Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 1, 1951, p. 2

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jhar n acton fh press hnnuway march let imi at tmi with consideration there is a law egakist it bur pedeslrlaris as a role- are a fwlflstlc lot and do riot like to be in formers no- matter h6w gravely aggravated often the motorist goes serenely on hit way un- aware that he lias eft a ruffled temper and tone work for the dry cleaner when he went through the rnuddy street at ia good speed its too easy to splash these days this feb ruary is so mild and unllkeother februarys that its hard to reslls that rod conditions could be to springlike then too our streets are still suf fering from the sewer upheaval and have so much mud instead of nice clean pavement in such unusual conditions motorists are urged to go slow about our streets mud sling ing isnever nice and the greater the speed the farther it is thrown by a motor car remember motorists that tome times you are pedestrians and- you know how aggravating it is to be splashed w might leave this information for pedest- riafvsrtoo there is a law against splashing pedestrians we understand that all you have to do is get the motor vehicle number and prefer a charge and youll likely get your cleaning bill paid and the motorist will be fined if you are badly used you can try it but nobody wants to idalhal and it can al be avoided if motorists drive in town with consideration to road condi tions household hint most folks are a bit annoyed these days over the pet canines who prefer to eatout of garbage ipails rather than at home we too have the common annoyance we had no difficulty until recontlythe lid on the garbage container used to fit real snugly but one day it came in so dis figured that to say the least it doesnt fit snugly it is quite flat and depressed as if something had been run over it so the garbage pail lid fits loosely and its -urprtsing-how- soon the localhousehold pett discovered this accident in the daytime when we hear a rattling around the back porch we go to the door and as mildly as possible inform the dog that he or she is wanted at home by his or her guardian dogs we have found are very obedient and they scamper off quickly to the neighbors garbage container no doubt they are some distance from home but its the nocturnal visits that are disturb ing scrrrow we take the snow shovelwhich hasnt been too busy this winter and set it on top of the garbage container in such a manner that it slides toward the night visitor it makes quite a racket but it does prove effective in per forming the task of sending the dogs home with out disturbing the contents of the container we pass it on to our readers in case you too may be having difficulty in training other folks pets when they come unannounced everybodys business approximately ten years are spentttl school by the averagecanadlan child thalaitnatlpnal centusascertalned while this figure was better than previous averages the- increasing import- artee of education indicates that further improve ment ls necessary from march jth until march 10th is education week and at the slogan of the campaign states education is everybodys business at first education week was sponsored by the canadian teachers federation but at the realization of the value of education to each member of any com munity was realized more and more oronlia- lions-joined- to sponsor the national education week both materially and theoretically education is of prime importance for everyone materially ol course because our taxes support the system theoretically we must recognize the need for as much training as possible for the next genera tion they need social studios geography arid history to further their understanding of other countries that our own and past generations lacked figures on school attendance obtained from the last deconnial census in 1941 showed that about ten years was spent in school by an av erage child this was more schooling than re corded at any previous census and reflected a trend towards fewer dropouts in the lower school grades and an increase in the number who bridge the gap between public and high school the percentage of town and city child ren attending school was naturally higher than thav of rural pupils with 39 per cent of the urban population and 21 per cent of the rural an easter thought the easter seal campaign of the ontario society for crippled children started last week in the mails every householder received or will receive a set of easter seals with the appeal to help we know as well as everyone that this is only one of many worthy appeals and timmy the little lad who personifies the work may seem just another boy the work here is under the supervision of the rotary club and the funds raised in the eas ter seal campaign are supplemented by other club funds to help boys and girls who are physic ally crippled to get an even start in life it would surprise you to learn just what has been done for boys and girls right in our own town andjhe district around here it would be a bit embarassing to cite local cases but if you are doubtful just ask any rotarian of the local club for some local information it costs a latofmoneylor hospital care and special treatment required over a long period to correct the condition of crippled children lots of parents cannot afford this treatment and wll not ask for it these cases are found by the local rotarians and are helped through the funds raised in the easter seal campaign the 1951 timmy may be your neighbours child when you purchase easter seals you are contributing to the resurrection of some young life let your contribution be just as large as you can possibly affordmaybe larger population having nine or more years of school ing the reasons