Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 1, 1951, p. 4

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page rorrfi the acton free press 54 thursday march 1st 1b5i campbeuvim w auxiliar tttma of intermit to b included in thratf coliimrur thould he tete- phoned to t74 or tmt to thmlfrte prrwt of he mibb marghrtfl garvin spent thd weckenarlnth toronto frlendw mwdhon barber oinaujufcj nweyn is seriorialy lu n n cuolnh ihobpltnl -mrr- ihmr rftobfrrt hall at 4 wlnhnm and mntv john briiljf from whltcchuwrh pnt sunday with tr w j hall mr and mrs william ratyuden jind cherry or buffalo nv vfrlt- rd with mr chaflc w wfason durina the weefoend mr j b macarihur- and mr douglas mason attended the ont ario hydro convention in toronto on tuesday of this week mr colin maccoli was taken to the hospital in guelph on tuesday evening buffering from acute ap pendicitis friends wish him n rpeedy recovery mr and mrs fred crewson and baby david of sudbury visited lost weekond with mr nnd mrs p j fotterly and mr and mrs f crewson of wdst flamboro ont miss dorene akins rn of the guclph general hospital is at pre sent vacationing in florida she is accompanied by her aunt and uncle mr and mrs alfred wood v mitt and family of paris ont l mr gnrrifnr mr nnrl girls group meet mrs james bayntpn was hostess to the blair evening auxiliary oh wednesday evening mr j w robertson opened the meeting with the cal to worship and n prayer mrs wmmahon rend the bible- lesson which was followed with a commentary- on thehnpterbrltttf ln out the thought we should be witnesses for him everywhere ftfir fhf tibiinlliitlwoilbaifibtt mr a mccutcheon o guclph visited with mr nnd mrs bentley wilson on sunday mrs hattlc price and clarence nnd miss mc- nalr were callers at the same- home announcements mr ond mrs robert borthwick rr 1 campbellvihe will be at home to their relatives nnd fr on the occasion of their golden wedding anniversary on tuesday march 13th from 24 pm and at eden mills community hall at 830 1 pm rangttetho topic from the study booldjlptlr share in the worldmls- sionsvhlch was prepared by miss simpson was read by- mrs rob ertson mrrf j wallace rad a very interesting article what do missions mean to you by rev w a cameron ten ladles answered the roll call using a verse contain ing the word grace ihe moot ing was closed with prayer liy mrs baynton a social period followed when the hostess assisted by mrs tlinn served refreshments which wore enjoyed by all the february meeting of the wms was held at the home of mrs r c menxicj an thursday pm the president mrs r elliot opened the meeting with the call to worship after singing hymn 303 prayer was dffonjd by mrs w greenlces the scripture reading was taken by mrs j peacock af ter the reading of minutes and the treasurers report mrs s cairns cheer socretiuy reported sending letters to three shutins mrs j k mahon supply secre tary read the allocation for the bale which included two quilts mrs larry is tryirjo hard to gflin his balance with the aid of these bars tho woodeden cerebral palsy training centre operated by tho ontario society for crippled childron providos special training devicos so that handicap ped youngsters like larry may walk like other children they may continue their training this year only if you use easter seals jklkaaifioool tu mrs henry holman dies in hospital following a year or so of falling health and a stroke recentlyr mrs honry holman sr passed away at si josephs hospital guelph last thursday up till lately mra hol man had been living at her own i marilyn jjcoorc mrs moorc gave home main st along with her son n commentary on the lesion and department the- topic advance the time is now was given by miss j itbetctand was very interesting the doors ore wide open in the world and wc should attempt great things for god and expect great things from him we should try to make the brotherhood of man a reality mrs m mcphall continued wlth-jj- a message bearing on the same theme tha story of the fisher men mending their nets our nets are ou character ond we must mend them the roll call was answered by naming a favourite verse of scrip- ture the offering was dedicated hymrfl- gilmnur tlie-meeung-was- closed with prayer by mrs w king twentyeight ladles and a little girl enjoyed the social period which followed the st davids girls group met at the home of mrs a t moore on tuesday evening the meeting was opened by the coll to worship on in my hand after singing a hymn ann parker led in prayer the scripture lesson was read by values joseph and his wlfo she was pre- deceased by her husband some years ago nnd was a kind neighbor nd- good citizen in the community the funeral took place monday morning with requiem mass at sacred heart church rev father calaghan officiating pall bearers wore messrs john tone fred nnd james oconnor wm and frank odrowaki and ignatius mccann interment was at st josephs i cemetery guelph mrs holman is survived by a sis ter mrs teresa fitzmaurice and two brothers peter and martin bolger detroit the sympathy of the community is extended to members of the family harry jo- aeph nnd robert in their bereave ment as well as grandchildren precommunlon service was held at the presbyterian church friday evening rev fred