Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 22, 1951, p. 7

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raoksday march 32nd lsfll the acton free rttt55 pack skvpt poefs coratr eastek bonnkt it was kuch2 pretty bonnet with ribbon bright and kay a howcr here n flower thur juatukfitbe- months of my she wore it oh to nicely upon her silvery hair this lady ownd lonely a vision sweet and fair and each one stopped to look at her a smile upon their face to refl that easter bonnet and her sown touched up with lace boots fakm ontfc to canada for it was easter morning the church bells loudly peeled the choir antf the organ pliyed the congregation kneeled but aeon the church door opened and v she was sound each one stood and watched hrr as she smiled and glanced around tor twtd such a pretty bonnet on this lady old and gray till another easter rolls around may god blew k this day by miriam herman they could build homes for people we havent jobs and we havent house for immigrants tome labor official told ottawa the other day that just doesnt make sense de clare the financial post if we havent the houses then we certain ly have the jobs lets bring in these people nd let them go to work building houses if the unions will lei them a jot of unskilled labor could be used in that sort of work and many of the immigrants we could get know n l building trades anyway by the time they finished the necessary houses these people will have learned enough of our lang uage customs and resources to de velop other job opportunities pro viding work for themselves and for many canadianborn as well ium paper leads postwar expansion of bownters corner brook newsprint mill has helped to boost the tenth pro vinces pulp and paper industry in to the lead in export and product value fish which held top spot for years ts now in second place with mining third chosen by the scottish associ ation togooyiaureemonth tour of canada miss anne christie treasurer of the stirling young farmers clubs hopes to study milk production methods cleaftlncs auction sale near acton ont faum ktock impikmkntfi iiav grain rurnmork etc the miderslkncd have received- instructions lrom jantvs a mann to sell by public auction at his farm nituated on no 7 highway one mile cant of actonr on tiiukboav march 29tii at 1230 oclock the following- houses and harness bay horse about 1700 lbs black horse about 1600 lbs general purpose brood mare set of brass mounted breechinh harness nset of back- band harness set of nickle mount cd team light driving harness- odd harness and parts 2 sets of slnele harness road cart pair of 23 pipe high top collars pair of 23 scotch collars breaklnr cart pair 24 open top and other smal ler siics pair of hlnh collar tops stable blanket while show bridle snaps spreads etc lame street wool blanket cutter combs brushes brooms etc rubber tir ed auto scat bunny electric clippers hand power clippers hogs and poultry sow bred jan 22 sow bred feb 4 sow open 0 chunks 4 weancrs 35 hens goose and gander cows and dairy equipment red cow fresh 3 weeks calf at foot red cow fresh 5 weeks re- bred- red cow fresh 5 weeks op en holstein cow fresh holstein jersey fresh rebred red cow milking bred sept 20th black cow milking bred dec 0thred hetferrbl rait jtamiuom optometrist 72 st georges square guelph complete eyesight service do you know already we are starting to pay for the sewer ba ready when it goes into operation keep the work in acton by hiring local contractors we have al ready done some of the toughest jobs so let us have that easy one of yours well start any lime you say 335 per foot j e mcmullen contractor phone 370j or a 136 bower ave unit magnetic milker complete with pipes electric pail separator size id young cattle roc scotch shorthorn bull 17 months royal rover 200458 sire tolquhon river 273320 s39042 by miuhills xebec 31 1248 out of marden rosebud 33rd 12311510 dam princess royal mlh 311003 by clipper hero 2nd 227242 fat steer 1150 lbs if not previously sold 4 steers 1 yr old 3 cattle 5 to r months old tractor and implements yhc w4 tractor used onlv two sensons i hc 2furrow plow bis- sel f ft double disc just disked 20 acres 3section drag cultivator buckrnke on cadillac chassis 10 jnlict chopper oat roller jacks belts drive pulleys drag saw rin saw htavy mandrel for circular saw horse implements i hc walking plow mh corn scuffler peter hamilton 13toolh cultivator mh binder ft cllt mic sctif fler steel land roller deering 0 ft mmvr fleurv rissell manure spreader weeder ihc side de- livery fanning mill mh dumn rake drum hay loader mh 11 disc drill 4 section harrow 2fur row cockshutt plow turnip row er new tiro rubber tired wag on hay rack set 2v hand made i sloop sleighs steel tired truck i wagon wood rack stock rack i gravel box corn rack pig crate pig troughs bag truck electric i fencer stone hook bench vise tools weigh scales steel and wooden barrels boxes etc 28 ft i ladder hi ft ladder fence wire chimney extension snow fence large babbiting ladle swede i saw is fairbanks morse gas en- cine and pump jaqk 30 ft elevator carrier pruning hook knives lsaws hay knife chains neck- yokes wiffletrees bags elc bar rel sprayer 2 force