Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 22, 1951, p. 3

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thursday march hud ib i the acton k pubs taomtmmwb fasti hiit the kuter boonti the sorest hat o the jrosri a prcapriac buorn that nni its arpmi hurt little rwd is daahhosncattion ulce tht oii platlileesl abosrs hm flow- era ftf ooiiree miist on an a aptrln hat whether the flowere u violets w not chattee era use hat you chmee wul be of a soft violet shade- and then the eu has a be leek asod- stty coverlns only jiart of the face atretchek from aide to aide while veils have been reported to take comical extremes thl year the lretiyaaprinlteu hat will be mow conservatively modem as wort of the latest style we ftaahy buy are on employment at alltime high employment iii ontario in de cember was riding at an allrtime high a reflection of the kenerally buoyant economic situation the bureau of statistic and research reports the volume of business transactions as recorded in the value of cheques cashed is 10 per cent above last year representing a total of s345 billion the con sumption of electrical power in the province is over 8 per cent above last years level increased domestic and foreijm demand for forestry products has quickened the tempo of our forest industries production of pulpwood in canada is expected to show an increase of 25 to 30 per cent over last year and lumber producers ex pect to ship 2j billion board feet to the uk and usa this year com pared with 21 billion board feet last year residential dwelling units under construction in ontario r up 10 per cent over last year a strong demand for producers and consumers durable goods is still verv much in evidence retail trade ob the whole is 15 per cent above last year the largest gains being shown in the sales of motor vehic les appliances and radios this sustained demand is continuing in the face of accelerated defense out lays and is to a large degree attrib utable to the desire of businesses and individuals to avoid higher prices and shortages this type ot apprehension is unlikely to dim- inlsh with the recent turn of everits jn korea the bowl pollock and campbell manufacturers of high grade memorials memorial engraving 2 waur st mohh oa1t telephone su cechacarr optometrist s dbu si tl 1091 partsoil anti freeze for all tvuu car and truck tirt ftmm 503 35x30 woods hoist and box 3 yard crv dp axuc bus wmh wi milton ret robert st phone 131 hello homemkr let your easter dinner table trei1d the ckafms oln early spring bl easter will not occur la mate ijnlrt thiscerttury it u earl hi year beeaum the first full mood after jjtarch 21 eeeutttwt the follow tri6y tfcti table mirror artanxe cutout fron yeur easter eards secured with seetch up then scatter clip pin of grtntf cellophane arwmd itheta hm fao3 preparation ahould be planned eo that the hotrte- maker too may include the eoro- taemoretlon of the resurrection of christ observed by all chrbtlena a dinner late in the day may be one solution or partial cooking of the ham on the prevloua day always helpi- tf you have vrythlntf in readtneu for the dimier the table set the centrepiece arranged rel ishes and dessert ready then plan a fireside lunch of sandwiches on a salad plate and filled hot crort buns with the coffee or tea later in the day you can prepare your fresh veritable ntyd finish cooking the meiat the family will look forward to a ffala dinner the platter holding what the purse can afford it way be a luscious vlrainla ham or a juicy roast of iveih pork accom paniments for the occasion are either apple slices pineapple rings or spiced pears cooked in coloured sweet syrup vou may have a de issue for the meat as well hot raisin sauce or hot mustard or hot applesauce vegetables baked potatoes or candled yams aspara gus tips from frozen jackaees or cans corn nib lets wlthcubed ear- rots or plain scalloped tomatoes the plain vegetable may be delicate ly flavoured with melted butter or dried mint or dried parsley a tempting dessert that can be mado hours beforehand is jellied fruit salad or raspberry parfalt topped off with a good cup of either tea or coffee however as a grand finale to a company dinner you may conslderdemllasse