Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 15, 1951, p. 7

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thursday habch lstfc 1841 the acton hmee press potts corner rauaira vaas some fannar mr so wondrous vy they always taka shah- b but spend that time with ears and n new wrinkles good to csc their fields they plant with bean anarpi and potash phmphau vii tben if those fields don t ahall w no errors theyll xqq if any one wtlt work and c that not a thing dkk this mnd of fanner he can b and prove that farming wa from th country tftniuman kmooton sunday school lesson sunday march 18 1d51 jbeospaceabi golden text not what r will but what thou wilt mt 14 m lessor text uk 14 25 28 s3 m sup- several tsjlooe oh wheals drove by the office on their way to work the other tnornlnsl we wondered if they maybe bad brubber lamps insidsothstrtheyeouldlnthe sieerlns wheel the earamtt ete they certainly were not lectins hi miieh dajufht from outside let alone any view of what was going on around them nervewracking we would think to have to put up with oneself if one was so buy that one couldnt bother getting out to clean up a few windows and so frustrating to thbak that you were shut up inside an accident going someplace to happen lwkiaiiygirfs get lovely curves foil jmmiutui k st georges square guelph couplets eyesight service exposition 1 the lord s per established 2328 do the words this is my body itantht aa jruahlesad the bread it became the actual physi cal body of christ or do they mean this bread l my body and just as you eat this breed and h be comes a part of you so you are to m ya y u kjme a part nf you one can find the answer to this question by noting the force of is in exek 8 5 1 cor 10 4 1 11 23 em 37 11 matt 13 u luke 12- 1 jrno 10- 7 rev 1 to cat 4 25 but after all has been said there is doubtless a real pres ence of christ in the elements and when we do partake of them dis cerning the lords body there is a real feeding upon christ to that lust at the bread we eat becomes a pari of us to he himself becomes a part of us jno 8 m 51 s335 it it by faith that we feed upon htm jno 8 54 st but that faith alone is true faith that actually feeds upon christ and appropriates to itself the life and strength that there it in him there can be no covenant between a holy god and a sinful man except on the ground of shed blood v 24 cf heb 9 18- 23 the blood it the life and the life ntutt be pd wherever 3 pack hevmi bearing of mans sin longed for human sympathy but he did hot get it he- trod the winepress alone while he took with him into the deeper shadows of gethesemane the innermost circle of his chosen ones peter and james and john even they slept while the saviour agonixed and prayed there is ingawfultoeontempli the- absolute loneliness of the saviour hi jesus praying the disciples sleeping 33 m what a sight i the holy cw of god oh his face in prayer before him the prayer as uttered by- jesus is differently recorded by the th oa cf matfcfssv 44 luke 22 42 doubtless our lord jesus said all that the differ rnt evangelists record and wa evangelist gives one part of the prayer and another pari he pray- edrthwtbttrcmove cup freob hlin or more literally to carry it along this was not a pray er for deliverance from the cross from that though jpsus dreaded it he never drew back jno ii- it 28 moreover we are distinctly taught in the bible not only that the father always heard jesus jno 11 41 42 but that he was heard in this specific instance heb 5 7 and whetva prayer is heard the very thing asked it given i jno s 14 is so jetus got he asked in this eate he asked that the cup might pass on until the appointed hour on the cross and the cup did pass on he was dying of agony then and there v 34 and god strengthened him luke 22 43 and he went on to the cross and accomplished his uork auction sale ui khamoba or rmrm sleek mmplw as rted and secrbi the undersigned have received instructions from john 1 tonk tubi3hu0u00a hlf there is sin if there is to be forgive ness lev 17 11 the blood of christ was shed unto remission of sins matt 23 2fl ii jesus sorrowing even unto death 3234 jesus took all the disciples ex cepting judas with him to geth- semano but ho left eight on the edge of the garden and went into the deeper depths with only three the three whom jesus took with him now were the same who went with him to the mount of trans figuration if he takes us to the mount of transfiguration we may expect him to take us also to the garden of gethsemane jesus as he came close to the agony of th- ctyre nnri inin1igri m the if juruv aneye for a buy am ths the one hand and their lack of self sacrificing love on the other is he not putting the same qucs- hon to us today the rebuke wm at the ow goodyear j daxux give more amilaage 1 1 54 p asjleag hata the uf- snileage goodyear it replace give added protection cram blow outs plus super uactloa its canada aaoat popav ur tlra tb ovsavi wbelmitig- choic thrifty motorist umi imtdojjl 130 mu snuarr month v ford monatch sales sktvicl asleep tii something of hisagony and prayer but they had been more occupied with their own sorrow than with his and were soon overborne with it luke 22 43 we can under stand them by studying ourselves we too are often moro occupied with our own griefs than uith the griefs of jesus over a perishing world and wc too sleep when we ought to watch and pray the plcep of the disciples was natural but it was not excusable it was a fulfilment of tho prophecy i look ed for comforters but i found nonefps so 20 jesus asked them a tenderly reproachful question that revealed his own heart break ing and longinc for sympathy on farm west half of lot 8 can 1 sliuated on verton line 2 miles south f kverton s lots north of no 7 highway on aatximraljhaaudm it st patricks day commencing at one oclock aa follows cows hollrteln cow due before sale date 5 years old holsteln iow luo march 25 6 yearr old hereford cow fresh s weeks h calf at foot rebred holsteln cow bred jan 1 milking well ayr shire shorthorn b years old bred jan 3 holstaan