Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 29, 1951, p. 2

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the acmunte ptess thursday march nth im1 easter bonnets saturday in toronto we walledvfor a few minute as the throngs went pasting by in one of the large department stores right across the aisle wa the mens hat department we have always had a notion that selecting the easter r bonnet was e matter for- only the ladles to pon der over all the tongs written are about easter bonnets andalltheieshion notes seerntoeni somerellef wesgiven the townships last phatize that the women hold high the new spring bonnet r it may seem in the best easter theme to write about womens spring hats but on saturday we saw plenty of evidence that men put in some time and thought on the purchase of their easter bonnet the clerks were all busy and we never before realized how particular and vain men were in the purchase of headwear some of them tried on most every colorand shape in the hat racks the triple mirrors were used to get the right effect from every angle combing of the hair after each tryon was- important with one man many of them left this counter to go else where befons maklngthe decision on an easter bonnet we wouldnt be surprised any time to see floral and feather creations for the men before next spring certainly its time we quit making light 6f the feminine shopping for easter bon- tvets unnecessary delay continued dissatisfaction is evident at the uri necessary delay in completing the county assess ment this was evident again last week in the appeal of esqueslng township against its levy for high school purposes and what the township appeal brought out is an underlying sentiment throughout the county holiday from controls its so easy these days to ask governments to make up shortages give subsidies or make up differences where it will end no one knows for instance we had the federal gasoline tax dropped by government in ottawa only tobe taken up by the ontario government shortly we are likelyto witness rent controls being drop ped by ottawa and taken up by toronto we see governments dabbling in wheat bacon railways and other lines and making up deficits out of more taxes what has been done as war measures become permanent resolutions the govemrnvntmofetefltlniriu5lnghbstior helped provide more homes builders have simply let the responsibility go unknown to most canadians is the fact that they paid a cash subsidy of about 11000000 last year to give their sugar business to commonwealth countries the trouble seems to be that we dont see the cost of subsidies in theartjcles we buy but in spite of the subsidies prjees have risen in nearly every instance latest tax suggested is a retail tax by the various provinces which will also be hidden one clear conclusion can be drawn from the conspicuously unfortunate wheat deal with brit ain points out the calgary herald this deal was achieved by two governments which had invaded the precincts of private trade and insist ed that they knew better than private citizens how trade should beconducted the result is plain for all to see we hope the farmers and the farm organizations will perceive the moral lets have a holiday from government war time cdntrols and a holiday from wars that ap pear now to be a necessary threat to bolster re tention of control year in high school levy but according to a rul ing given by the municipal board in a similar case it is pointed out that the only basis for high school district levies is on the equalized assess ment figures of the county we believe esquesing and nassagaweya are justified in their complaint on the levy but the only way in which it can be settled is by comple tion of the county assessment certainly acton and milton are not retarding this work as their iiawassessment has been in use for two years thore is no- excuse for other municipalities de laying the work further and provoking the con tentious question to be big municipalities have to show their greatness in many ways besides population figures if the work cannot bo com pleted throughout the county by those presently in charge its certainly time for a change h i shoe shtrk mjoow the good old days may have seemed better effort not magic no one will dispute the fact that industries small towns give a measure of stability to the community they provide employment f boys and girls who have received their education ir the district they support families who in turn pay taxes and support local business enterprise our town has already several industries which have been so successful in helping de velop the communtfy and provide employment that it is apparent thatmore are needed hero people of this community however cannot sit back and oxpect industries to spring up of their own accord as if by magic nor can they expeclgovernments or outside firms to do what must be done if more industries are to be located city inconveniences some way or other the city conveniences are losing any glamour thvy may have had and the city inconveniences are becoming more promi nent sometimes we wonder if our advancement and great organizations have made life more vulnerable to attack from many sides take for instance the city milk strike such a thing is not likely in the smaller towns where the dairy owners are the drivers and have full control of their own industry back in the days fifty years ago the only milk strike was when the family cow went dry and then you got your supply from the neighbour and you supplied him when his dairy was temporarilyclosed in these days of thought iqssness of our neighbour we may- have a curtailment of any service in fact in the cities it seems the folks just emerge from one strike to meet up with another inconvenience maybe its the garbage thats threatened or the car fares raised but the con- osntration of people just doesnt appear to