why the rural pupils are apt to diop out are obvious to attend high school they must leave their homes and then their services are needed on the farm it is an easy transition from helping with the farm work while attend- ing school to just helping with the farm work only one out of every 100 canadians finally graduates from a university while canadian statistics are hot unfavorable compared to other cbuntries they are not as good as we would like them to be at least every child should boable to continue his education if he has the ability education week was organzied to bring the values of education in canada and its aims to the attention of everyone in the hopes that im provements will be considered and accepted by individual citizens and that young canadians with education problems can be advised readily by almost anyone that education pays now more than every before education is everybodys business ctfrtr w she sunk carries her weigh well r t thepoob old days may have seemed better back in 1901 taken from the issue uf the fret press of thursday fvli 28 1001 a very rnjnyiiblc evenilik wjit spint t tin hnnu f mr nnd mrs chnruvs mason on friday ivinlnn last by tin miinhcrs of acton cor nel nmu the mtnhmliit sunday nird jubilee orchestras tf whirl mr amos mnsnn was an accomp lished member councillor ii jenns editorial notes spelling in letters from pur younger readers is almost beyond belief declares the calgary farm and ranch review perhaps the fault lies with our schools or teachers or with the alleged educationists who are forever tinkering vtftrrrhe system or maybe it is the fault of the parents we dont know but if you have children in school and have the time give them a spelling tesf of grades two and three andget the shock of your life believe it or not good friday is just three weeks from tomorrow so arrange your easjer bonnet march made its entry today and even if it is more wintry than february we cannot logically complain smiths falls has set the towns lax rate at 64 mills- increased debenture costs and higher school costs are given as the reason behind the increase of three mills it has been suggested that the names of all enemy agentsshould be published what a list why only last week president truman said the striking raitwaymen acted like russians fergus has found it necessary to raise 10- 000 by debenture issue to clear the arena of debt the property was taken over by the coun cil last year the artificial ice installation cost 222500 without the pipe foolish and dangerous i the habit of increas ing prices without a word of explanation to con sumers believes the vancouver province the consumer is not going to smile when prices in crease no matter how it is done but when the price tag figures change without a word of ex planation he blows his top agriculture needs a master mind to harmon ize if possible the conflicting expert advice that is being handed out argues the farmers advo cate of london the agriculture experts all highly capable in their own fields are manoeuv ring the canadian farmer into a position similar to a man in a quagmire where the more he churns around in an attempt to get out the deep er in he goes was moved to the chair and expres sed recret al the removal of so able a yountf man from our town the gunner moo monument fund continues to uirow and has reached nearly the 200 mark the committee is anxious to place the order for the monument next month so that it may biicompleled- and erected- early in the spring three new justices of the peace have been appointed for acton after they are sworn in it will he squwv cameron squire nicklin and squire moore a sleikink party to itrplc wood nn tuesday evening had jolly but very excitilik linn the roads were very heavy and the fear of cip- mzinj enduced many a terrified feminine shriek the members of the yotini pto- phs societies are looking forward with interest to the university ex tension lecture to be delivered on friday evening th march by mr a t delbury ba lecturer in toronto university his subject is the sun in relation to bodies ter restrial admission fee is fixed nt 10 cents the practice of snowballing on streets was referred to at the last meeting of acton council also the loafing on the street corners the con stab jus were instructed to take action against these evils the sixth anniversary of the op ening of knox churchs present place of worship and the fiftysixth since the organization of the con gregation was observed last sab bath compact evening bags a compact evening bag is one of the latest fashion accessories to make its appearance jn london it i made in metal decorated with an allover pattern in either black arid gold or white and gold the bag which opens into two sections like a compact has a chain handle and is lined with moire the lower half is fitted with cigarette case and compact while the upper half holds ilxbnib and lipstick holder andhua iwopockrts forchange and miscellaneous items back in 1931 taken from he istme o the fre press of thurstlau march 12 1031 it kept sorntcxlnt men busy on monday morning clearing the ways after tile big snow storm the juvenile hockey team have been having some good games with a team of halton tllflehin four games played the juveniles hav wm3 and tied one two rinks of the curling club played in georgetown for the peter smith trophy the trophy for curl ing also remains with the neigh bors next year acton will hav to take its junior hockey and curl ing more seriously dr rober morrow of gu for many years a resident and prac titioner inachm died at his home on monday at the ripv age of 03 years he settled in acton inbm and owned the adams property on bower avenue and willow street he also operated a drug storp in the premises occupied hy harold wills forfyyears ago lie decided to