Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 29, 1951, p. 1

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seventysixth year no 38 acton ontario thursday march 29th 1v51 2 right home print pago six cents new truck tender accepted by puc for ne halfto truck at the regular meeting of- the acton public utilities commission last tuesday evening it wbi decided to buy n halfton pickup truck for the waterworks department from yhompson motors present at the meeting were heeve e tyler commissioner j t ware and chairman j it macarthur three tenders were submitted garner motors for n gmc truck at a coat of 1372 with 1 1600 sixply tires macswain motors a fnrco truck for 1365 with lff800 fourply tires and thompson motors a yordtruck for 380 with 65010 sixply 1lres and 10c per letter for in scribing the name on the doors all their prices included the tradlnsln of the present truck af ter taking into consideration the difference in tires on the different trucks it was felt that the ford truck was the cheapest tender sub mitted it was decided to have a heater installed and also have an ustdercoatlng applied to the new truck before delivery was taken applications for thejosltlon made vacant by the resignation of fyfe somervllle on the waterworks staff were opened thirteen ap plications were filed and thesalar- tea asked ranged from 12700 per annum down to 1020 the applica tion of mr ken timbers at- an an nual salary of 3000 was accepted and duties were to commence on april 2nd i mr b t rachlln was present to protect the billing of service charg es on the two apartmenti over his tore he felt the charge was not applicable while the tenants were living in toronto for the wintrr months he notified the commis sion at this meeting that the apart ment was at present vacant the hepc ruling aa interpreted by the local commission was that the service charge as levied should be paid and henceforth one service charge would apply until the ten ants return when the services charge would apply on the vacant apartment price were submitted for fire extinguishers for the various plants under the comrnuuiona con trol it was decided to purchase six foamlte extinguishers and one pyrene extinguisher from the hic- key co the hepc auditors submitted their annual report oi the hydro department this report shows a balance of 913115 for the past year the painting of the outside of the water tower was discussed and the f continued on pope fivr trustees teachers of erin area meet the board of trustees of the township school area no 1 of krin met the teachers of the area at jospringe school on march 21si to discuss the salary schedule the minutes were adopted as read the tender of lindsay and phair for wood at 7 per cord fr m inch lengths and s50 per cord or 13 inch lengths was accepted it was moved and carried to ac- cept the jack hood order for school supplies subject to the in spectors approval i the following accounts were passed for payment teachers sal aries for february 146 10 jan itors salaries 132 receiver gen eral income tax 7880 thomas cook 1 cord cedar at u v c ol- liff 17 bert berry salary for ys men president garnet mckenzie a varied full evening of business was conducted and a very interest ing speaker heard at the latest meeting of the ys mens club last thursday the guest speaker was miss es ther taylor who described the growth of the scout movement from its inception in england dur ing her address she convincingly described the valuable citizenship training provided by the scout cub guide and brownie program and impressively outlined the need for qualified leadership in acton to carry out this vital early lesson in living to the younger generation in concluding she made reference to the excellent facilities provided by the scouthall and the quality j of the local material to teach and demonstrate too it the required j leadership would come forward mr o e- rabbins thanked- miss taylor and assured her of consid eration to the needs by all present another guest of the evening was mr wilf roberts of the kitchener- waterloo ys mens club and the local district governor who urged the acton club to be represented at the district convention at owen sound and the centennial conven tion at cleveland another highlight of the program was the election of officers for 1p51m the slate of officers brought in was unanimously ap proved and included the following president garnet a mckenzie secretary harry arbic treasurer orm hunt sgt at arms forman lawrence the retiring officers under former president bill denny were highly complimented for their loyal leadership and unselfish at titude during the past term other items of business dealt with were the father and son banquet to be sponsored again by the club under the chairmanship of forman law rence and elmer smith the support of the club to the 18m ymca annual circus