Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 15, 1951, p. 4

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mm fouk the acton free press thursday march 4 lath 161 ttrms of tnitmtto bt htcludmd in thaw columns should b tl- phoonl to 174 oraent to thi tni press owct evtsttonj wmrockrxelur-of-wtrmlpbsrvl- ited in acton on thursday mra lloyd cutting of acton pent the wskmd with her other mra jtcatln evcrton frlemerar sorry to hear thtftr aetena nonagenarian mr william malntrlze i iii in gqclph general hospital mr and mra kerf rotidall and family have moved from acton to milton where they live with mm randalls father mr marccllu mrs henry hunter of guelph formerly of acton a patient in guelph general hospital following an operation all wish her a speedy recovory rmrs bert mcmenemy of george- town was rushed to guejph gene ral hospital last thursday morning where she underwent an appendix operation mrs mcmenemy the former grace gibson expects tj be home again this week mrs w head sick in guelph hospital frfendji of mrs w head regret to hear ahe i in hospital at guelph ah wish her a speedy recovery jmr and mw harvey jestln and bobby vbdted on sunday with mr and mra tcdjcsmn and family hock wood mm lloyd- cutting acton apent ihe wjkend with her mother mra jejrtlri acr and mm charlie rye and with the latters parenta mr and mm j p benham mm suter visited n few last week with relative at don aocicwooo parents invited to scoutcub banquet lmi tuesday evening wan a bin nlghmln connection with local boy scouajfand cub along with their icadera when a aianqiict wa held in the basement of the presbyter ian church mother or the young people providing the good thlnga to which wore done full- justice mr martin bauer wan principal man of the evening activities following ruppor mr bauer intro duced the special guttat of the- ev- son geph y on daya lon- nassacaweva ss no 7 mrs h mainprise is guest speaker the wms of nauagaweya pres byterian church met on tuesday in the home of mrs d henderson for kbgtcatt t molutllcal gave t raster message and an outline of the work of wms auxiliaries in the western division in canada mrs blow mrs j allison and mrs b davidson were guests at the meeting a car load of euchre players from this district attended the euchre in no 8 school last wed nesday nigju whlchwos sponsored by dublin wi mrs stanley robinson mrs peter- mclean and mrs david hen derson attended the demonstration on home decorating in lime- ostwtigfc name 1st officers of young peoples the annual sunday school meet ing was held on saturday night in the basement of the church a young peoples society was org anized with the following officers president marjorle chester vice- president ralph sinclair secret ary shirley chester treasurer joyce chester several games of croklnole wore played followed by the serving of lunch mr and mrs d stewart at tended the funeral of the late mrs r stewart in toronto- last tues day mr a mcklnney returned to his tapoftto ow mflnaay after- mrs nancy gill dies lii k3rd year in her 103rd year mrs nuncy cih a native of campbcllvllln pas sed away hut thursday lh london on i after a long lllniss shy hud been living in london for 17 years and before- that- in ethr ls brr is survived by one son o rover of london 18 grandchildren and many greatgrandchildren the funeral wsw held in london with interment in elmo cemetery at wood rirnn4xe vactmr fe d at l fronvhoapital last- thursday- ttet house last thursday mrs paul teacher- of nor rfnvenlng with mrand-mrs- school- accnmpnnipd by gradaa t and 8 were in the bus load that went to toronto last thursday and visited queens park and the mu seum the farm forum of march 5th gathered at the home of mr and mrs o iockerajridmarch 12th the forum members were entertained by mr and mrs stanley robinson these meetings were on educa tion and training for the rural teacher following the discus sion a social time- was spent and refreshments served umehouse euchre ddnce help sponsor excursion the umchousc girls project group were hostesses on friday evening at a euchre and dance in the hall euchre prizes went to mrs r l davidson and k c lindsay and seconds to mrs james noble and william sinclair stan mat thews won the door prirc and mrs charles jones and h norton won the spot dance doris hulls or chestra provided music tor dancing with r l davidson as floor mana ger the proceeds of the evening will help finance an excursion to toronto with some co other hal- tori county girls miss olive marshall and mr and mrs fenn of toronto were sunday visitors with the mitchells mr and mrs ted morrow and elnino of toronto visited mrs uinc ttr sunday mr joe scott is still confined to st joseph s hospital guelph since tuesday of last week when he suf- fcred a severe nose blevd friends hope tluit he may soon be well ream mrs newton is making good pro gress towards recovery from her fall 1 churles jones hud an unfortu nate accident at work hicli cost him part oiu finder from his left hand about fifty wi ladies and their friends from north hulton district took advantage of a course brighten your home with color in lime house memorial hall on thursday miss k tagkart super visor of home furnishings for w 1 and home economics service of ihr dtpt of agriculture was lec turer limehouse w i ladies serv ed afternoon tea at 4 oclock lt co and mrs bourne uiss t agnew and cadet r p bourne attended the assault at arms at ridley college st