Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 22, 1951, p. 6

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s vjuamtat the acton ffctt press twjrspav tirch nod isi thunurtntf of hight school classes tbosc who attended the open nlfaf of th milton niam 3ch6oi were arrtaxed at the profcress and accomplishments made by thoaisln th ten different course an ex- ollem arjlcje on the niht schoj open house by a staff reporter wasf contained in last weeks lasue how- ate that many of those who war in attendance at the high school in milton on tuesday evening of last week were puuclad that o much could be accomplished dur ing the twelve night and at j little cost to thosiilnattendance in order to clarify the situation wo note upon referring to the audit statement of the treasurer ihauh total fees received amounted tc a4 this was based on 300 per student except where there were two or more from a family in which cases the fee per student was 200 prom those fees the local committee made disbursements for rental of the two halls required other than the high school rental of sewing machines travelling ex penses tor approximately half the necessary- st4ff of sixteen care- taking expenses for two halls and other miscellaneous expenditures in all these expenditure totalled 57710- the balance remaining on hand will be carried forward o help in r defraying organisation ex penses for the night school claafce next winter knclden tally iheoe ex penditures this past winter were borne by the ontario department of agriculture in addition there were the salaries of th necessary staff and the tra velog expenses of staff7the expenditure for this wat borne by- the ontario government either through the community pnv grammes branch of the ontario department of education or the womens institute branch or the agricultural representative branch of the ontario dapt of agriculture it goes without saying that much of the credit for the success of the classes should go to the excellent staff of instructors which were sec ured in this connection the local committee was ably assisted by d a garvle of the community pro gramme branch of the ontario dept of education who located no less than seven of the neceasar staff of sixteen much credit there fore goes to mr garvjc for his able assistance the local commit would also like to extend apprec iation to the mbmbers of the north halton high school area board who cohoperated in the effort by granting free use of the high school forum advocates rural tech school country teachers salaries discussed march 12th saw the continuation of education week in farm forum topics across canada while they studied and discussed the problem of the rural teacher last week halton forum members considered what their children should be taught and this week who should teach the children and what kind of teachers- were wanted the first question was preceded with this statement it has been suggested that the same salary scale should be adopted for teachers in ruarl and urban schools what is your opinion all reports were agreed the aal- ary schedule should be the for rural as urban teachers wiuv come suggest nglf there were any preference the salary for rural tea chers should be higher than urban owing to the fact they have xtra work preparing the different grades also soma suggaated i higher salary might encourage teachers with highar qualifications to teach in rural schools othar forum members pointed out that the cost of education had outgrown the resources of most rural muni- dualities and that more govern ment aid was yearly becoming more urgent the second question was a do you think the rural teacher should be expactad to et as leader in the community while a number thought that a teacher should not be expected to talents and qualifications for lea- dership they would more readily establish friendly relations with both the parents and pupils which would be a great advantage to both with the possibility of a permanent residence for the teacher in the future- b- m yos should the normal schools provide special training for leadership in rural communities out of eight etn reports received upjto printing lime only two re ports openely advocated or con sented to normal schools instruct ion in rural leadership those in opposition claimed it would ony lengthen the course for teachenet while others claimed if they mad a success of teaching that was suf ficient hornby farm forum go on record in advocating technical schools in the rural districts so that the child ren would have the same oppor tunity of acquiring a tcchnlcauedu- cation as other children have in urban centres we arejpf the op inion that due to the lack of this opportunity in the rural districts our children have gone to the cities to get this training and then after graduating have remained if th opportunity of technical- training were placed at rural childrens dis posal whila young and in their homes there would be- a much greater tendency to inspire child- ren to develop industries and enter- act as a leader in the community