Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 8, 1951, p. 6

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the acton fee press thursday march bth 1w1 black and white brief the february laaue of the hol- ateln priexun journal contain muchoi interest to hal ton hoist ein enthusiast wc note under th of 623 canadian holatelns have now qualified for certificates of lontf time tvoduttlbn trtllth pasitloit among the silver seal producer that in those which in lheir life time have produced over iso 000 lb milk and 3100 lbs fat utkath exlne mercedes dutchlnnd owned by harold bin eh am and son of seoriietown this ureal cow in eleven lactationt on twft times mllklnj has producedtsn lb milk and 6 wfbfct ano her silver seal halton rec ord holder ft mcadowbrac sylvii polly alto in the same herd v 1th 154 241 lbs milk and lbs fat amonk the blue cal producers 125 000 lbs milk and 4 250 lbs fao is blossom tenser hcrmcrvijld ownrd bv victor j lawrence oak ille with 1vi w lbs milk and 4 870 lbs fat other halton blue seal producers are owned bv m deajioe of palermo emerson jord of hornbv and morlcv watson of freeman in the red senl list moo 000 lbs milk and 1400 lbs fat ue note ashnllc earmsof milton with two johnson neeland horrr by with three cows ind w w thompson hornbv emcnon ford hombv and hirold binaham of georgetown with one each amonc the cmndian chimpion producers we note cnjmar farm oakvllle with no less thin fivi zreat records little beie or to be more correct gra mar bessie pathfinder is fifth highest for milk ns senior hree eir old on thr times with 26 029 lbs railk md i a senior two voir old on 3x sht ts in second plicc v ith 23 013 lbs milk her record havina been bro en b her own daughter gravnmr lochinv ir champion with 24ij lbs milk ind 1120 lbs of fat it is ilso of interest to note amonc the leidinc rop sins lonelm tcxil fivne whose op daughter hive rrpde 102 ncords aonjjinr u sflo lbs milk ind 551 lbs fit this preit holstein bull is the sire or rrindsire to most of the bulls in the holstun stud it the miplc lnit thret of his sons mmcl xonum texal ideal lontlm texal antnnv ind lonelm t xil hijh croft in the mnple unit sired hon our list producers in 1050 listed amoiir the wmntrs in the all canadnn judmc conti wt nott the hih halton competitor is donald c peer of milton who scored 140 points out of i possible 150 lloyd picknrd of oakvtllc thi st cond hurh contestant from hilton with 11 points whilt tied with llfl points are john w picki t hi rnbv wiltir smirt ind diid ptllitterio botltof milton firidmuij 4mutanr to purchaser of bt cf sin thi mini il show ind nicti m v nf b f hulks scheduled for thi itov il uintti fur huildim t tun on mirth loth md 21st will in thi nut i i x n tut f c ittlt i n tint lists ntedh s t idd present pi c bt t f i ittl w ill t n in i puk tl nnj id i f i both ivtnt as in fiinui t ii tin ontario lu stoi k hr inch w ill p i i pa mum tpi il t i m thud f th i lhtu pin f u h hull but n t xcnd nik il 0 p i bull t ill y ittit s w 10 i id 1 tn urn in out ir t t il f t i i num f m tin ih n lu itls c m it vincent scott honorary president ro setfsworth and jos wickstm mr tomllnitbn 6 brampton pre sented the film no hand strip ping based on dr peteron i out landing work 1nmlnnfetttjtthe junior farmers metirh wihlf d pelletterlw presented an excellent tesume of their yeaia club activ ities at the joint meeting keen competition for bacon shoxo during the pat vwek the town ship directors for the halton hog producers selected the entries for their respective townships these have been selected as follows esqueiine townihtp harvey moffat and sons jas w carney man hunters lucky they are canucks there will b cheerful hews in thu summers census for canada fl manhuntlns unmarried women fredsodsworthwrues in h cur rent issue of macleans because the eount of bachelors will show a bain of mom in the past terijgcar pew other countries offer thr single girl such happy hunting op portunities bodsworth points out in imi canada had a surplus of 413086 unmarried moles over un- marrled females and the new cert sus is expected to reveal a surplus or lfitnf then census information wllf 1 taken it jtune by 18000 enumer ators at a cost of w million and will take a year and a half toeomplln it will also show says bodsworth a population increase of 2 500- boa in canada frqrn 11500155 to u 100000 since imi an increased life expectancy of four years for the average canad ian bm in 10s1 over the 1041 babi j the lamest famuies in quebec ixirzjvzrrszxz pr v -v- in british columbia 3 3 although nortrl e ast west south news rom all directions reid and son and cedrlc harrop nttsauaven township ed dav enport mn hattle price robt m andersftn hon uichardson and t pnttcnon nehon township burdre gun b e b clements glen camp bell uov ellenton allan potter- son ind fred dixon trafnlhnt township rayncr bros vv r rovle frank cart- unrht v b bradley