Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 1, 1951, p. 3

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thursday march let 1081 the acton free pflbs paom mm fashion hint the bowl the stole ault rniku sprint til tfeshlon n6wn this eheekod and solid combination ailraslihouelted eut with a checked matched fb- rle etole is tynlcnl of thin particular trend practically the stole cell be matched with other costume in well s with the skirt end blouse the amartnesji is very casual yet deliberate an the clear contrasts ttf that the wearlne l very vory fashion minded for the solid color too thi season would be navy fclue but with the suit ao vory tiptodate itself ny reasons color would be just a smart cooperation mnsc does vo wife take in aahln rastus ah shud nay not ah takes it in and ah carries it out all ahe does is stay home and wash cecil a caw optometrist ouelph 8 douglas st tel 1091 tifcr hollo iiomomkht do you t- call the old saying a ncrky heart docth tfood like medlcinot hinfi confined to bod u not much fun and it takes a treat den i of thoughtful attention to sustain patient it my be n jiympalhctlc smile or u cheery caid or letter whteh helps c r cross s s auto parts parts oil anti freeze for all make cars and trucks tiras from 30x3 4 to 835x20 woods hoist and box 3l yard chev dp axlat bus phone 9031 milton res robert st phone 131 then too there l the prospect of on attractive troythree timed a day the restful atmosphere of a room also makes a difference freshly laundered bedel btheji an extra pillow a box of tissues and a thermos of water a bedside table placed conveniently for the invalid may be the coffee table from the living room because if the bed 1st low he needs a lovv place for his book clock and whatever he needs clean the tick loom dnily and do it quietly thla lf often qulto a job without raising too much dust or the patient a temperature if you must bp nurse and housekeeper streamline youi household tasks so thntyou get plenty of- rest too when the trny is brought to tho bedside it should provide something attractive and mirprislng by th way n bed trny is n good pure hose for family use on the troy place o colorful plastic mat and set something interesting omld the essentials such as rt flower in a bon bon dish a novely salt shakar a quaint littlo cream jug or individ ual ramekin dishes to hold the food cut the buttered brend in pieces easy to handle or make dafntv sandwiches garnished with cress serve hot foods hot ond cold items cold there should be no drip to the salod and souccs should not mingle with other items on the plate patties made from lamb ot veal or an individual meat pin ore the kind of food to make for the palientonthemend foods for the sick must be those requested by the doctor but when he suggests cer tain soft foods your problem can be solved bv purchasing boby or jun lor canned foods there is n won derful variety of these from which to choose for the convalescent dessert re member fresh frozen fruit thawed nut canned fruit salad rosy baked apples ice crenm sherbets cu tords and other creamed mixtures such treats encourage any potlent to sit up and take notice make mealtime an occasion set nttnytot yourself tote it along ind enjoy the menl together but don t talk nbout aches and pains chicken broth 4 or 5 lb chicken 12 cups cold water 1 stalks celerv j ba leaf cup chopped onion cup chopped carrot 1 tsp drv parsley 1 tsp salt covtr the fowl with cold water and simmer for 2 hours then add the umliinlng ingredients and sim mer for another hour permit the chicken to cool in the broth then removi it remove the grease heat the broth and strain this may be chilled again and served as jel lied chicken when the cubed pieces of chicken are added to it strawberry bavarian oups 1 pkg froxen strawberries 4 cup sugar lfc tbsps gelatine 7 2 tbsps cold water 2 tbsps boiling water 1 h j cmon julpo 1 cup heavy cream egg whites t tsp salt thaw out strawbenles and fjii- vour with sugar and lemon juice soak gelatine in cold water thpn dissolve in boiling wale and add to strawberries chill berry mixture until it is about to set whip eggs until stiff then whip cream until miff and fold together into the jel lied herrv mixture makes 8 serv ings thk question box afn r v nnkx for the following recipe peanut buffer cookies j etip granulated sugar cup brown sugar h cup melted butter 1 egg beaten j cup peanut butler 1 r cups flour 1 tsp baking soda 1 tsp salt mix thoroughly form into small round balls and place on baking sheet flat into shape with a fork bake in an electric oven pre heated to 3h degs to a delicate brown miss r j requests the following recipe tantocfl custard cup minute taploco cup white sugar li tsp salt i egtryoik 3 cups milk 1 egg white u tsp salt 1 tip vnnllln combine tapioca sugar salt ond henten egg volks and milk in top of double boiler cover and cook over balling water for 7 minutes un cover stir frequently as it cooks t minutes more remove from heat when the pudding begins to thicken as it cools fold in the beaten egg white and salt add ed vanjjja utf desired nnv one of the follow ing additions may be made h cup cocoanut k cup toasted almonds 2 diced banonns or 1 square seml- sweet ehoeolntc 1 loyal grandchildren as o democracy canada may not be perfect yet but there is proof that w have made progress as sures the financial post every school hoy knows or should know that grandfather of one of our out standing prime ministers led an armed rebellion 113 years ago and now another and equally dramatic bit of evidence hap been unearthed in our special service foice there are two grandsons of louis hi 1 the western rebel of 1870 and 185 examples- like these lend one to hope ihit evtn the descendants of the canadian communists of today mu one dn become useful and lovul citizens of this country uttteu you put into