Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 22, 1951, p. 7

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rmtuahv m wsi a fwe ptrw paowbbvbt pttfscwmt ihu bit of pottry from loa angela newspaper waa sent fai by one of our regular correspondent while the poetic value might not be ereat we second tba sentiment 8ekd rrin if you have bit of hews send it bi or k report that will enthuse send it in a story that la- true an incident that ll new we want to hear from you sand it in never mind about the- style m the newa la worth the while well accept it with a mll brnrl w in jz- c cross s s auto parts parts oil anti freeze for aji malt car and truck- tjr rroni 303 i w 82520 woods hoist amd box zy yard chav dp axw bus hione 9031 wtom be rpbart st phone 131 sunday school lesson sunday february 25th iks worship and work golden text this u my belayed son listen- to him mk 07 lesson text- d34 1417 tdtpositlonk the tronkflg- unitlon 34 the account of the transfigur ation of ouv lord jesus given in marks gospel should be carefully compared with the accounts ghverr jn matthew and luke the incident is one of the most important and meaningful in the whole earthly life of our lord the stories bear unmistakable marks of truthfulness and maries account is from an eye witness pter- taken merely a an historical incident it proves the ex istence of a personal god that the god and father of jesus christ i the true god that jesus is the son of god in an entirely unique seniountlwljfe that now la rom 12 and that all his claims are true faith in christ jeeus ms the only son of god is built not upon theo logical or philosophical speculation but upon indisputably attested his torical facts the recorded facts about moses prove that- when christians die they do not cease to be and that they are not uncon scious note carefully the exact force of the word transfl cured the latter part of the greek word in this pas sage translated transfigured is the same in root as the word trans lated form- in phlllpplans 26 t there also we see a transfiguration 1 jesu s vutttri it ottthe orm or figure of god and taking on the nm until upon thb cross he can utter- the triumphant cry it lp finished fjno 1030 will he con sent to reassumc the glory that he la id aside to redeem us 2 cor 50 and having finished that at oning work ht will not be trans figured alone but we in due time shall be transfigured together with him fphll 321 rv cf col 34 rv indeed thre is an antlclp- atorytrnnsf juration possible for us form or figure of a servant here we have the reverse of what took place in the incarnation he figure of a servant being changed into the glorious appearance of the son of god if things had been allowed to take their course jcau would have been glorified right then and there with the glory whlcbnt he had with the vathev infore the word was ct jno 17 k but things were no allowed to take their course the work of redemption was not yet accomplished heb 0 22 kph 17 so he who had al ready turned his back up on that divine glory and with wondrodi lov ascends from that mountain to die mk p12 north e ast r west s outh news from all directions estimates for the towi of acton 1951 united nation tire headquarters for authorized coodvear sales and service thompson motors 130 mill street hione 69 rorpmoharchsales service 2 the greek for transformed in this passage is the same as thnt translated transfigured in our les son it- the failure of the disciples 1417 jesus is always likely to appear unon the scene in the moment of his disciples failure perplexity and rtc5pn 1 rjliedlflciplcsurouldlha vo oecn better meditating on the word of god and engaged in prayer in their trouble than in engaging in controversy with the scribes fv 14 cf ps 11 nnd v 20 rv all were greatly amazed when they be held jesus why was the glory still shining in his face sec vs 2 3 cfex 34s0 if we wish oui questionings settled the best place to take them is to jesus himself the distressed father was the first to reply to our lord his sense oj need was deepest the devil was the author of all this misery and it gives us an insight into the mal- ignity of satan and it also gives 4 s a glimpse of what the condition j many countries were united temporarily alt least when the world dayrpprayer wasobserved ihcolher weekly papers in ha hon county all carry reports of dlffer- rntgrtnipsmectin gnncnrchcflnttnifi homes in the annual observance startled huh in the hamilton spectator has been fallowing a controversy on the pros and cons of shooting