Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 29, 1951, p. 3

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tbuhbpat mar m issi the acton fket press fashfeahhrt bowl new clotke for spring ara vn inw ofa anutl foruio x rowing yuajjslar oa far mothers the llttl east ftbd bonne always lodkrso sweet when oayii new with delight showing lo the ill why not break away from 41a tradition pink for the tdtai tear the boy and try gay eaaur utfh in eheety yauosrt ptn a epru of artificial flnnn to tks aid of the watifl bonnet and til ipreacnooler u aafakar ssiirassr fes iter sunday beat pollock and campbell lianubebttart of hk3h gkaoe memorials memorial engraving a water merits ojuy jmjtm 7 douglas street guhlpb eyes examined glasses pitted do you know already we are starting to pay for the m b ready when it goat into operation keep the work in acton by hiring local contractor we have al ready done some of the toughest jobs s tet us hav that easy on of yours well start any time you say 235 kr foot j e mcmullen contractor phone 270j or 136 bower ave holla llanumsknl dried fruit now grtci- the matt elgnt table previously prunes and dried apple were the poor mine deasert now they have gained in favour a fruit pfa hired for jurat chilled for salads or pureed for frocen de the three dried fruits which are in abundance on our grtteva shel ves are fit prunes and apple when y cnnlt o pn of-flg- you have s cups of fruit on bound prune yield about 4 cup cooked and one pound dried apple yield 16 cups cooked apple let you am thinking of your bans ssaera cost of a 40 ounce tin of fruit wmeb contain 1h cup fvult whin 1 cup fruit pulp v tap aak 4 cup sugar l eg white beaten t tbp lemon juice rest mashed fruit and salt sad sugar tsajether until sugar is aav- aofved pour hot syrup slowly aver stiffly besten eg whites beaatag constantly add lemon jul aad fruit pile into parfalt thus astl aerv unmedlstely serve 4 m0 twmoutn 1 cup sugar 1 tbp ttour h cup water and fig julc 1 tbsp butter 1 egg hasten cup lanua juice 1 tbsp grated lemon rind 1 cup fin chapped 1 recipe plshi pasbry combine first i ingredient and cook slowly until thickened cool roll pastry 4 inch thick and out into 4inch drclr place a taat- spoon of tig mixture on half of aatfv circle moisten edges and fold otber half over filling pinch edges to gether and prick top place baking sheet and bake in bat trie oven mm degrees about minutes makes s to 10 fvm cmffw m 1 tbfip unflavoured gelatin 4 cup cold water 1 cup chopped cooked prunes i cup pruneiulce a cup sugar i up sslt ib 2 tap lemon juice 1 tsp grated lemon rind 2 egg whites stiffly besten 1 hsked psstry shan soften gelatin in water 8 min utes combine prune jules en salt lemon juloe and riad and beat to boiling remove from heat add gelatin and stir until dissolved cool when slightly thickened fold in egg white pour into pastry ihcll and chill stakes 1 lneh pie prune frees when you hsve just enough cooked prune to make v cup of pulp try this dessert cup milk 1 egg beaten h cup sugar cup cooked prune pulp 3 tbsp orange juice s ttwp lemon juice m tsp salt 1 cup heavy cresm whipped scald milk in the top of the dmible holler over boning water add egg and v cup of the sugsr vtlrrlng constantly untn custard coat spoon remove from heat and oool mix remaining sugar with prune pulp fruit juloe and aalt fold fruit and whipped cream into cooled custard pour into freezing tray of electric refrigerator and frees serve take a tip i ov clean the waffle iron easily use a small stiff brush 12 to remove burnt or thick grease from pan pour 1 inch water into pn add atablespoon baking soda heat without a cover do not let it boll over 3 care of flour sifter is ncry to prevent collection of gra and dust bosk in elaar cold water then bkuah rinse in warm water dry in wara oven tfeau store inpapar sjkcfc 4 if fmdkaeper i not tat fre quently rub contact part with unssltklfair or aalad oil 1 only fine powder eueh a silver polfan or window cleaner ahould be used on stainless steel mr j w asks how to prevent pie crust from shrinking atuteer to avoid shrinks roll pastry lightly place la pie pan without stretching and set aside 8 minute before fluting the edge or place another pi pan on pastry be fore baking remove extra pan after 18 minutes of baking and bake another five minute mr it eefcs tvy data craan piereeiper cvsfe cvesw pu 4 recipe plain pastry 1 egg 1 cup sugar 4 tap salt 1 cup evaporated milk 2 tbips lemon juice 1 cup chopped date line pie pan with pastry com bine remaining ingredients and pour into pastry shell bake in electric oven m25 degrees 16 nua- utec reduce temperature to alow 3o9 degrees and bake 18 minutes longer until firm hakes 1 0 inch pie chronicles of ginger form whilm siwclallu for the drtom pre prett by weadellm p clarke us clean seed advises officials throughout the years the great est single robber of toll goodness the greatest enemy of high yields of useful crops has been- weeds each year million of dollar are poured out by canadian farmers to buy weed ex terminator or to pay for cultural practice to hold weeds in check and each year hut as regularly thousands of canadian farmers plant teed so polluted with noxious weeds that they insure the continued life of their greatest enemy the only possible hope for weed eradication says nelson young director of the production service of the federal department of agrlr culture is in uieuse of clean and preferably registered seed under the seeds act passed in 1903 many steps have been taken to guarantee that clean registered or certified seed imported or pro duced in canadi is available to those who are willing to use it