pumps 2 spray pumps quantity of pipe dog house scrap iron lumber grain and feed elm planks fence and anchor- posts 1 lumber hemlock cedar pine i barrel molasses- quantitv of wood 300 hus mixed grain 200 bus oats 100 bus wheal about 10 ion mixed hoy 0 ft of silage window sash odd doors furniture mcclory 4olate electric range and oven white enamel finlov coal or wood cook stove good as new heater stove tipes copper boiler wash board wood rox ironing roirdj lan terns 1 daisv churn small hum butler bowls ladle kitchen chairs 1 couch hockis mahog any chair hammock buffalo robe fireplace screen kitchen clock extension table and chairs drop leaf table largc table i small tables j dressers l reds i with springs and mattresses odd i beds hall rack 3 wash stands awnings ijiwn mower t chest drawer i rolls floor liloleum i lixt curtains drapes and other household effects terms- cash settlement with clerk day of sale no reserve as the farm is sold i nor article to be removed until settled for liuuh eoimler tins is a verv large sale and must stall on time i hllldlev and elliott auctioneers ph ir3 hock wood or 177j milton fred baptie clerk b sunday school lesson sunday march 25lh 1931 golden text lo 1 am with you always matt 2820- lesson text mk ls3337 ib 17 bposltaon ijesus our sub stitute 153337 occurred to thtn at once the anfel give u in one of the gladdest mes sage tbj old world ever heard he is risen he is not here he bids them see for themselves and then fo tell there la a wonderful- touch of tenderness in the andlpoler whjr and peleffwia not peter one of the disciples yen tho lender tf the company but poter had den- led the lord three times with oaths and curses nd if the message hud just como to the disciples poor 1 hmkenhenrted backslldden peter- jesus had been hanging on the would have thought he was pot in- cross uroo lmuapmcdtou gaze and ridicule- of the priests thl little touch is found only in the soldiers and mob and now god g 6 mark which by common draws a curtain over the scorwv consent is peters cospejmrk when christ was- bom the glory ctlrig as nmnnuensls of the lord ahlnlng upon the earth turned night into day when he died god veiled the sun and turned day into night the dark ness was supernatural it could not have been occasioned by an eclipse for the passover moon was at its full it was one of the many illus trations of the sympathy between nature and man rom 820 21 my god my god why host thou in the form of oil forsaken me again is the pro phctlc picture pa 221 realized jesus has taken the sinners place oil boom western canadas oil industry is cxpondlngrso rapidly this year writes gordon omnt from calgary in tim financial post that two dol lars is expected to be spent on ex ploration well drilling etc for every dollar brought to surface and this huge rate of capital ex penditure estimated at 150 mil lions per annum is entirely ex penditures 400 millions for pipe line facilities 30nillions for ad ditional prairie refining capacity 8 millions for new tankers 2 cor 521 1 pet 224 forsaken elusive of other great related ex- of god imlc 34 there was never a man that clung to god as jesus did and never one who was so forsaken but not for ills own sim isa 530 he is conscious of personal innocence while suffering for the sinner it wns soon fin ished jno 1030 and the cloud passes by and faith shines fowh triumphant and again he cries out with a loud voice no longer my god but father into they i co v spiri and h up the ghost no man tookher plasma from seaweed british scientists have evolved a method for producing blood plasma from seaweed named lminarlan one toruts produced from about 100 public auction sale of used tractors tractor imple ments and farm implemrnta life awoy from him but he laid it down of himself jno 10ia willingly gladly for the sake of the sheep the way into the holy place was now made manifest hen 07 8 even through the veil that is to say his flesh hob 1010 20 no longer was there access to the high priest alone once a year but the humblest believer might have boldness to enter in by the blood of jesus ii the day of resurrection 1 0 17 the jewish sabbath ended sat- ferguson tractor with belt pulley urday at sunset as soon as the day and plow ford fergusontractor was over the shops opened and on rubber with lights mh wallls mary magdalene and her friends art rubber mh general will be held at the massev harris garage main st milton on tuesday march 27 1051 at 2 oclock of the following mh row crop tractor model 30 on rubber with lifiha mh super tractor no 101 standard with power takcuff on rubber ford- bought spices that they might come the ncxl morning and anoint the dead body of jesus it seems from tracor on rubber with lights power takeoff mh pony tractor on rubber with plow and disc m h 2furrow plow ho 20 on rub- baby foods canned infant foods were vir tually unknown 20 years ago but from a small beginning they have developed into a business estimat ed to return more than 5 millions annually to canadian farmers and food processors says an american compnny warmed polish its the fiiendlypway to travel you see all the sijnb along the way you nave more to spend other things because fjies