Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 8, 1951, p. 3

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w ivol foskioa hilt twk at the lining yes the jack et of the 1051 suit js lined in a tfay silk print that match the suit s own blouse there are many powib iiium from this flatterina trio nf jaekht nklrt and blouse the all over silhouette is carefully control led with the deliberate looce swing of the jacket drawing attention to the popular straight smooth skirt blooming in the seasons top two colour the suit would be chosen in havv blue with the lining and blouse in a delicate springlike vlo let shade and for special occasions wear a bunch of violets on the coat of this well planned ensemble tha is feminine with a difference mi bowl yhello homemakersl this is al ways a difficult time of year for the homemkr who like to serve fresh veretarbhnryet seriously tried to keep within 4he limits of food budget many inviting imported vege- ktsfer wf btt b ut f bh buy flriiiasatt vog ii b mifltty pltud wilk tki 4ftiouf dni llowmt w aul on your pwitt tim sftp in ult it ovir tables are available for those who are not on a alim budget while our winterized storage vegetables do not look aj apimttlzlrtg the beat way to overcome this inbetween season is to make use of canned vegetables and when possible com bine a canned one with a fresh vegetable canned diced carrots with fresh cooked celery or canned peas with cubed turnips are inter estlns and full of flavour if the canned ones arc only heated hot and mixed with the fresh cooked one at the in at mjnute to make the best of old potatoes prepare them as scalloped or crenmed with a little diced onion then too potatoes whipped creamy uith milk md llghtlv seasoned with nutmeg teno to take a new leari on life this is mso the time of vear to serve voirr own home canned fruit and vegetable upsidedown cake fruit gingerbreid or fruit cas serole with a biscuit or pistry top ping provide n henrtj dessert that is economical too tmn rt fjwrnrfrtrftfinvtrnhfttrgt canned tomatoes 1 cups shredded cibbire 1 tsp sugar 1 tipmiir dash of pepper 1- tbsps flour 2 tbsps butter cook the shredded cabbage in a smill amount of boiling salt water for 7 minutes dnin cabbnge poun i cup liquid from tomatoes and stir into sugar salt pepper ind flour arid the remiinder of the tomitoes to the cibbige nnd heit to simrmnng blend in the flour pistt and cook until thickened add butter and st r t mikes 6 sen ings parsnijis with tomato sauce 4 lirne pirsnips 1 cups tnmito juice cup diced ceh r tt on ida sliced 1 up aalt dash of pepper 2 whole cloves 1 bay leaf wash peel and dleethe parsnips parboil panmhvt in a water for 5 minute brain blend other in- gredlenu and simmer fov 10 min- utca strain and add to parsnips for 10 minutes and serve hot makes 0 servings harvard bi creeti beanw 1 can of diced beets u cup granulated sugar 1 tip cornstarch cup vinegar 1 tbsp butter tsp salt blend sugar cornstarch aalt and vinegar boil together minutes add beets and butter nnd reheat cook fresh string beans is min utes drain and turn out on n plat ter then pour harvard beets around string beans the question box peach lpjridedoum cake requested bv mrs e d 2 cups canned peaches cup melted butter cup brown sugar cup shortening cup granulated sugar u tsp almond extract 1 beaten ogg 1 jillpft-aifud-eahe- fl ou r senate worth saving thtf canadian senato is not a use less body declares the financial post contrary to widely held op- inlon its debates arn generally at a higher level than those in the commons and its members per form a great deal bf excellent