and- percj merr tht hor were marketed during yt i5 km ill 1 mil bull ik 1 1 all ii n 1 1 it i k it 1 ii 11 il i mi t i ii v tl 1 r k i c i 1 i hi i i llllll nll 1 u i 1 mini n l 11 ii irf nl s in til ii ii 1 1 if il i t hn k ull 11 v h it i j i r t t ctfl i u i 1 tn t f ih pil 1 w n h m t th h i i i i m i 1 1 h 11 m n 1 t i f i i t v k i wik lum w t 1 t i th m t lu t i tt sj t ib hi th 111 l i i i f ihi i r il t ii i th x t h iv h i 1 u i t v it i t f 1 s t n u 1 i i 1 i ih it i t t l ii i i tu p ri n i itt rx u md i i p ii i t mn a th i cm 1 li ii il n llisliu u i pi i i n i 1 i t tt tht tltt n if off i r f h jim r instituti w h h k c illui il id prts ntjt t 1 r uhit ink uid m i similar npi it fir th junior fai ner th nt apt m d off ict rt tn follov 1 in ol itutuuit prv ltm i ljuiiiki viet pr s audrt v wnk ion ac trrm uarjorte st jf worth dujrid director dorrn pattrnon directors martfun t youn kvrun por and ann pi lb tu no junior farmtrs prvnident gtn smith ict prtvt harold t secret a r john tillycrop trt ai rord wickson director daud lillycrop daxld pelletterio and folloulnc procevsinr at cinada pickers ltd will be on dlspla at thi hilton seed fiir and bacon show in the milton town hall on siturda mtreh 17th thoie nqiiinnj ccd grain would bt well idked to secure their rt quircments it thi- populir nnnunl cent where nil entries are bicked b covtrnment jfndc including ri munition an mction silc of ten bushel lots will be held follow inn the iddrcss of w p witson on ino lie slock commissioner on saturdi afternoon prize lists for this annual show nn now anablc at the auncult unl office in milton sprinku chopped mint on top of pii soup for i nui tistc icnition bc has the highest marriaflc rnte every canadian province except saskatchewan whl ahow a poptil ation rain over 1041 bodsworth calculatei from flttrcs cnnstnntlv checked and rev ised b the pom inion bureau of statistics british columbia is thi fnstist growing province jumping from 818000 to 1 1 go 000 41 pi r cent followed b quebec 21 r pi r cent ontario 21 4 pir cmt nova scoth and new brunswick il per cent- a u i 10 9 per cent and prince edwird islind 21 percent siskauhiwm today has 17 ptr ctntvs popul ition thin in 1041 thi overill incrns uy bods worth is ixplnined b thp addition of tv0 000 niwfoundlindirs to cm idi s population b immirntion and b the fict the hirth nti jump id from 20 ptr 1000 to 211 b per 1 000 tn 10 m irs 110 000 mon cm idnn bibics i eir and thi cmsus will nvnl thit cantdnn nun lie ibout tht ir iges just is much is wonun sis bods worth dbs explains this bv point ing out thit whtn thev git ovei ts both men ind womin cluster it the even numbers- w hi n thiv re uort their iu giving w until tht v bi conu 42 ind 42 until thev be come 44 tbttiafa rrumt ktid old ca auhough interestlntf blbf of htvv from the other newmpapers of hal ton or from other nearby centre arc the main object of this eolumn jrtewwlltertonhhrrmtstmw iwt- wthk carried two atorlem that are worth re peat hi one that is un usual and that in a warning first the warning a merchant in that town received a leltcr ap parently from a man in a spanish prison asking for help in recover ing a sum of money and promising a third of it to the mnn who would help him when he immediately suspected the letter his queries un covered the fact that another man was know to have forwarded as much as 43 w0 complying with the directions of the racketeer of course the money was completely lost the other item slipped modesty into the account of a forty eighth wtddihg anniversary ci lejjratiori was that guests of the walkcrton cnupli wlre served pieces of the original wedding cakl reporting that it was as moist and delectable us when first baked good and bad although tht news on t front p- at the meeting the addition of the throe column paper namo on tie five column page odd a unique touch that to some extent make up far the lack of the council tta- tount now largotype name twmiluiminif the erin advocate that papers tditor was not completely happy inhl w eck ev idently the v illagl council ibsolutely n fusts to have its minutis published or to have inv member of the press present w mre jimi again last week almost two full columns on the front page of the georgetown herald were devoted to these interesting little single sentences called personals in side the paper in another column there are other mentions of who has moved where just in case it seems impossible to gather that many personals the georgetown herald proves otherwise showing just how the little things that hap pen in o town can br so pleasant for others to read forty personals were forwarded to the paper for the column and it was just an or dinarv week 3 puuywlllow and butterflies thoscwho spot the first birds of the spring wil be a little chagrined to learn that jim vidal of erin sow n butterfly at the end ofsfebruary the butterfly was no leakor piece of paper