coffee accom panied by cookies in the easter bunny shape may you and yours enjoy a happy easter holiday roast horn place tenderized ham fat side up on rack in open roasting pan in sert fhcal thermometer so the bulb reaches the centre of the thicket part and does not rest in fat or on bone do not add water do not cover roast in a preheated electric oven of 300 degrees to the desired degree of doneness allow about ib to 25 minutes per pound one hour before done take out ham score in diamond shape pat on brown sugar sprinkle with dry musard drizzle with honey then continue baking eaiter garnish bake mint fla voured meringue shells about 3 inch size with a depression in the cen tre meantime heat peach halves in sweet pickle juice drain peaches and put on topof meringues serve with roast ham- corn and celery au gmtiii 2 cups frozen corn i cup diced raw celery 1 cup cheese sauce cup blanched browned almonds shredded cook corn and celery in boiling salted water for 12 minutes add com and celery to cheese sauce heat to boiling and simmer 2 min ute- add almonds turn into but tered casserole and cover with but tered crumbs place under broiler to brown crumbs serve at once serves 6 spring salad rups shrrdded skhig 2 cups shredded carrot v cup crushed pineapple frvnch dressing or mayon naise combine all ingredients lightly together season to taste serve in well chilled bowl- lined with let tuce serves fi rhubarbpine pie 2 cups stewed rhubarb i cup sugar crated rind of 1 orange cup cooked pineapple 1 tbip chopped candied ginger 2 tbps- cornstarch 2 or 3 tbsps cold water 2 egg yolks 0 inch baked pie shell heat the rhubarb and add surer orange rind minced pineapple pre served ginger and the cornstarch which has been mixed to a paste with the cold water cook over hot water stirring until thickened- pour pver beaen egg yolks blend and return to double boiler cook for 5 minutes longer stirring frequent ly cool pour filling into baked pie shell and serve topped wtih meringue made with the remaining 2 egg white beaten stiff and sweet ened with 2 tbsps sugar the question box vus s w asks how do you broil sliced ham so that the edges do not char annrer clip about h inch into aides of sliced tenderized ham four or five times lay slices on broiling over element about s minutes then place in oven with top of food three inches below hot element broil 10 minutes then turn and broil 8 min ute mr h p asks can a picnic cut of meat be bakvd uke a hamt if so do you use watefct eaurtfer picnic style hams may be baked place fat aide up bt open pan use no water a 4 lb jjwjiiihia 3h bwrii lrt p- chronicles ginger farm ww few sfmchiuv for th acton free press by gwvndolnjr i curh hetted electric oven 6t sot djg ttemove the skin at end of a hour cooking sprinkle with brown trujjar or honey then return to oven for another h hour mr- k n w how do you nuke sour cream grnvyt answer pan fry u cooked onion combine 3 tbspsl- flourjjth h cup water i enp flour cream and 1 beaten egg stir mix into fried on ion careful sampling is key to testing forage crop seeds for sale ere required by law to be tested for purity it is essential therefore in making that test that samples be taken with cafe to represent the seed in question with free flowing seeds such as clovers and timohy the process is completed by a mechanical mixer and divider grasses are mixed and weighed mainly by hand duj to the fact that awns glumes other attachments and inert matter pre vent them from blending easily the working portion is screened and separations are made care fully chaffy grasses and clovers for export require a test which deter mines the percentage of pure feed other crop seeds weed seeds and inert matter annual sale livestock implemevtu rxtrnttrke and misc articles the undersigned have received instructions from beg w1lfomg to sell by public- auction at his farm situated on the school line nassageweya at no 4- school 3 miles south of eden mills on 1 ntlday march tii at l oclock the following horses alack percheron fil ly 3 years old brown percheron mare 13 years old nanny goat hogs york sow due april 0 2nd utter- york sow with litter of 12 ready to wean york sow with litter at foot d chunks about 00 lb 17 pigs 