starlings final word from a top- authority is produced this week by a writer who quotes the late naturalist jack miner as saying that his investiga tions showed that the starlings were driving oat songbirds and- in sect killing birds and are the worst weedseed distributors am erica has ever known in hamil ton the pro and anti starlingists have been in disagreement for some time dog in sheeps clothlnr how to beat the cold was demon strated l a n pi l week by youthful mode patty who dons a fleeceskin jacket and fur lined snow boats four of them pattys the most stylish dog in kit chener when a cold spell comes along and the envy of all the ottur bull pups she might be even warmer with a bandana tied under licr chin au obviously receding feature which rother mars her future as a professional model roving at is below a group of rover scouts arrived at their recent moot at lake bel- wood a day before the others ac cording to the fergus news-rc- cord since no buildings were when the church is withdrawn and atmosphere found a cosy the devil has undisputed sway it snowbank and settled down in their evaporffteomitk the tmoothmt cuitarfo the cream matted poutoe the lmpliisi pumpkin pie are made with evaporated milk jta rifhtly called the food of 1001 vat uaa iltora w taucethe way your family ilka it velvety fcroooth delicately flavoured tty utjiliiaciiaieu nllmsysavi botlintst youll never be without evaporated milk afsitfi u aaothar juuritiou dairy prodtftct that really food for yoa wtiufm wt saw tuip taav wu awdafiw wfl was because of lack of prayer that the disciples were unable to cast the demon out vs 28 23 cf mott 1710 20 f in the victory of the son of god 2520 jesus seeing the crowds hurry ing togeher did not prolong the conversation v 25 no wise chris tian worker will carry on n con versation in dealing with mon if the crowd gathers he sternly com manded the evil spirit to come out note how different was his treat ment of demons to his treatment of inful men the evil spirits made one last assault on the poor boy the devil and his servants never give up until they have to the boy i appeared dead but jerus took him by the hand and lifted him up before he can give a sinner life the sinner needs to become con scious that hc is dead rom 711 gol 324 the disciples did well to inquire the cause of their failure and when wchavemotwithsomo great fail ure it 1p well to go to jesus and ask him the cause of it if we wish- io win victories for christ in our con flicts wih satan in the most ex treme forms- of his manifestations we mu5f take time for prayer tf we havejalrondy suffered defeat we may turn defeat intq victory by praying through cf 2 kl 431 33 35 there are no cases so desperate but that the lord can save all the most helpless and hopeless victims of satan need to get this salvation is to come right to th lord the impotence of the disciple only made jesus stand out more our failures do not lessen his power thlv merely show up our human limitation jesus insisted j that prayer and self denial were essarv to the saple use of power as he himself manifested he in dicated thnt wc could not use the power of the king until w are def- intely and deeply in his kingdom imatl a 33 the employment of proyrr and fasting as a means of mon effect ively serving god is not popular even among good christians that is the weakness of the churches to be used of goj require sincere de votion arid sacrifice even if it means going without a meal or two james 42 3 516 sleeping bags for a good sleep to prove their ruggedness some of the rovers even slept out a second night well it might be a- healthy practice tooif you dont catch pneumonia first atfclztts theory from burgcssvllle nine miles from woodstock comes advice on how torstay inshape the teie- phohe operator there is 80 year old george colston who works 10 huurfl n flpyat thcjiwjtailibxiui3l youcjtnl a man opt he says but a man cttn runt out- thats why imnot quilting ifjfa makes even fnor certain that4ca utproof by taking care of ellihl acres of his own and doing aihls own housekeeping and cooking gripped by grippe flu didnt dim the sense of humour of the editor of the oak- villetrafalgar journal last week prominently displayed on one of the inside paga is a cartoon of a completely miserable emaciated man with ice pack on head mus tard bath aspirin and his right hand weary from writing soothed in a basin of lotion presumably its the editor beside him a grog gy little puppy sits ln his mustard bath with a thermometer at a sor rowful angle