catherines on saturday mr a c bourne a stu dent there played a prominent part in the event mrs s wright spent a few days in toronto last week mrs f t c brown visited in hamilton early this week here mr george robertson of ham ilton mr and mrs wm webb arid family of paisley block spent sunday with their parents mr and mrs george robertson a number attended the funeral oftmyjate andrew altken t ac- tori on tftursday sincere symp athy is extended to the bereaved family miss doris fines spent a couple of days last week with her sis ter and brother in -law- mr and mrs wm henderson belwood mr and mrs lloyd robertson and alan of guelph visited on gathering j rev john w oliver was also present and also addres sed the scouts and lenders as well no their mothers and fathers some cdmm unity singing was also enjny- nd ns well ji n few scout and cub activities participated in a very pleasant evening was en joyed by oil present i thursday afternoon was open house at the public school when parents and friends had the privi lege of seeing activities of scholars in their school work addresses woroglven by mr david arm strong principal of the school miss fasken head nurse of wellington health unit followed by discus sions miss brown assistant nurse of guelph district was als prc- sent some disappointment was felt among the school staff that more people were not present for the occasion mr charles thatcher was remov ed to the hospital in guelph last week for medical attention he is expected home this tuesday mcrfrnnk moore returned home t g robertson friends of mrs foreman will be pleased to lenm she was awe to leave the hospital on saturday following a few days treatment and all wish for her better health mr and mrs alf winter of oushc were recent visitors with mrs wj jackson mr and mrs fred baptle visited recently with mrs miller rmd family at brampton welcomed to the ospringe com munity are mv and mrs archib ald and family who are on the albert mecutcheon farm on the 1st line and mr and mrs taylor who have bought the duffleld farm on the town line mrs calvin 15vnns was hostejn for the march meeting of the wo mens institute on wednesday af ternoon the vicepresident mrs alvln fisher presided and ml is doris fines read several letters roll call ttousecleanlnc hints brought forth several good sug gestions for saving time and oner- rv a cash donation was voted to he federation of agriculture plans were made for several con tests for the district annual and also for a booth at mrs carney sale with mrs d hurren mrs a fisher and mrs d winter named as the committee ladles are asked to donate pies a paper on citizenship and education was given hv george grundy- miss doris fines gave a rvadlntr and also nnductd a sunny conest which was won bv mrs alvln fisher the hostes assisted bv mrs n mekenzle and mrs georeo rob ertson served n dalntv lunch the next meeting is to be at mrs thomai finos home fwlnc to he nrevalencc if the flu farm fcinim mertlnjrv were dispensed wti fox two wcev hut resumed on march sth at he himr of mr and mrs alvln fiih- rr mr j hunter acted a li1cr for the dkcimion on can the rurrfcutuni be improved for rtirnl ichools it was thoncht that the course of ttudv should he the siif for both rural and irbin schools and agriculture jhnulr h in onioni subject with the pupil deciding if he would take it or pot lunch was vrved and a somal time enloved mr and mrs georee grundv entartalned the farrnfnnim on mondav nlirht when the topic whnt kind of rrftlrilne for rural teachers was discussed ati ag- vd that rural teachers iirlet should be jhe same n the cltv teacher and should be based on their ahilttv to cir n good lob it was thought advisable to hav idernhln orfrred as a summer course for those interested mn alvln fisher and jerom- tiuntr won nrlres for euchre mntln was made of the vlslt of dr suth erland medical officer fo- wel- lingnn countv health tt in the near future as guest speaker medical attention for flu following the cold weather of last week the present milder weather is much appreciated by the publfc mr and mrs max milne in com pany with mr nnd mrs james milne and family spent sunday with mr and mrs lloyd hunter and family at owing to inclement weather the previous weekend the local boy scouts held a paper collection on saturday afternoon 7 miss ruth e george iff back at heriifice after illness jnst week ydur eyes deserve the iest consult r m bell register optometrist mumta 23rlx erin c r cross s s hauto prrts parts oil anti freeze for all maka cart and trucks tires from 30x3 i to 825x20 woods hoist and box 3 yard chav dp axlas bus phone w31 milton ros robert st phone 131 county rate stays same as last year continued from pagm otui the fentale help in the aiseisoru office u0o a week council will again this year sponsor a iubilc school eonarv- -altonoomikaillloiirlt- -was-lelftml- followlntf a recornmendnilin by mr w cressmah ot the ontario department of landjf and foredln uho anve a brief report on the comity wood lota he informed council 02000 trees would be mude available for planting in the coun ty lout thin season rhree hund- red ireew were cut nnd fold im i watch for 5 the acton home and school assn tfr on since the- limit for buying car hrng wm pvfpndfd tr tbi wwh there will likely be another last minute rush next monday and tuesday public auction-sale- in nelson township ford tractor tractor equipment farm implements poultry equip ment hay grain