9 weeks old york tarn implements leader tractor 31 hp used 150 hours cockshutt 57 combine in perfect shape ot tawa tractor saw pto drive brand new for ford or ferguson john deere pto mower 3section flcury bissel spring tooth drag deering 6 ft oil bain mower int ernational manure spreader m h drum hay loader 10 fl sulky rake mh 5b binder- in good repair there aro so many things to think about these days it is hard to concentrate on any one subject sor very long at a time the wea ther is bad enough and then comes all this talk about frozen milk prices nm dairy delivery men who insist on higher wage of el before we can get that straightened out in our- minds we start wonder ing if- the un force wllj crow thethlrtyklghth parallel and theiitwhnt then our sympathy is aroused for the poor people in the prairie provinces nt present in lh grip of a pnraliitng blizzard we knew from personal experience what n prairie storm can be like and of course we wonder whit the wenthermnn hns in store for us in ontario but in the middle of nil this along comes st patricks day and you know there is some thing about st patricks day a sort of irresistiblecharm we speak of theluck of theirlsh but may be luck is the outcome of a never- aaydle disposition an attitude to wards life be that as it may it is cheering to listen to the lovely old irish melodies there is a lift and a hit to most of them that is good for the soul tunny thing about the irish we hear them spoken of as being hotheaded and fanatical tind sometimes other unr complimentary things but yet ev eryone who has a drop of irish blood in his veins is proud to proclaim it and i among the many i hnve never set foot on irish soil yet its glnd i am to admit that my father was an irishmnn well i guess everyone is switch ing the milk situation with inter est if a strike of delivery men does materialize many city folk will be shy of milk and the formers have too mueh of it mnybc the price freeze was nil right for a working bnslsbiirwhy nnmllk only why not on bread a few weeks ago truck oliver 2row com cult viat or spring tooth cultivator low farm wagon mh seed drill with fertilator rubber tired farm wag on 1- horse garden plow 2000 lb gurney scale produce feed and con ditioners etc several bags of seuaro potatoes srown from registered seed 125 bu ajax oat 100 bus beaver oats fit for seed 2 bus alfalfa 2 bus timothy eed i bag bone meal 200 cedar fence rails 10 lb packages of sulphate of iron jor small ptfl tewgalornittve sulphur broad was boosted another cent yet it hardly created a ripple go down town shopping and upon my word the price jumps on some things before you can get from one end of the store to the other and yet retail sales are greater now than they ever were nine people out of ten say they are not making a dec ent living yet spending is on the increase it just doesnt make sense wonder how it would be if we had an economy week along with all the other special days and weeks we are now supposed to observe i dont imagine it would be too pop ular t was thinking only the other day of an old proverb which says cut your garment according to your cloth good advice but we dont do that any more w fact just the opposite we decide on the garment we want and the quantity and quality of material required and then by hook or by crook we get the material necessary for the gar ment of our choice a method which lacks the principle upon rop bred chicks give best results thi- intrikfiiclloiv of artificial methods rtf incubattnn is consider h by offlplals li b nn of thf important steps ttl tntthtkrwsttr march of the poultry industry in canada annual chick production over th paiusfrw years has varied from ha to w yhjlllon chicks with aboih ho per cenk of those being from approved halcqerlrs that op vrnte under the nntlnnm- poultry bredinf program thia estimated value of chicks and poults has ranged from tld million to 34 mil lion unlike aome other types of fnrm products hicks are not sold on the baals of eye nfipeal- it in the breed- tnjrbehlndthem thntcotmtkrclnlur the experts and most poultrymen will continue to purctine chicks from nproveh source when they crnv do so progressive poultry producers soon discovered that cer tain