representing the highest qual ty of wed offered for tale in canada registered and certified seed are basic seed stocks of improved var ieties to qualify they must have been inspected during the growing season arid found pure as to variety the seeds must be free from noxious weed seeds and practically free from all other weeds before they can br graded tagged and sealed bv an inspector of the plant products division var inp mainly in wted toe anct there are three grades of reg- kti red jimd and two grades of eer- t if ted non pedigreed seeds are sold in three grades these varying eon- sidi rablv in the tolerance of total weed seods allowed officials point out that for the general seeds of commerce u hlch are not graded b an inspector it is the respon sibility of the seller to secure seed tists rrodes and certificate of an alyses number from the regional offic of the plant products dlv- ion before the seed is sold thf rttt bttttitoltm i iwt io nltfhtltaalvr sunday and ii is the only nice thing thame weuttw- ma brought us this easier week- end was there ever cahtar ka- let lliit of course although it is r if r j ljilj1 jhuma tch8omclua ii y the w rather is quite seasonable one time we used to think if tas ter came early then so did apring 11 tit maybe u never did perhaps it was only that the wish was father to the thought just recently i discovered thai not everyone knows why kaster is movable nor how the date is set this is what happens which i sup- pose is a eufctom uut dales back to biblical times kasher sunday is always the first sunday following the full moon which comas on or after thf slat of march if the full moon falls on a suadey than asssster day is one week later w the full lueon eote late in march then nhsfhy that mans that vaster is not until sometime in atari we did net have any vliltors this weeknd not even daughter as two of her voomers were leaving the city and two bikes la in so nvw21y arhe was busy maybe it wee jus as well w dldnt slave vljlrev-raty- mm have turverl friday the shops were elotftid sat urday there waa such a terrific gale i was afraid if t ventured out my poor little limey- that la my car would have blown right off the road so i didnt gi any week end shopping done at alaatd it has been alba pickings around our hoftae for two days at lesa4 that is what i thought but t suppose our slim pickings would have been a feast in many parts of the world t wonder if the time will ever come when all people in every corner of the olobe will have enough to eat even though i did not go to town we had sjii we wanted in the way of milk bread eggs and other food s so find painful and cewalnly does no4hhigflml hd try lo purchase uut twagj to improve his appearsnce what adds insult a injury is the fact that the cow was sold and paid for hut the buyer did iot come when he should have don so the eow had timevtn produce her calf and the only rojuwm part net hold th vw w iwhywo i xtra work of having her freshen a lot of trouble theen days u i ail d by mnp1e not living up to heir commitment esrwritlly in giving senrlce or getting repair work dnnfwj pronlses are glvn glibly pnoughyes well be in to d nrih atbfoirynirtie xfr m omd a y without frill m monday comrw and tin next and the nt and the job mill waits pr4mlses dont seem to mean anything ny more a fact which increases the tension under whlrh nil people are now living and a lot of it could be avoided the other day j came acrostl clipping in my files which gave this remarkable quotation from ab raham lincoln so applicable to presentday conditions you can not strengthen the weak by weak ening the strong we any reason to grumble and speaking of milk wasnt that milk strike the craziest thing all that fuss and inconvenience and no one any better off than before actually if the strike had gone on ver long thr farmers who jad nothing to do with it would have been the ones to suffer the greatest loss we were not affected by it at ginger farm as we do not send our milk to toronto still on the subject of food medical science has come up with another discovery a diet that promises greatly to relieve those who suffer with high blood pres sure the diet is mainly rice fruit and fruit juices with extra vitamins being fed in tablet or capsule form experiments have been going on for several years and were the result of investigation following the resl- izatlon that oriental races who art big rice eaters rarely suffer from high blood pressure medical wlence does such marvellous things vou wonder sometimes why w dont all live forever back to easter again we didnt hsve any easter bunnies amend here but we did have an batter calf and partner had reason to know it fey sosne queer quirk this little calf didnt seem to know where to find its breakfast so part- i ner ery obligingly tried to help it thn calf nosed around all over the place without making direct contict with the source of supply ind all the thanks partner got was i suddm sharp blow on the mouth ih doesnt know whether it was tht cilfs h od that jgumped him or whither the cow let fly with her foot but he doe know he has a cut and swollen up which is verv things you should know about nylon how do you select your hose do you buy by tjxe and color re gardless of the weight and gauge thats what most wjaman do ac cording to a recent uirvey too often when we complain uut our hose arent wearing wall the trouble is thai we have bought too sheer a pair for regular use many times we buy what we see dis played without investigating their wearing pogulbjllttec i fsnotfsl rtojumethm an u faclurer for hose that don t wesr well when the fault ilea in our own purchasing habits