jvmove to guelph and practiced there until the time of his death having to tits credit a professional record of 07 years the feature of the march meet ing of the halton county connj was the finance committees rer ommendatinn of cuts in salaries nf- fecting nearly all the county of ficials nietv anderson at the home park arvcnue on thursday march fl 1031 ada williamson beloved wife of william ander son in her 60th year dehydration research britain estimates that she im ports three million fans of water with her foodstuffs very year scientists claim that dehydration could reduce the gross weight by flo per cent and urge continued re search into dehydration techniques in the united kingdom british scientists are now design ing engines for ships that will be driven by atomic energy world journalists were recently shown a britains atomic energy research establishment at iharwell near ox ford models nnd mn grams that in dicate the lines x which they an- working directof sir john cock- croft said that it may be posslbe to drive ships and submarines by nuclear- power within less than 10 mo th 2ii miueitwrc seeded to spring wheat in canada this year the acton free press the only paper ever published in acton published cocb thursday at 58 mill st acton ontario antharised aa beeaaa claaa mall paat office departaaent ottawa founded in 1875 member audit sanaa clraajutiam cwva ajsd oauriaqnebee dutalaa cwna advertising juttm an request subscription in advance 250 in canada 300 in united states 6 monlhs 150 single copies 6c telephones business and editorial offlca 174 residence 131 ttttfb qhpirrri at bnb aetea oartarla a miendly church paraonate 9 bowar averiua phono do v k a otfmy ma hd mlnlater mlaa o atjjwyjaar atjttc organist aha choir leader bundfcv matlcli lh 10b1 -rfofr-iriil- ulbltt mormon 3 hi acrlra thft xvoarcsjtlvi uevclathhi of ood 700 pm kvunlnu warship a word about hymns and hymn airhlntf w will alnf inme of th old hymns linlnnlnb with the lutter a come and iliiull rhoupht lor the week the aureiit roud to health soy what they will lu never to suppose we shall be 111 mimtnf those evllx we poor mortal know from doctors and imaffnnttnn flow churchill llrtabyttruut diurrst t bnb knox iaiuiuxi aoroi rfcv korkjit if amurmoifs muu minuur sunday waltfjil 4th 1011 1100 am divine wurshlp uib pm sunday school anet- bible claw 700 pm divine worship t dorrt lf us worship dtid boi dovm fef u kneel tieor he ford our hfdker visitors will be made welconta bt albauai hturrif autllean keeur rev w 1 ijlllon ha sunday maflcll th ill1l innt iv tooil 0 m sunday rrhnnl 1100 nm holy cmnmtiinuii nnrl nrkhlllrrfl claim 700 pin kvinlntf prayer intcn sirvlrr widnrjiday rvi-n- ina nt fl pm a welcome awaits you jbutttat shurcl aotorf mr nuhley wneek undent raster sunday maticii -tthr-tml- 10j0 am sunday school sildl hlble class 1130 am dr i c kitchen wc- mnster university 1230 pm commiuilon thursday 0 p m pniycr -meet- in friday- a pm mhklon nulid 8 t m nvru mnhl nt a tniiiirlsk local trade iinlotik arc lininthcn of interna tional iiruanzialinmi cither craft or indiintrial with hcadquprters in the united stntiir professional directory and travellers guide mfiiicai dr w gc kenney 1hyslclan and surgeon isuccchkor to dr j a mcnivenl office in symon illock mill st acton office ihone 7b residence church st phone im drd agarrett- physician and surgeon corner of willow unci hlver sts entrance itlvcr street acton ontario phone 23h dr a j buchanan jlrntal surgeon office irishman fllock mill st office lloiir0 am to 0 pin xitay telephone hii dr george a sirrs dental surgeon mill st corner frederick acton ollice hour u00 am to 530 p m telephone 10 legal c f leatherland barrister a solicitor notary public office 22 phone acton lies 151 miscellaneous the victor b rumley funeral home funrral home heated ateibalj phone 30 nluhl or day serving the community for 45 years eve care dy appointment ivm c miuigan ro optometrist- wed 1 1 am to 0 pm al mill st hcnldcncc of a t itltowj please telephone 385j veterinary b d young bvsc c lyoung dvm veterinary surgeons office liruokville ontario phone milton m0r4 f g oakes vs bvsc veterinary surgeon office and residence- knox avet acton phone 130 lever hoskin chartered accountants successors to jenkins and hardy 1305 metropolitan bldif 41 victoria st toronto elk 0131 willoughby farm agency 1arecst and oldest agency in canada iliad office kent bids toronto georgetown representative tom ilewson phone georgetown 032hj wright real e5tate and insurance f i wright n b wright 20 xvilbur st 00 maedonnell st atton ont guclph onl phone 01 phone 4dlsw- valuators realtors lnsuro member appraisal institute of canada members guelph and district real estate hoard members guelph and district insurance agents association traveuebs guide gray coach lines coaches leave acton easiboumi 10 311 om 1511 am 1123 am 208 pm 503 pm 033 pm 8j prn bl01fl pm westbound 10 17 om 1252 pm 257 pjn 127 pm 7 27 pm 0 12 p m 1j pm 112 am isun to kitchener only i a daily except sunday and holi days l saturday sunday and holi days canadian national railways eabtbound daily 144 am dally except sun days 9a am 7 10 p m sunday- only ii ifi pm daily except sun day flyer at georgetown 0j02 am daily flyer at georgetown 10 11 j ml wrstbound daily rxccpl sunday and mon day i id am sunday and monday only i23tl am daily except sun day h 411 am ok pm 744 pm daily except sat and sun 810 pjn rlagsto saturduy only 2m pm sunday only 0 43 a in fflagstop sunday only flyer ot guelpn 705 im wallpapers rasr from in western onlatto pi u y some ef the mere popular brands of a i n i 9 narienally edvertlsets palnta carried in stock books toys stationary supplies kennedys book store 25 wyndham st guelph angus kennedy prop t

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