poultry breeders chicks ore money makers because they have yeqrs of selection behind them for fan production org weight growth ment production llvnblllty f reedom f rom dlsonse nnd other leslrnble quilltlos these ore the chicks from the rop breeders flocks which in the opinion of a p dnvey of tbc department of agriculture- poultry production service nt ottawn ore the back- bone of cnnnilos national poultry breeding progrnm cnnndn is n pioneer in poultry improvement work the original record of performance hop policy dntlng bnck to 1010 nnd which today comes under the authority of the livestock and livestock products act adminis tered by the canada department of agriculture in nddltlon to tho bop work which produces the foundation stock thejjationnl poultry breeding progrnm ntcludes the flock approval policy hlch hns to do with the multlplcntlon or increase of the stock in commerclnl quantities and tho hntchcry ap proval policy which is the medium of distribution of these large num bers of chicks and pmilts butter into which nnchovy paste is creamed enn be hardened in the refrigerator and served with brais ed fish clearing auction sale of rrj and fully accredited ilel- ateln cawi and heifers stackers hogs tractor power implements farm implements and seed grain bissell hrpute inthrow disc ich future prosperity is based fleurv 21 plowt 5scction harrpus k mh 2furow dlac plow bag it definitely isnt the principle which guided the early pioneers when they came to establish new homes in canada but it still exists among some of tho newcomers to cnnndn a few days ago i visited nt th home of some new canadians the house had a minimum of furniture and there was very little heat in any of the rooms prom their con versation i gathered the family liv ed well but on plain wholesome f oodrth erew e rev e ryfewtoys in hemlock and spruce lumber some evidence but there wore plenty of children and n happier healthier ed lumber 5 elm horse stall miscellaneous kquipfent 2 willard storafie bvteries beat- rv bn vder stove 12 ft wire gate nipe frame range shelter extens ion ladder new hand saw 300 ksl steel water tank new plant- heavy loeginjf chain 18 ft try square miilto use puller or fence stretcher new hark- aw carpent- rs level new vise wrecking har tmcr bits grease guns new crsselh saw one man saw ftflnitirre sewart warner battery radio electric hot pla antique settee white porcelain en- md top drop leaf table hancinc lamp rocking chair 2 heit r tvet old fashioned glaa cup- no rd savage 22 rifle lawn mow- ir double barrelled hot irun- m m cream separator 7m cap 0xl2 l cistern pump kitchen sink leather coa flying suit the undofaignod have received instructions from xloyd uasson to sell by public auction at his farm situated on the mardon mary- hill county road 2 miles west of warden u miles east of no 88 highway on monday april 2nd at 1 oclock sharp tho following cows and heifers beg hol- atcin cow fresh 6 weeks not bred reg holstcln cow fresh 8 weeks not bred reg houteln cow in full flow bred feb 16 reg hol- stcin cow in full flow bred feb s reg holstcln cow in full flow bred jan 18 reg tlolsf cln cow in full flow bred dec 12 reg hol- stcin cow in full flow bred nov 12 reg holstein cow in full flow bred sept 17 reg holstein heifer 2 yrs old bred nov 2d reg holstein heifer 2 yrs old bred dec 2 reg holstein heifer 2 yrs old bred jan 18 reg hol stein hcifor 2 yrs old bred jan 1 reg holstein heifer 2 yrs old bred feb 3 a reg holstein heif ers 1 yr old 3 rcu holstein heif ers 7 months old 2 reg holstein heifers 3 months old 1 reg hol stein bull 1 yr old 1 grade hol stein cow in full flow bred jan s 4 grade heifers bred to freshen next fall all heifers 2 years and under vaccinated 21 stockers and feeders 4 feeders 000 to 1000 lbs 4 feed ers boo to 000 lbs 6 stockers 600 to 700 lbs 10 stockor calves 400 lug0qlbs allr artkj of wil to choom from in westarn ontario d al avl 1 c 2z toorjavpjapjrttnloi r qtiii jtnvrtotially adverilsad pa in hi tarried jn botfks lock stationary suppllas toys kennedys book store 25 wyrtdham st tiimlph angu khndy prp hogs and poultry 3 mature york sows bred 2 months 5 younrt york sows bred between feb 3 i k- i i ti ti nd feb 13th i younr york