blown by the wind cither for he caught the butterfly to ex m e tltfwi wc read in thebnieebrldke-gazelle- but these harbingers ore likely to be in more plentiful supply here further south only no one has veh turtd out into marshy land to gather them whitw hofotm huh mift t u yw chancm r that lnvud lic inaurane dollars ir bnhtineyou by helping to build urgently ndd puhhe works on of of th might b a nw will quippd school ncouragtng your boy or girl tobts bttr happitr atudant ii mlelu l mtlm uftliwv hslplng to rllva frame conettion in your dutnct life insurance dollars invftd for tlw fututendi of policy holdert mak it pouibla to build many such roads thraugltout th nation pliap4 m kw bulwlry has recently moved into your town creating jobs for many people maybe for you if to it may be one of the induitriet that life imurance dollars have helped to butld or expand other life insurance dollars play a part in building power plants water systems and many other useiul projects fmmium itsmesf by these investments which help make itq4ihie for canadas 5 mi ilioivpol icy holders to enjoy daubl mmcunty income for ila a o li progress and security throughout the nation the life insurance companies in canada and thejr representative woikiho rot national mooslls iu i idi no 110nal ficuiitv l 1s0d farms need capital too thats why so many farmers have saving accounts at the b of m fa no m i i businiss it wist not to piophtsv about you can t look iheid ind sa this is go ing to bt i eood nr or thi wont be so jood the wuthrr ind mirki t conditions md m inv othtr fictirs mfhunti thi fanmrs pi tit rikht up to tht 1 ist thit s wh the fir sighttd f inne- pl in his fm inct i cirt fullv is hi pi in his nop- whin things ir k ink will hi st ts jsidi is nui h h cm f hi pi of its with which a bu in dut ctmrst mon livestock oi b lit r equipment md modern i7t hts firm or hi keeps tht monej i i tl trvi fund ignnt enurkin cu it ill idds up to tht rtcoknitio i thit finnink nitds cipitil ton om tf thi bi t wis to build such cip it il is to istnbliih i savings ic count it tht bink of montre il whin produce chequis ire not nefdtd for immtdiitt txpinsts tht rt no bt tti r plict for tht m thin i b of m sivinks iccount piv i c ill onn tin gordon oder mm ik r of tht locil brmclf from hi m inv vt ir txptrunct hi cm k u htlpful advici on th bt st w v j k abiu vour firm fmmnnk big value j n v l r rjt youi tiuphoni ni ltrm that taken a maller r- p irt if vuur hu lrt than it used tu it- t t luii t k nr up a mut h a mott otlirr thinpn i 1 the wa it vtrls fo nu the errands k il runt the chopping it dixs the time hti-p- and urr it naves its always on the job iradv fur any emrrnrnc in another uu ti thr trlephune n humei value todav than ever before now ou can iraih ruiri- as man proplr as ou could ten yrart ago hrirntily helpful telephone sernce is one c totla i big bargains i 0u iiavtnt ft got sfh ice im can be sure your neighbourhood will lw mtvcj ami yflut place on thr list prolnlrd taking care of people without rue a quickly a pouibla is one of our biggeslejid nwml important tasks thi uutiiiwioinrxohfaiiroif cmmkoit ixhord l ihom a sc r tj cmt ol mostoqvr 4 cl i usr ontario hydo i ctarti khk general man o0r wlsdior ulu li ion or utta rtoidm kt atkw of hyavo- onwno looo 1v23 k0 attiiianl gn m eflk nsihg out alia hyo t h mortudol p ettg- manajr and scriary sudbury hydro elactric comnut- tlon honours ontario hydro outstanding tt6teei zud ibulcden sjijc r tno cnral ua bflr plr c or a w orf pr laynr conitrvc tlon limit d leaod ont a w manny s-v- p ino aitiiianr cw uqi adainm irottom onterlo hyyo to honour public spirited citizens engineers and builders ontario hydro is now naming its large projects after men who have in great measure been responsible for the important position occupied by your hydro in the industrial commercial rural and homo life of the province pictured are men whose service in the field of hydropower was so recog nized at the 42nd joint annual meeting of the association of municipal electrical utilities and the ontario municipal electric association held in toronto february 26th 27th and 28th listed below are the proiects which will perpetuate their names 1 ad a u4 pols r qiilinuckpaj cir ja statton capwt iflo ooq hp bop oho tint 19ji nr qwstwtun kssni i of t ushtf tiwul wctssm capotir 430 ooo h p hlmnj l iu o ftrtu itltm fon totomto cnn ating sliilsm cupoury j34 ooo hp imotal op a mm lul ivil oapltm n m i lij j cu knit omwlli umhm pqfsnnrtv watdiar cnnnratm ita lt bumal opmikas lata 1 93 1 ml opsifulwm imi t h lurikniu wwmv chm dwmjmmf l pamnrly wdbry ckoao and tranomtfr slanon oh hum oimwiwi klniln ohao ira coihitur jlijoohr lmmll p uhor y 1032 sr and t uwlvim stdiion fating stona capkxvy 3 a ooo h p itartad in t94 umraha 1930 i d4aim ri pwataitv kipling tsitlmm 1 1949 the hydroelectric power commission of ontario

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