the first thing about good buy ing procedure for nylon atocklngs i to undcrstond the terms gauge and denier if you examine a pair of hose carefully you 11 notice there are rows of atltches going around the h a the number of rows in every inch and onehalf is called gauge common gauge figures sre s 48 m etc that means there are 45 41 and 51 stitches in one and onehalf inches around the leg of the stock ing denier refers to the weight- of a definite length of thread the length olve your hoee good ears after you buy them wash tbstn care fully tiftitr nach time you wear them tjse lukewarm water with mild soup fjmkns or detergents hang thitm i artfully over u rack to dry w4uu dty 4 old t horn en keep tlthiii in snag- proof box or a cello- jiliunu bntf until they are to be tuad qtttr tvarni children flrsrteetrtare import ant and ahould lie looked after earn fully 1on eating habits speech defacta snd crooked trils- fllmpen permnnent tfteth are part of the prfoe that may have to be paid far premature loss through neglect of the baby teeth worst altstknattvk overheard in the lobby of ar johennesburg hotel ify wife u an hour late 8hara ehhor been kid napped hit by a motor cay or shes chopping hope bhe hasnt been shopping m cecil a carr optometrist ouuprl bougie tal 1091 buoy a smoothffl softer ride on na ittw states ttt tfa new super- cualilaa it tfct fcf kind of tit in ft yean it iiicreajm comfort snd us bsorbt shock sad vibration come in ad find out how yc ca gat supercushloa m your car nowi yrcaeawfeaa w h0mps0n motors 190 miu stwtt hionii 4f larger in number the heavier the weight of the thread uusually the heavierweight thread will give better wear than will the lighter weights stockings are madt in weights from 15 lo 70 denier pifteen denier is very sheer it ii a popular weight hose today and for that reason it is frequently thi hose on thr display counters if you buy 15denlcr weight hose and use them for everyday wear you probably wonder why nylons dont wear very well fiftecndcnler thread with a 54 or 60 gauge makes a very fine and nhecr stocking but it should only bo worn for formal occasions m dium jtheers range in weight from 20 to 30 denier at si gauge then there are the heavy sheers 40 to 41 for service weight maybe you 11 want some of each wi ight but be sure you dont wear 15 denier for housework another thing that assurt longtr wear for your stockings it to be sure that you get the right sire nylon hose should be fitted a halfxlzr larger than should cotton or rayon if you wi ar 04 in rayon be sun that you buy size 10 in nylon nylon doesn t stretch like other threads thls is i specially true if you war opentot d sho s which an an extra striln on the to of tht stocking l tf ungth is important in buy ing stockings too too short ono li velop runs in i short time if you buy tht m too long they are k n rally foldi d undi r it th top whin tht rarti r citihis thi mi sh of the ttiau btlow the ribbing miuiurr tht piir that fiu you builtin ranges buil in luctnc ranged with o ns a beparau unit placed at un onvtment height are bi coming popular for use in smjll kitchms countys agricultural representative praised as farm forums study services harold wiles pmosw si hol a jkundiom oftovrniitjt tl st geohgifs square girrtpii completv eyesight service halton countv farm forums set tied down for dicutaion on monday march 10th with tht xjutstion an the farm extinsion services ade- quati the question had two parts ia some people say farmers do not makt good um of tht agri cultural services that an available to them what do you think all reports coming to hand admit that farmers do not make use of the agricultural serv ices that are ivailible to them and t ji on group state the numbers who do i makt us of these services are steadily increasing farmers who i specialize in certain types t farm speaker n adinji or listening in t limtmii pralae w e1 l i i to our county agricultural represent ee mr j u hitt lock and some thought that even the cartoon on our findings hitt did not rep resent all the organizations and res ponsibilities imposed upon his hands and ihouldtm b what farm and home ex tension services are nteded in your district that are not available now ut dipravu and eould be improved a farm and home ext mion sericeji t d on rol of our j another group thought the uiitj ulg gt n rallv do makt usiif tv itl states system ls able agricultural urktions as to should be usd t iervles jome service i which greater extent is encouraging our oung farmers to j in ealf clubs in order to ln crea tht ir interest in frm tori more use could be made of films as one can secure a better grasp of a subject through films than by much sup rlor kin as the setm to tt t thit tn- f irmation across to thr peoph much b tt r if wt could spend tuo or thr i tiim a ai mil h oi extension and less on exp riment w e think jt would b better soli conversation and reforestation were alio required and a disposing plant for garbage cans etc whenyou additallup wh e n you consider the men women and money needed to operate 3700 branches you see what ib involved in looking after the greatly increased demands made by busy canadians upon their chartered banks in ten yean with bigger staffy and higher wages payrolls have jumped from 40 million a year to 102 million taxes federal provincial and municipal have risen from 9 5 million to 20 7 million a year interest paid to depositors has increased from 22 million to 57 8 million a year and these are only three ofmany expense items yes today more than ever it costs money to run a bank ms tdir one of a series by your bank

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