Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 22, 1951, p. 3

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thursday nmatjahy 1bs1 the acton free fhb3 paoxthbkm r- m ephead optometrist scfonmfkally otassk otth guetph pbonk uat the bowl ga skimyhwiiyiionoi gain aet new pep vim vigor wt tkriui haf umu altmttltfelr fcd bm ful aj mtk m ubm uktottri bod bmn r lott i ml wtlrii fnrc how rau4 f htotlf fact iti y lftttklm bullihn tenia mm 1u toniaa miami u la lnilbtw- lan lm vliuua hi ml hum muum ufttal lhtrt kiwmjia wid du f kh ih you mam mtmuui ittj kourhhauttit ul fcr bosm s 18 u w m lh you bm4 for mftrmtlwalfbl ot llitunw rt taiulaud im eftlf to try fuuui oirx twibi ti4u fnr w uello homamakeral wr variety in meals koutflea and fooduo art exclumt poaalblluu what is a souffle what u ji fonduat how aro they related a aouffle la a dellcou frpongy bakd diah made with thick whlt aauce to which w added well beaten ou yplk alid atlffly some kind of uuce or crmd mix ture mich as tomato or muahroohi at a main course tat qi top with custard cream of fnd mum a fand is like a aoume except that the thick white auc re placed wun milk and ferad crumbs tar mala coume dubtrf a fondun may be plain or the following may he added grated hee thrdded vegetable diced meat or fish with ckopped fruit and flavouring added to the basic mixture it becomes tasty dessert to be on expert at making souf fle nnd fondues follow a good rec ipe and work quickly take a tip 1 prehent the electric oven to 151 degrees 2 assemble ingredients and articles necessary for making nnd baking 3 prepare meats fruits vegetables on fish 4 save time by whipping egg whites first nnd yolk next to avoid wanning the beater eggs kiiukh fc lihoarjiw t room temneroture pack up your togs and enjoy the fu and thrills at the popular skiing spots the bus will take you there and home again in carefree tomfort 4 fares are low ua4 trvuhfl i 0 hunttvllu 9 30 colhngwood 6 75 grivanhurst 750 harold wiles phone si f n w small houses can give people big ideas sounds funnj 1 know but never to letrthat happen sure this house might havo given there may be plans for pa ing ou the same idea i had if old age benefits to cverjone joud ben in my ihrthp someda but need extra othtr day income to make sun that i 11 md just dropped around be completely mdepndtnt u ith m on bob and his fam- and the beit way to get it is b tl to si how their new house was getting on it seenjwl to me to be jut perfect for them cute trim and practical but small there certainb would n t be room for anyone but them suddenly the thought hit me tl hat it 1 hail to mote in uttk them btcuum duln t hair t noitph to ine on alter id re find thin and tlure 1 resolved increasing my life insurance that plan seemed so logi cal 1 wondertd wh i hadn l thought of it before and uhun i saw my agent i dis covind how flexible life in hurance can be how it fit m own needs and m wife s need for protection to now i m building secur it for mlf and m famil tht bint iwihible way with life insurance tho life insurance companies in canada and ifctlr rapnslptlvs wokklnilkhi na1ionai hooiiu iuiuwho nisonal ucuiiiv 3 keep aoufflca lliht by adding toavtoon cram of urtar for uch s egg whlt after they hive en beaten until foamy bcot until atlff but not dry 6 onduib nd snuffhml will bake to w ugm fluffy food in a slow oven set at 323 degrees for about 40 tnlnuteg 3a muifflf li jkmr i i a back when gently prastcd with your finger or if a aharo knlfo cottiw out rlean when inserted in the centre ne oulck and gentle ihough 8 serve immediately after baking o souffle fall readily baile souffle 3 tbips ihorlenlnk 4 tbspfl sifted flour 1 cup milk 6 tip alt t tap pepper 3 cam separated 4 tip ereanvof tartar melt shortening blend in flour add milk gradually beating con stantly cook while stirring until thick about 5 mlnutm add fialt and pepper blend thoroughly cool beat egg whiten until foamy add cream of tartar beat egg yolk until lemon- coloured add beaten ynlku to rooked white sauce blend thoroughly fold in beaten egg whiter pour into greased s quart inking dish bake in slow oven of 121 degrees for an wlntif n until an inserted knife cornea out clean untie f 4ut recently i have wonderod so often how many people are likely to get radio flu and tho reason r wonder is boeauaa 11 have come in tn conclusion tfint flu enn h 1 cup milk 1 cup soft bread crumbs 3 eggs sepornted 1 tbsp shortening 4 tip wilt tsp pepper hent milk n double bolltr ndd crumbs shortening snlt and pep per stir until shortening li melted cool illghlly bent egg whltet until stiff but not dry beit egg yolks tj milk mixture pold in egg whites pour into 2 quirt oiled baking dish bike in electric oven of 32 degrees for nbout40 mlns or until firm tiif question box afrs a d aks how to fry oy sters in the electric oven aym er panmd oysft rs 12 nurs 1 cup flour 1 tsp salt tsp pepper 1 egg beittn 1 tbsp salad oil bread crumbs combine flour salt and pepper in one bowl and the egg and silad oil in another bowl drain the ow slers nnd roll them in the flour ond thm in the egg mixture nnd place in n buturtd biking dish sprinkle well with cnimhs place in i mod- erite electric oven h75 dtgl for about 12 to 1 minutes strve vith tartar sauce afrs e m xisks how to make potito chips saratoga potato chlpt ptti 4 pot i toes nnd then slice