Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 1, 1951, p. 7

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w thursday liafccb 1st 1wi the acton twee press pao sevkt records broken by summers tourists the public ccnermllr tabeeoralb more aware ecfa year off the fatt- tbiu augment of tbspopolationr aid hon louis p cecue minister of travel and publicity to the lain kntainteruational convention held recent hi shneoe aa twoof of this mr cedle bald that this year ontario wol prob ably be marlcing ui its fifth con secutive reoordbrearjna year i a tuuiisi from the united states are concerned tha offices of the department of travel and publcchvhave been flooded whhan unusually heavy volume of null mere letters virer received ih a spanof tf weeks than in any pre vious complete year consequently the department rah short of book lets which it had anticipated would last for some considerable length of time while pleased to see the advertls- b and publicity effort of his de partment bet such results mr ce dle gave a warning more inten sive effort than ever must be ex tended if ontario is to continue it forward strides in attracting north american vacationist we are aware that a good deal of the in terest which has been shown by potential visitor this past year has been because they have been shop ping around wo feel that people planned their vacation in ifreater detail than ever before this year and we are convinced that- the va cationist of the future is going to be a more critical and more demand ing visitor interested ih getting full value for every dollar cxended we have the advantage of a wonderful country bountifully blessed with physical asset such as lakes wood stream and wildlife which are in teresting and inviting to people from other parts of the country but let u not forget thai a friendly welcome good food courtesy and comfortable accommodation are equally important ingredient of a happy vacation during october ontario touriit busincs continued good the do minion bureau of statistic report ing 82231 entries on travellers vehicle permits an increase of 42 per cent over october 189 the dominion average for the month ahowed an increase of 14 per cent some provinces showing a decrease october figures bring ontarios total of tvp entries for 10 months of the year to 110h475 cars an in crease of 2 6 per cent oyer the same period in imp suncjdy school lesson rlmlrr y tivi -i- odsofiuwmnaawa o th trti pollock and campbell asaaufaetamm af high grade memorials memorial engraving 2 water st north gal1 txtlxphone seta ephead optometrist eyt examliwd scientifically glasses fitted guelph u st geerres b4 phove 3 jtstabuabed w teus sunday maftch 4 101 wavside ministries of jesus golden text whoever would be treat rmontf you tnusi be your sec writ uk 10 43 lesson tet mk 10s44v exposition 4 the selfseeking dlaclble as41 into the thoughts and fcuirpoa of their master he had set his face to go up to jertlsalem and there endure all the horror of his aton- in death that others mffcht obtain eternal life he had tell ing them for the third time since his transfleuration of his comlntf death he had gone into the details with minute particularity va w- 34 but they had not heeded what he had been baying so occupied were they with their own petty amtytons at this most opportune moment two of the beat men in the apostolic company come to him with a request that they be pre ferred above all others matthew tells- us that it wax their mother salome who made the request matt 2026 21 this seems like a discrepancy between the two ac count but it disappears when looked at closely salome moy hove proffered the request probably nt their behest and so mark is al together accurate in sayinp that it was they who spoke it is quite a common practice for desiffnins men to get some sym pathetic woman to ask for them what they hesitate to ask for them selves 2 sam 14110 1 ki 216 20 jesus took the request as com ing directly from them for he ad dressed his answer to them matt 2022 it is quite likely that in their eagerness whan salome be gan to speak they broke in with the same request they presumed upon the fnct that jesus had al ready bestowed upon them favors withheld from most of the apostolic compnny mk 537 02 1433 they may also hnvcjioped some- thinc from the relationship exist ing between his family and their- own their first preliminary request was n very large one v 33 jesus promises to do the same wonderful thine for every one wheribides in him ijno is 17 jesus askid them in return what would ye that i should do for you he is asking the snmr of every one of us today ccf v 51 i ki 35 littc did they realize how exai- od was the position they were ask ing thpy wanted a higher office than anyone else the desire to have the highest position has brought more discord into he church of christ and wrought more mischief than any other thing how often jesus has to say to us when we pray ye know what ye ask i rom 820 like james md john we fail to get what we ask be cause nf the selfish motive in our prayer jas 43 there was i conditon of sharing christs glory with him of which his petitioners little dreamed viz that they share with him his cup and baptism of shame and suffering ch 1436 matt 2630 luke 2242 jno 18 11 luke 1250 no one can chare with christ in his glories unless he first shares with him in his suffering and rejection 2 tim 2 12 rom 817 james and john full of selfcon fidence unhesitatingly declared themsflvcs able to drink the cup christ drank and bo baptized wth j the baptism with which he was to be baptized like many of us they did not stop to measure the meaning of the words they so glibly uttered we should be care ful about our professions for jesus may take us at our word they both drank of the same cup of