and necessary com hi it tee work but cer alnly the senate could be made mill more useful to rejuvenate it a device is need ed to retire members at some age they are now appointed for life and lo make more frequent changes possible minority parties must be repre paying for peace garner ismaiksl iihe ou nntr know whit our nct trip mi bt when ou dnw i tii i answered a call ont div nnd i lud qpip out of the house with three- small children tht oldtst looki d about thret ind tht ounj t st w is about nine months the indv put tht ni in tht cib nnd said pull tht m tt r pit im 111 be back in a ft w minuu so i sit thtn waiting and tht childrin bawled nnd elled fit n minuti liter thur mother canil hick how much do i owt mui ilit isktsd i iskod lit r if slu w isn i ming inv pi ict no sht said but i hid i 1 mist inci phom nil to nnki uid iitthitd ptict and quit i htrt s tlu firt ind thinks ft r w mm- from lift 3 likt tint in tlu htuiti s dutst make saving i tsp m11 2 tsps baking powder 1 1 cup milk preheit electric oen to 350 degs dnin peaches arrange in greased tght inch square cike pan com bine butter ind brown sugar spread o er peaches to make batter thoroughly creim shortening ind granulited sugar add ilmond ex tinct ind beiten egg beat well add sifted dr ingredients ilter- mtely w ith milk mtxing until smooh pour batter ovr pt ichea spnading exenlv to corntrs bike it 3w dtgs for 40 nunutts or until cike is shrunken away from sides of pin nnd top is spnngv to the touch fti mow from oven it t stind for one minutt tht n turn plitt strt w irm cut in squires topped with i little whip ptd en im or with pouring creim banana ginrjt rbread reqiusted b mrs gp cup butter 1 1 cup brown sugir ggs well ben ten cup molisses cup corn srup tsp biking sodi 2 tsps biking powdir 1 tsp silt 1 tsp ginger 1 tsp cinmmon tup milk l cups flour tsp cloves cn m butttr blind in sugir idd 1 pgs bt it well combim moasses corn smp md milji ind idd to thi ibo t mitun iltrmttu with tht sifttd dr mgndunts turn into loaf pin bikt in elicinc oen it 10 dt k for ibout 1 hours wht n tool plict the following ot r tht top 2 cup slictd bininns 1 tbsp h nion juict 1 tb ps frui sugir ttimirjcrrttrtria actnish prob- letri onejmttwelllmagtne thu how from the faithful if a prime min ister v senate plums to mem ber of another party yet some thing like thin must be done if public confidence is to be restored with his potent majority in the house of commons and a record number of vacancies in the senate mr st laurent is in n unusually favorable position to tnckle this igeold problem with courage for thin white sautt tut inimint of flour ind butti r in hilf for in i w htfi suc di tibl imoint of flour md butt 1 ind fir crt im suit nt cn 1111 intt id of milk clearing auction sale township of esquesing beg guernsey calue vraeur ibtrmfmu houkfhold effeets ete the undersigned has received in- jilructlons from duncan primbose to till by public auction at his firm lot 32 con 4 situated on the esqut singerin town line 3 miles north of acton on tuesday march 1jth at i oclock the follpwlng holtsks jane beta registered thoroughbred mare 10 years due to foal in april to homer miss ironsides registered thoroughbred mare 8 years old some harness begistehed guernsey cattle nina twinkle born nov 12 1044 in full flow octob r 27 creekbank rose born ttb 25 1042 in full flow bred dot 31 vilors easter miss born march 2tl 1040 in full flow bred oct 2 vnl- or momtn born may 2fl 1048 in full flow bred sept 7 1050 molly twinkle born nov 12 1m4 in full flow bred oct 5 dunrose kay born june id 104d bred jan 5 criikbink winona