w ith i potato pi cler or slotted knift er thin soak the pieces in cold alted water for one hour drim them well then dry them be tween towus fry the chips in dee fat peanut oil heated to soildega fhot enough to browm an inch cube of bnad in 20 seconds until thev are brow n dnin them on paper ind sprinkle with salt not i fr onlv a fiw potatoes about one soup ladle at a time nott 2 if thev in rtot crisp tnough cool quicklv in a draft shaking exee-cr- fat from them and fr again chronicles of ginger form wriilm specially of ch acton fra jrrca by gwuujm r clark apr4d two waysby germ1 and by advertising and jt is my guess thai radio propaganda will do tonr to spread the thaent epidemic than th germs thcrnlv tho power of huggestlon is tremnndotia not uiat radio bavtadcaatcrs actually suggest that people should go out of their way to entice the flu virus to their homes but they do imply that the epidemic is becoming so wld spread that to avoid it is next to an impossibility naturally it is very difficult for nervous people to stop getting jittery whi n with every newscast uicy luir full d tails as to how the flu in nprendlng and how ninny have died ns a re sult hi a 1 ui authorities have step ped in and closed schools and places of entcrliinnunt in some districts why in heaven n name don t they step in nnd stop thli insidious flu propngnndn creating in ntmasphen of fenr lowers any person resktince to whatever kind of gi rm mny be- flnntlnf i round in their vicinity far bctur 4o beion g touiqcouu- jxhool- of- thoughl which takes as its loxt fvery day in every way i nm g dont sell bonds to meet emergency maintain your savings through bof m loan whit aa jour canadian govcrn- nunt boncts worth to ou not juit in cah bu in strux of stcurit and p ict of mind and how hard would it bi to gc tlum up in an tmerginc these quistions ma not hal much significance toda but a time can come when unforseen circtim stances seem to make it necessar for you to sell our bonds it ma bo an emergency or it may be a sudden opportunity that calls for hard cash in such a case remember it isn t necessary to sell your bonds to get the money you need gordon oder manager of the bank of man trcal at acton points out that bonds are the best security for a b of m personal loan and make it possible to get such a loan at substantially lower coat than when it is unset urod in fact the interest vou con tinue to receive on the bonds almost eoert the cost of the loan which can be repaid in easy monthly in stalments out of your regular in come ting bi tti r nnd better even the most ambitious bug needs plenty rf persistence w hen he encounters tint kind of defense well well the winter is getting aw iv first thing we know we shil be thinking or spring actinlly thi winter his gone fnr too quickly for m liking i hnvent got half the things done i hid planned on dolnf during tho winter months if it were not for the look of the coil bin i could wish thit winter wt onl just beginning but oh dear thit coil bin no more thin two tons li ft nt the mast two tons of blick diamonds yes indeed with coal the price it ls tddty it miv well hi cilled blick diamonds bufe must hive hent or think we must sometimes however we don t liivi any choice for instnnce one mpvning list week when pirt n r gi the kitchen stove a shnke the bottom fell out of the firebox wi hid to do without hent thit morning wile the stove wis beln treited to new grites ind i set of firebricks fortumtely the weather wisnt cold nor were we cold when we were hinded the bill for the job twcntvone fifty but of course we couldnt blime our hnrd- w ire mm he was onlv chirglng us in proportion tr whit the repilrs cost him i doubt if such items ns stoe npiirs enters into the pie ture when the powers that be are tibulitlng the cost or living index as i write t tike i look out of the window once in n while over tow irds our mountain i eon hirdlv see it it ill todnv there ia i fine drizrle filling ind the mount- nn is shrouded in mist in fict mv bt loved mountain has appeared rather formldible ill winter there hie been onlv n few occxslons ahen alternating light and shadow hie given it that mysterious beaut that tjntnnces me so much but still i irfve it in ill its moods- only i have litelv come to the con elusion thit to ndmire it from i down to our born and when partner wrnt la milk that ley morning the only way ho could get there was to slide whin he feljl hlrnxflf go ing he dropped the milk pull and tbiy v ryttonalderatrly slid too one on either wide of him until they all reached the stable door an part nald to wte afterwtirdu trtnfiiwoiad to go bncv up the hill for those pnlu it would have been just too bad later of course partner spread salt over the ice us a safety measure now if the wen- ther doesnt change we may nee i u punt to gel to the barn wish kipling was nroundt thwodoys to we hh lady bf the snows 1 new plan to nian ontario- industries following th jtlalement by premier rrost that there wer in dications of a growing shortage of manpower in tho nenr future and the later news that it jb quite prob able that a substantial drain on our ialiour forces for the nrmrd servic es can be expacted the honorable willlnm grlesmger minister of pinnning nnd development has nnnnunced thnt steps hnve been tnken to strengthen tho labour re sources of ontario