a government annuity mit tmall amount with compound interest mean independence the year whan you want to take it easy government annuities are backed by the resources of canada mo medical exaihinoliofl required ewweandi of canadians not covered by pension plans have taken eettvantao of a lowcost government annuity to guarantee their ieeurt security others covered by pension plans use a government aswuiry to supplement their retirement income annom branth department of labour ttfttom r ohoo t 1j in some parts of the american southwt st nnd in mexico choco- lat is used to flavour both meat and vtktabh s halfwit disguise fools teapot pair pottery is one of tha sinpfe iti- dustrlerrf tke mldlaruis of hrlinln nnd in tbo bbcs program mid lands mlscclluuy colonel wade hlmaelf a pottery manufacturer told l stories connected with the industry these stories have been hum led down by the men who fliy the jottle8hapcd oum which such a feature of jio north staffordshire landscape pottery has been produced in staffordshire for countless emtur- jesbuiitwosolwnys rmirhr hrnvy woi that never improved the irvcat workmen woyld have been content to produce thla unattrac tive stuff for ever it seemed hod not two mysterious strangers ar rived ond settled down in the dis trict towards tlm end of the seven teenth century they wore two dutch brothers called elers ond they spoke little english repelled advances ond mode no friends strange lights were seen in their windows all night ond they were obviously up to something actually the elers hod come to the remote villoge to moke porce lain ot that time generally believ ed to have the magical quality of flying asunder if anything pnlsrtn- oiis came into contact with it this made ft n valuable possession of kings queens and other notabilities who feared they might be poisoned by over ambitious friends porce lain had to be brought from china ond japan by hatnrdnus journeys which jnade it almost ruinously ex pensive ond the two dutchmen determined to find secret spot in wilch ihev- ould manufacture ft and then sell it at high prices after months of patient research accompanied by ancient rlteo ond incantations they were no nearer success none of their vessels took the slightest exception to any poison as t a was just coming into popular fancy they stnrtecl to moke teapots instead ond a number of them have survived they were of red clny unglazed but fired nt n temperature high enough to vitrify them nnd decorated with flowers ond birds impressed on the cloy uith n die rather os n seal is im pressed on sealing wax everyone who saw the elers teapots was lost in ndmlratlnn of their beauty and np one could propose anything like it the elers- had their own method of refining cloy n secret which they kept well guarded the de mand for their teapots became so big that they could not keep pace with it without employing helpers but employing helpers meant re vealing their tecret they compro mised by recruiting men whose in telligence wos so low thot they could not understand the refiping process even when they sow it they scoured the neighborhood for halfwits but were finally beaten by two other pottery manufactur ers tin sc men put on theii oldest clothes let their hair gmv ioiir and matted and stood about no n the fler s place with their mouths open the brothers i ngaged them on the strength of thtir appearance and thin the secret wns out all the local potters discovered how to improve their ware and soon com peted with the brothers in the london marketxhe elers defeat ed wnt away as secretly as they had come but not before they had laid the foundation of modern british pottery making chronicles t7 of ginger farm written specialty for the acton ee rm by gwendoline p clarke ploasc cant omcuody slop if wo want ftl hear t neiia rt wir in an area of 1000 square miles outlult ot llkc winnilmtl there muiitiiii in i- ire 3 oolriakos value of federation of agriculture discussion topic for halton forums uitltkl mv postaoi pill a mockamata mil csitftm eojuttom itest cm ran i h j i j whit his inu rn itionil fedtr- ition of agruulturt producers e- tomphshed m no timli forum nu rubers ure i onf ranted with this quistion b j pupl uli are not in favor of federation of agneiilture or farm koiums or nurelv for the jake of ugument afu r hstttung to the bioadtasl on the mtbjett and the u tdum of our forum guide mem bers vviri well informid and read il areswered the questions thi first question was la how jre the number f v f r connected with the canudiaii fed- ration of agriculture all foi dim reported that they were con- nected through the provincial j count and township ft derations and also through the milk pro ducer and cream producers and hog producers as well as through the fruit and vegetable growers organizations then too township taxes help support the federation b in what wav do ou par ticipate in the activities and policy making of the canadian federation of aitt i culture each forum has a representative appointed to at tend all federation meetings and j expected to participate in all activities and policy making and return to forum with a verbal re port a number of the officers of the federation are active membeii if a forum group a groat mans nnue could men ase their interest b more ngular attendance and iso through the local forum dis cussions and finding sheets which iri si nt tq the ontario forum of fin s opinions on fi deration ques tions the second question w a- i how mom of your group had heard of the in tarnation al feder- ititm of atli leulttnal producers 1ifad1 before this months ser ies or discusslorsin farm forum til ere were five fornixes reported the majority six forums reported onl a few lignv claimed oie krtup a few and the other group the majontj snider s forum re ported 100 per c nt had heard of 1fap lb do vou think ifap has anv