prises in their own community it was agreed that if they had they said thc adair is a bnsementless house with the floor slab laid on a gravel fill the heating plant and laundry facilities arc housed in the utility room there is also a large storage cabinet in the utility room the modern kitchen is convenient ly equipped with ushaped cabinets and a closet it has a dining area and pleasant cross ventilation this combination worklngcatfng room is convenient to the front vestibule as well as the utility room storage space is ample through bledoor wardrobes with storage space above in everyone of the bed rooms there is n handy coat closet in tho front vestibule a linen cab inet in tha hall and a largo closet for general storage also located in tho hall the walls of the adair are of frame construction concrete blocluf can easily be altered for the frame tho wide eaved hiproof is covered with asphalt shingles tha overall dimensions of the adair are 32 fact by s3 feet the floor area is uh square feet there out the adlr there a large dou- is volunic of lyji2cubic feet in theadalr north e ast west south news from au directions government boost to mental ills plan emphasizinc prevention rather than euro of mental ills health minister dr mackinnon phil i i pa- reeently announced a new provin cial menial health program now in the planning stage and based pn a consultaritpychiatrist teamed on the community level with a nurse a psychologist and a sociologist to carry on educational diagnostic and treatment service we feel that our first require ment is to plan to help our citizens w avoid the necessity for mcntalhns tot kitchen cabinet day bed pital care and treatment and this ut be done within the- commun ity dr phillips said if success ful the plan would pay magnificent dividends both in money and hap- auction sale iioumheld effects tooli real eaute etc the undersigned have received instructions from to sell by public auction at her residence halton ville twp of n aiiaga w eyaojl saturday march z4ut at 2oviock the following bod dresser and wash stand kitchen table 2 small tables kitco- eu cupboard rockers arm chair chest of drawers dining room suite including extension table 6 chairs sideboard and buf- a look forward pigeon fanciers make their plans as the snow melts the oalcvillc trafalgar journal reports the pro- diction of the president of the oak ville pigeon racing association that thcro will be a busy season for both birds and owners evidently 19 races have been lined up the lonccst to docantur illinois usa and the georgetown legion naires sniffing sprintf in tho air are beginning to ask about their horseshoe tournament and a look back perhaps a bit nostalgic for christmas while others arc looking ahead the burlington optimists in vited all their youngsters to a gay party horns and hats were dis tributed and as tho burlington gnzotte says the din soon indicat ed that the kids knew it was thoir night movies of nitl hockey playoffs and a master magician added to the wonderful time for the junior set it would have been overhopeful of even the best opti mist to expect a well ordered meeting that day- further forward and just as wc are beginning to think of spring the georgetown herald jerks us right througtrtt to next fall with an advance prize list for the fall fair on september 14th and 15th abuse with colour a group with spring planting in mind are tho trustees of a village in an adjoining county an ex change paper reports the trustees of the police village have purchas ed a la france fire engine and 1 000 foot of hoes the pumper social drawbacks to peculiar speech otolaryngologists experts on ail ments of the throat have developed tin oddfonrnofcon pie who haiht been unfortunate en ough to have had their larynxes removed the method it mms l a highly roflned form of burplng pat ton u are taught to fore air into the fetomaoh then push it through in the form of a belch wklia forming the words with tholr mouths a highly intelllgibleform of rpech it is said may thusbe ucjilnvod- such a mode of speech at least in canada u carta in to have cer tain drawbacks for while a ttorltic of wel 1 modulated burp hi ay be- conversatlonally appro p rial when discussing price control at a toda fountain it is apt to be looked upon as singularly inappropriate and oven unparliamentary by mr speaker in the house of commons burping is nevertheless a mode of conversation worthy cultiv ation by those civil servants going to southeast asia under the colom bo technical assistance plan for underdo vol oped countrlas asiatics it is said regard a good loud burp as the moet elegant tribute a- guest can pay to the hoapitallty provided by his host offlcal ottawa will no doubt be quick to avail itself of the services of a couple of otolaryn gologists auction sale of household furniture its bogre8s i wait driving through the coun try with an old utntlrjhtm to in spect a form and we weto discus sing that inevitable topic taxes am tu vnfc u imirmtl ffy clalmed km thats what i mean when 1 was a boy w walked thrn miles to school