williamson conducting the service sacrament of the cords supper was observed sunday morning three- new mem bers wen- received into full com munion with the church p some sickness is prevalent flu having its rounds with townsfolk looks as if spring is around the corner when some crows hove nl- readybeen noticed the sympathy of the community is extended to mrs john hamilton in the sudden death of her brother- inlaw mr george a hamilton at his home in prin last- friday a brother wi ilium passed uway some time in january at centre inn mr fred hamilton principal of guelph collegiate institute is a son of the former to whom the sympathy of his numerous friends and relatives is extended in his sudden bereave ment miss m mtlroy spent a week in toronto miss k e george chief tele phoneoperator spent the week end in toronto mr hoy iiay of toronto was home for the weekend youipeyes dkebvlf the est consult rmbell tugttd optometrist mma tttn followed with prayer reports were received from the various secre taries each number is supposed to bring a gift for the bale in the month in which her birthday oc curs marilyn moore brought a gift at this meeting after routine business was taken care of the following program wns presented eleanor cairns read a chapter from the study book pearls are made helen agnew favoured witha piano solo norma brown read a letter written by miss m e andersons sister relat ing many interesting experiences of miss andersons missio work in british guiana fourteen members answered the roll call after singing hymn 56fl the meeting was closed with prayer by jane smith anno hurren and marilyn moore provided the treat which all enjoyed its unwise to pay too muchjluluri unwuui44 pa too ltlo wh ynn pny nn mnmi ymih- fl utile t whon you pny too nttle you sometimes lose everything becnuse the thing you bought was incapable of doing the thing it was bought to do the common law of business balance prohibits paying a little and getting a lot it cant be done if you deal with the lowest bidder its well to add something for the risk you run and if you do that you will have enough to pay for something better john ruskin i gel full value for y6ur dollar see this new brick home artistically designed for comfort we have just listed exclusively one of the newest residences in a new subdivision nha plan terms by paying own ers equity and small monthly payments owners artistic skillhasmade thishousqandiutroundings-much-to-bede- sired all conveniences on one floor extra rooms can be added if needed later by completing the upstairs heavily wired furnace hot water full size cellar immediate -posses- slon as owner is leaving town for appointment to inspect wright real estate and insurance appraisqs realtors insurors f l wrlfht office 20 wllbar st acton phone os n b wrifht office so macdonnell st guelph phone 4015w yes we have others as well as small holdings and building lots in the month of april this ycar cnnudinns earned in salaries wag es and supplementary income 042000000 which was s per cent more than in april 1049 drink milk for breakfast for lunch for dinner for ice box snacks in milk are the carbohyd rates and the fats which provide the body with fuel to carry on the endless ac tivity of todays living for health plus real enjoyment try a luscious glass of laings qairy milk your best drink of any time for energy and ihe assurance of a healthy body laings dairy tip top madetomeasure suits we have a large range of spring samples on display now for tip top and fleet street suits if you are planning to buy a new suit- this spring we would suggest you place your order now while selec tions are at their best pallanrs c10thing store 30 mill aeteb letter to editor javriferrapscostsr fr square peal 311 church st aclun ont mrg a dllln fihtor nnd illllllilicr tho acton fyee inhm denrsir -ovar-a- -vr- ago- ntirwrfntlowtter cltl7cn decided by n vote- trtputln- nsouorajfe dlhfmfiitl hyntcm nnd to- day we itnvr ihnl wwlwlrrfantr undcratandthntdnto tho present world conditions wo have not neon nbn to complete the sowcruifo dl- rwal plant some of the necessary items nro at present unavailable ami world conditions ns you notlco are not improving of coursethls system must he paid for wii all understand that nut here is what i cannot under stand only the landowner could vole on tho question of sewers and how many fund owners finve are or even intend to connect up that system to those who live in their homes he does not have to yet in some cases rent will be raised why well you know sewers of course j ha been toidthnt a bylaw will hotimgsprl compelling every house to be connected to or with the sewers when tho reply was oh in a year or so dut our council passes a bylaw doubling the water rates the extra on the water rate is colled sewer- ace disposal system rental so the rnnrd liu to- pjit in- his j tnnaiords jwer systemland i am com inn out plainly and asklnff who is protectinr wjio a bylaw has been passed ap proval has been obtained from the municlpnl board but i ask this since when have our canadian laws been altered to permit rental to be paid on anything thnt they have not rot with the hlnh cost of llvinc today including hlkh ren- tals rents are just about os hlh here as in toonto in rome cases