industries and business tho government has initiated this action through the immigra tion branch of the ontnrlo depart ment of plnnning find development and with the assistance of trade and industry branch will deter mine whnt shortages there are likely to be nnd endeavour to ob tain new mnnpower from the united kingdom nnd europe through the fncllitles of ontario house in tendon nhd other nn dfnn government offices distince is one thing to lue on it is something else igiln i know a nionts concerned in developing the few people who live on its some time glorious heights nnd i hie i fooling that the would not think glorious was the right adjective to use in describing it list week one morning tho mountiin roid w as i glare of ice cirs took to the ditch is mtunlu is steel to i mignet one driver wis in and out of the ditch four times before reiching the foot of the hill still others got into the ditch and sti ed thire until nfur the roid wis sanded one person who wis w lik ing tnto town occastomllv took to her hinds ind knees as a sifet meaure yes i shill alw a s love jhit mountiin but i think til love it from i distince mabe distance hnds enchantment of course ue ilso hid our ice problems it leirt- partner did oniacase of dire nccesaitv would tike me out on the ice i have only to look at it ind m feet go from under me there is a bit of a hill fioll jtathilh optometrist 72 st georges square guelph complftf e esight slrvice thi new policy of the ontnrlo government to assist industries nnd business to obtain skilled nnd semi skilled workers for their plants has bei n given effect thr ough conferences between federal and provincial authorities nnd per snnml mnmgf rs of inrger key con cerns now feeling the pinch thr ough lack of skilled personnel there is an urgi nt demnnd for hundreds of draftsmen tool and die nnd mnchim shop workers ns will jib skilled electrlcnl nnd en gineering tradesmen the result of these ren nt conferences with ottawa nuttinritlis colonel gries- ing r said hnvi be i n most satis factory in devi loping plnns for the pooling of jnfnrrontlon nnd services between federal government of- j ficinls or citizenship nnd immlgr tion the depnrtment of ijibour nnd ontario government officials both in the united kingdom and nt home a considerable numbi r of skillid persons will come forwnrd to work ilreadv irmnged in sevi nl kev in dustrien which nre nre sending siuction teams to grent britain to screen prospective employi es who hive nglstered as intending emig- nnts with ontario house or fed i nl fiovrrnmi nt offices in minv enses the employing industry will idvince tht cost of transportation to the new job in cnnndn nnd re pimnt will hi mide over n per tod of months or vi irs through pn roll deductions coloni 1 gricsingi r stited thnt tindoubtt dlv there wis snnn un emplovmcnt now because key ptople wen not immidntek ivall- ible ind he predicted thnt ns these jobs wen minned employment would open up for many others in construction ind on production lines the minister expressed greit satisfaction with thi new policy which could only hive been given effect through the full co operation ind understanding of the several departments and officials of both thi canadian and ontario govern plan old plumbers a survev made bv thi ontario branch of thernatloml associition of mister plumbers showed that the avirafie igi of journemen em ploved b member firms is 9 vnrs savs nnpier moore in the financial post our informant is sinitarv fnrinn r which adds thit ontirio govcrnmtnt records show that not a sinrh apprentice his gridunted as i journiman in that province during tht past two eirs moreover the same source indic- atis that the avenge apprtotlce who enters this tndc only serves two vears of his five year term and chucks the w hole thing up this seems to us to be a serious situation n nation is better than its plumbing gpjmmer easteupqspects outfitting the little woman ui h a new easter bonnet nnd the trim niings will cost mon money this car warns the financial post v wants be ready to dig deep much deeper than last ear an extra 5 on last jeors 25 dress is on the 50 suit 25 per cent on shoes and so on all the wiy up the scali and through the en emblev she nrnv buv more too ther will bt a more tempting ringc to choost from thi vi w york labil and st le w ill h around in grt 3ti arletv o bilt0n perry limited plumlng heating air conditioning and sheet metal contractors acton ontario uji lrry 269w phones ed hilton 341w sardines brunswick 3 250 red salmon w sic pink salmon 4lc kraft dinner 2 del maiz corn zi sse btjiie good 0hoi0b tomato juice 30 oz tins aic fruit cocktail s 45o jello dessert 3 rkos 28e honey xstase 4se 8se dandee tea w 38c 1750 peanut buttersse lvkn valley golden oream style corn2 i5c pork beans tx i8c dog or cat foodg tender king peas heinz beans ubbt 1501 tim x2ic 33e fr ys 29c 49c d v at vf v wf ct vlotobt gwbbt t aamjujclp icdbd 24oe pancake s yrup glo coat ae 1mu jug joitnsonb pt- tin 59 swifts cleanser 2 27c marmalade uojax 30e heinz baby food 3z7e dates pitted bate us i9c siii mfxic s us oranges doz 29c l is o 1 lettuce each 14c filo so 1 tomatoes pkg 29c l o 1 s grapefruit 4 for 29c mtisn a1i carrou hplnaeb baudi celery grpri baaanaa green beaava i progressive merchants advertise

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