now we spend 3000 for a bus to pick up the children so they dont have to walk then we spend 30000 for a gym- uusiuih sit they can get proper vit- rcisetho ilcadrspluesl opioamtita tnbotjgcxsstheer eyes examined glasses fitted- blttgn jhphuty imited plumbing heating air conditioning and sheet metal contractors acton rust parry 269w ontario phones m biwon 34 tw i would certainly be handy if theres n drought next summer a la franco engine minus the rordcninecquipment was inspect ed by acton council but a truck pumper of ilickcy and sons go- was thought best for tho noods of the i town and purchased last week vtrlei again recently in this column an ac- count of a letter received by a wal- kerton man apparently from a prisoner in south america was mentioned a similar letter has baen received in georgetown by another who chooses to publish the lotter hoping no one will fall for the trick in upturn for help in secur ing a large sum the writer promis ed ongilrd f the sum to the gcoruetown merchant first in ontario a novel venture is being planned by two georgetown ladles who have purchased an old church and plan to convert ii into a studio for both retail and wholesale handi crafts and a tea room the bulld- r is mount pleasant church half way between brampton and nor- val and the ladies mrs d it mc laughlin and mrs m h moyer mrs moyer is tha founder of the georgetown arts and crafts club the now industry will be called kirk kraft products and will pro duce and sell handicrafts the re modelling of the building will be gin early in the spring as far m anyone knows this the only ven ture in ontario which will produce and sell handicrafts on a large scale the undersigned hns received in structions from mihu post to sell by public auction at her resi dence victoria st milton next to cnk station on saturday april 7th at 130 oclock the fallowing mahogany settee with 4 chairs to match 3 rockers large high end antique sofn corner whatnot drop leaf table corner cup board large wicker rocker 2 odd rockera dining room table buffet 4 wicker seat pining room chairs hijh back odd round fumed oak tining room table with leaves centre table 2 fumed oak heavy rockers fumed oak heavy armchair roll top score- tnry studio couch kitchen table 1 and g kitchen chairs large lawn wicker chair and bench to match electric rangctte electric toaster large size iron bed and springs victrola and records 2 raymond i sowing mochines 1 drop head both in good shape oak bed springs mattress dresser and washstond to mntch low oak bed dresser and washstand to match quilts 3 feather mattresses blan kets sheets comforters drapes curtains pillows large no of hooked mats rag carpets hang ing lamp painted shade with erisms coleman lamp oil lamps arge brass jcettle trunk hand washing machine carpet sweeper several pieces of linoleum set of flat irons lawn mower wheel barrow quantity of wood swede saw sickle grass shears mot toes pictures paintings silver ware glass toilet sets china in cluding 1 very old complete sot of dishes several incomplete sets cooking utensils garden tools 3 burner coal oil stove with 3 ov ens large quebec heater and other small household effects terms cash settlement with clerk day of sale no reserve as tho proprietress has sold her home hindley and elliott auctioneers w rundcll clerk b237 a little buys a lot of telephone service kty i w rwcim bandradi f nqauu far mtvie ifta cul ifwa mm op u web u ml dur dilafi m buys la ful yar ukpfcuu bill w ultu tsnlur put uta fully bait tlua it did fi run if wldi aw mi wh filllm giulm li ma r ulk u fla m jiiglt ami m b uvtt wy ilnn m fata lt auaa talapaaa unit far yaw auaay at tka haw tfaaaoa ajaahky al lllllim anim ifiigi mnitlly lakaia la axay ways uul aj alayi yil by u la babfiil aad ailidly any way yaa uak at it udor ul atlajvaloal taa mm la aaw yaar aalimiiailmil w iimid ai yiwrilm a tka uk l imtad mb aa al null ritl a al ajalauy at patalu la aaa af aar ufgaalamihi it llll kuruli hurt it cmldi wc abe pleasco to announce the appointment of hotel canadiana us coffeo urged sidtboard settee linoleum ru tj ft now cupboard suitable for wardrobe 2 cook stoves heater 3 congoleum rugs oil stove 3 lad ders step ladder electric hot plate set of store scales 2 rrois piness for people of ontario and c filslj cl wooden barrels no of cedar posts lawn mower tubs wheel lac on a costly program for bigger barrow kitchen utenjiu seitcn and more nunerous mental hoa- garden tools carpenter tools and nitaw other small articles 1 real estate at the urn while emphasis in the plan is on time and jplace there will be offor- pfevrntion myphillip aald the jd tor aale subject treatment atd of the problem would- be far better than embark r could not be overlooked expan sion of faciliuea for treatment of to a rrirve bid the property consisting of one-third- acre of land more or less on which u erected 4 7-room- ed stone house with sarage and mentally ill is proceeding with the larfle arden op main county raid opening aoonof a achool for- men- w buj ic do po tal drfectlvea at smiths falls new and