born julv 10 1943 in full flow bred feb 14 norsman dian born july 11 1043 due ibout tlrm of salt grade gulfnsey cow due in april gride guirnscy cow dui mirch 27 2 guernsey heifers bred do to 1 yearling hiiter 4 nglsh ed guernsey ci es 1 xlrnde cilf rt gistcred guernsey bull bom visti actors midina born march 1150 this h a wct bred bull ind his won many prizes in show inn tht above icovs are a choice lot md ill irtlficiillv bred to mnplt bret ding unit sires tractor and implements and ffed ft rguson tractor ntw loso ind is good is new f r gnsop 2 furrowed tractor plow pi rguson cultuitor fergus n dic ferguson power mower fer ktison buck nice mh binder g ft cut mh side dtliverv teddtr nd nkt mh sted drill sloip sii h mi dium firm wagon flit hi rick dump rike t it cric ft nrer si t of slings st rge electric milking miehine with ill pin- pumps motors etc is good is n w piilt- strilnt rs chimpion milk i cin cooker good is new l ft hi fork rope hi fork 2000 lb high bt im scihs finni ic mill pulner cclont seeder roll of wire fence 1000 ft lumber 15 c dir poles 20 long 0 ft of slnje in 10 ft silo ill smill articles household ffffcts me chrv fssotine gis stove withall tinks etc meclir cooking range solid w ilnut dining room suite cinsiitng of rhim cihlnet buff t t nton tible i side chitrs nrm rhur beitv elt ctrir wishing mi chine quebtc heiter kitchnn cibl n t pomliin top tib churs kitch n st dienport ttibnlir b dsteid sprinr ind mittr s two dr si rs 1 clock ill smill irtirl terms- cikh wttlerntnt with fl rk di of sile n r s r is firm is ild wm a gibsov c nt n suickhimer clerk aucti n e n ij v chronicles of inger farm writun sptctallu for tht acta qwuiolln f curll wailpaprictrwisr ham in wulin ontario pa i 11 v f soma of rk rrior popular bramb of ain i j nationally advarttlad palnh earrufl in tock woll thd power of nutftfcfttlon wua too trontf bolh phrlnnr nnil t lp oily succumbed to radio tlu colds or somethlitf thut wiu pqunl iv unpiowtn but wo managed to itamicr our otfllctloni partrtorwm jut nicely rccoverlnv from hli bout when i went down with mine so thnttnade thliibu a bit eailer but not a bit more pleasant i havon t ol oer the snlrfley atatfs yet nnd tonluht i won trylnu in figure out what i would like for uupper that uouldnt be too much trouble nnd vet bo good for n cold suddenly memory took me back through the nrs nnd i won a child aunln nnd mother wnfl doctoring me with simple homi remedies nn she al- wnyi did i don t know when aspirin first cnmi into gmcrnl use but i cer- tninlv enn t remembi r it btlng uicd wlicn i wniypung mpther sjnjed- iiji did not come from tin pnti nt medicine counter no nt the first sijn of n cough or cold we chlldnn hnd to ill with our feet in n hot mustird foot bnth before golnglo bed wi were undreised flrit nnd snt vtlth nwnnllin blnnknt wrnnneil habit at rwgc a sign of good ltndship micheiine preue and tyrone power have the star roles supported by a sterling cast m american guerilla in the phil lipmes the story of the torpedo squadron- which aided gen macarthur in his historic escape from corregidor for high adventure emotion wringing suspense touches of cornedy and romance see this technicolor epio at the roxy wednesday or thursday coming around us that was so we could hop into bed quickly directly we started to ptripire whfu our ex tremltils wtre snaking our beds wtn being mndt nice and warm titherwith flntirnns or a ilone pi tht rt wis onlv one stont pig in the housi md sinct it was 0 pnviltgt to havt it we took turn in usinj it old country n idt rs will certnmlv know what i mt an bv i stone pig but in c istthoft