be working for the peace of mind of city dwellers perhaps we should view with alarm any growth of our own communities which will require such a complex and extensive organization as that in the cities where each group comioars its prob lems only in the light of its own interests and without regard wa neighbour we dont sayit cant happen hare but we do say that board and regulation of city minded folks are not giving a good example the sooner wa ost away from government control of pro ducts the batter it will be for all the milk board has proved itsuseletsness in thecity and towns would be better off if freed from its regulations dissolution of so many government agencies would release a lot of manpower for practical heeds in our town we must be prepared to help ourselves to industries it should not be left to chambers of commerce or councils alone its the job of every citizen a good example of community effort in de veloping local industry is the achievement of al- tona a small town in manitoba there through cooperative effort has been established a vege table oil refinery which last year produced oil and other products valued at welj over a million dollars the oil is used in margarine and shorten ing and in a cooking and salad oil which is now being marketed nationally it is produced from sunflower seeds grown by the farmers in an ex tensive surrounding district this- industry puts a good deal of cash into the pockets of the farmers of the community it rnaintairis a large payroll jt was established be cause a few farmersand business men had vision andthe necessary enthusiasm and fore sight to put their vision into action they saw the opportunity and did something about it the plant at altona we understand is the only one of its kind in western canada and it would ap pear that there is room for other similar plants in canadas economy there has been much talk of the need for new industries but as mark twain said about the weather no one does anything about it if we are to have new industrials there is no use watting for outsiders to come in and estab lish them for us if that is what we want we may have a4oig ipng wait back jn 1901 taken from the issue o the free press of thursday march 28 1001 back in 1931 from the issue of oie free prets of thursday march 2b 1931 editorial notes maple syruphjjrne is at hand and while the winter- weather may linger there are other signs of spring chesley has set a 64 mill rate for the year only decreased items in the budget are the high school rates and the county rates after several months of patient suffering- mrs daniel smith peace fully passed away yesterday morn ing nt her home on main st she was the daughter of the late james kirk wood sr erin and sister of mr james kjrkwqod ex mpp ond was married to her bereaved husband thirty years ago for a time they resided in chinguacousy then in kilbride and removed to acton from stewarttown there are several dogs in town which are creating havoc among the domestic fowl rev j k god- den lost two chickens on sunday morning and mir slolrd hod o- similor experience the idea of a bqprd of trade for acton has taken root among a number of our business men the matter is now freely discussed and it is hoped that it will take definite shape at an early- dote the sad news of the death at her home in lxwcli mick v of mrs robert j flanagan nee mias hattie a lasby reached the friends here on the 14th inst and mr joseph lasby who was over to the funeral brought particulars of her death on his return last friday mrs flanagan was a daughter of the late oliver lasby sr and was born at acton on april 17 ibm interest in the organization of a lacrosse club for the coming sea son is very dull base ball seem to be more in favor here this is the last week for the morning service of electric liphi electrician malitz will appreciate the respite robins have been plentiful here abouts the past week mr w p campbell returned to sault ste marie on monday h is building dwejlifigs in that stir ring western town mr asn hnll is rapidly regain ing his old time vigour he has born able the past week to walk out and visit neighbouring friends all fools day next mondav rejected blondes when one gets old enough to realize that he ought to kick himself hit joints are too stiff to do it properly from the rural scene women seem to be thrilled at the prospect of being given the privilege of serving on urie seems to us like a meet trick most mm donl consider it any privilege be celled for jury duty as usual theres e way out for th women the service on juries for them is net compulsory there will be many new car models for next year unless something drastic happens to upset iho apple cart the financial post hears most of the leading makers are planning changes some of which promise to be more extensive than any thing seen since the beginning of the postwar models the forward march of science has caught up with blondes blonde hair was until recently rruich sought after for use in humidity control devices seems it was highly sensitive to moisture chang es but researchers have now dis covered that they can control hum idity much better with electronics than with human hair saps running and the activities of the maple sugar bush or in full swing judge moore spoke to the girl guides on one of their ten laws courtesy at then- regular meeting last week- mr george t woods received serious head injuries while at work at the plant of beardmore leathers limited yesterday morning on tuesdoy morning james songster had his right hand caught in a machine and badly bruised at the same plant at a meeting of the executive of the-acton-branch-no-ld-canadun- legion mr j m mcdonald man ager of beardmore leathers lim ited kindly donated for the use of the legion the clubrooms at the old rink at a meeting that was well at tended the cemetery board out lined plans for beautifying