etc the undersigned have received instructions from canada howard farms to sell by public auction at lot 3 con 0 twp of nelson 5th line i thursday march 22nd at 2 oclock the following implements ford tractor new in 140 with ford plow ford terra cer weed hooks 14plate ford disc mh no 5 binder cpcltshutt groin drill 13run wld hay loader drop head seed har rows 5section dump rake spring tooth harrow 2sectlon low truck wagon wagon box flat hay rack ivrow corn scutfler seed mixer and platform hog scales electric fencers hog troughs har ness electric clippers hog crate cotton bags double pulleys blow torch forks shovels chains and numerous small articles danty equipment woods- milking machine 2- unit with uo piping woods milk cooler bcon automatic solution rack milk cart milk palls etc electric pall portable whitewash sprayer poultry equipment rain shelters range fountain covered range feeders electric time switch electric water heaters battery of nests brooder house i2xl2 brooder stoves poultry wire hay grain and seed 500 bus oats 20 bus wheat 2 bus buckwheat 2 bus sweet clover seed half ton brewers cleanings 5 ton loose hay 11 ton baled kay 11 tons mixed grain quantity of furniture terms cash settlement witb clerk day of sale no reserve as the farm is sold 1undley and elliott phone 10rs rock wood or 1771 milton b auctioneers murfins pfumeef tan extra ibathis alvxs jcowvcwicmt if you ned a new basin bath or any other plumbing fixtures or repairs call us today bfmurfin ksiuuhuitu works ii plumbing heating r easter flowers large variety choose your favourites in potted plants or cut flowers for easter giving or brightening your ownhome christmas trees at 25c each brf aid the money earned fcom the ale wan placed at the emintys credit in the deportment most of these trees were cut to improve the plantations the- speaker said areqiicjit from the aclon plan ning roard fpr an ifloo jrant for 1041 was xent to the finance com mittee for further investigation during the closing minuter of the tension deputyroov george les lie inquired- from the road com mittee when work wan going to commence at colamlty hill at stewarttown lie also onkid when the approach to highway 7 was going to be raised on the eleventh line he pointed out he made this request some three months agonnd nothing has been done ince the depression in the roadway approaching the highway is very dangerous nnd nomeday someone is going to be killed there i would like to see thli improvement made to prevent thai mr leslie declared it is getting provoklngthat the head of our roads department doi not show a little action i asked for some work to be done near bronte and no action has been taken reeve wlcksnn injected very little discussion took place but considerable time was spent considering resolutions sponsored by other municipalities among those endorsed were from the county of wentworth who were seeking to have the department of education subsidize the purchase of school sites on a similar basis to that allowed for the cost of erect ing new school from perh county who asked to hove legis lation approved authorizing mun icipal clerks to vote at mu elections and their ballots be placed jn a saalod on vol ope not 1 opened unless n tie resulted from n recount as4rinde by a county judge it wan- argued it would el iminate the embarrassment placed on any dork who was called upon to break a tic vote a r request- from the halton disr trlct womens institute asked the county to establish a convalescent home in the northern portion or the county equipped with an- em ergency ward they offered their assistance in this maftcr however council felt the present committ ment of construction of the new home for the aged was suitjcient undertaking at the present time members were sympathetic to the suggestion but felt they should not burden the taxpayer further at this time walter c- eves was again ap pointed weed inspector 3 the county for 1051 and approved of increasing the auditors fee f om 400 a year to 550 deputy reeve hikrins informed members this was the first increase in the auditors fee since 1im0 and felt it was justified as there was additional work involved accounts approved and ordered to be paid included county build ings 85131 agriculture and re forestation 8100 county roads 1225112 assessment 10545 hos pitals 200750 printing s15710 county home for the aged 30- 100fl7 finance 029200 council adjourned to meet april 10th thursday april 5th 1951 roxy theatre- i f bachelor- tleueif available through rh public school chlkfrmi j and home and school atsoclahwi members two shows on thursday night special matlne for mt school children a 415 pm m adults 50c children 15c we are raising funds to help wth the beeuflflcatlon 5 of our hew school addition ba1mma1mak1a1mlia1a1ala1ma1mmma1mmklmblslbakl7 e t marks phone 88 mill st acton 76 cubic feet frlgldalre refrigerator 34975 km llima wuulwful rtlauala eaa- ir faaturw am mamr aiaaly 5 matchinq pair wai grter gi geon team in blossoms dust aagm masterpiece re print showing at the roxy morj- day and ttsesday filmed in technicolor this outstanding motion picture tells one of the greatest love stories of the de cade revolutionary 30inch frig ida i r electric range 29975 itf rm fhir f twin utdwes cm c ovw clmfe cwmret im mwtv tlstu vm wlttieut cs umm l 26975 easy terms home furnishings store phqntirv b g e t d w mains it-

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