuccrwmr in dr j a mcnivrn office in symnn nloek mill st acton offlrr phone 1h hrlilrnrf church ht phene lia dr d a garrett phytlrlan and hurtpen rrur if willow anil itivcr sts fntrinci- itivir strrrt actnn onturlo ihonr 2sfl hfntai dr a j buchanan orntal hurcrnn offlt ikhmin hlork mill st or ici- llmira uiiin to 0 i xkay ikikiiionk hii dr george at sirrs dental hurgron mill st corntt frederick ac ton oific hours 000 nm to 531 pm telbpiione 10 lkai c f leatherland barrlatrr a solicitor noury public office 22 phone res 151 acton lever hoskin chartered accountants successors to jknkinh and hardy 131 metropolian bldfi 44 victoria st toronto ele 0131 willoughby farm agency larecstnnd oldest agency in canada head office kent bldg toronto georgetown representative tom ilewson phone georgetown jjiw wright real estate and insurance f l wright n b wright 20 wilbur st so macdohnell st acton ont guelph ont phone 05 phoftc 4015w valuators kealtors insavors member appraisal institute of canada members guelph and district real estate board members guelph and district insurance agents association mihceilanrouh the victor b rumiey- funeral home funeral home heated awhulaim phone 30 night or day serving the community for 45 years eve care by appointment waa c milligan ro optometrist wei ii am to 0 pm it mill st resilience of a t rtnown ttilise telephone 3b5j vktkbinarv b d young bvsc c l young dvm veterinary hurfeons office ilrookville ontario phont milton m0r4 f g oakes vs bvsc veterinary murfeon office and itesidcnccknox avt acton phone 130 travellers guide gray coach lines oaciieu leave acton eaatboanil ab3 am asfl am 1123 ojn 2011 pm 503 pm b33 p m 8i pm bi05n pm wntboond 10 17 am 1252 pm 257 pjnl 5 27 pm 727 pm- 0 12 pm llji pm 112 am tsun to kltchenar only i a daily except sufiday and holi days b saturday sunday and holi days canadian national raawavs eaatbound daily 6 44 am daily except sun days 054 am 710 pm suiulay only h18 pm dally except sitt- doy flyer at georgetdwn 003 am daily flyer at- georgetown 3011 pm westbound dally except sunday and mon day 1 5a am sunday and monday only 123b am daily except sun day h4fl am 650 pm 744 pm daily except sat and sun 810 pm fagstopl saturday only 238 pm sunday only 0 43 am flafatop sunday only flyer at guelph 765 pm danish cattle for greece a greek cattle purchasing com mission in denmark has bough over 800 head of red danish dairy cattle according to a recent forciftn trade report i the acton free press the onlv popr eur publish tat artoa published each thursday at s8 mill st acton ontario avutarised u dual claaa mau rat owu peyartirat oiaawa fuiuud in 1i7s mrather aadit baraa clretdalua cwj4- and ontaruqabc dituub cwna mvthtittq tmh cm ti subscriptiom in advancf x50 m canada 360 in unfteo stahs single cop lets 6e teuphones business and editorial office 174 residence 131

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