ate round trip ftlrtil tt la caamam vancouver 8950 winnipeg 5145 montreal 1605 you can do n better job with furniture polish if you unrm it up first just plncc the bottle in hot wnter until the contents are warm wood is more quickly penetrated by a warm solution harold wilis rhoni 51 matthews account that thev also uer mh 2furrow plow fja rho- tu r iv on iissfr iss- s- i sntunlny m wntt 2fllk to ret 3124 plate mjiscufnerno 18 m the full sory of the resurrection 1 m no 7 manure spreader rubber one most read the four accounts i jskit wheels mt vernon low price the marathon ia bar gainpriced yet ica a qualitybuilt tire in very way a tire thai will give ypu mora for your oaoaey thaa any other tire la its price clata aaora than tire wiling at area higher prices drive in were truck tire pacialius rayon cord ouahantttd truck tire marathon thompson motors 130 mh1 street phonei 69 fordmonakchsales service a coimwiwi q oeodvtar tm wlh ur amd rattmih riven in matthew mrirk tulu- and john also pauls account in 1 cov- ihthinns 153b these accounts not only differ from one another but seem sometimes to contradict one another there is a real and very wonderful arrecnient but it only comes out after very careful and prolonred study the women started for the tomb while it was yet dark jno 201v mary hurried on hcnd of the other women reached the tomb before the sun had risen fjno 20 1 the other women reached the tomb it early dawn v 2 luke 241 the love of these women to their lord whom they fancied dead brourht them thus early to his sepulchre to perform for him the inst service in ther power the reason why they did not know that he had left the sepul chre was that they had not listened to and pondered his own words this is the reason why we do not know many thiiirs about our lord which we oiifiht to know none of the men were at the tomb not be cause of their superior knowledge but their inferior ove when told that the lord had risen they did not believe luke 24 10 11 mk hi 10 in the worn n appear in a better llrht than the men in the tory mary mudalene wns the leader of- the women cf matt 28 as she had had jo much vione for her luke 8 2 she became the leader in love and in ministries the depth ancfeirulneness and un selfishness of their love are seen in their roiur to serve jestis at the time when their faith was blighted and they had nothing more to expect from him 1 cor 138v as they drew ntrh the tomb they recalled the great stone at its mouth v 3 if they had been more prac tical they might have thought of it before but the practical coolhead ed common sejise that forsees all difficulties and therefore sits down and does nothing docs not accomp lish as much in this world as the uncalculating impetuous love tht follows its own impulse and plun- fm ahead and rfski th dlfflctiltle god did not roll away the stone far jesui to e out but for the women to fet in there la reason to sup pose that jesus had been out- for hours arising and leaving the tomb just at the beginning of the first day of the week 1 e at sururt sat urday evening thus passing jmt three days and three nights in the tomb luk043l when mary returned to the tomb from the city the two angels were sitting one at the headland one at the feetwhere the body of jesu had lain fjtno 2012 the women were overwhelmed with perplexity if thoy had not forgotten jesus words the rue solution would have fertilirer sower 8 ft mh grain crinder no ii 10ainch pinto mh set spring tooh harrows 2- section mh hay loader no 7 rvlinder mh mower 5 ft no r7 2 mh rrain binders 0 ft no 5 mh grain drill i3dlsc with seed box mh grain drill 11 hoe clarke engine m to 2 hp de laval cream separator no 18 single furrow walking plow mof fat combination coal and electric range this is a good lot of mach inery with some pieces selling with new aunrhntee terms cash settlement with clerk day of sale everything sells to the highest bidder as mr purdy must make room for his new machinery hindley and elliott b3g2 auctioneers its made with cheese delectable nulting goodness rnrchit made with creamy- smooth dairy cheese chccst puts extra zest in ill yimr meats cause ilb good mj many ways as a main dnli i dinvrcnt dewcrt or a snappy snack any tune your familys mire to enjoy cheese at your gnicers youll lind rlrcimn that satisficb every taste and every need ltt us mrf you out mrw tdrhcwus cketu ttcifus mru to j daiiv foods sfavici 1uiiau 409 km s twm mm wawh mobilized for action a ttiay pny for peace canadians turn unafraid to the tasks and duties of the prejaredness twudenct uriies in cities and towns every- whererfluieily yet earnestly uiey are laying their plans or eltective civil defence wall in tt arrmt of this- planning is the red croaa throuijl past testing times your red croaa has met each challenge lo the full if history repeat with your help your red cross will not fail tkatkl is needed hour to support the vital role the red cross must play in working for the aid and protection of ysur loved ones your bdme and community olv nw keep your red crofcs strong to meet the call of duly canadian red cross the woa mewr leave contributions af either bank

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