hlfiher the rent for a house is set accordinr to the shape it is in but not in acton of course acton comes under the hamilton division of rental control not toronto nnd that does make n difference but a man with four or five children who lives on acton waflcs well ill bet that he has to run a very tlffht budflet seeming ly the town is not concerned if o man is making cnouah waffes or not as lonr as he is not maldink too milch i dont kick so much on what i have to pay but i certainly dokickonpayinfl for what-i-donu- eot is that justice is that de mocracy many in acton fought for freedom for others and for other notions but they dont ret it at home oh yes i know thnt there is no such a person as a veteran or a returned man now that is in acton i hope mr dills that you will have space for this letter in your paper to publish as written of course it will give those people who have before and will again say how stupid i am sure 1 am and i shalf always be stupid as far ns fighting for a square deal goes also if one half of the increas- edj water ratesis for sewerage rental why is- it not charged as such on our water and hydro bill if the reason given is increased expense then i say make it even less expensive how this way hydrowater 0000 yours sincerely i h v dron estimates for the town o acton 1951 rkceipth mrin taxes imulh ntit mi nii wntirwirk frintuj wartime ilinialiifi aitmiro poll tax denknttmkdent tlkckivanlk wntrwnrl public school lliiflil-jjclioou- ifm poem to write these verses sure is fun so please dont mind the style we hope you read them and vhon youru done weve been able to make you smile may stay up your bin j to please you we late and- take you home from date and then acain be up at iix for bjck to work you must quick complain of this we should no do for service is our watchword if you hnvent called us hitherto its time now to come forward so call right now to one two eight j and make your appointment for thit date well try to get yxiu there on time j and pnux our taxi is just fine roys taxi phone 128 acton rait jhutulio optometrist 72 st georges square guelph co eyesight service sewerage grants and suijsidies relief l c n o county rebate province roads division court province fire province police province childrens aid province home for aged post snhltary care n licenses and permits dog tax ail others cigarettes milk interest on tax penalties all interest all other revenue town hall r fines arena park sundry j wartime housing account wartime housing lot fees aeual 7j22io0 310100 121230 24306 7iu71bi 4s0o00 44000 t-ytttia- 1si blbkj 11107 i ooo m i32a00 kiono 34mw rnoono 41b0o 1300000 s71490 in ion oo 13 m moid lllfl02 3d04im 0400 4b3j0 2b3257 303od 21771 30400 so 00 mom 15000 iioio no 2400 5j30 2onsi 1s000 i50m 50000 8113115a j52ft5i 5hz0o iinfrko 70000 000 00 i450jw 11070 223 05 10004 150405 1s4s7 54soo 20000 1 000 00 100000 100 00 22500 10000 50000 10000 00000 10000 4000jm 383081 572500 totals uihburhementh ts813l48 m4jbb4ji item general government administrative auditors salaries clerktreasurer assessor etc stenographer solicitor 1k0 actual 1k1 kluautrd other election expenses interest on loans insurance lt legal and court costs ctt maintenance of public building printing post etc workmens compensation taxes to eqtietaff miscellaneciix 40000 4j1700 471700 7022 31103 102014 5bi7 81x03 170181 140 j7 hm bum 40000 ijo000 240000 75000 30000 protection to persons and property fire protection grants phone coal maintenance truck 8171 17 misceluneous supplies new truck poltctrprotectton salaries cruiser phone division court street lighting hydrant rental public works roads salary snow removal 341012 8455 js 3300 s14771 230000 475000 7500 50000 200000 10000 100000 uxhloo 15000 3000 800n0 945500 55000 15000 10000 10000 30000 5000 00 rmoofr 777000 30000 7200 tsmm 3300 320000 300000 calcium and oh wig wag wig wag maintenance tile miscellaneous s7071 053200 720000 80000 1j2500 182300 27500 50000 77700 sidewalks trucks maintenance grader maintenance sanitation garbage dump r 1200000 25000 148000- 75000 0017j3 1508000 conservation of health vital statistics public welfare relief indigent patients post san care 183710 4000 187210 0300 st jo tssus fc l41bu itstloo ijooam 47ij0 education public school new boiler high school i sbl441m recreational and coiuiuntty skbvicks ubrary 140000 park slloe arena bora and girls band fall fair board 34744 bo000 30000 4u4rjo 180000 10000 300000 10000 10000 0000 ifloom iaoo 18too00 tsoaoo 1940000 u0os0 khloo woo00 dkhentlhe debt 11 ukipll interest cuintv rate do tags selectllli 1iror mjimruial world trmlttv kxpenfe frm kl fn music festival v mens llillnve- n wreath ttrr centaph uninipl insurance trans trailers offiei exiwnse insulin christmas tree 10000 470000 24u3i l- 13 5111 ll i0l- 15 j9 i 1w1 ra oo n- n no lilivi innn kmml 14412 llll 10 731 ir 14 11 0110 1201 25 miseellam ous planning board deficit eatnruited disbursements estimated rece tn4i no 1 1 mvi on 1500 15 on 30 00 p5 2500 m nn tono toon ooon loom lino oo 15 oo 1255 00 245 oo 1 500 no hooono 40141161 hj5u37 00 tikfiarob- 443118 41 to be raised by taxation 39084801 j2124171 00 assessment w 43 mill wijjom estimated surplus 880074

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