modern the hospital will ac commodate 3400 patients relieving strain on other institutions ion first of april terms of real estate made known dav of sale terms cash settlement with clerk day of sale i no rcatrve as the proprietress i four persona out of every thous- j offering her property for tle and and in ontario are in mental hos- j is mjvinavu powrto- piuls dr phillips said pivrwtt v and buotr of every dollar of provincial re- l mcmillan- clerk bm2 venue is spent on mental health uvd hospital services and 27 per oldest rocks in the world are cent of the permanent members of 1 found in a belt running through th public health service are em- northern quebec onlarfo and ployed on this work manitoba visitor resort accommodation will be graded in ontario within the next year or two likely before 1952 hon louis p cecile minister of travel and publicity indicated to the resort section of the ontario hotel association meeting in to ronto recently it presents an ex tensive and complex problem mr cecile said if it is to be done equit ably over sueh a large area as on tario such a system will be based on expansion of the departments field operations and upon experiments in other jurisdictions some of which have not been too success ful the classification would be de signed to ensure the visitor the best in food accommodation and ser vices for which he is prepared to pay to give the superior operator an advantage over the slipshod lackadaisical unimaginative pro prietor our policy is to achieve by sug gestion and advice rathir than by compulsion mr cecile said you cannot legislate the things wf need mos in our ontario tourist indus try but you can realize them by us ing superior operatursas models and by sharing with tuose less ox- pertehcetf the methods and tricks of the trade which experience has shown to be successful liquor outets in hotels were to be regarded as only a part of the busi ness the premier said it is the job of the hotolkeepers to provide ac commodation good dining room service noad cooking und other serviocaxor the travelling public canadian hotels are not getting their share of the tourist dollar deputy travel minister tom mc- call declared despite the huge in flux of visitors in 104d hotel re venue totalled 140000000 but only 24000000 was for room rentals visitors prefer hotel amenities but fid the cost excessive he said in questioning whether hotels are pricing themselvoj out of the tourist trdc mr mccall urged hotel men to develop greater volume by giving leadership to local tourist develop ment programs these could be built around a distinctive canadian atmosphere canadas history local foods and extra courtesy services from a question survey conduct ed by the dept of travel and publicity mr mccall said the majority os american visitors com plained about the coffee served them in ontario thomson bros feed acton ontabio authorized nachurs dealer in 1042 governments in conod paid out 1427 million in salaries and wages in 1040 the total was w78 millions ideal starter booster and supplemental fertilizer your crops nerd fertilizer steady forming depletes the natural plant food in the soil commercial fertilizers replace it nachurs noes to work under all weather conditions so the easiest way to provide the initial food your crop needs is with nachurs liquid fertilizer whether you ara a train lirower or market hardener you can usa nachurs without expensive additional equip ment seed treated with nachurs can b use i in ordinary seedlna drills helpful in cold spring weather nitrogen in manure and organic matter la not raadily avauobla in tha cold weather of early spring dut nchura liquid fertilizer faada the plant right from the start it is a supplemental fertilizer solution used as a starter and booster and seems to encourage earlier emer gence and develops a stronger root and top growth in the earlier stages wih the plant having a stronger root system it cantbcn draw the maximum benefit from the plant food in the soil noted agricultural authority says dr v a tiedjens director virginia truck experiment station norfolk virginia says when seed is soaked in a solution con taining nitrogen phosphoric acid potash magnesium calcium manganese boron and others you have a chance of getting in creases in yield from 10 to 300 par cent thi u basad oa esperimental results a small amount of plant food mater ia is available to the seed as soon as it germlnataa a little stimulation that could force the seedling ahead 3 or 4 days might mean a big difference in yield at harvest time hkjmiy rfflnco chemicals used nachurs is a guolitv fertiliser made from completely noluble more refined and expensive mater u is which provide immediate nourishment for all plants under all weather conditions move it to yourself nachurs will tell the story the cost is little and if it will increase your judge see your nachurs dealer today as little as one drum of yields it is too good to pass up try it you be the nachurs plant food co canada ltd london canada

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