in his mouth be- nqththecortoon it rends were fcnrry but if this issue isnt ciuite a pip ifs because the flu bug lias us in its grip best wishes for a speedy recovery renew please wc wonder how many people make renewals from this special department of the oakvillo public library their new field of ser vice- is the establishment of a film section the average number of films on hand is about thirty and others on a great variety of sub jects can easily be ordered the latest acquisition is two childrens films the rental fee is either 25 or 50 cents oakvillites will bjup to one or two oclock with n dril ling documentary they just couldnt turn off until theyd seen the end and will be giving film reviews it club meetings for pictures that require a good deal of thought the library member might come back nnd say id like to renew this please its visual education for the whole family whose business first no motc 1anqcd thumbs no morr nasty holaa in the wall to annoy new tenants and land lords no more hitting your thumb on the head instead of the nail no more arguments about crooked picture according to maker new designed picture hook cancels con fusion ttte financial post describes it this way th hook is mounted on an adhesivebacked tape which sticks to any type of wall surface tflaa tile wood metal etc said to be able to hold pictures weigh ing up to 10 pouhds the hanger has swivel action so that the pic ture is automatically level when hung canadian private banks are no longer allowed to issue bills the government bank alone has the r whose business will be hit first by the new defense boom asks thi way construction because of man power and materials requirement financial past it answers it this will be one of the first although there will be plenty of defense work for the industry to those manufacturing industries tisinn large quantities of key defense rav materials for peace time goods will probably have to revise plans must projects recently the financial post ask ed a group of readers across can ada what blc projects shmtldwclj push in the interests of defense and what postpone until the inter national outlook improved there was some variation in the answers of course but a great number put the st lawrence seaway at the head of the list of those works which should go ahead with titll steam many also favored pushing the transcanadahjffiiway a con siderable number thought that televisor might vc postponed watch incubation unsatisfactory incubation can iv one of the more important causes olf lack of uniformity in pullet performance no amount of care during the brooding rearing and laying period can correct the ef fects of fauuy incubation according to testsmade by a sansbury head poultrymnn at the experimental stntion at saanlchton bc eggs from three different breed ing lines were incubated up to the fourteenth day in an incubator that always gave good results at thr saanlchton station then onehalf of the eggs from each breeding sto was transferred to a less cf- f icierltincubalot- thi ched from both hicks hat- machines were brooded and reared together and carried through the first laying year in the same pens from the good incubator 02 per cent of the pullets survived the year and laid an average of 220 eggs per bird but only 47 per cent from the poor incubator sur vived and these averaged 187 eggs per bird definitely yes halton forums say favor educational material assistance thr tin of fidinir the him- if countrits can spend millions of iiry with the surplus fotxt if there dollars on armaments taxes xjinda tllduti and llimlnetut watcnynrkk t frontage wartime houslhtf arrears poll tax 102 dedentutt f woterworkm public school debt jteceivahte 1m act t 7223100 110100 1j02m 121230 200 7flt7t0o 1u bi1b7 1000 00 132300 2m00 a4mtrr sewerage- gr and rtl lialicf u c d o county ftougfe t province itoadx divtnlon court province fire province police province children aid province home for aged poat sanitary care licenses and permits dofl tax all ouienrteicnretteirrmilktetctr interestcin tax penalties all interest all other revenue town mall fines arena park sundry wartime housing account wartime housing lot fees mtmsfl 152j1s61 18200 nana 700 00 -rtxrao- 1450w 11070 22305 10884 1 50405 10487 54bo0 20000 100000 3b3hiu 1 600 00 100 00 22500 10000 50000 10000 soooo 200 00 400000 572500 dihbubhementh tsfl13i40 t443llfl4s itejm general government administrative auditors salaries clerktreasurer assessor etc stenographer solicitor ibs actual tml estimated 40000 40000 130000 240000 