sows family it would ix- hard to find the bri botwl fcb jn and mnrt children were aso very well be- i d 44 choice york plus between haved no whlnlnc around their 8 to 12 weeks old 20 hens mother i wont this t want that that oun were i am sure cuttlnk their pap 150 bus of wheat and barley so ment to fit the cloth and it is bus fall wheat mv auess that in a few venrs those implements john deere n 111 tractor on mbber model b jus same people will be maklnit scorn- us mi sn ontrl dljc fortabl- living and the children ft killefer like new ih will appreciate what they fret be- c 3furrow plow tractor cultl- rause they will have known what it valor in al condition lelty 10 plate grinder with coars and fine und their b to 12 weeks old 20 hens mummy guain 100 biis beaver oats n ituitble for seed 100 bus clinton nt couple sliltahll for s rcclcanid 1 nlatei bubbir tired wnron rack e- set of 5 section john deere har- is not to have everything they want directly when they want it casionally there is some resentment j mws 17 ft cockshutt drop head if new canadlnni net ahead faster ay loader frost twood mower than those who have been resident i templin fannin mill turnip sow- er stable boat scuffler platform in canada for yearsprobably bom scales hand weed sprayer stew- iw ted with sprinirs and mat- jhere the reason for their success art electric clippers bag truck is often easv to find they are con forks hoes chains brooms etc tent to keep down their standard of patry eouipmfjjt delaval tress wooden bed lawn mo pump for fire protection 10 cans quart size white mamel 7 cans quart size blue enamel paint 11 cans ivory paint 1941 plymouth coupe with sooo miles on a new motor 3 new tires a irood clean car 28 ford coach model a in irood shape iwheel stock trailer 8 ft box racajof pan meantime heat top rred baptie clerk 1 stlrlinjr milklnit machine two llvme until they can afford ipme- mit pld mmnr solution thing better surely they deserv- racks four can woods cooler credit for so doing i ten bal milk cans pails strain- well just in case anyone is inter housfhold fffects apex ested i managed to get out one day flciric washing machine mcclary to our institute quilting and what electric sovc 4 plates- and oven terms cash setlement with bautiril quilt it is pieced and v c v o cr lerk day of sal- large slre coal heater allailln lunch counter valuable prize p twtether ahd the material don- nath tub 40 sap buckets for the lucky one of the first ated to th- institute by one of our 1031 ford deluxe coach in exrel- members when finished it will be lent condition sold i believe it is w-ha- ls known terms cash settlement with as the sunburst t pattern shaped c j sai llkea large eghtpolnted r and boarrnnnrt sovhts made up in diamond shaped blocks a large fully equipped farm in lovely snades pf yellow pink i lunch cbunter on grounds blue and green on a powder blue a elliott auctloner hundred on the clerks lit of buy- buyers at this sale will receive the same fair and good treatment as at all previous sales htntiley ant eluott auctioneers fhone 19r3 rockwood or 177 miltqn sobao pko be ium to try ouirollf hew ta vg in tht tirurt gtn mad whit pukiir priced at a utriag quality j gooi u tlut bit hri ukkther esumpiaof priou that malce your food dollar go t urthsr at oarrollf at8tr4xia1w 8kkdije8b raisins lbs 3ic proeesa del mai2 corn wax beans zt fancy uoi tin aoo 31e pork f bkaksjjcate wsve hade a good buy and we abk passing the bavtno on to totj candy jelly beans or oum db0p8 poe easter lb pineapple rtncsse tomatq juice xvz 3e romar coffee lb 96e aylmer peas sseuhsi fryss 49e kelloqos oustomeb special gro pup d00 cubes only slb pko zjc bwirrs maeoardfe all sweet jg 43c 0a p popular waflhiwq powdeb uiai pko bawded a 8avino of iflo on the two packages r ruwue bye 2ssl57c plastic cake knite feee with choc white or gold cake mix 2 pegs with m cake knits fssjc carrolls grade a large for easter b backitround r ph i0r1 nncldvood or 177j mmon j nellly clerk 38jb fal hpecial grapes new florida obfen cabbage 2 lbs 33c lb 15c celery hearts bundle 23c cfllo va i tomatoes pkg 29c wkkkevn prices on green heanh tauiinower mushroomu bavanah orangeh

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