falrvlew cemetery over a period of years and drew up a schedule of rates for the upkeep of plots which plon was one that would have a trial during 1931 rief thomas at the family home lot 20 second concession nassaga weya township on wednesday march 25 1031 william d thom as in his b4th year carries frozen food lightweight collapsible food car riers are helping to solve the prod- lem of shipping frozen foods re ports the financinl post bag keeps 100120 lbs of food frozen for more than 24 hours with no dry fee or refrigeronts necessary inside the bag is a vaporbarrier of vinyl plastic film between two layers of one inch fiberglass aeracar out- side covering is fleible ncoprene- impregnated t fabric the base of the carrier is plywood ahd a thick core of rubber insulation zipper fasteners and straps make filling and carrying easy red light crossing the street one morning i was nearly run down by an anti quated car literally overflowing with- about a dozen children since the red light had been against the woman driver as sho came to i halt i shouted lady dont you know when to stop glancing back at the moppets hr answered icily- they arent all minu the- readers digest amm oasmrw a rrjendly church parsonage 39 bower avenue phone eo steve a carrey hjfc taud minister mia o ml lanvi auyxlltu orgahljtt and choir leader sunday april uf 1031 1060 amsiinday school 1100 a- m morning worship w mls annual service speaker the rv normal ltcktnxle nla recently returned from china and now at ojlcv guelph 700 pm kvnlng worship wll- lowdsle male quartette soa- ker mr karl leall mchasiar university and mimosa topic 1 am not ashamed of the gospel of christ fl30 pm infer congregational fireside gospel hymns music pictures monday april 2 at 730 pm mission band thank offer ing meeting in sunday school room thought for th wk to those who fully admit the immortality of the human soul the destruction of our world will not appear so dreadful charles darwin mmmbm knox vbvwcb aottjg ftkvi atorkxrr bl angluam rmuiwrjif w o lusta ma sunday april 1st 1051 1000 am sunday school 1100 am holy communion beginners class 700 pm evening prayer b30 pm fireside hour at united church a welcome a waits you and frlday 8 pta preparatory sters je sunday april 1st 1931 1000 am sbbth school atufl bible class 1100 am communion servicer 700 piw evening worship visitors welco asiwojkttrd thursday march 20 8 pm pray er meeting and bypu eont- binad rrlday march 30 8 pj mlssioo band thank offering sunday april 1st ltl 1030 am sunday school and bible class 1130 am mr alfred barker me- master university 830 pjn fireside in ualtad church s s room sponsored by the local branch of the bible society holsteins for britain in an attempt to improve th butterfat content of their hards the british frleaiaa cattle society recently imported 52 head of th famed black and white breed frons the netherlands for a repeated price of about 1339 thousand one bidl calf bringing s30u th professional directory and travellers guide medical dr w gc kenney phyalclin and 8onea successor to dr j a mcniven officgt s b mill st acton ohin phone 78 bealdeuee church st phone is miscellaneous dr d a garrett physician and surgeon corner of willow and rivrr su entrance uivrr street acton ontario phone 138 a the victor b rumley funeral home fonrral name netted ambulant phone 30 niizht or day serving the community for 43 years eve cake- by appointment dental dr a j buchanan dental harfron office lcishman block mill st office hours 0 am to 6 pm t xray telephone ms dr george a sirrs dental kurceon mill st corner frederick acton olfice hours 000 a in to 5 30 pm telephone 19 legal c f leatherland barrister solicitor notary public office 22 phune res 151 acton wm c miuigan ro optometrist wed 1 1 am to 0 pm at mill st residence of a t mown please telephone j85j vetesunaky b d young bvsc c i young dvm veterinary snrceatu office brookville ontario phone milton mart f g oakes vs bvsc veterinary uosgeen offici and residenceknox avau acton phone 130 travellers- guide gray coach lines lever hoskin chartered accountants successors to jknkins and hardy 13u metropolitan bldk h victoria st toronto elu 0131 willoughby farm agency largest ind oldest aerncy in canada head office 360 bay sl toronto phone empire 30804 giorkeluwn representative tom llrwtoh phone georcetoun u2w coaches leave acton eastbound all 311 am ti5a am 1123 am z0h pin 503 pm 0 33 pm s p in d105b pm westbound nil 7 am 12 52 pm 257 pjn 527 pm 727 pm 0 13 pm 11m pm 112 am sun to kilcheoar only i a daily except sunday and holi days b saturday sunday and holi days canadian national railways the acton free press the ontu paper evrr published ia acton published aacti thursday at 58 mill sl aetna ontario aauaavtaaj m b ba rvmmwu xm msniir anaat hathm aja olllhlqmll suftscftlftion in advance m canada 300 in untlfhj states 6 months si 50 single copies 6c telephones business and editorial office 174 residence 131 wright real estawand insurance f l wlllght n n wright 20 wilbur st us macdonnell st acton ont guelph ont phone 05 phone 401 5 w valuators kealtors insarars member appraisal institute of panada members guelph and district real estate board members guelph and district insurance agents association easlbound daily 644 am dally except sun days 054 am 710 pm sunday only m16 pm daily except sun day flyer at georgetown 003 mta daily flyer at georgetown 1011 pm weslbaaad dallv except sunday and mon day 156 am sunday and monday only 12 3a am daily expapt-sua- dav u 48 ajn 050 pm 744 pjn dallv except sat and sun- 010 paw iflaiistopi saturday only 2m pjn sunday only 043 am flaxstop sunday only flyer at guelph tj pm famworth memorials manuauata al rltairsu price cemetery lettering clara std al ceaseury ovelpd ont your eyes descftve tmi ust consult r m bell aajthrefl optttwi mkuw 2112 etnj

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