75000 30000 other election expenses interest on loans insurance rnr legal and court costs maintenance of public building printing post etc r workmens compensation taxes to esquesing miscellaneous 4717 00 470 00 7022 7500 51103 50000 1 029 14 200000 5027 10000 012 h3 1 00000 170181 100000 14037 15000 2204 30 00 81180 600 00 protection to persons and property fire protection grants phone coal maintenance truck miscellaneous supplies ie it ick police protection salaries n cruiser phone r50oo iso oo 100 00 100 00 300 jw 620000 7t7000 30000 7200 division court street lighting hydrant rental public works roads salary snow removal calcium and oil wig wag wtg wug maintenance tile miscellaneous 833523 820200 3200 3200 314771 3500 00 280000 3000 00 507071 sidewalks trucks maintenance grader maintenance sanitation garbage dump 10710 4500 conservation of health vital statistics public welfare relief indicant patients poat san car any i or not to feed them the subject that was brought be fore the forumsof halton county along with the forums throughout the world on monday night febru ary 12 1951 the broadcast was in teresting but the majority of for- more logical to put that money tn use by distributing food through out the world even though it doe entail full cooperation from oil countries food is definitely the on weapon needed to fight communist element therefore we feel on ef- ums found the questions somewhat fort should be made to distribute confusing as they reminded one of surplus food lo anv needy country wheels withm wheels m we can reach the government what steps do yon think should would need to have the controlling be taken to solve the world food hand irvany such undertaking problem for example should j the second question was should surplus food products be distributed the peoples in these areas be help- in areas where food is badly need- ed to improve their technique in ed i agriculture and industry ao they naturally all forums felt the i will be able to produce noujfh food hungry should be fed but the question by what means gave various answers one forum sug gested the lowering of import res trictions or trading of something they have for our foods another forum suggeats that jf money he world over were on the same par we could do more efficient trading ss no 4 etquaa- ing forum thought food products should not be allowed to be sold for profit when shipped into these countries and aa bannockbum forum stated national indolence should be discouraged no 7 nassagaweya forum fav ored a marketing board financed by the dominion government lig- ny forum suggested a scheme slm ilar to the marshall plan kilbride give as their answer for themselves definitely yes was the answer given by all for urns these people should have as sistance one suggaation was that a rrprea could be aant to attend oac for agricultural edu cation tn order to return home and see that these technique are car ried out the distribution of aorre of our agricultural bulletins was also vucfted appleby forum though that in some parts of the world they rould never be able to produce food to feed themselves on account of the ever growing population count ries such at china and india will always need aid because of their large population and ujr small acreage for food producing it is impossible to expect them to bo self maintaining this forum stated 1 flrf2lv 8300 37 jo 7512 06360 141543 11071x0 5joouoo 147140 3044380 recreational and community ssbvtces library 140000 park 311x0 arena 132744 boya and olrla band jyu fair board education public school new boiler high school 434u0 debenture debt principal interest countv ratr dog tags selecting jurors municipal world travrllinp expense erin fall fair music festival ys mens halloween wreath for cenotaph unemployment insurance trans traders office expense insulin christmas tree miscellaneous planning board deficit 6532 00 7200 00 500 00 1523 00 182300 273 00 50000 77700 1260000 33000 1 45000 75000 15060 00 1x0000 20000 100000 10000 axooo 100000 1x0000 18jm00 1500x0 10mxo 1300x0 j00x0 1x00x0 900x0 300x0 4700x0 24038 01 13srttb 22253 4 3h440 00 ior to 11 000 00 1530 ism iv00 15 00 20 00 3000 137 20 125 00 25 oo- 35 00 io 00 moo 1000 oho 1000 1000 14442 10000 12110 10000 73411 doom 14 is 1500 3000 12s 125 1235 00 24300 1300 00 11000 00 estimated disburemrnts estimated ilecepl to be raaed by taxation l24mi0aluminl 1i 43 rruils- estlmuted surplus 1000 74 00041101 135037 00 1133037 00 443u84b 0084101 is1j3d3s

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