and the ys mens club outing to the brant inn to be also joined by the ys mens ladies auxiliary pour suffer cuts damagelsr1400 two acton district me wer in jured in a headon collision 18 miles north of guelph on county road 65 at brisbane last sat urday with damage to the two cars involved totalling an estimated 1400 two in the second ear were also hurt jesse metoicry of r r 2 acton was takcn to guelph general hos pital with n fractured knee cap and cuts to his forehead and mel ady also of rlt 2 suffered cuts to his face and one finger the two others dr joan vnle toronto and dr dayton forman hamilton also were cut in the ac cident guelph provincial police said that there was a strong wind at the time of the accident which drifted snow ontothe road making it dif ficult to see the pavements the doctor lul pn i in ti was in the centie th road hut- was actually on the left hand side mr mcenery with a cast on his knee was able to return home from hospital monday up postal rates greeting cards require twojmjstamps in april postmaster terry forwards an nouncement of post office rate in creases that will become effective in canada on april 2nd individ ually addressed third class matter like greeting cards which formerly required only one cent postage will now need two cents worth of stamps to send them on their way parcel post rates are also increas ed and registration fecsup to 2s which formerly cost 10 cents will now require 20 cents easter services at all acton churches easter which hat detained the rellnlous slirnlfirancc that chrut- mas hajtjoat was specially ob served in all the churches in acton i last sunday the rllwl blker jurvlcc wj or lh held at the united church wjierc iiymn wm followed hv ihv in er denomlnn lorpl young pr by m du v c mnnla laeslrl at iiihi aamrlna nt r describe aid work to friendly circle miss- jean harris bower ave waa hostess to the friendly circle on wednesday last for their regv- lairmonthly meeting mrscrttov nvaldson was in charge of the business meeting aflcr this mrs a duby took peoples held a aunrlse service at 7 am the sermon prayer benediction were all given by the very capable speaker krneit west dorothy warne td the scripture and shirley thompson sang a solo there was a large attendance of regular acton united church choir members george elliott was at the organ for this special service at 1030 the plcnsnnt so o nassagaweya soldier woundedhere foreaster tor 15 was read by mn m taylor arrive home and the value of five minute trtefiratbtjured soldier from korea to return to ontario pte keith robertson arrived at his home on rr 1 cnmpbellville saturday with the princess patricias in korea he suffered head and shoulder wounds on fcb jtth then last thursday his parents mr and mrs john rtobertson received word that their 21 yearold son would arrive in vancouver on good friday they still did not know when- he would was klven by mrs g mekeown apoem entitled jesus himself was read by mrs b smith thespealrei for-the- evening wis miss audrey anderson who was public health nurse but is now associated with the halton child rens aid society she gave a very interesting talk on the aims and work of the society an irish contest wucamlu nnmmu3l out by mrs b smith the fwh ttpi hvm pr rb i r t going to m g m m vnii wun c i iuh5iii mrs a gardiner won the lurtu churh organist nnd choln lender chair prize nt the console of the orunn mrsrtred kentner moved a vote following the music a large of thanks lo mrs harris and jean congregotion attended the morn- for the use of their home for the ing service rev armstrong gave evening which wos heartily en- a special easter message and nn dorsed by everyone present onthem god so loved the world two nonogenamans celebjtate 93kd 94th biithoavs during month march adds another year to the ages of two local residents dun can d morrison r r i and wil liam mainprise of acton mr morrison whose birthday was on march 5th is 03 years old next saturday mr mainprise will qulotly celebrate his 94u birthday just recently back from february stamps is five and hospital in guelph mr mainprise a half hours labor h50 jack i ftrrt to oul jlocttl school supplies 10 35 w tuesday when he took a ihoit w keeler light bulb 11 44 n j wslk xht prtnr un i ilundell and son work bench j the best wishes of th com- and lumber 33782 erin advocate munily are extended to these two re tenders for wood 1 50 i nonogenarians- no steel can be allotted for planned acton swimming pool controller thieves break into thompson motors petty thieves forced their way into thompson motors garage sometime late friday night or early saturday morning only a few coppers were report ed missing from the till which had been left open and empty the thieves entered by breaking a win dow in the front door of the mill st entrance several other small sums of mone were untouched and the heavier