importance to vou as a farm- ir give reasons this question evidenth brought out the fact in ill groups that ifad has been the means of distributing the world surpluses it hejps to promote bet ter world trade agreements and encourages stronger independen farm organizations it promotes good will and understandlngi-hcl- ween farmers of manv countries the w orld over then as kilbride sum it up it is the formers mouth piece and by being a voung or ganization the best is vet to come for ifap hnve to listen to that latest horrible catch phrase operation killer isnt war bad enough without ad ding to it crude and sensatlnnal vulgarisms one minute we ore told everything possible is being done to create a united nations then we are given details of dp erotlon killer is it forgotten that children ond adolescents spend ji lot of time listening to the radio what ore we trying to do eiiltl vote i lore of bloodthirsty young barbatians to whom killing ond kllh i will hef orne ordlnarv every day wnrdti how much nearer tin- beginning of nnriinm con we get in eombot wnrs killing is unavoid able but iitirtly this is the first time that supposedly democratic nnd christian countries hove glorified it there was something fine and heartening nbout operation air lift h stirred the imagination it gave you riew faith in the ultimate biotherhood of man it was easy to visualize mnnv many planes wing ing their way over land and mn on their rrand or mercy operation klllor also utirathe thing nation but how differently there is olffo a certain amount of rndln advertising thot is in appal ling ba taste to iiny the least one firm for instance advises that for certain repairs vou should go church trade name for the compnny concerned does free dom of speech allow advertising thot is little short of sacrilege for that is just about what the play upon the word church actually amounts to while we ore on the subject of broadcasting i hod better hasten to add it isnt nil bad much of it gives one food for thought i was very impressed with the ilcy j m fin- lay s address one sunday morning particularly with his definition of thy will be done ns part of the iords prayer mr flnloy interp reted it ns meaning not gods will be done but gods will through and by his people mr finlay contended that when disaster and defent overtaki us it is almost blasphemy to soy resignedly it was cods will especially if thot same disaster ond defeat might conceivably have been avoided if gods will had been followed by those whom it most concerned nnther a new angle i thought and something for would he fatalists to think over well now supposing we r1 back to ginger farm which rlfihl now is little more than n glonfied mud puddle both inside nnd out this is one time whi n i could cheer fully dispense with the dojjs i try kttping thfm outside all tlie time but they watch their opportunity nnd manage to get in leaving a trail or w t footmarks behind them i h ue atho tried keeping honey indoors all the time but the little tiki knows the minute i pick up thi car keys or change my shoes nnd before i remember to stop her she is out the door and into the first puddle of water she comes to as for the house i am in despair dull days it doesn t stem worth while trying to clean up hrirht sunshiny dnvs show up the dirt and dust so badly i want to walk out and leave it all in fact twiei last w k i did just that once to drive some f rit nds to a nearbv town and on the wny home i thought our car had developi d perp tual motion in ftict i began boasting about how huh gas it used just look i tx- claimed i haven t had my foot on the gas pedal for over a mile that didn t sound too unnasonable since we were on a dovvngnde hut prem ntly we vwre on an up grade nnd i still didnt have to fi i d the gns evi ntuallv i evtn had to keep mv foot on the brake this rt quired looking into a mechanic soon disspdhd rm hopes and m fears some little spring or other had slipped out of place so that gas was beinr ft d to the motor without an help from rue we all cot back in one puce back home i found an increase in the family spotty had present ed us with a heifer calf last vear she had twins speaking of cow we have one more worrv off our minds we have survived the lat est td test the whole herd hav ing rjpmi given n clean bill of health in between testing and rending partner did a bit of wor- iving imagining swellings on the cow s w here no sw elhngs actually existed losing a cow or cows is bad enoufih but if there are an reactors it is the cleaning up after wards that gets you down o job which partner could not possibl have done alone but as i say he nctdn tf hove worried not muh good worrying about anything these dovs one dov at a time is about as much us any of us can take outstanding quality has mddslaljaji canadas largesi selling tea sa1ada tea prune plums hsnxby v2- x3 red cherries tow xic pie apples or x5c biscuits lwr 29c blended juice s9 atjsl pineapple juice m tttlb j jli apple juice aylmeb e 20oz van07 mt tims 21c romar coffee- 48c 94e sardines bbtjnswieik ra 25e pink salmon btjrk good choice tomato juicer 20oz -tins- 21c soz tot zjrq stokeltb ejem 15oe rar ly49 tomato juice kidney beans pork and bcatm a23 17c 29c fancy peas dog food society ijbbtfl 1soz tiw i 20oz i tuis lynn valley golden cream style corn 3 25 c peanut butteroa3se flaked tunae del maiz corn sse fruit salad cranberry sauce tbopioai 20oz tin oczan ssuv u0z tin 33c 25e lynn valley sieve 4 0 peas 25c lynn valley jam 70e sweet gherkins r yjt chicken haddie 23c green beans kxw z qt red raspberries 29e brioht8 choice peaches 2lc mexican hize zmh oranges icfberg vh lenuce frlhii wahiieo vo 1 carrots labgk nize celery hearts doz 23c edch 13c 3 lb 17c bundle 25c fkehii daily teeuleee green beana halada hplnicb uadulirm greeee hanesm

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