heifer fresh felt la h calf at fobt holstein heller fresh feba7bccalf hol stein heifer due end of march shorthorn heifer about too lbs veal calf youno cattle pair of shorthorns to a ewt ready for batcher pair of steers stjarihorn and hereford about s50 lbs pair roan steers about coo lbs 4 breedy shorthorn yearlings about 400 lbs this fat a very breedy bunch of young cattle all snort- horns steers horses and harness hatched team of grey fcrcheront 10 and 11 yean about 1000 lbs this is a iplrndlrt arm team quiet and good in all harness 04 of teaaa harness with breechings 3rd none harness pair of blind bridles pair 23 scotch collars half doz odd collanw blankets stewart clippers 4 tom belli real ones hogs sowsviyork sow second litter bred jan 23 young york tow bred feb 4 young york sow bred march 3 young york sow bred feb 4 6 chunks about 100 lbs 5 york shoats er invalids wheel chair- small epal all heater 4bumer coal oil stews wtth even i iron we with springs and mattresses electric washing machlner mayflower frlg- idalre victor radio cabinet med ium alze lhc cream separator sealers dishes and various small a tkbms cash on day of sale no articles to be removed till a satisfactory settlement is ma no reserve as the farm is sold everything must be cleared out by march 24 when the new owner gets poeaesslo iundutv mdlfcy and hxiott auctioneers roy hindley in charge a gray clerk the form- u 3 miles ne of hoekwood on to 5 aide road sale under cover in case of bad weather help tiwhp jtof dot 18 york shoals while jes pray ttboutflolb 1 yuuug g mower no ift cut in good re pair 10 jl ilh dump raicc good as new 13tooth cultivator 17- tooth cultivator 10hoe seed and grass seed drilj noxon acction mjl harrows with 2 double trees steel roller poier hamilton tur nip sower good as new inthrow disc coclcshutt no 5 manure spreader with rubber front wheels al shape pea harvesur wilkin son drill plow with potato point tudhope anderson walking plow spring tooth scuffler s eel tired buggy portland cutter mh root pulper steal stone boat truck wa gon with tractor hitch tudhope anderson three quarter helgni wagon with box nearly new hay rack com rack 5 it top sat of sloop sleighs with naw flat rack block and tackl single wire stretcher set of blocks oem elect r fen democrat bag truck behornlng ttancheon 1200 lbi scales fanning mill pig crate louden car for steel track slings 2 sets of short rope sling and chain 2 sets of 3 horse equalizers intended especially for piter who- 2 of hand made double trees had boasted he would die with je sog fog sus and now could not in watch chains 2 cant hooks hand embrv one hour iv 31 with him jesus stone hook one sixth horse motor ulco5pokeionhem a word opiarn with sotainery brooder stove est warning watch nnd priv that enter n into temptation but they heeded it not and soon uere fust asleep again iv 40 so that next day while jesus triumphed throuffh that night of prayer they foil because they had slept when they ought to have prayed but jesus gained the victory there in the garden and when all the forc es of hell swept up against him on the cross he put them off and tri umphed over them in it col 2 14 15 three times does jesus meet tht father with the same cry be fore the victory is fully won god is our rtfugt and strength in the time of test inn ps 46 to keep near him is to dvell safety ips 91 1 cleaking auction sale in guelph to tnsid tractor and farm implements horses ahd registered llolatelns tht- undersigned has l instructions from mr a hbergf to iiu by public auction at thomhim rqrm lot 6 ron receix ed 10 tin c guelph utuated js mil n of hrghuav 24 and j milt e f mirdtn on llrsia mrtll 20lh at 1 oclock the follow mg tltactor tractor equip memt ihc w 30 irjctor on rub bt r ihc 3 furrow plow ont uj dis drig cultia or i h c powi r grain binder r tin rolu r mi ldm a grain st p- arator papc iiiiilagt cuttinu box and pip 7 rubber btlt ihc corn bindt r and loader sit of harrows cockshutt fertilizer drill i horse implements ihc mow i r drum hay loader m h side di lurry rake dump rakr m i h lorn cultivator new idea man ure spn aderm h grain bindi r 2 wagons hay rack bob sleigh manure boal horses a harness team of black peroheron mares bay gelding about ism lbs bay gelding 1500 lbs set of tevn bar- ess collars bridles etc l holsteins 4 v airy equipment 10 mature cows 0 heifers bom in 40 4 heifers born in 50 accredited bloodtested and nrgatixe delaval milker and mo tor complete milk cans and dairy supplies milk cart and the unul line of small chattels and farm equipment terms cash on da of iale vo chattels to be removed till settled for renumber the date march imh follow the fingir boards from the highways the farm is 5 miles v f gurlph hindley and elliott b auctiontirjt phom 19r3 hoekwood or i77j milton and hoover forks hoes shovels chains 2nock yokes sugar kettles boxes feed bins poultry hoppers 20 gfain bags sacks hay knife grind stone i ditching machine timber and iajmber a 3 sleepers 22 ft several implement tongues half dozen anchor post 25 fence posts 2 rolls snow fenee 100 ft each bunch 1st class shingles hay grain etc 10 ton mix ed hay 300 bus beaver oats fit for seed 30bus wheat half ton heavy chop 4 bus soy beans a few feed turnips 40 lbs red clover seed furniture and household effects extension table large kitchen table several small tables kitchen chairs settee rock- ssrvtcas for doastftr veterans free blood trsatfimae outpost hasottsli sd civil defence train ng in the foroff forests and rtmnil courtlr districts tht nrarrstdctororclm cit hospital is often hun- drcdhofmilfsawa bui now your red cross stretches a healing hand across tliise lonely regions in hj ouiit flospitals and nunung sta tions skilled red cross nuncs provide comforting often iife- savmgeare girt gmrrously not only to support the outpost hoapitala but to yemr rtd cross strortt to play us vital rote with the- armed forces and in the work of civil defence canadian tid ci oss fa f0ljf mw tets leave contributions at either bank

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