tools and garage supplies were evidently ignored the theft was discovered at about 745 saturday morning by bill thompson when he came to work corporal ray mason is investi gating from stayners crucifixion especially inspiring as well as on sunday there were soctal services at st josephs church on good friday and sat urday the good friday after noon service consisted of the stations of the cross veneration of the crucifix and sermon by fr corrigan sj of toronto for the holy saturday ceremonies he was assisted by father morgan an spring wedding in rockwood church amidst uuies hyacinth town master plan urged immediately good friday was certainly a good diiy pte robertson boarded a dlano thot same day barbara ann scott shared part of the trip arrived in torontoon sat urday the entire trip horn from tokyo japan to malton airport took only 40 hours from toronto the young aoldlar called surprising his family and at the regular meeting of the acton planning board held on wednesday maeehfcrstrthe chair- that i y out mediately to meet im an un or overall the town giving picture of future developments the master plan would be prevent ed to council lor approval included in the master plan planning board members decided would be the paving of nnds re pairs to present sidewalks and new sidewalks to be constructed future residential and industrial planning would be indicifd the amount of work that wntu in a spring setting of hyacinths entailed j the preparation of and easter lilies rev fred wil- thir pn necessitated in early liamson united in marriage effie start agreed campbell daughter oi mr and the secretary reported that a peer campbell r u s representative from ep bowman mitchell ont and elwood surveyor had called regarding ou son of mlantlmrs t f j p r a ncwoaltorod i h t evening the whole family spent together keith his sister mrs clore pembleton nf gueph his younger brother paul and their parents now after a very happy easter weekend pte robertson is at sunnybrook hospital toronto re ceiving treatment for his injured eye he is not sure how long he will ee there he was wounded when the prin cess pats were attacking a com munist stronghold on a high hlll a rifleman he had only been in action a week when wounded shrapnel hit his left shoulder and eft eye he believes he was hit after a bullet ricocheted from a stone and split he was flown to a u 3 basa overflow crowd filled the church kett goodwood ont on satur- map of the town the board fell easter sunday morning when fa- day afternoon march 24th in that they should keep in close ther corrigan sang high mass and rock wood presbyterian church t touch with the surveyors during gave the sermon before the il- the bride given away by her the preparation of the pnn in or- tar beautiful with lilies daffodils father chose a street length gown der to incorporate all available in- and spring flowers practically the of kld english rose lace with and to allow for further whole congregntion received holy matching accessories and cafnej expansion and development reg- communion a nosegay ofmarnations and daf- j ular reports are to bt requested atrthe baptist church easter fodils her sister mrs martin t hen the work has actually be- sunday marked the last scrvic- bauer was matron of hono i run taken here by mr stanley wood- wearing a dress of light blue faille the board discussed th regist- ok the student pastor who ht with matching accessories mr ration for sale of a lot on mill been conducting the worship it martin bauer acted as best man j st and voiced unanimous disap- that church recently he gave a mr martin bauer jr nephew pr of sale since the land was soecial easer message a special of the bride played the wedding completely landlocked with no easter communion scrvl music j acces to a public road way hyd- the reeention of a new member j after the ceremony a reception ro an water services wer avail- were held charles landsborough was held at the home of mr and 0 only through personal agrce- was the organist as usual mrs martin bauer in rock wood the evening service was vr for gping away the bride eel- interesting with the bypu grouo j ected a dress of green corded from oakville baptist church tuk- faille a beige shortie coat and j posibly spoil the succul romp- ing dart mr ken sims illustratrvf black accessories the couple letion of the entire newlv regfst- hvmiw with novel chalk drawings plan to live in goodwood erc su with its impract- nnd gorge white from the lon- i guests attended the wedding j invout agr ment in considering futun dev elopment the planning board members felt that this lot would don biblfv insltute was the spea from mitchell fonthrll goodwood ker musical numbers acconip- and rock wood anicd by miss ethel franklin at t the piano were also enjoyed sixteen tablespoons of any fluid continued on page five moke one cup after extensive