shame and suffering that jesus did james was the first of the apostolic company to suffer martyrdom fae 122 and john was the last to suffer for the word of god and the testimony of jesus rcv 1b all who have part with him in his kingdom must experience a sim ilar baptism of suffering jno 15 20 1714 jesus did not promise thwn that they jthould have their decide that matt 3023 the ten others who hdpinot made m slm- llar request were nevertheless just as selfish and they showed it by manifesting their indignation when hearing it formulated theve was cause for censure but self tshnees prompted their displeasure they wanted the ptaces themselves al ready tkey had had a controversy aytowhntimnqr l eh b333g and the tame dispute would come up iciinand that too at that solemn occasion when the lord would announce once more his impending death nt institute the lord supper luke 2234 they needed sorely to learn in honor to prefer one another horn 1210 phil 23 so do we selfishness he called them unto him he always draws us nearer to himself when he would win us from our low lives to a higher one the method of christs kingdom is utterly at variance with the meth- n the kingdoms of tlils world he thai rules is great in the kingdom of christ he that serves la great if any one who wills to be great in christs kingdom he must take the place of a servant- of others and he that would be the very first must take the place of at slave of all mk 035 matt 2026 27 23 1 815 luke 044mfl 1411 1814 h the self renouncing master 4243 jesus dealt very gently witwlhelr 55 fl tie head of the kingdom is tile supreme illustration of this prin ciple which governs c the son of man came not tb be ministered unto but to minister his ministry cost him all he had he laid down life for a wicked world that for feited it he paid the price that would purchase life for others though it took all he had 2 cor 5 21 gal 3 m tlhw 9 14 is 53 5 2 cor 8 0 cobk iatt on a crowded country bus a youngster occupied one section of the seat just ahead of his father and mother when the space tmnflm was pounced upon by a lady of gargantuan proportions the boy turned to bis mother arid an- nounced discreetly fat huh ma the readers digest patience pays styeet are the- uses of jcyen the mostadverse human beings iftyou are as clever as a waitress 1 know 17jtivnmylrsraytur restaurant where she workea she claimed as one of her regular cus tomers a thoroughly disagreeable man ho found fault she said no matter how hard she tried to please and he rarely tipped her still she wanted to serve him baffled i offered to seat him at the other glrla tables in turn dont you dare she exclaimed he makes my other customers feel so sorry for me that- they double their lips the readers digest sftumb x see springtime from my kitchen door way warm sunshine and the melting snow rminarrivtrtirs across the fields and pastures while lorger streams like grand rivers flow the earth has taken on peculiar fragrance warmed by the sun new blades shoot from the sod snow drops poking through and crocuses forelelllng promises anew from god inthe- attdtiowtt are pussy 1 the lane willows bursting while fresh drops from the maple branches flow and in the old pine tree across the gully i hear the lusty cawing cf the crow i leave my daily chores and dly wonder t marvel at earths reawikimlng when from the apple tree t hear a robin ah now i know that it isreollv spring laura b dixon do you know already we ar starting to jaay for the sewers b ready when it goes into operation keep the work in aqlon by hiring local contractors we have at- ready done some of ttw toughest jobs so let us have that easy one of yours well start aiy you say 235 per foot j mcmullen contractor phone 270j ommr 136 bower ave pay yoursef too on payday with wi pi atk lor your cof of ttrtmmi pttmnimr i your 0rmhirkood bnuub todv- thtrti ao ohliaatioa srerw vttwttt bank of montreal a general motors value 7 kecord aficr record is beinj broken by the silver streak pontiac c loreaniidionshavuboujhtponriacsdur for 1951 pmhoc ofhntwo smsohomi automatic trarumbsiowl om pawstollils bringing the wonderful ease and smoothness of s proved completely automatic transmission to the lowprice field no clutch pedsl np gear shift optional at efra cost on fleetleadcr de luxe om hyava malu ddvt the pioneer automatic transmission that has been acclaimed by motorists for over 1 0 years now even farther improved with new inttmut ftrivrwf optional at extra cost on chieftain and streamliner inj the past year than ever before and right here in our own district pontiac outsold all the respective makes of competitive manufic- turers inljml this is conclusive evidence of the customer satisfaction reputation and popularity that have combined to make pontiac the publics over whelming choice titrt art many reasons oj count for ponlaii amazing gain in public prtjtrtnct for pontiac offers everything anyone can want in a motor car there are serietand models to satisfy every purse and purpose the economical sixcylinder motor as well as the famous eight the smooth synchromesh transmission or the latest ofjullvauiomatk drives and all these fine features in a car that is a triumph of deftlystyled beauty built with all of pontiac s traditional integrity of engineefing pohtiacs recordbreaking popularity is new proof that canadian motorists recognize the solid honest values that etfllv pontiac offers and proof too of the goodwill pride and loyalty that is so characteristic of pontiacs vast family of owners risi j lorne garner mptors jutd sassfat n j e- sv i- j i t1 mwwctlf j bsssixssssssssssl t a a oi co 2gj bsp n bbbataxstft rtf coupttitive uawjfctuslt zt 11- raupfinwi m anufacturfb vl main at bower acton ontario-

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