art othtrs who don t m ivbi i hnd bttlir expliin a stune pig ws a sort of hot witlr bottle made of crt nmj colour ironstoni wire md the shipl of it rt itlv did nstmblt i nict fat htth pig wt ased to fill it with boilinc witt r wrip it up in a flinmt jiclat ind thtn 1 m tilling von it kept hot fo- hnnrs as soon is wt wt 1 in hid mothn timt ilmij with 1 botth of cimphonttd oil pnvioiislv wirnud t st hiding tin fpottlt in hot witt 1 out cht sts win tubbtd hick md frtint until ihiy win ud thtn nu1 hot pucts of flanntl wtr fisttiitd in sonu i vo the stitd on oui tht sts antk bitks tint dotit motht r hastlid off to tht kitclun in i ftw nunutts sh would bt luck iknn with bowls of stt iming hot brt id md milk or pt pptr sop pi ppt r sop w is brt il soiked in hot milk ind witcr dot id with butttr ind sprinkled lib t rilh with pi pptr mv suster loved it but 1 didn t likt tht pt ppt r so 1 w is lllowtd pt mi brt id and milk i hivt setn otln r folk miki it fo- t hildn n just in puttinj littlt srpi irt of brt id in i pi itt in i pouring hot milk mi r them but ni thi r brokt up 1 slie of bit id dropped it into cold nlk ind thi 1 br hikht tht breid inti tht milk to tht boil tog tlur tht m uh it nic ind in im with phnt of brown 111 11 it w di lit ions sin ill ui nd t with ill this t u oiirtoltir w it ftmnlk writ ut of u m shirt otd r helpt i 1 ink bvj 1 m nt ituis do r of iitpt i it powd r i wis thi onlv on wht if n tliti not 1 p titl too quit kl but h ni 1 w i f dt i ipinj bron t hitt in t id m w th n h it m th 1 y mil fill link mi h r t i 111 it 1 itt nt t ujii m tin m owbruu i iittj t n i th i i 1 s if hi m 1 1 rum tli t r id i im is i hi 11 t n 1 11 it on d f t t ir 1 i n ti 1 n mi t if owbr li didn t w itk th 1 i v is do 1 f w tb ip i u u 1 ib 1 1 tt r t 1 t n 1 u i 1 in tn t i 1 ill v l th t i u 1 ni it i 1 h w t ii t i il t 1 ti 1 1 m th b n m mil tht r nip m ii t ni u ni w 1 w the vufr i tth 1 r iimi th c n 1 s j 1 it t it t ti r 1 iv ti mn h t thif w 1 t ill- h ni t 1 f d hi r t bit k j id d u p t t i i k d i tst i i r 1 111 r d v 11 mi 1 1 i i 11 i r ti 1 1 11 t t ik it m th r hour r m t 1 i 1 d mr inj 111 t t hni hii k d r it 1- w s id n hii dhtnr n r an 1 i wt k xi tr 1 n rik f r 111 wht n pntii r itui i w r out on th pruru m 1 u i from i d 1 1 r ft m ht r tld simttini t v iki up with i bid ittick of er ut in i it w 1 mi if 1 p c ic th it mi d ht r fn ni linking ttniijht thinking iikmi mo h f md h r nrntdics i mitl msilf 1 bowl of bn id and milk ind it listed just is pood is i n rnemb r it i just iskrto pirtnt r whit hi motht r ditl when thev hid colds we didn t hive colds h inswer ed the crv thought of staving in kep them away now i wonder havent i stir red up memories for some of jou people books toys stationary suppilm kennedys book store 25 wyndham st dtmlph angtm knndy prop v8 jvwce veostabub t lift tomato juice sliced beets red saimon 4soz im 9 atucee m oobob lb tin sie sweet pickles bread buttar pickles 29e s7e marmalade xe pancake syrup c 33c oaliyornla snurr cocktail vt- 4sc 16oz tin 25c tropical froit balad 20 oz 33c soe sm fkg 21c chocolate buds pie apples aylmer prune plums nen 23c p i n e a pfle sliced 20oz 33c brown bear honey 45c macaroni 2 mb 19 shortening romm smiths ketchup green beans i9e doue8tio m btl 2ie fantnr pink salmon vn 4ic apricots cream corn xsf tomato juice l 22ie dos ob cat food champion 2 abiitom vm 20 oz tin 31jc 2 vx 25c oranges grapefruit kill hokll celery stalks 4s 2 for 25c apples basket 59c htl si dailv carrau balldl hplnmch tntoi onpei ciulldowrr new cabbai

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