inquiry into the question of eeuring steel for the acton swunming pool and an ui- terviev with the steel copt oiler in ottawa the committee hixe jkren miormed that at th prea- ent time no steel can be auotted for any recreational purposes if there is any change m the iiuaitun however assurance has been given that the eommitte- will be promptly informed the com- millermtthat rvery- eftbniltortd be made for construction this year as far as funds will allw wwj wer prepared to order cement and steel so that construjuaa could be started early engineers estimates have been secured on the various materials needed but until steel can be sec- ured construction will hav to be held up it is estimated thrt ate sufficient funds now on hand to construct the pool proper but j equipment and dressing r j win t correspondence from th com munity planning association of cnida was read concerning mem bership n the aocletian and it was decided to subscribe for a vcars membership a letter was received from th crunty clerk stating that the ncuest from the board for a grant of 800 00 would be presented to county council at thir march meeting the secretary was instructed to write asking when town plannlrg would appear on the program of the conference of the national re search council which i being held i done hope for success in hit in toronto from may 3 to t7 the f treatments at sunnybrook hoaph- 4sociate committee on nationol al and best wishes for the future building code conference s toberare extended to pte robertson hfld on may 18 i hospital in tolcyo and then was transferred to a british base- hos pital present treatment at sun nybrook hospital is in hopes that he will be able to regain the use of his eye one american doctor told him there was defin itely some hope pte robertson attended public- school in nassagaweya and then milton high school for- three years he worked with th inter national nickel co at sudbury last august he joined th prin cess pdtrtetns and trained at walnwright alberta and then fort lewis tall and quiet keith ro bertson spent his mst birthday in korea about two months ago in kor ea the halton soldier was one of 40 specially picked to act as a guard of honor when the battal ion was presented with a united nations flag his father john robertson was a township councillor several years ago acting mayor john innes rush ed to the airport in toronto at short notice to greet ontarios first returned casualty barbara ann scott was a passenger on the same plane it was a quiet homecoming but a very happy one his moth ers cooking and friendly visits with neighbors hlghlfgbted the easter weekend for him certainly from all th district congratulations for a job well canadian choctaw code during world war i the choctaw language as spoken from tent to tent among the tribe was used as an army code sounding like an an cient bagpipe lesson it can be mas tered by europeans who are often j defeated by other redskin tongues yeu and no as the young loven lingered in the twilight he asked anxiously darling have your people agreed to our marriage not yet the girl replied as the nestled closer to him father hasnt said anything and mothers waiting to contradict him glance around town easter afternoon shows clear walks congested roads ptom tokyo to malton in 46 hours prim losn kaith robartton arrived at hit homa on rd 1 campballvilla latt saturday the first ontario soldier to return from korea he wat wounded in the left shoulder and left eye after a weeks combat the 2 1 yearold ton of mr and mrs john robertson wat greeted at malton airport by torontot acting mayor john innes barbara ann scott wat on the lame plane hit firtt evening home the young toldlar posed for this picture with hit mother and father hit titter mrt clare pembleton of guelph ina hit ypungbfother paul photo by couriciyoitorontg star cttuly fusts of wind and anew and a faeble sun greeted xaeter sunday this year cuttlnf any in formal easter parade to a sbiebn um wtth streets almost deserted in midaitemoon special service were observed in actons five churches and a sunrise service conducted by the young people of the proteatant concrtfatlona was bald in the united church at 7 am easter orfan music mi ampli fied by the presbyterian church and erected cltlsens throughout the town from 1030 am until 11 lanaeastex conreiatlonsjwere reported at all churches and spe cial music waa presented for use sunday serrlee good friday services were bald in several of the churches to be- gin the easier season traffic waa heavy through the town and many displeased driven were seen as their ears sane tpartllngly clean bounced aad rocked over muddy rough lettl and main streets easter bunnies like meet acton i residents kept cosily in thetf bur rows and enjoyed a rest and 1 good meals on xsster sundsy sf- temoon 1

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